SEMI-WEEKLY HANbON UECOll uEit, FK1DAY, 0C1!. 16TII, 1914. PAGE TWO o O t 1 1 r-SAV BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONE IK 0 9WnTrMnnr1J:axTJtJ-E- 9XF 4.. i "V 13 T' H .A. T Be a Missourian and Let Us HWBWllWW"IWWwi""' We are In the position mMwuwmniim' wimi y iiwiiumwwmmiiijiiwi' """" 'Small Rent, no Clerk hire, and over 30 years experience in both Wholesale ar.d Retail branches of the Drug Business has taught us to of which we give our customers the benefits of GIVE US A- TRIAL THE PEOPLES DRUG 1 1 THE OPEN FORUM e An Evil Incubator. It matters not what we may pro fess to bo, "the kckIs wo worship write, their names In our fnccs." Tlio same is true of our overy institution; for by their vory nature thoy write their names undisputnblo. You may bclievo in the Dioty or disbelieve, but those things you do beliove: Good and evil or right and wronjr, morl and immoral, justice and injustice; and bcllovoing tboso you must have some idea of your relation and duty to hu manity. You know that jn spite of nil our advanced civilisation, which has even gone far beyond our dronms, there still remains with us one Insti tution which, notwithstanding it . is civilization's greatest enemy, and a constant menace to humanity ibeing n criminal institution from evory point of view, is still allowod to flourish, tho while protoctcd by law. Slavery of tho South, if you please, was a legal and protected right by law in spito of it boing wrong, until right triumphed over wrong We past our judgement upon man and his institutions by what thoy are and not by what thoy may bo called, for wo know thorn only by their diir crcnt atlributoe. Tho saloon is an evil incubator bocnuso it has framed its own doetlny by tho attributes of of its own nature all of which are evil; thereby writing into history its own name. The lijrht against tho liquor traffic is a fbrht for Immunity against the dollar. It is not confined to the Pro hibition party nor the Cluistnln peo ple, but to the thinking people, and the employers of laW. No mutter what foolish Ides mi may hare in favor of the mUhi, it m going out of miiiii'hn for the very rrusmi that it lit in the way of JM".'!' - Who but an Imlliinkiiitr mun um voir for an iMrt'iutim, i lw i ili-fcui (iii-ilu- osnii i i . . , .- "t n , I .ilnlMUlH.ll of V! "J -lU", mi i... ut HiMHtattlp. an J i tfi l !.!. IliUWl lit IiI-'HiIi 4 E YOUR The Easiest Way to do so YOUR Where they give you uy Our Goods Grain Drag Compais for ouFcountrythen voto for tbf sa loon, and you can have access to all tho vice, anarchy, disrder and mur der you want; for those are only a few of tho products of its incubation its highest purpose being to make evil more popular. With tho quostion settled once and for all time agninst tho saloon vith out one good reason for its oxisUnee, what oom is there loft for argument? None. Then what is tho voidict? Wo have the saloon on trial today before the jury of tho whole pejplo; with more convicting evidence of tho guiltiest criminal agninst Immunity and the nation than was evor compil ed by any people; and God, the great est Judge of all lime, has instructed tho jury how to bring their verdict of guilty or not guilty. He bos spar ed no olYort to make Himself plain, and knows the offenders to bo guilty, yet, His ruling of froe will democracy hits placed tho jury upon its own hon or. I heseoch you in the name of God what is you honor? What will you say when Die last moment stands be tween you and Him? n. 0. NETTLETON. City Transfer! t S. I). Kelly, Proprietor 4 'j Light and Heavy haul- promptly done. contracting and grad ing. Transcient trade solicited. Ii orses boarded. Phone 1151 Office: Dufort Building .Hw:-s--J'-- Baaaam i i mi iij ,mu C, I. Starr riumlimg am) Ktram Flitting First t'luM Work jiMraniil. u 'In tyM tffg . ilk I II iHH V K is to the ii joamwvwtWiRmu Show Yon to do it Rig STORE s " , IMNDON CIIUKCHES M. E. CIIUHCII SOUTH Sunday School, 10:00 a.-m. Preaching, 11:00 a. m. Kp worth League, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, T:30 p. m. " Prayer Meeting Thursday, 7:30. Missionary Society, Friday, 2:30. W. P.. SMITH, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CIIUKCH Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Preaching, 2nd, 4th and fith Sun days at 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. M. HEY. WM. HORSEALL, Pastor METHODIST CIIUKCH , Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Public Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service, 7:30 p. in. Mid-Wcek Service, Thursday, 7:30 1 All those who do not worship else where are invited to como with us. C. .MAYNE KNIGHT, Pastor PKERItYTEKIAN CIIUKCH Sabbath Services: 10 a. m Sabbath School It n. m Preaching 0:30 p. m C. E. Praycrmeeting 7:80 p. m Preaching Thursday, 7:80 p. m. Prayermeeting A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend tboso services. ItEV. WINPJBLD S. SMITH, Pastor. (t,?) use Yoifit byis, hut no NOT ABUSE IT M. G. POHL, Optcmeteriat. Toat froo of clwrge at &broa 00 PURR DRUGS Do yon want pure drug aw! drug miidHt.s Hue porfuuiM, hlr Iruiin-H. unci Ui nrih'Wnl f mi mil n GOODS mt : TAXPAYERS KIND TO GHAM3ERLAEN His Salary As Office Holder Exceeds $100,QOOAsked "How Was It Spent?" Since K. A. Dootb, nopubllcan cm. didate for United StntoB Senator, an Bworod tho question, "Where did you get It?" Republican papers have raised the question for George E. Chamber lain, tho Democratic nominee to an swer, "How did you spend It?" Somo Industrious dlggorha3 compiled the list of public offices Chamberlain has held stneo coming to Oregon from Mississippi and calculotoo that Cham bcrlain has drawn down moro than $100,000 In money contributed by tax payers. It is how Chamborlaln spoilt this money that Republicans are curious. One nowspaper odltor recounts that Chamborlpin has been Attorney-General, District .Attornoy, Govornor and United States Senntor, holding some of these oiTIws moro than one term, nnd that Chamborlaln since entering public life litis scarcoly over been off tho payroll, os ho ontorod upon a new Job before the old one was worn out. In his explanation of "where ho got It," Hooth told tho story of his llfo. ppmoorpta say that Hooth Is an aris tocrat nnd docs not bolong to tho plain poopK Hooth'H own narratlvo re counts how ho was ono of n family of 12 children; that ho lived In a log cabin, worked on a farm and took bis pay In chickens; punched cattle, herded sbpop and otherwise helped support the family until ho was 21 yenrn old and paid for his first "storo clothes" by gathering wool from bushes nnd taking tho hides from Bhn-p which died on tho rango. Ho strufiled hard for an educution and acquired It. Ho waB a day laborer, and day laborors ore supposed to be plain people. By Industry ho met with success and associated with oth ers ho built up a sawmill Industry which developed -the timber resources of interior Oregon. H. A. BOOTH Hooth's statement Included tho dec laration that nt times tho sawmill he mummed employed 1.100 men and tho payroll oxceeded 180,000 a month. Tho concern brotiRht Into Oregon moro than $10,000,000 of outside money and fanners. mirohnnts, laborers and en tiro communities received the major part of this sum, directly or Indi rectly. The Republic-vis point out that Ilooth's rise from a farm hand nnd day Inboror Is to IiIb credit and ilmt hundreds of other OroRon boys are developing tho samo way. Thoy also point out that tho Industry which Booth's efforts built up brotiRht Into tho state more monoy thnn tho Gov ernment ha, appropriated for river and harbor iinprovemonts In OroRon slnco tho stato was admitted to tho Union. During the porlnd that Booth was tumliiK timber Into n stream of gold which wos flowing through Interior Orexou, spreading prosperity to work ers and merchants, the Republicans doclaro that Chamberlain was draw ing n salary from tax funds as an office-holder. Having been born in Oregon . and lived here all bis life, Ilooth's supporters contend that he knows Its people nnd tho needs of tho state ns well as any man can and. having mndo good, whether as a far mer, cowboy, sheephordor, bookkeep er or sawmill man, ho can make good in tho Senate. Tho Impression that Hooth Is a mil lionaire has boon Rained because of the grant commercial enterprise which ho oausad to grow from almost noth ing and buoauvo of tho law -mitri- butlims ha lias glren to ': onal awl other Iwtttrineot work.- Kootli MUfeaww Ibat be never was a mil lioiialr ftM-tt (bat bin holdings In the buslDM be Managed was vury small i ia fui-t, It is about S wr Mtt, or s,e.o lHKlten)l. omt of iln lUpubliMU Mi-ii d.xiKu ii. mi ii 1 1. iin IsniMirual in juiiKiiif, ' Mi"" wan lor ifi-. 1.4 t '. i ' ' iMwda ki mtwt mm tt u mpfim at. gaio M 'I hi) jj'ilM lc Ibr ! l .. I ijk; RM"t' t'J I'lK Hi l 44V4 41 I II I I.. I. If 4.aill4X I lr I I I I I I.' f ' I 4 I ' I ' (tut 4.1 . i. 1 inui i in, vti.'M 4t4 toy ,vd Ut THE . PILE THE BANK '.;H'-X,j44.j....... t a3.. ts? lfW Split wood Block wood worn'- ,K, u n- arw Fire place wood $1.15 pettier F. L Christie? Phone 5B2 10. STI0INO TiriO 1TARN10SS M AN ompleie stock of har ness, shopping bags, trunks, suitcases, valises and traveling Y The new soil of litis section requir es a COMMERCIAL bEKTILlZER, giving it what nature lucked. You must liaue it for your garden lo get ilte best results. We have a large supply at a very reasonable mice. .entrai Central W-xrehouae Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable : . :- S. ELIA Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms yith Run- nin'g Water. Eight Day Service Between ihc Coquillc River and jr San Francisco. ? FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 ? FREIGHT RATES, $3 ON UP FREIGHT t Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquillc; Perkins', Z t Myrtle Point; E.B. Thrift, Langlois. :: ? J. E. WALSTROM, Agcni, Bandon X 1 1 Hit I m Ii" We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU SPARK OF MONEY DEPOSITED WITH THIS 1)AV SHOWJJIOW IT. POSSESSES Tli , CONFIDENCE OP PEOPLE WI.O SAVE AND ARE THEREFOIV THRIFTY. YOU CAN JOIN Till "I WITH ADVANTAGE. PUT YOt It SAVINGS HERE AND TIIKVI . RE AS SAFE AS A ROCK. SM i L ACCOUNTS WELCOME AS I. ARC ONES. OF BANDON 4sc rrs n : m Iv j $1.75 per tier ; $1.50 per (ier I n bags. r eect uo. Phone 142 TIF n "TT"TniTT"l Tl lin-n-!in n hi Good Garden i GI10CE J- i i S J" Hit, I ih. tii4f luulti MWU4i IMJ llvulU ixref-f4l4. m )