Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 25, 1914, Image 1

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Oregon Hst-i
City Hall -WJI
1 MttUltUHlfH
I Job Printing!
Tile Rtfcordcr covers the
Bandon field thoroughly x
-b A modern equipped job t
department in connection t
crrv n
To care for the current expensos
of tho city government and to enable
tho employees to have tlfoir pay
checks cashed without having to dis
count them to tho banks tho Council
last night created a current expense
fund, warrants upon which will be
honored at sight. In order that the
pay warrants now held by the em
ployecs might he cashed at once
$2700 was set aside from the genera
fund and provision for tho eontinu
mice of the fund was made by desig
nating that moneys collected that nr.
not specially designated aa going in
to any other fund, should bo credlte.
to the Current Expense Fund. Wnr
rants for the payment of labor ain
ouch other expenses as dpinand im
mediate settlement in cash nro to 1
drawn on this fund and it is ostium
ted that the amount set aside for thi.
purpose will take care of tho curren
expenses for at least three months.
Saloon licenses were granted to a;
those who applied -to sell liquor for :
period of six months, ending July 1
1915, there being only five firms ap
plying. Rasmusscn brothers a in
Tuttle will operate tile Eldorado sa
loon in its present location and A. Mc
Adams and Gross brothers will con
tinue in their present places of bus!
ncss. Chns. Jameson and Clias. Pagi
will move their proncrty from th
temporary building on thte corner ol
First Street-aud -Bandon-Aveniic!r''tc
the Curcn building, which is now oc
cupicd by tho Bandon liar, the late,
place, A. Gustauvson proprietor
moving to tho building formerly or
cupicd by the Club saloon, at the cor
r.or of First Street and Alabama Av
Following tiio granting of license
Mayor Topping gavo a brief tall; to tin
saloon men who were present. II
said in part:
"Following the recent election anc
the results as thoy efToct tho liquor
business, 1 want to impress upon yoi
the importance which will be attachot'
to the way inw hich you conduct youi
business during tho coming year
which will bo the, last year durinp
which the saloonf. will bo allowed to
operate. Flushed by their recent vii
tory the Prohibitionists, or some ol
them, will bo quick to And fault am:
any misstep which any of you maj
mako is apt to result in more or cat
embarassmcnt, not only to you but
also to the city administration, I
want to impress upon you especiallj
tho value of co-operation bctwoen
yourselves and tho city officials. Co
operation in this instance is not only
advisable that there will not arise any
difliculties in the matter of breaches of
tho liquor laws, but it is also a policy
of good sound business.
"I nm not expressing in any way
what my stand, or the stand of the
administration, is ns regards to li
quor question. I intend to seo that
tho liquor laws of tho city uro onforc
ud und enforced without favor to any
party or yarties. The liquor laws and
regulations of the City of Bandon are
very strict and easily ovorlokod in the
matter of details and I request that
you take especial pains to acquit your
selves with them ami od your very
best to sec that they arc lived up to
in each of your establishments. There
have been several complaints of minor
uaturo that have been brought to my
attention, but I hopo that tliore will
t;o no more. One provision especial
ly in the city liquor laws which must
be lived up to anil bronchos of which
will result in prosecutions, is tho sec
tion regarding the sale of liquor to
minors and females, or to opl win
uro apt to Fell or give liquor to tha
Consldoiublo IhuIhms "t loaaar ",
poi tana- whs mihsIuW' d tim 1
meeting ndjoiii'NuU Following a com-i
plulnt by Iho ttlwUi. light .umpany,
ilm Council piNol u m -uiutiuti dcvltti i
lug tlu'ir iiitmjHuii u, do m ihir
jiowtir to prom, dtu wiswiis found '
tampering with or damaging lights,
poles, wires and other property of the
public service corporations.
"Chip of the r lying u is som
bully picture. Grand next Sunday.
Wanted Girl to do goneral house
work. Apply of Mrs. J. T. Sullivnn.
Dinner 25c at
rant. OS tf.
Anderson's Rcstuu
Special program of five reels at the
3mnd Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Ue sure and got a photo souvenir o
john Bunny at the Grand Fridnj.
tight, Dec 25th. It's free.
Victor-Victrolas, Edison Disc Toll
'ng Machines and Records. Your in
jpeetion Invited. Sabro Bros.
S. J. Cotton, foreman of tho yank
t the Geo. W. Moore mill, will spew'
Ihi'lrtmas with his family at th
anch on Hall's Creok.
Mrs. W. II. Button and little daugh
er have 1-eturneU from Roscburr
vhen they have been .visiting Mrs
Jutton's sister for some time.
Children under 10 years admitter'
roe to tho Grand theatre Christmas
igbt, December 25, if nccompnnio-
by parents.
W. II. Button came in from the oi
veil of the West Shore Oil Co.. Tues
lay to spend Christmas witli hi
ramily. He expects to return to the
veil tho flrr.t of next week.
Mins Louise Clcusscn canic" ' dowr
"rom her homo abovo Riverton tc
'.ppnd Tuesday and Wednesday visit'
ng with Miss Pearl Craine, who ir
ionic from college for tho holidays
M. J. McKonnn, of tho Gro. W
Moore Lumber Co., loft Toledo, Ore
usl Friday for Duluth, Minn., where
le will spend tho holidays with Mrs
MeKonna and tho baby.
Loyal Wircn has just returned from
month's vacation trip down ir
'urry county during which limbo hr
'isited at the Hughes home ami en
'oyed a fine outing.
The sidewalks on Franklin Avenue
n front of the Breon property liar
icon compldted so that pedestrian?
in that streot can get down towr
vilhout getting into tho mud.
If you are interested in buying
uunos see babro Brothers. Good
sianos from $325 up to $1200, doliv-
u-ed before Christmas, and sold on
onus if doslrcd.-0Rl.
Tho Recorder
stuff is indobtcd to
Mrs. H. F. Morrison for a Christmas
irosont in the form of a bo of de-
icious home made candy. We agree
with tho kiddies, Christmas should
omo nioro than once a your.
"What are you so pleased about?"
"Dr. Pohl fitted mo with Rliudor
lenses and thoy arc sura O. K. Pohl
v ry reasonable in clutrgos Go and
ee him Wednesdays or Saturdays at
Sabro Bros." tf
Tho report isb olng circulated by
former employes of the Conologm
HroH., tagging Co.. that IjoOi of the
'oiiologuu camps will coinnwncu op-
i.iiioiiM with full crews soon after
. ''. ti: i of the year. It id nUled that
! I'uiiiiwi.y hn Komtfthing like
" ",hmi f,.,'( l.f lotrx in th; wiuhU
' in ) i i""", " if i nut . Tlu
s roiHHJrti as pretty gw4 Indica
tion that at Uast on ul tlx BaMulon
mills will UMt oyrf&tW l thi
nmr future
Oregon Avenue is finally to bo irn
irovod, construction wor kto begin at
The Council last night accepted the
lid of W. II. Webb, of $11,900.12 for
ho improvement of Oregon Avenue
from the south line of Wall Street to
,he center lino of Eleventh Street, fol-
owi.ig the acceptance of a proposition
mnde by Mr Webb that he would stand
the dilferenco between the asscsed val-
jntion of the property and tho assos-
mcnt for the work, where the asses-
itent overran the valuation and the.
aroperty owner refused to pay the
It is thought that in most of the
jnos ,-wljorc tho nssesmcnt overruno
ho valuation, the property owners
.vill pay for the excess without pro-
'.st, but should thoro be any protest
Mr. Webb is to stand the loss and
not tho city. In most of the cases the
assessment will bo well below the
valuation et on tho property by the
County Assessor, but there are a few
Further than this and principally
on account of the condition of the
money market, Mr. Webb is going to
illow a five per cent discount to those
.vho pay their assessment in cash in-
sted aof applying for bonds.
So great was tho anxiety of the
Oregon Avenue property owners who
tttended the meeting of the Council
to have the work on the street com
menced that thoy offered o make up
the difference out of their own pock
ets in the cases where the assess
ments overran tho valuation.
Mr. Webb stated that the actual
onstruction work would bo started
it once in order to tnko advantage
of the abundant supply of water dur-
ng the winter months. Cutting for
the grade from Wall Streot to the top
of tho hill will have to bo done by
luicing and considerable water will
lou sed in tho work. It is thought
that the dirt taken from this cut will
be used to fill undor the buildings
long First Street between Handon
ind Alabama Avonuc.
Tho surface of tho new street will
be plunking.
This hilariouswestern comedy in
threo parts produced by Solig, is go
ing to score a big hit. It's on the or-
Jer of tho Millionaire Cowboy, snap
py action, lots of fun and a good in
teresting story throughout. Miss
Kathlyn Williams, the world famod
photo play star plays "Delia" tho lit-
e doctor, Tom Mix, tho daring
broncho buater, is Chip of Iho Flying
ranch. If you like a plcturo with
dash of frontier lift, buealg nbron
oa and a lot of wjiolosonio fun, bo
sure and soe "Chip of tho Flying U"
next Sunday at the Grand Doe. 27.
Maude Powell, the violinist, and
-K'Voru! olhtir noted niu.-i. in 'i run It
lii-jnl ut I In- Hotel fjullur while you
'l.i i. iiiuif ilniut, liolay
iwtwswn Uu hours ot l-M and 7:M
Nahto Hras. will dumwiistrat Um
Victrela. Thi will I a jun iioppr
(unity tu hiar U U( In music by
me wvHd's grant artist,
nm J. L FOX
Mrs. J. E. Fox of this city, but whe
has been nt San Francisco for some
time under u physician's care, dice
in that city at 12:30 o'clock lao
night, nccording to n telegram re
reived here today.
A short timo ngo Mrs. Fox roceiv
pd -a stroke of pafalysis from whicl
she aever recovered. Her daughter
Miss Elizabeth Fox, was with her at
the time, and Mr. Fox and Airs. Ogrci
another daughter left on the last
Elizabeth and were with her when the
end' came.
The remains will be brought tc
Cos Bay for burial.
Mrs. Fox was one of Bandon'f
highfy'Tcnpcctod citizens and the
new.) of her death will be received
with groat regret by many friends in
Tho celebration of the birth of
Christ by the Chrintjiin people of
the world on Christmas day while
many of tho greatest and ndvanced
Christnin nations-are engaged in the
most ruthless and devastating war in
all history has caused some to ask
the question are the nominal Chris
tians really Christains. Some critic
even go so far as to assert that the
one thing the churches will not
preach nor'the members live' is Chris-
lain pity, iney cite tor prool the in
equalities in the distribution of the
necessities of life, our caluousncss
n viewing the distressing hunger and
all the ills caused by dire poverty.
Wo are all engaged individually and
and nationally in asad and cruel
strife for our material welfare. We
hang ruthlessly onto class privilege
and all social and industrial injustices
that servo our selfish desires. Tho
nations are ever ready to wage war
over trade rivalries.
In thruth we must plead guilty to
the indictmont. As Christains wo
are a sorry lot. Wo try to get to hea
ven cheaply, by formal acceptance
ind faith only. We believe and do
ijrcat honor and glory to God and
are as mean as ever we please.
But for those who are inclined to be
ne8Himistic over tho accomplishment!!
of tho Christnin religion, a review of
ihe conditions before the Christnin
rra will dispell a large measure of
their gloom.
Tho accepted status of cruelty and
injustice of that era would not be
tolerated for an instant by any ele
mont of society today. We have
failed miserably of the ideal goal,
but practically we have won a world
of achievement. Steadily tho broth
srhood of mankind hns advanced.
Nominal christainity has wrought a
i evolution In tho hearts and the lives
af mankind. Not in vain was the
leath on the cross. A new and better
.ra was ushered in with "Yo have
' anl that it lias been said thou
ihall love thy noighohr and Imlo thy
nemy, but I soy unto you, lovo your
rtutmUs, blM tiium that runt) you, do
good U tttaju tlwt Imiit you and pray
for Lbam whiali illai4lWuily uiu yw fwrsmuU) you. And $ f& vmli
that man skrtiU do to you dv y flifi
to thain tlkvwhn,"
Mrs. Margaret Kennedy of this city
who is a sister of the late John Gol
uon, wno uicu at mnrsiuieid some
days ngo, mny nttempt to break the
will of Mr. Golden, which was op
encd in County Judge Hall's ofil
Monday evening nnd which left prac
tically all the estate to Catholic in
Mrs Kennedy was the only relative
mentioned in the will and she is to
rccive $20 a month, "during any dis
ability in which she shall not have suf
ficient funds to care for herself prop
Mrs. Kennedy has not yet return
ed to Bandon since the death of her
orother but relatives here say she will
attempt to break tho will, and that it
is not likely that she will have mucl.
trouble in doing so, as they say Mr.
Jolden was undoubtedly influenced b
rery strong pressure at a time whe
his mind was not in condition to re
Mrs. Kennedy hns retained Attor
ley ohn D. (loss of Marshtield tc
ook after her interests in tho case.
The will of John Golden was made
jut December 1, 1909, and gave hi
age at the time as 05 years, am
Mother Agnes, Superintendent of th
St. Agnes Baby Hospital at Portlanc
.s made executrix without bonds.
Tho will in substance is as follows
"Thes urn of $150 is left to pay f
masses for the deceased's soul. At,
ather $150 is left for the erection o
j monument over his grave. All o
the remainder of the estate is left i.
jharge of Mother Agues for edu.
tional and charitable purposes an
.s divided into six parts. The lirt
two parts of the estate' will go to th.
St Agnes Baby Home and the othe
four parts will be distributed even
.y as follows: to the Girls CatholU
Orphan Asylum,, Oswego, Ore.; Boyt
Catholic Orphan Home, Bcaverton
Ore.; Mt. St. Joseph Homo for tin
Aged, Portland; Mary's Home fo!
i'oung Girls, Portland. To Mothci
Agnes is left the decision as to wheth
er or not tho property will bo sold
The will provides that she may dc
whatever she deems best in selling oil
any of the real property. According
to Judge Hall, who has handled tin.
business of John Golden for years, tin
estate consist-; of two buildtngs i.
Coquillo worth between $4,000 anc
$5,000 and which bring in a monthlj
income of $100, and between $M,00t
and $15,000 in notes which are out
at interest.
A house belonging to J. L. Foster
situated in the Oakes addition about
two blocks south of tho city limiti
.vas totally destroyed by fire Wednes
lay night. The cause of the firo is r
mystery, but thero is every roasor
to believe that it was set, either bj
acident, or by someone with incend
iary motives as there was nobody liv
ing in the house at tho time, and hnd
been no firo in It for a week.
The houso was occupied by S. E.
Ballard nnd family up to a few days
ago, but tho fumily had sold their
furniture and moved out the previous
Tho house was valued at about $G5C
and Mr. Foster carried $100 insur
Be suro and get a souvenir photo
post card of John Bunny, Vitagraph's
famous comedian nt the Grand Fri-
day night, Dec. 25. They nre going to
ifive away photo post cards of all the
popular photo plav actors and ac
tresses every week. Bo suro and got
complete set for your den. Every
Tuesdny night is souvenir night. The
next souvenir card will bo that of
Mr. Arthur Johnson of tho Lubin
Stock Co, Remember every Tuesdny
night is souvenir night at tho Grand.
Mnnclet Brothers have leased tho
room In the Anderson building ucrosH
fiom tho Hand of Iliindon, which bus
boon oeeupluil by J. T. Mura tor his
pool hall. Mr. Mura will movo his
pool tiibUs umJ oUr fUluros inUi hi
totmUo) In U llaial OuUlw tJUlUIng
gutjuN uj mil f soniii uitviiiKetn
!i k mtii
Three members of the City Coucil
md the Mayor shall constitute the
Water Committee of the City of Ban
Ion, which will have entire chrage of
:ho water system after tho first of
.he year 1915 .
To this eommitte all of your kicks
ire to be mode and it is to them you
.vill have to look for help in your
A'ater problems after the New Year
ias been ushered in, for along with
.he unit of time the ushers will an-
louncc the accomplishment of a mun
cipal water works for the city. Of-
.Icially the water system will be
;nown us the Water Depratment of
-he City of Bandon.
The City Recorder will bo the cler
cal ofilcer of the Deparment and it
vill be his duty to collect all water
cuts and other moneys and do tho
iccounting for the snme. For this
.vork the Recorder will receive ad-
Jitional pay to the extent of $20 per
nonth and bo allowed $15 for the hira
jf a deputy to take care of the work
luring the rush days.
AA of the money turned in to the
.Vater Department is to go into the
.vater fund, which was created by
ict of the Council last night. This
i'und is created to take care of tho
xponses of the Department and war
rants for the expensos will bo drawn
on the water fund. Interest on tho
water bonds is to be paid out of" this
fund and beginning with the year
1919 a sinking fund for the redemp
tion of the bonds is to be ostablish-
d. In order thut tho bonds may bo
edeemcd at tho timo of thier matur-
ty, 1934, something over $3233 must
jo added to tho sinking fund every
year after 1919. Whether the re-
eipts of tho Water Department will
illow all of this amount to bo taken
'"rom the water fund depends upon
he growth of the city and the conse-
luont increase in the profits of the
ystem. The ordinance also pro-
ides thut this sinking fund may Le
oaned out to solvent banks at a rato
jf interest not less than three per
:ent, the proceeds from the interest
.o bo returned to the sinking fund
For the present the water rates
.vill remain us they laavo been under
.he private company and tho water
ents will be payable in advnaco to
he City Recorder Ten days -graces
vill be allowed but in case the water
ent has not beeu paid by the tenth
f the month tho water wil lbo shut
in" on tho morning of tho eleventh.
Acting in his capacity as head of
ill construction work of tho city
he City Engineer will bo superinten
lent of tho work of tho Water De
lartment, serving without additional
iay, and under him will bo tho water
lailitr who will do the actual work in
Jic mutter of repairs and Inying of
ew mains and extensions. The wu
.er bniliir will receive at tho rato of
75 per month for time actually ex
pended in attending to his duties,
fhis official und such other help us
may be needed in this department are
to be appointed by tho Mayor.
The ordinance passed by the Coun
cil last evening making thes (.'pro
visions, also provides that the Wa
ter Committee is empowered to close
up the deal with the Bandon Water
Company und the Bandon Light and
Water Companv for the purchase of
tho water system. In a seporate or
dinance the denominations of the wa
ter bonds was changed from -185
$1000 and 17 bonds of $C00 each. This
bonds of $100 each to 10 bonds of
wns done to make tho bonds more scl-
Itltu Riiymoiid, formerly of Handon,
and who llllwl ongnguxinUi us plailst
both ut tho Uruml ntul Oijihwin
iJwattoo is now Ailing mm MUBymml
at U 14r UmwUv la MotUi UmL
Mi &yiwn if m IjIiJj dsn jrfuiio-