ft SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON HECOK DEtt, f'RIDAY,6EC. $5ftH, 1914, PAGE FOUR W". B. STEINOFF THE 1IARNJ2SS MAN omplete stock of har ness, shopping bags, trunks, suit cases, valises c and traveling Order Your Freight Sent S. ELIZABETH J Large Two-Berth Outside nmg water. I Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco. $ FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 t FREIGHT RATES, .$3 ON UP FREIGHT 1 Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquille: Perkins', ? Myrtle Point; E. B. Thrift, Langlois. & .1. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS S. S. BiREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME Sailing from Coos Bay December 19th at 11:00 a. m. December 26th at 2:30 p. m. Confirm sailings through Bandon Warehouse Co. PHONE 142 A Telephone for Xmas Do Your Shopping Early. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. A. D. Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 Down and $10 per month. Bargain in Business Lot on First Street. fotel Qallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month Sample room in connection Bandon ... PURR MUK.'S Do you want pure druf; mid drug sundries, lino por'umotf, hair brushes, Mid toilet articles? If go unll on av, WW'l), Handon -tntfrff-"l"' ' bags. Sf2 by the Old Reliable 1 State Rooms With Run- What will a housewife appreciate more as a Christmas nift than a telephone? She and all the fam ily will be truly thankful for k every day in the year. Consult local office for rates. Oregon Mrs. Geo. Geisendorfer luil ill r.iuii llurliiiniiii Piano Theory tfi'ydW ill HUl it. IWrJU WO SLUMS JN NEW .YORK. Verdict of, an Expert. After a'8areh Throuoh the City. I have made tin amazing discovery It Is tliu result of three days 'and nights of going to 'Mini fro In New York sometimes nlone nnd sometimes with n wise 'but not cynical detective. And the amazing mid dlscouccrlug ills covery Is this: There lire no alums Id New York. You can find crime nnd criminals; you win llnd vice, poverty, drunken ness, disease, hut you cannot llnd n slum such rlu ms as blacken and ftster In Antwerp. Union, Naples. Paris, London and many another old world vlty. The- reason Is that you cannot have a slum without tilth, nnd New York Is a clean city. Neither crime nor poverty nor crowds make n slum. You must have tilth as well and that Is what New York hasn't got 1 looked for It east and west nnd north, from river front to river front. Everywhere, anywhere, were crime, vice, mean poverty. Everywhere thieves, rogues, outcasts, men nnd wo men Isolated from their kind by sin or mere suffering, hut no slums. Dirt, of course. Is relative, but the tenements even the old nests of low houses lined with lire escapes wen habitable human dwelling places.. And the night going detective declared h ;onld show me nothing worse. I wnnt ed to see the fetid caves where wretch diiess lay iiiniiulug on garbage heaps Hie windy garrets where It starved ,ind there were no fetid eaves. In the old streets and the ding) court" of I'll lis you can still llnd hun dreds of them; you have but to wall peering! through the street of thi Three (iates or the street of the Iroc Pot; yon have but to go Into the suburbs that lie outside the fortlflca lions for ye.ir by year the centrifugal force that sdrs In every great ng glomcrntlon n' human atoms has thrown Parisian beggnrdom Into tbnl dreary circumference. But In the washed and lighted un derworld of New York there nre no Blums. There Is not one slum thai half deserves the name. Wretched ness nil you please; hunger in the streets nnd on the housetops, It ma; be. but none of those gangrened holes of filth without which no real slum enn exist. I speak almost with the decision of an expert, for I spent many years prowllngly Investigating the slums that rot nnd blacken tlio surface of Europo from Moscow to Lisbon. Vance Thompson In New York Sun. Self Control. Control self and the first step Is taken townrd becoming n power. The youth whoso own hasty passions and uncontrolled nppctltes run awny with him Is a cipher as far as real strength goes. He Stirred Up Business. With n view to stirring un business n restaurant keeper In nn English town placed one day n ratlxr daring announcement at thu door of his place of business. Waiting until next day, n man went in and bad dinner enough for two. As lie was leaving without paying, tho rni riioeiiirrroii Hroi'ir.i him. proprietor stopped htm nt the door and demanded payment The queer notice was still posted at the door, and the customer, point lug to it, asked what It meant. It means exactly what It says," re plied the angry proprietor: "There Is no charge for dinner tomorrow." Good!" said the customer. "My inline Is .Morrow, so I am entitled to a free dinner." Who Gets the Medals? I understand that vm: have a 11 in track team here.'' said the visitor to the guide who was showing him through tl.e college "What Individual liohN most of the nicil.il-O" The guide pondered "Well, sir." ho wild. "I guess It Is Hit pawnbroker lownlown Kxehiinge. Wealth of Detail. Fo'iier (loveinm Proctor Knott n Kentucky ied to tell a story of a nn tlve who appeared as n vMie-w In n mountain Hinder lltnl where Knott was nn attorney. The iiiiiiiululncei ook (he stand, chewing lobiieeo, itul gave hl name, bis age nnd hl place f riideiiee Then one of the liitvven- mI.imI hlin o ieeill e lilt Mr MH'cll il tvlth a eerlHlli wi .11 hIik lluiiriil li. ho rime 'Well" ill hh lei) lu. leilh'i., - lie rid ill numb our pluee h i mi. idle nf . dm. mthilVll i Hllei ri l.l.-.vli, i.r fi '.mil iH' lUM'H unit h ' i-.i . Hi ' of y IknkWI'. ttW4tllt Hlld till Il.tl HtHllll' ' 4IMJ i"ll U lb' llll"i lie te' M rill l (rue vi'ii'in .i r uiimi qrirfrii u, tattid i) ' i.' iiii'i ilii u Buiunl-f i MWiii.tf I 'ft REVENUE COTTER'S LONG ARCTIC CRUISE Steamed 18,000 Miles and Ar rives With 37 Refugees. Tort Townsend, Wnsli. Completing a cruise of nevun mouths in the arctic, during which she steamed uearly 18. 000 miles, the United Stutea revenue cutter Bear. CapUiIn .1. G. Balllnger, arrived hero from the north, having on board thirty-seven refugees from Nome, who were landed nt Scnttlo. Captain Balllnger before leaving Nome took all the Eskimos from that city and vicinity to their homes, so that they would not bo n burden on the community during the winter. That the Bear rendered valuable serv ice to Nome after tho storm Is evi denced by n vote of thanks passed by' tho city council to Captain Balllnger and his officers. This Is the third cruise Captnin Bal llnger has made on the Bear as master to Point Barrow. The two previous voyages the pnssago was free from Ice, but on this trip if was with dllll culty that ho succeeded In reaching the top of tho continent. The Bear sailed from Point Barrow on Aug. 18. having been delayed seven days In the Ice, nnd Captain BMIInger says that If he had not sailed when he did bis ves sel would have bud to whiter In tho fnr north. The Bear Is the only vessel which went Into tho arctic this year that was ablo to get out. She made many trips to the relief of vessels In distress, most of them being small craft. Captain Balllnger expresses the be lief that nil the vessels caught In the Ice are safe and those on board can reach nntive villages. The Bear after a stop at Seattle will proceed to San Francisco. OWES LIFE TO CHEAP PANTS. Caught In Machinery, Trousers Give Way Under the Strain. Choster. S. D. - The fact that his trousers were of sufficiently flimsy ma terial to not stnnd the strain saved the life of John Schmidt, a farmer living nenr town, when his trousers became caught In the machinery while be wns elevntiug n load of corn Into n crib. nad hLs trousers not given way and released him he would have been serl ously i'ljurcd and in all probability killed. As It wns he escaped with n broken ankle bone. Delivers Mail tn Three States. Auburn, Neb. Hamburg, In., has a rural mall carrier who enjoys a unique distinction. Rvery day he drives Into three states Iowa. Missouri and Ne braska. Hamburg Is very close to the Missouri line, nnd there Is nn Island In the Missouri river, well populated that belongs to Nemaha county, Neb UMBRELLAS ARE ANCIENT. But They Were Ridiculed When They First Appeared In London. Umbrellas were described Hi early dictionaries as "a portnblo penthouse to carry hi n person's hand to screen 111 in from violent rain or bent." Umbrellas appear In the carvings nt Persenolis. Nlebuhr saw n great Arab lan prlnco returning from n mosque, he and each member of his family having a large umbrella curried by their side. Old chlnawaro shows the Chlneso shaded by umbrellas. They wero first used In this country In Baltimore, brought from India, In 1772. It is said that tho flrst person who commonly carried nn umbrella hi London was tho benevolent Jonas Ilnnwny, who died In 1780. John McDonnld, n London footrantv who wroto his own life, said that ho had "n flno silk umbrella which ho brought from Spain." but he could not with any comfort to himself uso It, tho people calling out: "Frenchman! Why don't you get n coach?" Tho hackney coachmen and chairmen were clamor ing against their rival. Tho footman lays he persisted for threo months till Ue.r took no further notice of this nov elty Foreigners began to uso theirs und then tho English. Kansas City Mar. DENTISTRY FOR TREES. - AU Cavities Should Be Treated as Soon as They Appear. Whether It is n shade or fruit tree a little Judicious treatment of n cavity will often save tho troo for ninny years of usefulness. Whether it bo a branch or the main trunk the treat ment will bo the same. First all de cayed or apparently decayhig or dis eased wood should bo removed with a sharp cuImcI or knife until perfectly sound henrtwood Is exposed. Immedi ately wash tho wound with a noliitlon of copper sulphate In tho proportion of nno pound of HUlpliato to five gullou of water. Ah soon nit this has been doii till the CHvlty with a thin iiiiirlar iiimlu by mixing one part of cement with tluou purls of clean niiihI, When It linn lie. romu miff, but imi hard, ftu'it It on thu nuUldo wild thin cement, lining it limvel in Niiioolli llm nuiieiil nvnr nil piirU I Iml havu bei'iiinii Injured. If n cavity or lll Nliuuld occur in'iu n fork pf llm Ire" II would Im Mil additional Mfi'iiiniril I" PHI l"H lliri'iuli liolli broiii'lii mi mm in liulil Ilium o yelluT. When llm ( Wiii'iit Imnli'im In w uurl!)' liiu tnihk will U )ftull ujlfjj ii ml rteciy w im iriwM PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. R. WADE Lawyer BANDON, OREGON DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon Office in First Nnfinnal rUnfc halld ing. Hours, 9 to 12 n. mj 1:30 to 4 p. m; I to is in the evening. BANDON, ORE60N DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Sr"geon Office in Ellingson Building. Hours, 'J to 12 a. ni; 1 to 5 ;. in. BANDON, OREGON DR. L. P. SORENSEN Dentist Office in First Nntiomil Bank build ing. Telephone at house and office, BANDON, OREGON G. T. TREADGOLD Attorney and Counselor at Law Office in Now Bank Building NotHy Public BANDON, OREGON DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Office in Ellingson building, Phone 72 BANDON, OREGON DR. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Office in ENingson building. Office pnone, Sbi.'. Kesiaencc phone, 303 BANDON. OREGON DR. S. C. ENDICOTT Dentist Office in Ellingson building. Office phono 1241. Residence phone, 1161 BANDON, OREGON DR. I. L. SCOFIELD Dentist Office in Fahy and Morrison Build- '.ng- next to Emergency Hospital Phone 1141 BANDON, OREGON DR. II. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Office Phone 380-J Res Phone 105-J Rooms 200-1 Irving Blook MARSHFIELD, OREGON BENJAMIN OSTLIND Consulting Engineer and Architect MABSHFI.D. OREGON TheHolidays will soon be,' here A Gift to strengthen friendship your portrait WHEELER STUDIO. The Alpha Restaurant Hest Home Cooking in town Houmemade hread, pies and cakes. Open from 61 30 a, in, till midnight Mrs. F. D. Meyer, Prop. Next duor to Hnt Nail, llinlc. Hotel Bandon; AMi:ill('AN I'LAN $1.0(1 ; and 1. 50 per day, j ; Iiurrpau I'lan, rooms ; ; : $lk, 7Sv U t per day :: tP.nton Ml Kr, IVopi, w () w ww ffl fa m ffl m si m m a m r. (Si e Masonic. R.n.n T .1 Vt. n ... a A. t 3tofn,l .1 . Friday after tho full moon of each month. Special communicat. jns " .uiuwauu.ia it. VI Master Masons cordially invited. WALTER SABIN, W. M C. Q. BOWMAN, Sec. Eastern Stnr. Occidental Chanter. No. 4B. O. K. S., meets Saturdnv ovenincs hofnrn and after stated communications of Masonic lodge. Visltlne- ninml.rtrw. cordially invited to attend. L. KATE ROSA, W. M. ROSA BINGAMAN, Secretary Rebekah Ocean Rebekah Lodc-c. No. 12C. I. O. O. F., meets second and fourth Tuosdays at I. O. O. F. hall. Tian- ctent members cordinlly invited. ELVA MILLER. N. C. MINHRVA LEWIN, Secretary. I .0. O. F. Bandon Lodge, No. 133. I. O. O. F., meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standi c cordially invitod. D. G. KAY. N. G. L. I. WHEELER. Secretary. Knights of Pythias. Delphi Lodge. No. 64. Kniehts of Pythias. Moots every Mondav ev ening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. ERNEST SIDWELL. r,. r B. N. HARRINGTON, K. of R. S. W. O. W. "With Charity Towards All" ? AO 01 1a Pnmn XT- 010 tT r lir meets Tuesdays. K. of P. hall. R n. m. Visitors are assured a hot wel come. By order of A. KELLER. C. C. C. M. GAGE, Clerk. Loyal Order of Moose. Meets Thursday evenings in I. O. O. F. null. Transcient Moose cord ially invited. Something doing ev ery Thursday. You cin now ei Century Edition" at 10c a Cony U ."I "ii room nj concert. UJ . I fids? ."! SJS2,fci But. i r.;.'. "J ' l'i!:,Tr-h:'4 Our Cn, J'o.pou,,! m.Vui 'Ml P: Price I ""wmorrQ ,&o ' f-wy imu list. At for eUIog J. T. Marsiw r iw v f t i;City Transferf ; S. D. Kelly, Proprietor ; ; X. :: Light and Heavy haul- ;; :: ing promptly done. :: Contracting and grad- I ing. Transcient trade x solicited. H o r s e s boarded. Phone 1151 s X Office: Dufort Building C. I. Starr Plumbing and Steam Flittin irst Class Work guaranteed. Office in Tritt lllilg. on. 2nd St. 1 1 I Y ', Credit and Power MANY OF OUR MOST SUC CESSFUL MEN ASCRIBE TIIIJIR "START IN LIFE" TO THE DAY THEY OPEN ED A BANK ACCOUNT. CREDIT AND POWER CAN HIS WIELDED IN THE COM MERCIAN WORLD IIY THE mkAnk OP A HANK AC COUNT. WU IN Villi YOU TO IU. (JIN ONE WITH . FJKST NATL HANK Ojiwi 4uih( III noon liuwr mill i