SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON ifECORDER. TIltl'HAv'. HIT. 3t$T,HU PAGE THRE"0 - - , - . - , EAT SALMON AMD LOWER EXPENSES ureal! of Fisheries In Bulle tin Tolls of Advantages, Automobile and Machine a - ' NEW YEAR GREETINGS - WK WISH TO THANK THE I'KOPLF, OF BAN DON AND VICINITY. FOR THE LIBERAL PATRON AGEYOU HAVE GIVEN US DURING THE YEAR 1914. MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING TO YOU IOYS wrni OUT NUMBER AND AN EVER-INCREAS-ASING PROSPERITY. McNAIR HARD WARE CO. INC. X I 1 t i i V $ t 4 t 4 ? NO SLUMS Hi NfcW YORK. The-Grand Theatre wishes its many ;. Patrons A HaDDv and Prosperous 1;"; . A & New Year! ."'M.:is. DESOLVED: i-v for the year That it w ill be our steadfast purpose 1915 to jive our patrons the best I to be produced in the worlds film-markets, to con -I tinue presenting 'a good, clean entertainment every night, that will .meet the approval of the Bandon Public and make the Grand Theatre a house where the father and mother may take the children for -an" evening's pleasant " amusement. AGAIN WE WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR! i" 7 BOYLE JEW! I.HY rn wish their many friends and patrons A Happy New Year Drawing announced in next issue. Kverard II. Boyle, Mgr. Phone 5M. "Qualify Jewelers" Hotel Qa lli-er Rnlcst $!.()() lo $2.00 per day, Special ralon by weak ormontb Sample .room, iij cofitiictiffn Washington. Tlio bureau of fisheries hns Issued n bulletin to show folks how to smite the high cost of livlug by eating loss meat mid more salmon. Statistics aro presented to show 'that one can buy more bone, muscle, blood and brain building material for leift money by purchasing salmon than bj purchasing most forms of meat One pound of canned red salmon, ac cording to tlie bureau of fisheries, will cost. If of the best quality, about 10 cents. The same quantity of nutil munt In the form of strictly fresh eggs would cost Ml cents; steak. .Kl cents; mutton, ,TJ cents; chicken, llYi cents; smoked ham. U'.'i cents; pink salmon, 12 cents. The best grades of cauned salmon, the burertu of llsherles finds, nro richer than meats In body building materials and contain about the name amount of fats. I'lnk salmon, wblc"h Is a ehcapor grade. Is better than meats for making flesh ami bone, but has less fat. "Hither Is as digestible as tho best drloiu steak, there is no waste, nnd nothing hns to be thrown away except the can." says the bureau. "To reduce the cost of living eat more salmon, especially of the cheaper grades, nnd less meat. Meats spoil quickly In the luimo. Canned salmon will keep Indefinitely If unopened." Verdict of n Bxprt Aftoi a Seared I Throujit tho -City. I have made an am u'.in.-i discovery lit Is the result of iluov days and j nights of guiliK to and fro in Nw York sometimes alone and souictlmo with a wise but not . yiiLaU; tivt' lllins ll 'ow York. You can Mad crime ami criminals you can ll."d vice, powrty. drui.Lcu ness. disease. Iut you ciinn; I Had nluinsuch Iiiiiis as 1'lmkni hum In Antwerp. Coinm. .upi" l.oudou and many another ohl ulnli' ltv. The red N tint .vol' cannot have a slum without lilth. ami New York Is a clean Ity. Nollhoi crime nor poverty nor crowd make a slum. You must have lilth as well and thai Is what New York hasn't got I looked for It east and west am! north, from river front to river front Hvcrywhere. anywhere, were crime vice, mean poverty. ICverywher tlileves. rogues, outcasts, men and wo men Isolated from their kind by stu " mere suffering, but no slums. Dirt, of course. Is relative, lint tin tenements -even the old nests of low houses lined with fire icapes-wort habitable human dwelling places. Alio the night going detective declared In jould show me nothing worse. I want id to see the fetid caves where wretch rilncss lay moaning on garbage heaps the windy garrets whole it starved nnd there were no fetid eaves. In the old streets and the ding? v'ouns of Purls you can still llml hun dreds of them; you have but tojvall perlithly through the street of tin Vlirce (.'ales or the street of the I mi Pot.; yon have bat to go Into tin suburbs that lie outside the fortlllca Hons for ywir by year the centrifugal force that stirs In every great ag gloiuuratlnn ' human atoms ha thrown Parisian lieggiirdotn into thai dreary circumference. Hut In the wiikIumI and lighted tin ilerworld of New York there are in slums. There lu not one slum tint' half deserve tho name. Wretched Uftut all you ploRxe; hunger iu th streets nnd on the housetop. It mil) be. but none tti those Kiiugroned li"le df filth without which no real uluu can isM. I spea U a I mo t with the ducWon oi an ojcperl. for I mmt many yean iirowllngly liivanUglliiR tlw Blum tlnit rut und blni'hMi tlu urfce o Huropo from Jdetcow to l.lnhoii Vim TboiupMiB 111 New York thin No Cn Far Aotri, XWr U on.' priiteithlou tttut two ill trr i . rrn i in l rrom .niryln a wmIW Mv U' l ! kn-' 'H thiii ah tin- -'ii, . in- ' n -i -'W nuiut j trill'" M.'i"'i ' I i' l" ' "'"I i i. i ,.i i . ' in " hmui m it '" w ... to ! I'm A, ..r. Kti .i i."i i if i, , l. Bring your work to the Garage and Machiiu; Sliop. Everything done with neatness and dispatch. Agent for Buick Automobile:;. M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore. i i n mi ii iwmiiihw iiiiiai mi n i ir w i ! wiiiii iiiwmMwanaan THE NEW STATE COUNSELOR. Robert Lansing Versed In International Law John3tn, Folk's Successor. ltobert Lansing of New York, up pointed as counselor to the stato de partment at Washington to succeed John HausoU Moore, Is a son-in-law of John W. Foster, secretary of stato un der President Harrison. Mr. Lansing, like John Hassett Moore, has from his entrance Into the law specialized In International matters and has repre sented tho United Slates as counsel oefore a number of arbitral tribunals nnd claims commissions. Ho was born In Wntortown, X. Y on Oct. 17, 18lM Ho was graduated from Amherst In l8S(5 and wan admitted to the bar three yeurs later. Cone Johnson of Texas, appointed as solicitor, succeeding Joseph W. Koik. now chief counsel for the Interstate commerce commission, Is an ardent Hryan Democrat and a leading facta tu his party In Texas. Cone Johnson was one of the orlgl nal Wilson men in Texas. He was ft delegate to the Halt'lniore convention. Mr. Johnson took a pronilnmt part lu Hie primary light against Senator Jos eph W. Halley. Ite has been identified svlth the prohibition element In the Texas Democracy. Says: am The mill is down but I'm still on the job, ready to furnish you with a sky scraper or a chicken coop. GEO, W. MOORE LUMBER CO. Does your t Pocket Flash Light Need New Batteries Just received a fresh shipment T Bandon Drag s ECLIPSE OF SUN APRIL 21. Partial Only and Visible North of Washington-Indianapolis Line. People In that part of tho United States north of a lino drawn from Washington to Indianapolis will bo able to seo a partial eclipse of the sun inmnids do not prevent at sunrise on ,prll 21. The path or totality, of thin eel Ipse will be north of 70 degrees lat- ' Itudi! and will pass across Hwcueu auu hoitthwestern Kussla. Tho United Stales naval observatory has Issued full ci.lculatinns nnd maps showing all data of the eclipse. As' the observatories at Itfga and Kiev are In the path. It Is not likely any country will go to the expense of sending a parly to make observations. Milk, Butter, Cheese, Made From Dean After years of experimenting, pure, wholesome milk, so closely approxi mating the real liquid that excellent cheese and butter can bo mado from It, Is Itcing manufactured In London from the liT5ls of casein obtained from soy tieans. To the casein are added fats, ugar and salt. ICmulsiflcatlou is then carried out, and lactic acid Is added Soy beans have been used to moke ill soap a ml cattle caken. B. T. WOl.VBRTON n. C. DIPPKL Coos County Mearm Opportunity Secf'Jkwwton First I niPPPi & wm .VF.RTOW CHOICE FARI LANDS AND CITY PROPERTY ? Tim INSURANCE GUY DIPPL CONYEYyVXCES 2 f. NOTARY PUBLIC AUDITING KKAL E!TATI3 f RENTALS ACCOUNTING FARM LANDS 4- $ nOOK-KErll'ING INSTRUaiKNTS I BANDON :: :: :: :: OREGON 4 "UNDESIRABLE SHIPPED. Locked Up In Tool Dox of an Outgoing Locomotive. Pprlngllcld. Mo. - How ten fathers hnrticwhlppcit a man who had been ac cused of Improper coudnct at his iKNirdlni; house and then shipped lilm nut of town by locking him In the tool box of a locomotive, was told to tho police chief hero by a committee f cllUelis who had Ik'oii summoned to police headquarters. Tho nffulr occurred tho nlglft pre vious, and Its victim, accordliic to tho report to the ihiIIco, was Jerry Mil lone, nn uuidoyeu at (lie Ht Inils and Hun I'lfliirtico (Prlsco) nilliond shops. No trace of Malono could be found the next day. ami Krlico oilli lals were 'inked lo opu i1h tool box on over)' h oiimlUe lHt(WMi)ii 1 1 mo and Newburg, tin, iim It U MltfVHl ho was went lu 'but town mm COFFEE 5 J Opened for busmefs dgain Jn thV Red FrontBuildinglon First t Street. Meals at all hours day or night You known you always f get something,""good tomcat at DONNEY'S. I J I I- - W i j hi tll'it i. , .. . f lie i II i 0' ' III mi ill m.ilt (ii, i 1 1 .. i i it Mil In Thru 6Ule. ,. II lltMir III , IHIK N uiiwr ulm -n( a Uiblt 1 , l it tie lll lull) ' I l Ml K m an i4dimJ Id ii iitfiJ Ltit BANDOW TRANSFER CO. Gatch&ll Brothors, Props. t AU kinds of heavy and ltetft tkaylnir. Phone orders siven prompt attention, .faun oorncr First &c Bdi- t son, 1,'isn l'roperiy. . leiupnouu u-ii. G. E. WILSON OKNKRAL lIUCKSMfTII V llirlii (in1 Vimivv U'dl'k. )l'MkK Kt'ieiltlf- , in niiiua ui utiiiv M ' :, , ., i i ittnu fwiunri m . imn'j; in vuur J. Il-'HIIY KJIUUt wuiwilinui.-. , w, , ill X I crlijidcx unci &l their f(M i"ljutwl by mun Umt I r ri.i rtiffi.Hl ih w?int fit home X f, iviiuwn iriuia vim fiiM-i-i . , , t vw. Tlo diotfkuii, ij)lUtiitf muk wid m 1 kind X X . . i . .. I.. All ..,..-L iniunuiibiil tfiitrnt T BmiuIoii ft If 0, ,.,. I 1 K fm t ' '!