yr-- tfBEAlI.WEEKLY BAfrbON ftBCdR bait, frufiSMV, Nov. lffifl, i9iC...:;.j"J; .; FOUR Watches from $1 up to $80 Elgin and Waltham Watches $5.50 up South Bend Watches. $7.75 up Hamilton Watches.. $13.25 up Guaranted Excellent Timekepper Victor-Victrola completes the family circle Every one is on hand in the evening to enjoy the music of the Victor-Victrola. This wonderful instrument makes home attractive for the children and livens up the entire household. ' No home need be without a Victor-Victrola there's one at a price to suit every purse. $15 to $200. Come in and hear the Victor-Victrola, and Jet us explain our easy-payment plan. S ABRO BROS ft J8I I 4 9 LOCAL NEWS 'ITEMS 0 ComhiB Big Selip Wild Animal Drama in three prats, entitled' "In Tune With the Wild," featuring JCath lyn Williams, next Sunday. II. A. Murphy, manager of the Bandon Dry Goods Co., returned on the Elizabeth from n huslncsR trip to o San Francisco. I 6 1 For Itent Furnished cottage, flvo 1 rooms. Hath and lights. Inquire at 1 , Mott Millinfery Store 90t2 u abi Manufacturing Jewelers Bandon, Oregon Telephone 751 F. S. Perry, proprietor of the Per ry Veneer plant, returned on the Elizabeth from Sn Francisco wliDrc ho had bepn looking ftor ltusincss affairs. Henry Hess and Chns. Richcrt loft last week for a combined business nnd pleasure trip to Portland and other Willamelto Valley points. "The Trey O' Heart b" will be shown at. the Grand next Thursday read the story on anothor page of this issue. W. C. Bradley of Mnrshfield was n Bandon visitor yfstcrday. 0 ' "P ' Talk to Your Man If you want to ask a question and tet an immediate answer you use the telephone. It saves you time and money. Our long distance lines reach the principal points in Coos and Curry counties, and on connecting lines you can talk to all points on the Coast. ' Call local office for information and rates Coos and Curry Telephone Company 4 ht Does your Pocket Flash Lis Need Batteries Just received a fresh shipment Bandon Drag Co. I New 4mmJ..hH.'M'K"M'"H 4. i' Catarrh Cured' Arch Catarrh Treatment will do it Sold under a Position Guarantee J For sale only at the KliD GRAIN DRUG STORK where you will find everything usually kept in a first class Drug Sto.fq, and at prices that will sur prise you The Red Grain Drug Co. j; "Tho Peoplea Drug Store . . . i . i . i j y j 1 1 i i j i i j J J i JJ J J l.J.J.li.U.liii.lii.i.i.i.i.ii.l.iiT IrfTTTTTTT rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTfTT m wwww FT F T T TTMTT Credit and Power MANY OF OUK MOST SUC CESSFUL MEN ASCKIRE THEIR "START IN LIFE'' TO THE DAY THEY OPEN ED A BANK ACCOUNT. CREDIT AND POWER CAN IJEJ WIELDED IN THE COM MERCIAL WORLD RY THE MEANS OF A RANK ACCOUNT. WE INVITE. YOU TO GIN ONE WITH'US. RE- FIRST NATL BANK Open during 1 lie noon hour nnd Saturday evcnincH. Miss Amy Windsor is confined to her home with a slitfht attack of the mumps. AH our Winter, weight Coats and a few heavy silk lined summer Coats have been placed on sale at extremely low prices. It is our desire to close out all these Coats in the next 10 days and if prices are any inducement you will find bargains awaiting you. SALE PRICES $2.05 to $850 N. N. .Newman of Coquillo was in thec ity on business yesterday. M IE HULL C. II. Gillette of North Rend was in the city yesterday. .1. W. E. Allen was in from his homestead yesterday. J. L. Smith of Coquillo was in the city on business yesterday "The Perils' of Pauline" next Sat urday at the Grand its a corking good picture, don't miss it J. E. Norton was down from Co qtiillo yesterday clling on his cus tomers. S. W. Dnmeron of Myrtle Point was on the city on business yesterday, The Elizabeth arrives In port yes terday with a large cargo of freight and a good list of passengers. Sho will sa.il again tomorrow morning. R. L. Wagner was up from Port Orford yesterday on a combined bus iness and pleasure trip. Mr.' and Mrs. R. II. Rodgers wore over from Marshficld yesterday on a combined business nd pleasuro trip. .Wood for SnK Split Fir, ?'J.5() for two tiniti; split pine, $n,00 for two tiers; pine blocks S2.C0 for two tiers.. S. D. Kellcy. tf VOTE YES. Grand Theatre A Good Place To Spend an Enjoyable Evening "The Trey The Fifth' Episode Hearts" i i The Sunset Tide Full of thrills and excitement. To 1 it i i oe snown next ursaay, five Thousand Feet of Fine American Films November Coming Next Saturday, "Perils of Pauline." Coming Sunday, Dig Selig h'd Animal Drama in three parts "In Tune Willi the Wild." Featuring Kalhljn Williams. To Compromise 1912 Road Tax Means About $9,000.00 Will Be Put Into it f 1 . 1 . y-v rr-i r ! J T 1 1 : Y circulation At Unce lo ouna weeded Roads. There is approximately $9,000.00 belonging to the special roatl fund already collected and now lying idle waiting for the Township Line and Two Mile factions to litigate the question as to which road it shall he ex pended upon. This money as already been paid in and should l)e used. We need both roads. Boyle Jewelry Co. Suggests "Simmons" for neck chains, vest chains, brac elets and fobs. "Hamilton" and "Roclcford" for watchec. "W. and H." for lockets that are absolutely reliable. 4'0.-B." for rings of quality "Laurel" for Sdver that "resists" wear. Insist on the above and get the best. m i r hi i in in Everaril II. Boyle, Mj;r. Wc carr no aivomits. - Phone 51 1 Notice for I'ublieiitinn Isolated Tract rUULIC LAND SALE Donaitmont of tlio Intorlnr. U. S. vote to compromise and divide the tax equally ?r$U niohm' 0rm ineiiiis that this money will he put in circulation at once, Notice i horoby jjiyen timt. m di , , , , r i .... I rortou liy the Camniluionor of tlio and the roads will he built; the fact that litigation as to Genri umi oiiimi, umior pioviatoim the legality of the tax is pending as to the monie. that VmS fff'X'&'i have not been nsiid in will not effect this matter, and it I ?V..SR!LtoA.0BSrvf2 Ti.T?S!: 18 pnictimlly assured that the money already collected will tt jiuuu mi u uo hiho-t biiMor. I j1;","",1 mine is had, ' . t id oVTk A. u., an uTu trnii uy;t ' Noticr for l'nlillcati. n. Departinont Of tho Intern.. ' Lnnd Olllce tit ItoiKibui'Ki n" vomber 12, 10J I. Nolle li hereby r.x .i tiiii 1 K. Stlllwcll, of I'.i.r.l ,. Or,. on April 1 1. J'.ntK, w In n. oiilry, 14ti. H' ' 1 o' i NW'U BW'(, v , NWH, HerUw "... . hb. !tatK lf W., Wii l(n, i, , notiif of Mit.'.iii.i, to i Li . ywtr prtHif, in i' mi.i i. 'i.iini t lie piii nt once if a coinpromUu ' itfllawmv Uvt m iAwll tiw SW'4 During ihwt JinnI Uuitw wo mnnol afford to (innncl; t a w t i . fj.. no h, it. n lifl ui ilivitk ihik ii ii n oy Piunlly tipon (he two rnnil nnd put Aliy yj,ilMlt tiUiN,i, u4. y uw Jl irniliithjji ; mid volt tin-' pjinprniniit, vuk yw. ianll., t'dii?i Uii Wmi' lifnumlm fur Mh, Wlf tf U, V hwUi Mum (UllllMlil i . 'i. ('ii(wiy u( J: 1 1 ' litMlll lit (1. I t'ui Ht lVMIt.il.. I'r, J U I 1 Hi, II. l. 1 1 t Y x f. I 1