tat tea i T semi-weekly toboN itEd6hfifi&. tU5Ay'. .Hf sui4. 1 1 1 f:: ' ic: -- 1 PAGE FiVfi T'l" 4 A I I 'rTTTTTTTTTTTT Vlctor-Vlctrolas, Edison Disc Talk inn Machines and Records. Your in spection invited. Snbro Bros. Automobile and Machine Work Bring your-work to the Garage and Machine Shop. Everything done with neatness and dispatch. Agent for Buick Automobiles. M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore. ves Mrs. Eva Z. Crocket and son of Coquille were in Bandon over nipht last night on their way to Wcdder burn whore they go to visit friends. A. E. Adelspergcr of Marshfield, is in the city on business today. Mr. Adelspergcr is C. A. Smith's head timber man. Heating Sto to burn The famous Charter Oak line Ranging in Price c di ? rrom D Oto $17.00 We will deliver and set up free of charge any stove costing Over $6.50 SEE OUR LINE BEFORE! YOU BUY WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY r Hdw. Co. Monte .1. Wax, who has been con ducting tho sale at the Bandon Dry Goods Coj but is now conducting an other sale at Coquille, was in the city Sunday Milton Cox returned Saturday from Brookings, where he had bear. forborne t'me. He waa also in California while fway. Tl, -eport? that condi tions look i,uito i.ood at Brookings, McNal Grand Theatre--- THE BEST PLACE TO SPEND THE EVENING I Special Attractions Coming Hearts "The Trey 0' No. 10 A'lan Law and Rose are being pursued by Seneca Trine and his gang Allen and Rose escape on a hand car The special Train collides with a freight A terrific smash up results. SHOWN NEXT THURSDAY, DEC. 24th Six Reels of Quality Pictures ADMISSION 15-Sc LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ' Miss Lund of Coquille was a Ban don visitor Saturday. Dinner 25e at Aadorsoit's Restau rant. -98tf. A. Johnson, of Marshfield, was in thee ity on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Fox wore up from Port Orford Sunday. It. J. Thurston was over from Marshfield on business Saturday. Boyle Jewelry Co. offer the LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-THE-MINUTE Jeweliy, Military and Toilet Sets, Cut Glass and Silverware ManirnrA ute in satin 1,,K(, l)OXes or ilulu" lTlalULUlG ueld vidual pices separate. : : : : : ALL ENGRAVING FREE A Pendant, Bracelet, Necklace or Cameo for Her. and A Tie Clasp, Vest Chain, Signet Ring or Fob for Him We can also suggest many other suitable gifts. One chance on (lie $100,00 Diamond King and the $50,00 Diamond Ring FH KK willi n ny $1.00 pun hate. Diamond Itingt duplayd iu our wMour, Dinner 25c at Anderson's Restau rant. 98tf. C. H. Curtis of Marshfield is In the city calling on his customers. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Apply of Mrs. J. ,T. Sullivan. James Quigley of Port Orford was in tho city Sunday. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Apply of Mrs. J. T. Sullivan. Dinner 2fic nt Anderson's Restau rant. 08tf. Tho Bandon schools cloned last Fri day for the holiday vacation and will open ngain Monday, January 4. Roll Anderson went up to the See ley & Anderson camp Saturday where he expects to remain for som etime. Hand decorated china and numer ous other dainty gifts for Christinas at Morrison's, 210 First Street W. Miss Kato Chutliiirn has tnken a position with the Boyle Jewelry Com pany during the holidays. The Hotel Gallier will servo Christ mas dinner December 2.r)th from 5:.'!0 to 7:30 p. in. J. W. Itowey is over from Murli fleld today looking after IiiinIiiusm affair, H. H, JiiIiiimiii of (he Joliiifcou J.uin liur Company, mid 11 iiii'inhur of tho tiiiiinti.iiii d( tliti J 'oil of lluiidon, wan hi thu itily on mU)n Hulunlwy- 'or t Two my u( IhmUm ilnml JiujiipvuMiI mit, tW), lx iw mil Intuitu dlwwirt tit ir tHt' Chas. Bowman relumed home from Coquille Sunday where ho has been doing jury duty. His work as a jur or will begin again on January 4th. when the Circuit Court will open its adjourned session. There will be special music at tho Catholic church Christmas morning at 10:30 o'clock when an especially train ed choir will render Farmer's Mass in B flat. The public is very cor dially invited. Missos Erma and I'calo Craiao who are students of the Oregon Agricul tural College at Corvallis, arrived home Sunday evening to spend their Christmas vacation with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Craino. If you are interested in buying ianos see Sabro Brothers. Good ianos from $325 up to $1200, deliv ered before Christmas, and sold on terms if desired; 9Gt4. bam 5 The mill is clown but I'm .still on the job, ready to furnish you with a sky scraper or a chicken coop. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. " '-jajj- u..;r'Bil.w.,T-r,T "What are you so pleased about?" "Dr. Pohl fitted me with Rhudon lenses and they arc sure O. K. Pohl ii very reasonable in charges Go and 'see Mm Wednesdays or Saturdays at Sabro Bros." tf Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Russel, formerly of Beaver Hill, who have been visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sullivan in Bandon several times and who an; quite well known here, have taken an apartment in Marshfield and will spend thew inter there. Mr. Russell is manager of tho coal mines at Bea ver Hill. Tho Thimble Club, at its last meet ing for this year held at the home of Mrs. J. Jones, o nOcean Drive, elect ed officers for the coming year and set their next meeting for the first Thursday in January at the home of Mrs. Win, Legorc. Mrs. Herbert Brown was chosen to head the club during the next twelve months, with Mrs. Abia Barrows as vice president, Mrs. Huffbcnder, secretary; Mrs. J. Jones, treasurer, and Mrs. E. Lcwin, press correspondent. Then Were Othe He waa a ratlier pmverln jotinn mau, anJ he bnd proposed to a bran tifnl Kill something like a dozMi times, and on each occasion the answer had been a negative one. Still lie persever ed, and one ulfilit on a moonlight walk with tlie oft south wind blowing cnresslujjiy ho once more started to tell her of his wondrous love. "Delia, dear," ho tenderly remarked throwing away his cigarette to give his eloquence further play, "there Is something that I must tell yon beforo wo return Von have heard It before, but" "Look here. Jimmy." Impatiently In terrupted tho beautiful girl, "how many more times are you going to nsli me to marry you?" 'Not many. I guess, Pelln. dear." answered tho young man with great frankness. "One of the other threo girls that I am proposing Hi Is begin ning to show slgtu or weakening." Philadelphia '"! graph. White Bread, riyglcnlsts have long called attention to the Berlous consequences of the In creasing popular preference for white bread. At present dark colored bread Is despised as "peasant's food." In the town the meanest workman will eat only white bread. Tho flour vd for making this bread Is obtained h imnNliiK the meal through a ery flue love, so that It contains hardly any thing but stanch and cellulose. Whlta bread, which plays an Important role with the Prench people, la thus m trcmoly poor In really nourishing food, and Ij U to the IiiitciihIhk rouminipUor of It that many hygleiiUU ascribe In I'riiiicu the racial eiifeeblement, the diminution of plalum and even fh pii'wnl development of tubeiYiilo!, KepM'M'iiliilliiim liavu frequently Iwen Middy Hindu mi this uhji't, but wild mil i-flWI fur 1 1111 linLiii-d run lifinMn unly wlml Hie pnMIe deiiimiiN i'uri M-lff n Minion Miif'i'f uUnt4 ilnih w ihmwI rk Does your s iget Pock Need New Batteries Just received a fresh shipment Band Dru Co E. T. WOIiVERTON n. C. DIPPEL 2 (!oos County Meann Opportimity See Bnndon First I DIPPEL & OLVERTON J CHOICE FARM LANDS AND CITY PROPERTY FI7.U5 INSURANCE A NOTARY PUBLIC RENTALS BODK-KIJJ1PING GUY DIPPEL AUDITING ACCOUNTING CONVEYANCES IW5AL BTITATfi FARM LANDS INSTRUMENTS OREGON I BANDON :: :: :: :: DOifS Opened for business again in the Red FrontBuildingon First Street. Meals at all hours day or night You known you always get something'good to" eat at D O N N E Y ' S. BANDON TRANSFER CO. Gatchfell Brothers, Prope. t AH kinds of heavy and liht (Lrayin. Phone onLx-u f- p-iven nrnmnt aiicntion. .ifnrn tuirnor if (ret ,v WMt. v a K1 WU Ma I. M A. W I J 1 T ll.EIIIIIIII WW - T r , A ' 0 ' G. E. WILSON GENERAL BLACKSMITH X All'kindH of litflit and honvy work. Hui'ms nulaniU x iL'itllv Hhod. Jjfiforinitiuii lemcdlad. lirln'-. hi vnuv i cripploH awl tful tholr foit HljunU-d by mm thai 5 I knows a foutCnrl Clffford, t)u? neiuiilfflc buit z I. tw . . t ...... rr i tWiW. uu uiHH'Mt', ;i;uitig ninuu, (iiul Mil kirn! X 1 of Uo iimlter UmAu. All ork KUMmoluwd I'ltfht.