Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 22, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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People of Bandon Given
Chance to Save Money
They Can't .
Make It Go
A Christmas
Early Happy Childhood
Memories Brought to Mind
Dinner Free
I; hus often been said that oppor
tunity knocks at each individuals door
Imt one in thnir llfotlmo, and if the
elmneo presented, is overlooked, tliat
that olio particular chance can be
lookdtl upon as lost for over.
How many people really know
when opportunity knocks? Some peo
ple eay it is impossible to know.
Some 'ere never looking far it, other
are 'always on the Job,' and many are
fortunate enough to nlwayu lio on the
lookout for "opportunity."
To those tltn't say it is impossible,
to know, wo can put them on the light
trull', tait boforo wo go into detail we
want to say thai saving money is as
jpwit t virtuo and one of the strong
fentn're of "opportunity", as is ac
cumulating mnnoy.
IS. IIarrimnn,,tho latu railroad mag
nate once said Hint a persona llnnn
cial landing was not really figured
from thoa mount of money lie could
accumulate, in Ids opinion, but by
the amount of shrodnoss ho displayed
in manipulating a small amount to
the beat advantage.
Now then for the tip. A certain
store in tho city of Iiandon is oiler
ing an opportunity to shrewd buyers
nn opportunity that is tho chance
of n lifetime. A chance to save mon
oy. If you have been reading sonic of
the clever advertisements of the HAN
DON DRY ClOOnS CO., during the
past two weeks, you know who we
mean. They must clear their shelves
and counters of their entire stoik of
merchandise, and in order to do it,
they hnvec ut the prices of everything
ho deep that even the thought of cost
is ridiculous
NLY a few
than ever. Buy now and buy
mas. We nave a complete line oi iresn ana nign gictue
The Stalls His a Minute ant
Then D"ImUh Them Down.
How do yon eat all egg?
To rt strain'' the manner in which
you eKt till part f your breakfast
may Indicate j our nationality. Nearly
every imtioiiailt.v luis some especial
way of cuoMiik ami serving eges for
lirealifiHt. .mil. quite uwoiHclously.
the nveniiio person's order of egn will
roveni liN nationality.
Ailler) a us are nalil to prefer poirtieJ
egga. The foreiKiier when trineJlnv
who a mini order a couple of egg
Vouched on 1 oust aliiioft tniiiiedlatel.v
jutnps to Hi" conclusion that only an
American cnnUl Imve given the order.
Haul IniIIi il titK. HM'ved whole, aro
another Ainettruti dlch. and "ijevllwl
egRa." wlwre the y!k Is mixed with
VBriouHjtoiiiliieeiitK. is strictly Alileri
ottll. Krlwl t'lUTM. too. are mure mi
mon In Amert'ii than elsewhere
Hani tiollwl tjn-'M are eaten In Oct
many to". "".v are imuullv
I tared In a kIhhh. , ImiH'ed with Imwcr.
aalt Had 44er The lieruiHii lit -
hU 8"'t Itoiled e. ts ver smft. Indeed,
and ItinikH the "tilenm Into 11 china
Clip, PittiliK them irnui the cup. Tin,
"ef(t np" U 1111 Ii ''iiiI'Mi of (iertuiiay.
l)Ut thf Oernmii rt are larne enonab
to riiiitttln HKVtMiil i-ilxs "Sour ejiK
H( eaten In itermMiv tun.
The HVerape rm-'lNliuuin IlKiv hit
MK lMled for tin,-.' mid H tin I T lulu
niM. no ninie mi l n Ihms lie la par
ttCUlar alH'iil tin time, lie preferH
MBalt err i 1 1 - I luihN one euK. tln
lM tf tvht'-li 1 not reumtetl. Tilt ill theli i.iiiom.h the top ill
lB shell Itreinl and iMitter. ItiMtoad
Ht the I "Hit of tin American. Ik iwtei
trlfh the KilullMbimili H t'L'tfH.
The H.HK'tiuiMi ivmnveri the top lit
hi .-re. t' but then lie Hltrn Ibe eon
tetitx v"oitiiMly jinl idiU hltH of hreitj
Mini Inilter lo the tHt Hiillietlllie
rniiNrx r lire. 1 He dlpptnl Into tin
ftiv Ni. Hmllsnl vmilil .Ilium Of ItftllUU
III ece hull Ihf.e inlniite-J (Imt U. If
lie 'Uf-r hU i-c ,i.-"tiiil "IrlfHf
In the n;ilU f - 1 i tie -K l 8l i IhiII 11 minute MImI l
Hu n limkill ui " J Die uttdMUt
(m A in'. lu Hii im
. in. i. Il.kini; iilf W If II t'OTl WD-
Il I I
1 1 11 . . ,- 111 l .iff. illf pin
. i .1 ii it., ii '"Mi yj
' i - iMt i
- i ii.- t. uiimt
tin. 1. -m Mlf iU
Yes, wo damit that this statement
sounds rather overdrawn, however
upon second thought, did it ever oc
cur to you that a reliable concern like
the Iiandon Dry Goods Co., could not
come out in the papers with a gtoss
misstatement of facts, in order to
fool tho people int.i mrnding their
money at their store? Tho reputa
tion fo this concern 1.. s always been
of tho highest and c.-r ;ince il has
been under fie perse- .nl supervision
of Manager Mtr-'-y t public has
been able to do. jnd oi. rnly upon the
high qualilv of me -h.u Use offcrnd,
out upon f .'erj artiuie i.i d price ad
vertised. The Handon Dry Gcods Co., is
maintaining a strictly f:-.:r anil square
money back policy. If you r..ike any
pin-chases in this store an i oy have
.it all been misre re. jrte I r at all
unsatisfactory, you 3 to re
turn it and get your money back. By
this policy and this policy only, em a
store succeed. And by the way, this
policy has not been suspended during
this, Hie greatest sale over held in
rSandon. No ontsido goods have been
brought in especially for the sale,
and everything olfercd is brand new
and right up to the handle.
If you have never given this s.ilo a
.icrious thought now is the time to
take o good big think. Hut don't think
too long. Put on your hat and walk
down town to the Iiandon Dry Goods
Co., and look ver the various articles
of merchandise they have to offer.
There are thousands of them, and
each and every one is an opportunity
in itself for you tos avo money
more days left in which to take advantage of this pheiiominal bargains.
has flhrmt. rwnft to an end. Prices cut cleener
Dry Goods Co
Wealth of Detail.
I-'o'Mer Oovernor I'nietor Ktintt ot
Kentucky used to tell 11 story or 11 nn
tlve who appeared as a witness In n
iiiounlalli lauider trial where Knott
was an attorney. The luotitnaliieer
took the stand, chewing tnlmccii, and
u'ave Ids tianie, Ills aj;e and hN place
of resilience. Then one of the Inwvers
iisked him to descrlhe Ills llrst nn-etliiK
with a certain person who llxured In
the ease
"Well." drawled the native, "he rid
thrnut;h our place a-straddle of 11 dun
colored critter a-tilowtn of a fox tiunt
In' horn and n wearln' of a hi'itrsktn
overcoat, and hit wim hot weather. I
axed hlin If tile critter he wem n rldln'
were a Keldln' or a 'rlslnal. which he
Mowed It were anil drlv on." Saturday
KvnnliiK Post.
Musical Tones In Architect ire.
It has loni; been helleveil each
of the mammoth ImllillntiH of tin
world will vibrate in nHpone to noiiic
npeclitl unwlcal tone ArchltectH he
lleve they have found the times fet
aiicli famoiH dtrnetures ax the cathe
dral at Cologne. Notre Dame In I'iiiIh
and St l'aul'H In Loudon Certainly It
la true that each of these bulhlliiK" re
turns to the ear or the listener that
one tone Intemllled and iiUKtnenteil to
a tmrprlsltiK extent The corollary
statetuent that this keynote. If aound
ed Iouk enoiiKh and with milllcletit
force, would tirlni? disaster has never
beeu provud. Christian Uerald.
Human Skin m a Polisher.
I had always aupponed that tho
chamois poscsed the nkln best idapt
ed for pollshlni; purposes, but rei-etitly
In a leading Jeweler's shop I learned
otberwlae NothltiK. It seems, can till
part Hitch a liiHter to plate nn the hu
man sktn. and all the bent articles are
polUbed. ipilte literally, by hand - rub
bit! nently by the lower arch of the
hand at the hiuu of the thumb "We
keep u xlrl to do ti.ithltw else." sld
my Iiiforiimnt. and I rullocted thai I
hud dUeuverud a new Industry Mint 11
nw dwdntUun of "palm u4I "-Iwm1uii
Who 0t f.LdJliT
"I uttdrUiMl ibm m bvtt h in
imek Uni Hero.' aaid ili ttaliurlttllM
truujv mIiu mil Ii..iiim Mm ibruMtfti
1(m iuIIi-v V liul lliiilildilal bwUJf
tuutf uf I fit- 11 ! i
Jit Knnlm i.ti nil Hfll ! lM
M 1 ,in .1 I- 11. ti!ttiiir'li
Competition Is
Left Far Behind
This is one time that tho mail or
der houses have had something slip
ped over on them. It is a well known
fact all over this country that the
mail ordor houses have been the ruin
ation of many home industries. Not
directly perhaps through tho faci
that they sell cheaper that the home
merchant, but from the lack of sup
port of tho home people who think
that by sending lo some distant city
for merchandise tluough pictures in
a catalogue, tlieat they can do better.
Why people think these things, can
best be determined by each individ
ual na it iu Iw.viinil the nmvnl- of anV
one person to give a good reason for
'Pliic .ii'lTnli. ia nflilmosnil in tn.lil
II. ... ".J .- ...
order fiends in particular tohse of
you who have a mania for sending
your money out of the community to
help some 'concern who has absolute
ly no interest in your home town other
than to get your money.
If you have never given your mer
chant the consideration due him, turn
over a new leaf now and begin by go
inir to the Unndon Dry Goods Co, and
. . i i t i : 1 1...
inuo a iook arounu. jiivcsukuu- iu
merchandise. Compare it with tho
goodi. you have been buying from the
mail order houses. Then COMPARE
The discovery will be a revelation
to vou. Others have done it and the
At all times, and especially during
this price slashing sale, you can save
all kinds of money over the mail or
der house prices, and you don't have
to pay freight or express charges
early. A deposit on any purchase will hold it until Onst-
Yet In Sorii Way the Story Was Prl
Lo.m. rnd Hero It Is.
Homer Cm), the hiimoiNt. was vl
lied the other day by Frank Smith
who hud Hold a story to a uiim.i.ini
und wanted some money rlcht away
It was a II.OOii word yarn. Croy lli;urel
It would tirlnvr i! cents a word, so he
loaned Smith ."n and Smith irave Croy
the folio wine ai;reement:
"Whereas. I.ndent. and Know all men
by those presents:
, "I, the underslKiied. Frank 1.. Smith,
I behiK, to "the best of my belief. In uy
rlsht mind, do hereby bequeath, be
' utow and otheruUe make a free. itrati
! pi ft of any and all moneys that may In
1 paid to tne for a story entitled, 'Hr-alc
Ins Up the Hunch.' The facts of the
ease behiK as follows: Me, I, the party
of the first part, having received writ-
Nen Info, that the inatf has decided to
fall for my story, and. belli!.' broke, 1
have decided to discount my claim for
llfty (S.'0 beans, cash money, to lie paid
mo by said H. Croy. It Is understood
that If paid more than tll'ty I am to
turn It all over to Croy without a mur
mur, yea. I mut never stptonl nor ad
vertise to the world that Croy bus
made this soft money. And. likewise,
nnd by the snme token. If paid less
than llfty beans Croy Is to keep Ilia
trap closed nnd make no reference In
any way. shape, form, manner. Inn
cuak'c (Iticliidlin; the Scandinavian). 01
dialect, to the fact that he bus mad
an error In Judgment."
"Will you lie ttatlHllud with $70?
asked Smith some week later. Cro)
tbouxht a moment and then said
Hofore a witness the mnnoy was pairt
over, hut Croy still Iiiiiik about. Final
ty he asked:
"Would you mind I oil line inn what
you got for IbHt ysrn)"
"Hiiro you HrenstliflisJ?' nskml rbnith
"Yim." M Croy
"Well, I got $185 for it." Willi timltb.
-Now York World
What kills own ! dsomni;.-meia
It'b stiiliif 4uwu himW Imu'tUt tlmi
dMtroM iIm-ui: it u MiMNfet "p si.4
Htu -kins' Imuliln Hun oimMm lUui'lt,
9ft Uiruuirti il wiili.fiii ti s ui
"i 1 tsw M 4m 4wim m4
IMMIWUlK lot "W4 stf ! M
j 1 ft nm
Certainly a
Liberal Offer
What would a good old fashioned
Christmas dinner be without cran
berry sauce and plum pudding? be
sides u liberal supply of nuts, raisins,
figs, sweet potatoes, celery and rafts
of other goodies? It would certain
ly seem as though the bottom had fal
len out ot the uay without an inese
dainties, but the cost to supply them
runs mighty heavy, and cautious
housewives might think twice this
season before she goes to market ami
spends good money for all these
things. Once more the Handon Dry
Goods Co.. comes to the rescue with
a proposition worth relating here.
All you have to do, according to
Manager Murphy is to make your
purchases in this store amount to
$10.00 and the whole list of groceries
are your
During this sale, a grocery offer
-lias been in effect, but lias been can
celed in order to inaugurate this new
offer, which includes a list of Christ
mas groceries worth $2.00, and which
is yours free for the asking. A lib
oral proposition indeed, which in
greatly strengthened by the fact that
what you pay $10.00 for would ordi
narily cost you from $18.00 to $25.00.
We almost forgot lo tell you about
the most complete line of Christmas
tree ornaments, including gold -niid
diver tinsel, fancy balls, snow, tree
wire, cournicoupias, paper bells, etc.,
etc, ranging in price from lc lo $1.00
Societies and churches will do well
to llguro with the Handon Dry Goods
Co., before buying decorations for
their Christmas trees.
10-15c Store, Bandon Ore.
In its efforts to uttain complete util
ization ofour forest resources, the
federal government has been making
inquiries into the possibilities of ninn
ufacturitiK wood (lour from snwdust
The flour in question is not the
j kind which is converted into fluffy
biscuits or flaky pastry, nor is it a
substitute for corn meal, although
it looks somowhnt like it. This wood
flour is made by Kfindine; dry saw
dust or small wood waste (that of
pine or spruce is excellent for tho pur-
1 poM!) in a cheap mill, similar to the
1 kind in which corn and ryo are
ground. After passing through the
stones and the bolting chest, it is
sackod or balod for shipment. It is
then worth $1'00 to SIS.OO per
This flour is used in making dyni-
mite, and acts as the absorbent for the
nitro.glycorlno. Dynamite tnado with
wood Hour as one of tho ingredients
is somewluit inferior to that madej
with infusorial earth, but it is cheap-1
er. Tho use of wood Hour in the man-1
ufneturo of dynamite, however, is ,
but h minor use of the product. Its
chief use Is in the manufacture and
xylloto, both Ilonr coverings that nre
vry iwpulnr for use In kitchens, Imlls
j corridors, cafes, roataunuita ami pub-
1 lie room. It la imjwrvioua to wntnr
.inil pi;irtlraUy Are proof. It ia also
uw nl mm II'mii- tnatrUl on some of the
iii-iiiiuii win kc-elk, tor it ia not
imtiW lui ki, htm iir apiintar il hil
1 ty shulls
j 'ttiu diaiiufkclurri, of wuu4. Hour l
h.rfil) un iin.,n. injumr) ii J,u
,.l 'v.. I Mil) llUu U ill III,I- J
laV ii tut a iuJ vkpuii
mi IsVMM. Ummuti mUm a imw
"How dear to my heart are the
scenes of my childhood,
When fond recollections present them
to view."
Nothing prettier was ever writtetn
than the above selection from the
famous poem. How the memories of
early childhood flood our niV ' around
Christmastime. The m ...... . ; of the
old fashioned Christmas tV3c--tho
glittering decorations the myster
ious packages nil tied with fancy rib
bons, tho tempting bajfs of c.ndy,
the toys, horns and the thoit.-ind adn
one whatnots. Will you ever forget
the happy years?
To those of us who have grown up
into manhood and womnnhood, the
fascination of Christmas has passed
away but the memory still lingers
Wo should not let selfishness take
possession of us however. In out
travels through this world, wo should
not forget the consideration due oth
ers. A cherry word, a happy smile
a bit of kindness here and there and
a lot of optimism nil help. Then
thero is Christmas. The time when
wecanre member those we hold most
dear in a more substantial manner.
Mother, father, wife, sister, broth
er, sweetheart and the kiddies. Or
dinarily, to buy Christmas presents
for all of them would mean quite a
sacrifice to the average person, but
this season, the difliculty has been re
moved by the Handon Dry Goods Co.
Of course you know by this time
that they are holding the greatest
holiday sale ever conducted in Han
don or vicinity.
All brand new merchandise bought
nn. ovtnnsivn bvors. In the United
States the matter of wood flour has
not as yet been given much consider
ation. A few mills in the Middle West
and one at Hoquiam, "wuwiington, are
all that have attemptedto transler
their wood waste into wood Hour, lhe
amount of sawdust to La had in this
country, especially in the Northwest,
is unlimited, and lumbermen should
welcome thisni ethod of turning their
waste into a practical and prolitable
Christmas Day, Dec. '2", tho man
agement of the Grand Theatre will
give each patron a souvenir post card
of John Hunny, and every week fol
lowing will have 11 souvenir post card
day, so that you can secure tho en
tire collection of all tho famous proto
players now appearing on the scieen.
Kvery Tuesday night will be souven
ir night aftor Christmas.. Don't fail
to get a card of John Bunny, the Vita
Kiaph Star, comedian, on Christmas
Day, Dec. 25. All children accompan
ied by their parents go to tho theatre
FUEIC. We wish all our patrons a
Merry Christmas, and express our
thanks for your valued patronage.
Our aim for 1015 will be to conduct
tho Grand in a way time will meet the
approval of all photo play fans, so
curing the lates and best pictures
that the market affords..
Prof. Kausrud's orchestra will con
tinue to please our patrons with the
best iir music. Again expressing my
appreciation of your support, I am
W. C. Sollmor, Mgr.
Grand Theatre.
Good Time lo Coutrarl,
A coiigldoniblu number of con
tracts have lMHn lot UUly at rta"ur
well under tit aiigfitaar'a estimates,
aaya ItuHimmrinu aim! font) actlif , a
trad juurmil. Chaa (Inuring and un
usual !' ptftiUoa Ihivo Immii sneurta!
ui rei'fiil public works' leitiuys.
I'n.v: of 1 Mai rial aw fowar imh
1 1. mii iiuy Itava Inns lur mm yaara.
lil"! la UltmMmM isj limp, 'Jtiis
assssjasaualiaa uiiituM nMaaMs a mimi
iu wkHrvtUun uinJniU. Wki. Jti
specially for the holiday tr.-u
tl rown to the mercy of tho public in
a few days before Christmas. T
profit is one part of this oale tb been entirely eliminated, howc
er. And when we say prof. I elim i
nted, wo mean just exactly what 1
!fny. This is a no profit sale T
ntire line of merchandise inn t I e
mid. Everything you can think ot
included Fancy tio and handkf.
for men and boys, suspender set
shirts, ties, traveling eases, comb a I
brush sets, shaving sets and hundr.
of things we cannot mention lieu,
nicely packed in apropriaU ho.nt.
Then for the women folks we h:. -suits,
cloaks, dresses, manicure si
;omb and brush sets, sewing sc..
'lar.dkerchiofs, slippers, of all Kin, ,
shoos, hosiery, mid other appro ir..
.isoful gifts too numerous to itei
Then there ure the kiddies. F
ofall TOYS! Wood, metal, moHii
ical and doodles of other kinds, 'i
toy department is an educntion in i
self. It will interest the old foil;
well as tho young. And don't o
look the games. Many of them vc'
And then dolls! Oh, my the do
that they sow. Rig dolls, little do
talkink dolls, sleeping dolls, I '
dels, girl dolls, baby dolls and budi I
of other kinds. The ist is bewihh .
ing and would take more than the t
tire paper to tell nbout it. Woi i
your while to investigate this dopa
ment. It means dollars saved f
j uiauc.
nicipalities should take advantage cf
present conditions by placing the
improvements under contract. In dt
ing this they not only will provide c 1
ploynient for many idle laborers 1
their own localities, but they a o
will be able to got their work do
much more cheaply than has hi 1
the case in previous years. Any j 1 1
ject advertised now will be sure to o
tain the close attention of many con
A fine musical program was rend
ed at the Presbyterian church I .
Sunday evening.
Woman Finally Recovers
From Nervous Breakdown
Impoverished ncrvc-, destroy niai y
people before their tune. Often be
fore a sufferer realizes what t
trouble is, he is on the verpe of 1
complete nervous brcJown, It
is of the utmost importance to kcc.i
your nervous system in good con
dition, as the nerves are the sourc
of all bodily power. Mrs. ,U 1
II. inner. 8.'S N. 18th St., Uirmii.
hum, Ala., says:
"I have been suffering with tier
oils prostration for nine or t 1
years. Have tried many of the hi
doctors in ltirmingh.iiu. but (hey
failed to reach my ci., I wo
feel as if I was sniolln rmt ; fin i'
I unit into convulsions. My hit
girl saw
Dr. Miles' Nervine
advertised in the papers and I
once began to take It. I contitri'
to take it for some time nn 1 n jw 1
am well."
If you arc t ..nhlcd w'h hi 1
appetite, pu.-r ' -ti..o, auIi
inability t b if "i ire in
gCllerul 11111 nm liti ll .
Ulinl ', ( 1 1 nir i . t if '
daily ii -i.-l I " 1 i' 1 1
thing lo ,. n 11 1
You in y 11 ' .! t 1 II
tr v nil ) in 11 r
wby y"" 'I ' I j " 1 iniT'
Dr. r.!.' ' Ncrvino
lias , in 1.
a "itisl If
i$mi4ifi 'I
el by v " 1 u
tm w fiMK' . -i "
HlUt MtaAU CO., pulipli hi,