Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 05, 1915, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    in -it n
3f j tiiM'rfiHtti-J
ltj .Mir
Wilt Become Slimmer
Bandon' Bonclv
The ;c two wards do' not moan a
Kreut di'nl to the avernKe Bandonmn
iti n way, i nd yot the possession of
such a placn of recreation id one of
tho principal things upon which the
j rosperity of their community is to
lo based in the future. To those of
i) i who view the beach and its inci
dent adjuncts practicaly every day, it
1( 3cs its charm and wo unconsciously
fit-get that we possess a resource for
v lich people in other parts of the
country would pay neat little sums of
money each year to share with us.
Recrcatio-i is nothing more or loss
than tho enjoyment of the unusual,
and peoplo who are seeking rocrca
t'on do not look among the things to
v sich they are accustomed. Tho hcr
n t of the woods, the -lumberjack, and
V e other people who find their means
of livlihood in the woods, invariably
rj to the ' "ties to spend their vaca
tons, because there they find whit is
o." the mo 4 interest to them,' UMt
v lich ii the mofst unusual. Inverse
ly tho same is time of the peoplo. who
8 icnd the prcatcr pait of their lives
In the eitifs. For thoir vacation ev
c yonc seeks something different
lay Ground For Thousands as Soon as Rail:
Communicate is Established.
shotels and come out grasping large
shining brown razor backs, which aro
deposited in damp sacks at their sides
After 15 or-20 minutes walk you come
to the fishing roelcs, looming from
25 to 40 feet above the beach, the
water lapping around the base with
every, incoming wave maknig you
watch" your chance to ro.-ich the first
ledge without getting wet up to your
knees. Being wot with salt water is
not an unpleasant sensation for a lit
tle whi'e, but fialiing from the rocks
is a proposition of staying there un
til tho next low tide, 12 hours later.
To get to the ocean side of the
rocks where trie fishing is tho host,
necessitates more or loss tearing of
clothes and loss of skin in tho climb
ovor the sharp projections and when
you have reached your destination you
will not think you have achieved much
or tho spot where you will sit for
practically the next half day is no
more than large onough for you and
your outfit. Here you stay, manipu
lating a long polo, hooking and un
hooking tho fish of various and
Itinds, lighting from fivem inutes up
lo three-quarters of an hour to land
jomc of them, while every few minutes
I 1 1 KM! IISLHllI - O , .
i icrofifc WW
iJ W 'en
nnd thejvamo of a place o
is moaiairmjn the numbc
to whoS it itCSiirtectitr.
Fewer "people rSiTtlSiirifvj
or are brought iri contact with, the
beaches UJT reason of th'oir cnjploy
ment in Clxv iinmediato vicinity of
the ocean, than in yiv other part of
tlie country, conr.oquoPtfy the beached
are the biggest (hawing card for the
summer vacation seeljcja. . , t v f
One can say that everybody who is
able and has, JJie incliuaUou to gel
away from jjtfL.tPi"!l'2paresj'2'
1 usine , ..'...'U'vor they may be,
spends t ir n: ijurity of tl'vacalivii
at the se.i.-i.ore. Ihe only induce
ments ,tiQy. ask are that a visit to
nonie fitrtit nraf" bJSa'di""!" worth' their
while iuuI Lnuyara uot JncQnvenien
ced to i K-i'it extent iriTeacliin
that partita Ijir spot.
Wttir'thc opening of "the Willam
ette PikiIic railroai 10 Marshhpld,
next suinmer, liaildon will have over?
come its gruiitest difficulty ia.indiiQ-J
iiiL' viH'aliMiUts to .come to Uandoii,
on account of-its inaccessability. Thei
is no doubt that for natural advjiiJv
tages and leauty of tho Uoach Bandor.
ranks among the first along the Pa
cific coast. " ' '.
Strictly .speaking the Bandon
Beach is njl a boach Rut a .eriesv ol
beaches stretching from tho mouth oi
Whiskey IUiTi rtfer, 12 miles to Hit
north of the city of Bandon, to Brad
ley's lake which lies five miles to the
south of the city. Within th,is longtl.
is embraced abnost every form ol
seacoast, unci along TV can' be founa
spots to suit every taste.
Bandon Boach pvppu; t a baUiinK
i.nd fishing htretch of sand, dottc
I. - o and (here with huge rocks thai
i - out of tin- suif eeiy ft'W hulidtet
f . , j'j'ung it the ap;carnnce ot
i., . I!."!, il .4uriS vaM.i'ii coast.
l'i . Ihi'M'" natural islands fh lilies
nut tuYUo'o'&tho dejt tun (isheiinan
l ..h lilarnlv abound,
wu i Uie lini.y d uizciis of tho deep.
1 . p "ftetf Tuiglii.g doos not ilKMtl
,iv My to thy ijMd. jgKtjW hani
vo k ai.d I 'ldiir.ince to the conditions
ui 'he. wUci U JyaiJ.MwJ.ut
i.' a wami l ed at ;.unrle, wlwn tfiu"
ls,iiip au t cool, and you go
'jlhe crest of a huge comber breaks ov-
1 6f pedpl&aty yu- uetween xussics you iook
1 pongingly at the little parcel which
rests high and dry on.the rocks above
you and pray for some mystic power
to change -that ham sandwich into a
cjyncken dinner.
"That is the luc, and u you are a
rue sport8man";ypui.will..gaiic at your
'string" at the, end of ,thc day; and
remark "Some BpffrU" " "
Fo thdm whp wish to enjoy fish
,ng de luxe that is, want to fish
limply Mr'th' joy of 'Catching some
.hing or dcr,ire asvnall batch for a
neal there is ortd"-TEishiiig for 4 he
.mailer varieties, from the jetties at
-he mouth of t!fcHilvur.1rheso spots
may v be reached wjtJu little exertion
md j)ne majr bo comfortable while
isltfilg. Bc!t of all you can go there
.vhen you choose and return under the
.amlTconditions and when hungor over
.jikesiyou, it is but Jive minutes walk,
o thd buswKKparJ, at Biidon.
Thqi'p 'S.aji.otJyjrMnode of- fishing
.vhicli will appeal to those who are
seamen, from amnll bo.abs
whole length of 15 miles that i not
desirable for a cooling plunge, but
it is the "Crescent" a strip of well pro
tected sand within lfi minutes walk of
the city, that has won the praiso of
Crescent Beach derives its name
from tho resemblnnco to tho new moon
"watch" : sunouiuiing tho
"lookout IrJj' on a mild pumner, ev
ening yoli would so card hear and
experienco 'tho call of the sear.hore.
hove the gonlle niunner of the
waves ebbing in and out on the hard
r,arfd floor, happy voices and gay
lailghter rise up to you ont of the
dulk like music. Rounds of old and
yoting alike mingling in childs play
causes you to start forward as if to
join them; you hesitate you arc a
stronger. But are yju a stranger?
Are you not ono of thath nppy fra
ternity of pleasure seekers who ask
that you be but congenial.
Mvstcrious sounds of heavy thumps
now arise and tho watch informs you
they are piling logs for firses. Soon
n Ihiy glimmer of flames arise at dif
ferent point;; and foon great piles of
and those who linve more imagina
tive minds might rompn-c it to the
emblem which appears on the national
banner of Turkey. The m;ie and- n
quarter of hard packed white sand,
varying from an eighth to a quarter
of a mile in width with thc tides,
makes a sweeping curve from the ex
tending poin on the north, where
stands the "lookout" of the Life Sav
ing Slalion, to the Cross Bock on the
south. Behind this and about 200
feet above the high water mark, rises
the bluff 100 feet above the level of
the sea.
Shut in as it is .and protected from
the cool summer breezes from tho
northwest, bathers would go far to
find a moro perfect spot. The huge
ogs ma' of fire, around which
groups of c.'itv f ive I eings like your
iclf make merry. Then nnall fires ap
pear near the side of the larger ones
and over and around these outing-clad
ybung wotndn nnd coalh?ss boys are
busily engaged. With the aid of the
glasses which the ' watch" hands you,
you discern huge coffee pots slung
over the blaze, and other pots and
nans which suggest such things as
boiled chicken, clams and crabs, while
spread on nearby logs are all manner
of edibles. To avoid further tempta
tion youturnyourgaze out ovor the
Behind you the moon has risen and
j riow its rays tinge tho crests of tiie
' waves with silver. Tiny lights ap-
rrfeks rising out of the blue water pear here nnd there on tiie horizon,
within tho points of tho crescent, fnm-1 marking the course of passing ships,
ous among which is the Sphinx,, a 'Away to the southward appears a
wrwi iuw i ii mi i i mil ii imi in mm i 'iini riwil rr r 1 t. "
hiasaive stone face moulded by na- light which is lost to view at regj
ture, give a picturesque, touch tq tho jar intervals. It is the light house oi
,Jie Ijriny deep. During tho ploasanH
-voathw of the summer months there
ire many days when small motor
ioats'and-cvcn row boats are able to
ross out over the bar without dan
jor. '
Besides ocean fishing, the lakes
md streams in the surrounding coun-j
ry abound with trout nnd other fresl
vater fish.
Following the mention of "balli
ng" the remembrance of hnppy
lours at Bandon-By-Tho-Son comet
to the minds of-those "who have been
'orttjnate enough, to njoy a dip lo the
big pond" along this wonderful
each. There is not a spot in the
Bathing and fishing are but tho
daylight diversions of tho beach. It.
is when the sun has set and the shad
ows of dusk partially obscure the vis
ion that benuty reigns supreme. The
Cape Blanco, 30 miles away.
Sounds of old familiar so'igs bring
your mind baek to your immediate
buriou;. dings and you turn to see tho
beach parties breaking up, the mem
lers singinar as they stroll back t
rocks stand out in a aWftened lighty) their homes. The "watch" punche
the rounding sand heaps appear gray- ; jthe clockj picks up his lantern and
tsh at the baso and their
rich golden.
crests a l.your evening is ended.
ineae are but samples
of what
As the red glow in the western iky (Bandon Beach has to offer. For tlios
deepens into purple and one by one who wish to camp out there are many
denjrhttjj spots wiich aio close to
beach, liver, lakes, woods and yet
lifo '
stars appear, it is then that
really wakens in this paradise. I,
Over tlio wmtinr ,-na,l ftitM (mim I
v . v. ...v ...... . WM.. ttWIIB W TV 11 f -
come the joy-makers and care-killers. clo8G the city, where visitors may
peojles of all stations in life bent on 'enjoyows, dances and other form,
ono purpose. Should yu sit with th ' of entertainment.
tin - ugh
le-! ,tl
V ! ill
.in Ungo mini-moid
win in I lood
u iriiigij
m m. m
Kuu doll ObT cUHfli
I ii ll.ii.i i t I tvg" and twu itwaini
i . u. nf iiiU'i- wttiin yuu up a
I ,t f.,i lbi'i.,"k wth,ilof'H half
Mi: i ami tin' i id lutuii tu ytuf 'i
t-t, r ii iii i1, Kivtw you a fW(
li.u ir ffuni aurtiiMt iHiugwr, Th
i , i. nil ti. i'i pi,1 giuuh m
Automobile and Machine
Urinji; your'work to the GaniRc and Machine
Shop. Everything done with neatness and
dispatch. Agent for Huick Automobiles.
M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore.
The mill is down but I'm
still on the job, ready to
furnish you with a sky
scraper or a chicken-
C- - ft 4' 'y -t l-0' V' t
I .
Does your
Pocket Flash
ew Batteries
Just received a fresh shipment
v-ouh v .uuiuy lueann upporiuiiuy oecjjsnnavn J'irsi
r " . ;. . . ; TjST7 1 f
u sm. t)-; .s,,, " ii ml i i n :
Opened for business .igain in
the Red Front Building on First
Street. Meals at all hours day
or night You known you always
get something good lo eat at
D O N N E Y ' S.
Gatchell IU'olhors. Prons.
t All kinds of heavy and light draying. J'honc orders x
f given prompt attention. .Uarn corner First & hdi- ::
? son, Fish Property. .Telephone 041. ::
i aii KiUJH oi Jigm and neavy worn. jioi'mh umtnit
f ieally nhod. IJyforniltltM riMnt-djcd. Urlir; In youi
T. ciiDnka uml Itul Ihulv Flh1 udiuML'd iv u mun lluil
X kuuwi m foot t 'nr CUtfuvil: lw Mi'ii'iWilli' Imi'
i ih'ttir. Tin vhwkvvit. Mulilthiii ttmuU. nnd mII kliidn '
ttf iUt muir UmjI. All work gurmiiUuHl riiciil t
u , J.