HUtorical Society Oregon Hiswr'W! x City Hall - A A Jf ! A 1. A .K .ti A A if n if A A A if A A?. A. A, A A AAA 1 1 SEMI -WEEKLY J Advertised! f The Recorder corers the X Job Printing! A modern equipped job departmentin connection BANDON RECORD 1 Bnndon field thoroughly X VOLUME XXX BANDON, OREGON, OCTOBER 16, 1914. NUMBER 81- BOY FALLS INTO RIVER floyd hayward has narrow escape from drowning in the coquille river thurs DAY. Tho narrow and dangerous foot bridge between the two docks bad: of the McNair Hardware Company near ly caused the name of Lloyd Hayward, ton of Mr. Hayward, one of the pro prietors of the Bandon Machine Shop, to bo added to the list of .Coquille river drownings, Thursday evening Lloyd, who is lame and relies on his bicycle in moving around town, was riding across the bridge when he lost his-balance and fell into the wa ter 12 feet below, carrying the wheel with him. Although the lad made no outcry, II, K. Flom, who was on the wharf at the time, heard a commotion in the water. From the edge of the wharf Mr. Flom saw the boy strug gling and rushed to the iloating dock below, from which place he threw a rope to Floyd and pulled him ashore. ' I had gone down twice when you threw nie the ropo, but I kept my mouth closed under the water," tho boy told Mr. Flom when be was safe on the dock. Hurried to a warm room in the mn chino shop and thence home, the lit tle fellow Buffered' no after effects from his close call. His bicycle was fished from the river bottom Wed nesday. TUG RETURNS FROM TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO Capt. John Johnson returned Wed nesday morning from San Francisco where ho had been with' tlio Tug Klikyani which was placed on dry dock nnd givon a thorough overhauling. Tho barnacles were taken off and the boat was thoroughly cleaned and re painted, a new wheel was put on and other needed repairs were made. The trip down was made in about 52 hours and the return in 15 hours. Capt. Johnson arrived in port about 7:!1() Wednesday morning and now the tug is again ready for duty nnd as good ns new in every particular. COOS RAY TIMF.S NOW OCCUPIES NEW RUILDING Tho Coos Hay Times has moved in to its new quarters and the paper is now being printed on a new Duplex perfecting press, and tho size of tho paper is seven columns instead of six as formerly. The Times lias been growing in influence ns well as cir culation and Editor Malony is to be congratulated upon his success in tho newspaper business on Coos Hay. Ho has always stood for the welfare of his city and is justly entitled to tho excellent patronage ho has received. PILING IS DRIVEN FOR JOHNSON RUILDING F.rickson and Walker have finished driving tho piles for Captain John son's building on Firot Street nnd tlio Captain in now having tho trenches dug nnd tho piling nut off preparatory to starting count ruction work. The lumber for the form In being hauled iiml the work will be plights! us rap idly n mmIIiIo from thin time on. I ml Kimill tujjiMM0b mi I'ujilUi Ml.ii lllwll Mtrw4 uwl It'll' J(w CrulM JJiw irt .MRS. SLAGLE ENTERTAINS . AT FIVE HUNDRED, Mrs. J. C. Single entertained a num- l or of her lady friends at five hun dred party Tuesday afternoon and those present enjoyed the occsion to the fullest extent. Tho house was beautifully decorated, green and white being the color scheme. Dainty refreshments were served after cards. Mrs. Albert Garfield was tho winner of the first prize. Those invited .were: Mrs. F. L. Grcenough, Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, Mrs. W. S. Wells, Mi-s. Horace Richards, Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mrs. A. S. El liott, Mrs. E. E. Reynolds, Mrs. Har ry Pcarce, Mrs. Harry Walker, Mrs. Arthur Gale, Mrs. Albert Garfield, Airs. L. J. Radley, Airs. F. E. Dyer, Mrs. I). E. Biggs, Airs. Flinn, Airs. J. A. Hyrne, Airs. T. AI Nieison, Airs. T. W. Robison, Airs. C. R. Wnde, Airs. J. II. Johnston, Alrs.s C. E. Kopf, Airs. Geo. Goiscndorfer, Airs. E. B. Kaus rud, Airs. C. Y. Lowe, Airs. John Dickey, Airs. R. A. Felter, Airs. F. J. Feeney, Airs L. P. Sorenson, Airs. S. J. Mann, Mrs. S. C. Endicott, Airs. W. E. Crainc, Airs. W. E. Rest, Airs. C. McC. Johnson, Airs. T. II, Alehl, Aliss Kate Rosa, Aliss Nora Solve, Aliss Alaudc Lowe, and Airs. L. A. Liljc qvist and Aliss Sherwood of Coquille. MARSIIFIELD NEWS From the Coos Ray News: Humbolt county, Cal., horsemen, who attended the Coos nnd Curry county fair at Alirtlc Point last month spoke very highly on their return home over their treatment and the results of their visit. Tlio Fortune Advnnco says : "Tho- - Humboldt horsemen urged the Oregon horsemen to come to Humboldt county fair next year and in all probability a number of the fast hai'ness horses and runners will be brought down. The Humboldt horsemen were so well pleased with their reception that they plnn to make the trip to Oregon again next year." On account of the low price offered by the cannery for silvcrsides-15 cents cach-but few boats are fishing in t lie lower bay, where long nets are needed Tho cannery has been getting be tween 1200 and 2000 salmon per day most of which are caught by local (fishermen on Coos river. Tho Tul lant cannery at Alarshficld has packed about 11,000 cases up to date this season. Sixty years ago last Thursday, the old pioneer A. G. Aiken, then a youth of IS, arrived at Coos bay. Tlio only ones now living who wero on tho bay when he came are L. Al. Noble and Mrs. Lockbart. There was quite a number of settlers at Empire then, but there wero only two cabins on the present townsitc of Alarshfield. Tho Southern Pacific asecd tho board of equalization last week to re duce taxes on their motor line be tween Alarshfield and North Rend, but the request was refused. Tho Coos Ray Tax Association and tho Weyerhauscr company asked for a 25 ,per cent reduction on timber lands, but this wan also refused. Crushes Hand. Al. Hruor had his hand badly crush ed Tuoeday between n largo cement block ami the truck upon which he was loading the block. Air, Rreuer hud several pieces of concrete, taken from the old cross walk on Firt .Street and Cleveland Avenue, dumped III front of bin itore so that he might UM! them III building 11 bulkhead buck of tlio bultdlHg mid ft wan while inov lug tbee Ijiut the aiwiilent odt'tirrnl. , Tia ISI)w1u!Ii lul ten I'mhiiIh'i for iit nd mi hut hIh11 mm! wtil unite iMMMtvw mm. Mlie wiU uU ujfulN Mmy JHwrulHtf. VOTERS LEW 17 TAX. Financial conditions over the coun ry at large, and especially the state of affairs which confronts tho local money market, are to be blamed for tho defeat of the gymnasium propo sition at the school election, Tuesday evening. Even the proposal to levy a 17 mill tax, for the running expenses of the school caused much discussion and was only passed after the school board' made it clear that it would be impossible to get along witli less. That the voters did not think it ex pedient to take any steps which would necessitate uny unnecessary expense at the present time is shown by tho 1787 to '15 vote against building a physical and manual training build ing. Among those who spoke against this proposition were some who were the strongest supporters of the gym nasium movement two years ago and these men justified tneir stand on the grounds that the money market was in bad shape. This year brought for ward only one speaker who advocated the "wash tub" and tlio "wood pile" as a means of exercise for c chil dren, tho desirability of a gymnas ium being questioned by only a fow. In opening tlio meeting Clerk J. W. Alast pointed out that, while a 20 mill tax levy would he desirable for the conduct of the schools during the coming year, it would bo possible to conduct the business of tho District on a 17 mill levy plus $15,000 from the Stnto and County Apportionment, uncollected taxes and cash on hand.A 17 mill tax on the assessed valuation of the poperty in the District nets about $17,500, which brings tho assets up to about $32,500, which will hard ly cover the estimated outlay for the coming year. The Clerk, however, thought that this money would be sufficient, because tho District would not bo pressed to redeem some of the outstanding warrants which arc now due, or will fall duo this year. Tlio 17 mill levy was passed by a vote of 101 for and 48 against, a few writing in 15 and 1G mills on the ballot. In a speech supporting the gym nasium proposition ns having a good moral influence on the children,' Prof. Irvine urged the voters to take ad Industrial News of Oregon W. E. Huston is manager of the now meat packing plant at Burns. It is estimated that work provided for in Rivers nnd Hnrbors bill will employ 5,000 men in Oregon. Work lias begun on a $3000 school house at Heaver Hill, Coos county. The Tallant cannery at Alarshfield has resumed with a large force. R. L. Aluclcay will erect n cheeso factory at Gold Reach. Port Orford cedar is selling for $95 per thousand. Scio is to have a now printing plant a new hotel am perhaps another drug store.' Tlio U. S. Engineers have called for 200 laborers on Coss Ray Jetty and Celilo canal. Tvvoiity-two block uro being offered for trvo fuctory sites at Fluvel, the tui initial of tho Hill nyiitein of mil lomU, Albany Ik trying l iiiIiui u $7,600 bonne lo umip Hid rmimim t Wtiiti Id Die UiJdjj lirItur flonj. IWIIf' JlllllIlL JVMiion Iihw )mn j')ueuJ on flic MILL SCHOOL 1 DOWN vantage of the County Uniform Tax law on the grounds that it would bring in more money on n smaller levy, distribute the burden of taxa tion more equally nnd force owners of largo tracts of timber to contri bute to the support of the schools. The legality of the election was threatened at one point, when, through eagerness on the part af tho oppos ition to defeat the physical training proposition, they voted not to allow the proposition to come to a ballot. Three ayo and no counts were taken before tho tangle was straightened out Alayor Topping explaining that as the election was called to consider this question, that to fail to consider it would lay an open way for an in junction against the proceedings of the meeting. Several complaints wero registered witli the School Hoard about the plan of half-day school for some of tho pu pils in the primary grades. Chair man Thrift explained that this action Iwas necessary on account of the crowded condition of the sciiool house and the fact that the only va cant room available is entirely unsuit ed for tho purpose. Air. Mast's annual report was ns follows: Budget School Dist. No. 51. Outstanding common warrants.... ' . .' ." ... ft $094X20 Salaries current year 10030.00 Sundries and fuel 1200.00 Interest on time war. 1102.50 Interest on bonds 002.50 Common wnrrants (estimate 500.00 Redemption time warrants, ser ies No.. 4 1250.00 Total $28077.70 Estimated Resources County apportionment ....$ 05-18.00 State apportionment 1827.00 Cash and uncollected taxes 4057.00 Total .'. $15807.00 Propery valuation $987,011.00 tnx cd at 10 mills (plus above total) is equal to $28239.05 Time warrants past due and due in 1915 $0300.00 to create tho new county of Siuslaw from pnrt of Lane. North Bend has n monthly payroll of $50,000. During the first month of operation the Panama Canal produced $91,001. A poultry show will bo held in Al bany on Janury 7 to 10. 350 men are working steadily on the big Hill terminals at Flavel. Alesrs. Clcnimcns and Bishop of Alontesno, Wash., aro looking over timber holdings cast of Sutherlin for the purpose of perfecting plans for logging railroads in the timber and for building two large sawmills, the first of which will bo about two miles east of town. It Is reported that a new choose factory will be blurted a't Weddorburn next spring. Uinutilln county U to have u now and Important Industry. It will b" ii bianch of tlio Nat urn Cleaning Product Company of Hliiiliuri, Jib. fl&) bo JowiixJ ni Yt'HliuiH imr Vsallm Tim ot)ml of ti Mv try Jj v Jil tlvjwitia of turili tntn certain localities known to contain so loca, peroxide, aluminum nnd other minerals. It has been discovered by 'hemicnl analysis that the soil nt one wrt of the Yoakum section contains these properties. A project is being engineered by Devcreaux & Tripp of Eugene involv ing the construction of a logging rail road up Lost Creek from tho Natron extension through Dexter into a body of timber, comprising approximately a third of four townships, is under way, with the survey for the road nearly completed. Alichigan and Wis consin timber owners who recently purchased tracts of timber in this vi cinity, nrc-Said to be behind the move and a sale of a largo pool of timber is contemplated. The promoters state ihat the road will bo constructed im mediately. SAYS GERMANS ARE ALL WITH GOVERNMENT Dr. AI; G. Pohl received a number of postal cards Saturday from his friends in Germany and he states that In that country the people are Ger mnns first, last and all the time, and that they are with the government to a man in the present war. Air. Poll! says there' were good crops in Ger many this year and they had a fine time for harvest and that Germany would have plenty of supplies to carry on tho war. Air. Pohl's brother-in-law has a largo paper mill in Ger many, employing about 300 men, but on account of the war it has closed down as the men have all enlisted. Wet and Dry Territory. In view of tho wot and diy votes to ha held in November, tho following facts will bo of interest : Nine states which before January 1, 1915, enacted prohibition laws were : Kansas, iMainc, Alissisnippi, North Carolina iNorth Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee West Virginia nnd Georgia. Tlmj have a population of nearly 15,000,000 Virginia, with a population of over 2,000,000, went dry in September. The law will gi into effect November 1, 1910. ThcrcWc seventeen states in which fifty porccne of. the- popula tion livo in so-called no-license ter ritory. These nro Alabama, Arkan sas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indi ana, Iowa, South Carolina, South Da kota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Ken tucky, Louisiana, Minnesota , Ne braska and New Hampshire, which have a population of 5,000,000. There arc thirteen states in which twenty five per cent of the population live in no-license territory, namely: Cali fornia, Deleware, Illinois, Alaryland, Alasnachusetts, Alichigan, Aiissouri, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. At differ ent limes twenty-four sialos have ad opted the policy of prohibition. All but ten for one reason or nnothor, have abandoned it for local option or control by license. Of tho ten dry stales the majority have been dry but iUfcw years, and one, West Vir ginia went dry on July 1st. State wide prohibition enmpaigns aro on this fall in Ohio, California, Washing ton nnd Oregon. E. II. Alende, formerly with the Alargarot lies company and who has been laid up for some time as n re sult of ii stroke of paralysli, came over from Coquillo yoitorday. Ho has arranged to lonao n room for a confectionary and soda fountain In tho mm' Noble tliuwto. llo Is mueli linprovul and will mora hero from Ida rmiilu 0oo Hjr 'Hum. - tiM- mmm4? 4hmm In Dim s4i by lllfttw Ii Kritumnr. Al Uw OhiwI L HOUSE TOR CITY HALL SUGGESTED THAT CITY RUY OLD SCHOOL RUILDING AND REMODEL IT FOR CITY PUR POSES. Since tlio school meeting Tuesday night the proposition of selling the aid school house to tho city, and re modeling it for a city hall, bus again loen udvocatod by s number of cit zens. This proposition has been calked of before and there have been some who have supported it and others ,vho have opposed it. There are nr ;uments on both sides. It is gencr illy understood thnt tho present city lull is not adequate for the business, tud it is pointed out that to build a low one would cost more than would c justifiable at present, and that the school building could bo made avull dilo much cheaper and be an excell ;nt and adequate city hall for many ears to come. Then on the other ,innd it is stated that the location is lot desirable for a city hall as it is oo hard to get to it at present, there cing no streets graded to it, and when chey aro gruded it is stated that the jroporty will be too much up in the dr, as the streets will necessarily lave to bo cut down. 3CTOHER 20TH WILL BE. APPLE DAY IN OREGON Next Thursday, October 20th, is National Apple Day, and everybody s expected to eat apples oh that day. The Portland Chamber of Commerce las started a "buy-u-box-of-applcs" liovcmcnt which they nre trying to jxtend throughout tho state of Ore gon. Tho idea is thnt ovory family diould not only cat apples, but should iuy a box of apples on that day so is to stimulate the applo market. Hotels and restaurants bavo been iskcd to feature apples on their .allies on Unit day. SHOULD VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAXES NOW. "County Commissioner Armstrong Informs The Recorder that uny road district desiring to vote special road taxes should do so before election. He stated that County Attorney Lil jeqvist gavo it as his opinion hat the present road law was all right and a tax voted now would hold good, but that if the proposed new law was car ried at tho geneal election, it would be necessary to try it out before any thing definite could be accomplished. No Patent on This An Iowa farmer has devised a rat trap upon which he claims no patent but which uny one troubled with rats can use. He purchased a big gal vanized iron bucket-or garbage pall and placed it in tho barn. Ho filled it two-thirds full of water nnd on top of the water a layer of chuffy oats an inch deep. Tho next morning he emptied out mixture of water, oats and drowned ruts. He ncbulted his trap nnd tho next morning ho figured romilU and found that ho aimlessly but with inn II co ufrouthought, gotten rid of ulglitynlnu ruts. He declares It will rid a burn In u ttlioit time, Tim ram tor lovothu curd f or te UiP I!r4 liiU!lnHjii! of 0t ti. OrmiJ 1'lmUi- SCHOO