PAGE SIX beMI-WeeklV flAittouN ftEcoa fcfeh, tuesdAV, 6ei 13th, isii " " --- HTf" RAIN COATS J Kenyon's rubberized single and double J i : texture cloth Styles Raglan and Balmacaan j 1 J-i"M"frM" Prices $5.00$9.00$12.00 each jj CHILDREN'S RAINY DAY COATS . - Black Oil Coat, Price - H5 ;: Rubber Coat, Price Oiled Hata Children, Price, - 25 n;ior1 Hnf Misses. Price J Womens Poplin, Price - 50 AVI Haberly Discusses Measures (Continuation of the discussion of constitutional amendments and mea sures, by A. Haberly.) Ta Abolish State Senate Answer -To. ' Tho :. double chamber system of loggia -Ion is an integral purt of representative government. To abolish the senate would destroy this principle, and remove a check or balance against ill-considered or vic ious legislation by the lower house of our legislature. Hotter give tho gov ernor the power to veto single items or purts of bills passed, but keep the senate the safety valve of our leg islature. To Create a Department of Industry and Public Works Answer No. - This bill nicknamed the "hobo bill" apparently has some merit in that it would provide work for any unem ployed at ?3.00 per day, but it ii. too radical and umeasonattio in its pro visions, and if enacted would draw tramps from everywliere to Oregon. Then too, it would be an injustice to one class of- estates. A la wsbould bo fair, and the burden of tuxrtion should bo fairly and equaly distri buted, with the distinct principle that thg honest industrious poor should always have first consideration. This bill puts a premium on loafing. Primary Delegate Election Hill. Answer No. This is our old corrupt party boss convention or assembly coming back with a now name. This bill would de stroy our primary system and cost tho tax payers thousands of dollars to help the bosses get back into pow er. In conclusion I wish 'to thank tho editor of the Bandon Recorder for JO JpL If your clothes don't fit you, they're not good clothes. A perfect fit is the first essential. Then, comes stirring style. Adler's Collegian Clothes arc built under a carefully prepared set of specifica tions. They fit at the neck, shoulders, waist and at every crucial point. Won derfully ualislying. J. IRA SIDWELL HINDON, OREGON the privilege granted mo in discuss ing these bills and measures through your paper. It was not so much my purpose to advocate the adoption of. some nnd the defeat of other meas ures as to get the voters especially that large class, the ladies who vote for tho first time on state issues this year, to read up and thin kover these bills and measures. This itself will be of immense educational value and will enable them to exercise tho fran chise with intelligence and judgement If I have in even a small way contri buted to this end, I shall feel amply rewarded for my effort. A. HABERLY TIMBER VALUATION CUT OVER HALF A MILLION The Board of Equalization, consist ing of the county assessor, county judge and county clerk, met Wednes day to take action in regard to the pe titions to have the valuation of the standing timcbr of the county reduced What tho lumber companies request ed was a reduction of 25 per cent in tho assessment of all standing tim ber of tho county. This was not grant ed, but the board by a vote o ftwo to one did cut the valuation in the first four ranges that is for all tho lands lying cast of this city. In Range 9 a cut of 10 per cent was made; in Range 10 tho cut was only 5 per cent. Again in Range 11 there was a reduction of 10 per cent a dnin Hango 12 of 5 per cent. These reductions bring tho fig ures bnck exactly where they stood last year, after the equalization had been made. The aggregate reduction these cuts mako from the total valuation as re turned by the assessor is just about $575,000. A few other changes in' valuation of other real estate were mado, the principal one being a cut of 20 per cent in the figures of the business property on Front Street, Marshficld, from Central Avenue north. This lakes $55,700 off the tax rolls. Some lots in Hay City were also reduced. Paul Dimmick, of North Rend, had been called as a witness to tho pres ent value of lumber nnd testified to having mado a largo purehaso at about $2 per thousand. Among the representatives of the lumber companies who nppcared be fore tho board were George W. Mar shall for tho WVyerhnuKer taml Com pany, (Jus Ailelsporger for tho Smith Powers Interests, nnd C. II. Lint of Portland, for the Oivgon-Ctilifiirnlii nillroml. Coqullle Sentinel. Passed by the National Board of Good Dressers Styles for all ages, all tastes all shapes and every one bearing the O. K. of approved fashion. .;.- ..-2. J. O Endorsed by .good dressers everywhere. Made for the (53 out of every 100 men who want to dress well at a medium price. B S3 VI jpilJS 17 St C9ofh& m m TRADE MARK REGISTERED Mil II IHI'I'Mllli'l Mlllll HI' Ml I 1W"II11 " The same price the world over." When the great American public from Maine to California puts its stamp of approval on one suit of clothes it ought to be worthy of your consideration too. STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17 have earned this honor. Unless you intend to pay more than $25 for your suit or overcoat you can't afford to pass by this opportunity. The least you can do is to look. Scientific manufacturing in a big plant on the one quality policy is the reason why STYLEPLUS looks better and is better than the price. Suits and overcoats both guaranteed. Every style, every size. Specials for young mrn. Hub Clo. & Shoe Co. Bandon ' Marshfield Myrtle Point MONEY TALKS CASH ONLY LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Ml.TIIODIHT CIIMICJI Humluy Kvhool, 10(00 u, in, Piihllu Hi-rvlcn, JliOO a, in, ISvi'iilDK Borvlru, 7(K0 ji, in, AJJiLWunk Hiin1c, Tliumluy, Trfjij. AU Hi'" who do iiut wfliJjjii tJstfe Mrs. .1. C. Slavic is entertaining a number of her lady friends nt a card party this afternoon. Tor Sale Laying liens and P. H. anil B. L. roosters. East 10th Street 778 or Hox G02, Bandon. 7912. Dr. II. M. Shaw, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, of Marslifield, will e at Hotel Gallier Thursday, Oct. 15. Glasses fitted. 78tl Little Archie Allen, son of Mr. nd Mrs. Wm. Allen, has been quite ick the past week, but is reported letter at this time. For Sale Pure blooded registered American Fox Hound puppies. $15.00 each, male or female. Address W. S. Snyder, Bandon, Oregon. 78t8x With new shipments of shoes and gent's furnishings continuously ar riving, I am now quite endy to please every man, woman and child, if fine styles, best qualities and low prices will do it. Shoo repairing in connec ton. At O'Con's, opposite Grand Theatre. Brown & Gibson The heading Conlraclors f and Builders We furnish plans and speci fications and il you arc go ng to build anything, no matter how large or how small, we can save yon money. Let us figure on f your building Notice to the Public. The undersigned linvo taken over the Hotel Bandon, formerly operated by E. G. Cassidy, and all bills out standing against tliffl hotel must bo presented nt tho Bank of Bandon, within fivo dnyji from the publica tion of this notirn. L. C. EATON. RAY UKASE. Put oil at Bandon, Oro Odtobor 11). Mhriiry NoU', After Hi" flfli'vnlh of thU iwinlli I Jin l.lliwry will l ojmiii from tf i l) it. in. I l Im tivuiiliiu bum, 1 U V, u UiUHl. Thf JiiWfllfilf JIuhiii Mill I"' aim towluy Hi Urn mm lmn u- Q USE YOUR EYE, BUT DO NOT ABUSE IT M. G. POIIL, Optcmetcrist. Test freo of charge at Sabro's WORK FOR YOURSELF be baving a savings account. Save wbat you can bave an ob ject in view. Some day yon will want to go into business for YOU your savings will not only supply tbe needed money but will also be a firm basis for credit and credit to tbe business man is of more im portance tban ready money. FIRST NAT'L BANK Open during the noon hour and Saturday evenings. SKIN INSURANCE We are now offering a Skin Hisurance Policy (hat really protects. It mini's neatly dune up in .'I nz, hollies and we call II Unit "IDEAL" FACE CREAM II is iri'i;ircil by .Mr. AlrCrnry and wt can Hindi fur its cxt'ellriiir. Malti'H mid kri'px Hie fine mid IiuiuIh mifl mid niiiooIIi, I.iiiIIch should line liifuri' cuIiij: out In I lit mIiuI or iiflir luivlng IiiiikIk In wimh 'vuilrr. (li-iilJnnt'ii ulioulil u II nfli r hluivlnn. i ' Bandon Drug Co. ,fribro IliiililuiK 1 a. wkui tut lurtUal la mm vAlh m, 18 May 14 ui nam ymr mm um