alia "SEMI-WEEKLY BAND'ON RECORDER. TUESDAY. DEfJ.lst, 1914 PAGE FOUR VW: X Y AAA 4. t4 ttr 5: a'1 ar- 4. t4 4 I A m m t . w i ' w v i v 1?y ' it 3f 4 raBijJnllllilll r;J if: n it t I TYT frj tw-.- . i .bw stTb. Ub YA'A1 M"S HH i tfMlffl Infill 115 "TIT S S Tf TU $ Start 7 Something : aftd it will be & . -HM to cause all ,of Coos and CM5 intiesV to sit iiqitod'taka .notice. ityf ever 'atteinpxea m mese --H'I- -O -V -V- -i- O- r .ill counties. - I'HlA i;i....w - 4'4 i tel. j pOH fifflte Win 1 iim(. c'iiij i -.1-., . . -i-i a have no room, here to tell yoiT,,,ptthxpnderful sale, nor hawewiWfiythe.. .time, , tat suffi-'itell..JyQU..tQ wait and wajch i'.th nxfS, hours. It's worth ' your while. msrsfAiJ,',n'll Am sin : Llusdat Mil .Wednesday. All UAff .ID I JE UlV, II . 1 . i Thuds.; "-"December Jrd - something its,: equal ormns -ii it open up 10 o'clock Friday Sale Millinery Will give customers a chance to secure a winter hat at a nominal pricel This is the last and final sale. Hats that were selling for S3. 50 to $6.50 Will go in this great sale QO- .-L Friday, 10 a. m. 30L Cdtll Children's Coat Sale Mothers that are in need of warm serviceahle Winter Coats for Children, 2 to 14 years, will find in this sale a splendid opportunity to sup ply their wants Sale prices $1.90 (o $6.50 MUG! LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ' Victor-Victrolas, Edison liisc Talk ing Machines and Records. Your in spection invited. Sabro Bros. Good pasture for a few head of cattle at $1.25 per month, at Ledger wood place. C. H. Chandler 82tf. WantecJ Position as cook in camp for man and wife, or lady1 cook in a smaller camp. Inquire at this of fice. J2t2. "What are you so pleased about?" "Dr. I'ohl fitted me with Rhudon lenses and they are sure O. K. Pohl !s very reasonable in charges Go and ace him Wednesdays on Saturdays nt Sabro Bros." tf WASHINGTON NEWS EXCHANGE LETTER asmington D. C, Novcmbeer 30 President Wilson has announced a supplementary neutrality proclama tion covering the Panama Canril Zone during the European war, which forbids the use of airships and of wireless within the the canal jurisdic tion by any belligerent! power. It The Alpha Restaurant lkst Home Cooking, in town Houpicmndc bread, pies and cakes. Opn from 6:30 a. in. till niiclninlit Mrs. F. D. Meyer, Prop. Next door to 1'irs.t Natl. Mrs. Geo. Geisendorfer Pupil of Ernst Ilartmann Piano Theory Studio 535 Bluff St. Plionc 312 Credit and Power MANY OK OUR MOST SUC CESSFUL MEN ASCRIBE THEIR "START IN LIFE" TO THE DAY THEY OPEN ED A BANK ACCOUNT. CREDIT AND POWER CAN HE WIELDED IN THE COM MERCIAL WORLD BY THE MEANS OF A BANK AC COUNT. Wit INVITE VOII TO HE (JIN ON V, WITH Ufi. FJKST NAT! HANK on ILL provides strict regulations to prevent anv am or hosituiitv to any beiiige rent within the zone. The proclamation extends its nro l)itioi)s to aircraft, public or private, of belligerent powers, which are for bidden to rise from or descend upon Canal Zone territory, or to pass throught the air spaces above the land or water zone. It is also forbids any use of wireless telegraph by bel ligerent vessels within the zone juris diction except on bsincss in connection with the canal. The impression is growing among naval officials and authorities in Con gress that the present destruction of English cruisers and battleships by German submarines may deter the government from embarking upon, the enterprise of making armor plate for such vessels instead of buying it from private firms. NEW POSTMASTER RUMORED FOR COOS BAY CITIES It has been stated thought unof ficially, that there will be two new Postmasters named for the Bay ci ties and both arc to be democrats, says the Coos Bay Harbor. In North Bend J. T. McGuire seems to have the sanction of the majority of the clan,' though August, Hoelling, Jr. is also a candidate. It is said by those in a position to swing the ap pointment. In Marshfield W. J. Rust is" a can didate and the office seems to be his having the endorsement of the leading men of the Democratic party in the county. Ex-Supt. P. A. Golden is al so a candidate. THE TREY O' HEARTS The action opens on the night of the day on which the "Crack of Doom" ends. In the dark, Judith and Mar- rophat smuggle Rose into Trine's : house in New York from their car. Leaving Rose with Marrophat, Judith I reports to her father, who sends for Rose. Altough worried over Alan, however, Rose accuses her of loving Alan. Trine orders Judith from the room and questions Rose. When he tells her that Alan has been assassi nated she tries to disbclivc, but final ly breaks down and is led, a weening prisoner, to her room a hundred feci above the street. Marrophat tries ta make love to Ju dith She ignores him, an dhc secret ly vows vengeance. Marrophat tells Trine how JUith prevented Alan's death at the bridge Judith accused Marrophat of lying because she refu sed his advances. Trine received an unsigned note, reading: "Dlgby has re served site at Monolith Hotel to be held for Arthur Lawrence" Judith departs in anger and Marrophat tells of Judith's love for Alan Tipping tho head bell-boy at the Monolith, Marro phat gives him a a trey of hearts, in dicating a practical joke. As they talk, Alan enters and registers s Ar thur Lawrence. After he has entered the elevator, Marrophat leaves hur riedly for an EaBt Side dive, where he pays Red Novemb or to assassinate Alan From his room Alan phoncti Dighby Unseen, the bell-boyslips the trey of hearts into tho stationery and leaves. ' While Trine is apparently sleeping Judith creeps into the room and reads the note, but pa she leaves the room Trine rouses and traps Judith, pro ving her disloyalty. Alan slips out a aide door unobser ved, ho thinks. Marrophat sees ami orders Red November to follow hi; Utxi in another. Alan changes taxi several times, but fails lo loso November. Reliving himself safe Alan arrives at Trine': house. By bribing a night watehma lie climbs to the girder of an unfint shed apartment Iiouku across the strc et and using a flnhlampand the Morw code t'liininuiiltateH with Rose. Ju dltli, from her window,rendH the mus sage, telling Roe to bo iindy to lenvi the houHo by tslx the next morning A lu ii iruiiH uixl f If mIh Novmnhiir vd glng along (lie girder, n knife hutweun Ilia lertli. After M donjiwnitii fighl Alun (fuliiH nmhU'iy, Ixit u IUmI llin ovit tin) i-flgiJ of jrlnltir, Alun rnili lilni ami pulU lilin Imrli unUi lliu ki dcr, wIiiihi li nolliipw", uli'k wild (i iuhl Afcr IkiuIiiik iti Khl , Alun WIliibM U) Uid klltMtl Judilli iiIuim lu diimil HmO m Iuii him) hum bpy imtliu fcliv uinitliiw u ml lit ItMMMI ml A UUit Grand t THE BEST OF FILMS STEAM HEAT FOR YOUR COMFORT. , Good Program for Wed: Hearst Selig Weekly showing interesting War Films from Europe Th i Twin Brothers Van Zandt a Lubin feature in two parts MAN'S VICTORY a Selig Comedy THURSD AY-The 7thinstallment of The Trey O' Hearts Read the story on another page of this issue Boyle is giving " ; $150 in Diamond Rings again (his year. One ring at $100.00 and nne al $50.00, One ticket FREE with every $1.00 purchase. Drawing December 31st r1.,. mnrSt VU1I. VJEIO.;jJ; ting arc absolutely new comprising the dainty Pansy, Daisy and Rose de signs. Call on us, examine and bt convinced. Tn-k1" Silverware i-iaurei its merits. Community. ALL ENGRAVING FREE. "Quality Evcrard H. Boyle, Mgr., e caJry ni) accounts. J m Kmtt y, . MMItMvv 4 i ! 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1, I Beginning today, Dec. 1st, we issue - Rerun for every cash sale. Buy a little i every clay, save your slips, and be sure of a part of your! Money Call "The Peoples Drug Store" for full particulars IdeeJ Fqurit! Pen Tho Quality GiftlhateverAlwdy'wonM SABRO BROS Manufitctunng Jewclera driiwt Urn lry at hn uiul Hlf )nU m Jii-lllli (Ul'ln Ui tUii.k Judith, iivi. HiMm. ii' yix u iini ttlr til ItUM-'r UAur HmlV Mu, Aih tnU t thv I'UlMl K MMil, i in i ii.. i., uiui timf i i' ' m. JrMJ' "" " ". ' , Theatre i GOOD MUSIC" AND Jewelry Co; Our large stock is Second onone. The styles of cut the kind most admired is selling on It RESISTS wear. We also, carry 1 0 Jewelers" Phorie 514 I d Slips at the M. m m TTTTTTTTTTTTfv V tlu- uLiuul, AU 1 14 IllfllllOUl JlHr()JllUl. Hll " Almaj Liiig IhokhI if tui i ilrftjlg till flUlf III lllu lilillu iiml I .In Back Grain Drug Go. I'll') Ijuj IIHMM iw lit ilHI uUi. ' iik am fi JutlUJi uiilil, m hy i mm tmiH Unr tM lini wdn i Um mm mm, mm im i turn ih T I Z UI ma, A I llll I o tiMv wmh hn mm n.