(II M PAGE TWO SEMMVEEKLY BANDON RECOtt DElC FRIDAY. OeC. 18TII. ml SEMI-WEEKLY Bandon Recorder Published every Tuesday and Friday hv The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc Entered at the Post Oflke at Ban don. Orecon, as mall matter of the second class. C. E. KOPF & A. W. STUART Editors and Managers. Make all checks payable and address all communications to the company Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in ndvance. CHRISTMAS GIVING rru nf "Snuirs" of which i mi; awwiv-vj r' President Wilson's daughter is a lead or. was organized to discourage useless giving or the giving of useless Xmas presents. The spirit of Xmas giving i3 an ex cellent thing. It is often the finding of the holy grail. No one would speak for the cheerless charnal house of the heart possesed by him who some called Scrougc and others call ed Marlin. But Xmas giving often degenerates into a formal exchange of commodities, actuated only by cus tom. Wo present articles to people who do not care for the things wo se lect and expect to receive in payment something we do not prize. It vcr tually amounts to buying ourselves something we do not particularly dc olrn mill nftnn cannot afford. This exchange of commodities is often car rim! in n irnnt extreme. So called presents are not only exchanged by mere acquaintances, but often by peo ple who rather dislike each other. It has grown to become a custom that holds many in heartless and formal shackles. . Methodist Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Public Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Mid-Wcck Service, Thursday, 7:30 All those who do not worship else where are invited to come with us. C. MAYNE KNIGHT, Pastor Presbyterian Church Sabbath Services: 10 a. m Sabbath School 11 a. m Preaching 6:30 p. m. . . C. E. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m Preaching Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend these services REV. WINFIELD S. SMITH, Pastor Baptist Church Sunday School, 10;00 A. M. Preaching Service, 11:00 A. M. ELDER A. B. REESE. Church of the Divthcrn Sundav Services: Sunday School 10:00 a. in: I'reachi: .-' scrivce at 11 a. m. and v:uu p. m. Everybody cordii.ily invited. L. B. OVERHOLSilR, Pastor. y LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 3 Rev. G. L. Hall cT field was in the city on business yesterday. L. W. Traver of Marshficld was the city on business yesterday. The ladies of the M. E. Church South will hold a cooked food sale at Dickey's store tomorrow (Saturday). Hand decorated china and numer ous other dainty guts lor Christmas at Morrison's, 240 First Street W. Mrs. M. Ashton left on the Eliza beth for San Francisoc where she will spend Christmas with friends. .a W. E. ST EI N O FF THE HARNESS MAN omplete stock of har ness, shopping bags, trunks, suit cases, valises C and traveling bags. -a. Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable S. S. ELIZABETH Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms With Run ning Water. Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco. ; FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 t FREIGHT RATES, $3 ON UP FREIGHT J Reservations: J. E. Norton. Coquille; Perkins', $ Myrtle Point; E. B. Thrift, Langlois. I J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon 4"HH:il'"M.M Wanted Girl to do general house work. Apply of Mrs. J. T. Sullivan. Miss Norecn, English teacher in th High School, left today to spend the Christmas holidays at her home in Portland. Hazel Manwaring of Langlois was in Hnnrlnn vnQfnnljiv nnil tnilnv ilninf . . . f (jr. ' ' .nir.A i " - - " The society oi opuKa i"ui'"a some shonninir. that Xmas giving bo conimeu among the well to do mostly to children. Of course no particular objection is rais ed to our giving presents to those par ticularly dear to us, but even that is discouraged. The members refuse to I Mr. Harold Quiglcy, commercial in cither give or accept presents and the structor and athletic director of the ... ii it i. o.,f I "'K" oenuui, imi on uiu noun uuui, to- money that would ordinarily be spent L in exchanges is uscu in uuu ..m tho Christmas holidays with his par irivinir. It is used to bring Amas ct8 cheer to the poor, tho friendless and irn,l. In fact it is only ,.. . --- !... 1 .1 . . i. nanil in trim lrivinir: l. c. to those who . ... r, r. I I, ni A 1 I ,,.,.,! T 1 I ,, I I , , , I ,. i EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME Sailing from Coos Bay December 19th at 11:00 a. m. December 26th at 2:30 p. m. Confirm sailings through Bandon Warehouse J Co. PHONE 142 CHECKS ON THIS BANK ARE , PAYABLE AT SIGHT. WE ALWAYS CARRY A CASH HE SERVE LARGE ENOUGH TO MEET ALL DEMANDS. HAVE YOJR ACCOUNT HERE AND YOJR CHECKS WILL GIVE YOU AN ADDED STANDING WITH YOUR CREDITORS. BE UP TO DATE BY HAVING AN ACCOUNT WITH AN UP-TO-DATE BANK. THE BANK OF BANDON City IVbat Market A FULL LINE OF SELECT FRESH AND SALT MEATS ALWAYS ON HANI). MODERN METHODS AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT COM HINE TO MAKE YOUR TRADING HERE A PLEASURE. YOUR PA TRONAGE SOLICITED. Phone 193 Geo. Erdman, Proprietor Coming to take charge of the alter rived on the evening boat Thursday from Washington. cannot repay. This is real charity. It does not snnnil bnllnw like brnzen cymbals but ... ,i , r vmno hniisl Mrs. W. S. Wells has returned from with the joyous tones of Xmas bells Marshfieldwhoroshc sooths or mends hearts that are i.roK- BUost of Mrg J g Lyons gho wag en. also visiting her brothers, Messrs. II. Mnny people this year have written and L. Gordon, who are business men letters to their friends formally dc- r Marshficld -1 f 4 n vsiswiiifsk ttvncnnt C l 11(1 tlTrt- I claiming their intention to give none Schoo,B dc,)arteii on'tllo noon 1)0at Tlierc is n particular call for such today for Eugene. Mr. Hopkins will action this year on account of the visit with his father and brother Who suffering caused by tho lack of work.' re in the lumber business in the Uni- Try it once and know tho plensures vorsltv Clty' of true giving. A very merry Xmas Miss Moore of the teaching staff is indeed within your attainment. Not in the local schools, is among those In ,.nn,lnRrni,sion but in love and in wll w sPe" " Holidays away charity to relieve those that need. Let from Bandon. Miss Moore left for her liomn !n Encnnn nn thn nftnrnnnn this giving Do sensiuie nnu praciicui as warm woolen clothing for some in sufficiently dressed person whoso vi tality age has lowered or n doll to satisfy the mother instinct of some poor child. Help those that are in want, if they desgrve it, because they do, and if not because they don't. It this sounds mushy remember that Xmas commem orates the birlh of one who died that even thieves and Mary Magdelene might received tho priceless gift of everlasting life. Mrs. K. Roscnblad and three chil dren left on the Elizabeth for San Francisco where they will spend Christmas with Capt. Roscnblad of the Speedwell and will probably return on the Speedwell which sails from San Krnncisco December 2(Uh. A Telephone for Xmas What will a housewife appreciate more as a Christmas nift than a telephone? She and all the fam ily will be truly thankful for k every day in the year. Consult local office for rates. Do Your Shopping Early. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. (?0 proper time. BANDON CHURCHES Sheriff Elect Alfred Johnson, Jr., was in the city Wednesday looking after business a Hairs and getting ac quainted with the needs of this sec tion of the county as regards his of fice after he takes up his duties in January. Mr. Johnson has nppointed his deputies and is nlrcady to take up tho duties of his office at tho A. D. Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 Down and $10 per month. Bargain in Business Lot on First Street. We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU SPARK S GROCERY Successor to A. E. Whit M. K. Church South Sunday School, 10:00 a. in. Preaching, 11:00 a. in. Kpwnrtli iA-ngun, 0:,10 p. m. I'roneltJng, 7:!I0 p. in, I'rnyor Meeting, Thursday, 7:110. Mlwloimry Society, I'rlday, .S!i!l0, V. II. SMITH, I'lmtor. UplMiipiil Church toindH)' Mm), 10(00 n. in, I'tmMtify KulI IUi filh fun. ixr ai iJ u. in, ujiij im tu m, HI A' WH llQim'AUk 1'uilAr A new featuro in High School ath. Ictics which is finding much favor among tho locnl students is the system of interclass basket ball games, inaug urated by Athletic Director Qulgloy. I'ach of tho four classes of the High School arc represented b a team and tho championship is to bo decided by n round. nibbln scries of gamen. Tuesday nfternoon Ihu SophomorcH iidmliiiNtori'd u Mil to r drubbing to the Freshmen and thereby estnlillnlu'd (In. fwt tint t they will be mhIouh con teiidnw for t ho pmwmnt. I'ollnwlng thU giimu tho Keillor mu Junior inlxi'd In n lougli ronliiMi, n vvhltili Hwilor dignity wiin wily wii ilni from ruljij l!it ujijiyr ohm miiUm Ihv A jf ittiil a 9 la 1 mm Hotel Gallier Ratcs $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Speciul rates by week ormonth Sample room in connetfion Bandon Oregon IIHIIII I ll Dont catfteicirbroins !. The QualityGift'atedyarik SABRO BROS Manufacturing Jewelers PURE DRUG'S Do you want pure drug and drug sundries, fine perfumes, liair brushcfl, and toilet artieloH? If ho call on C, V. J.OWK, HiiikIou Mrs. Geo. Geisendorfer I'upil nf limit llirtiiumi Piano Theory KliKlk ili HMD. Ilwr 11 ynint MMMiiiitni 1 1 1 nut ii t inn i iiiiimiiMH For Your Garden The new soil of this section requir es o COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER, Uivinu it what nature lacked. You must have it for your (jurdvn to yet tho best results. We have a large supply (rt a very reasonable mice, Central Feed Co. a a a LeMrJ WArohouiu Phoim M2 X