Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, October 13, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Bandon Recorder
Published every Tuesday and Friday
by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc.
'Entered at the .Post Office at Ban
don, Oregon, as mail mutter of the
second class.
Editors and Managers.
Make all checks payable and address
all communications to the company.
Subscription price, ?1.50 per year, in
Makeup Man in Had Mixup.
In handling the slugs which make
up tho lines in a newspaper, nnd in
seperating the various items, tho
makeup man sometimes gets the
lines mixed up and they naturally
read ruthor micor. As an illustration
of what can happen, we cite the mix
up of the Bangor (Pa.) News a few
days ago when the printer got a
wedding and an auction sale mixed up
with the following result:
"William Smith, the only son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Smith, and Miss
Lucy Anderson were disposed of nt
public auction at my farm one mile
east, in the presence of 70 guests, in
cluding two mules and 12 head of cat
tle. Rev. Jackson tied the nuptial
knot for the parties, averaging 1,250
pounds on hoof. Tho beautiful home
of tho brido was decorated with one
sulky rake, one feed grinder and two
sets of work harness, nearly new,
and just before tho ceremony was pro
nounced the Mendel and Sons wedding
march was rendered by one milch
cow, five years old, one Jeresy cow,
and one sheep, who carrying a bunch
of bride's roses in her hand was very
beautiful. Sho wore ono light spring
wagon, two crates of apples, three
racks of hay, .one grind stone of
mousseline do soic nnd trimmings
with nbout ono hundred bushels of
spuds. Tho bridal couple left yester
day on an extended trip. Terms spot
cash. Ex.
dinary washtub is then filled with hot
water and soap suds, into which
various articles of lincrr are thrown,
After they are thoroughly saturated
the patient takes them up ono at
time and rubs them briskly up and
down on a washboard placed in the
tub. This is kept up until the hands,
arms and fuco are glowing pink. The
patient then goes into the open air
and hangs all the linen articles on a
line stretched for that purpose. The
one completing the task first announ
ccs the time to the oihers over tho
telephone, and is entitled to a prize
It is exciting sport and also invigora
ting exercise.
Latest Society Fnd.
Tho latest fad in society is tho tub
cure. In this the patient arises just
ns tho crisp air of tho moYning is mel
lowed by the first sunbeam. An or-
Six thousand bushels of lodgepolc
pino seed are being collected th!s
fall on tho Arapaho national forest
Colorado, for use in reforsUition work
next spring.
Tho Philippine bureau of forcstrj
has recently invited bids for the cut
ting of nearly 300,000 acres of choict
timbcrlund on tho public forests oi.
tho island of Lucon.
Officers of the Okanogan national
forest in the state of Washington are
installing powerful signal lanterns foi
night use in reporting forest fire;
from lookout peaks.
It is said that the first sawmill ii
the United States was at Jamestown
from which sawed boards were ex
ported in June, 1(07. A water powei
sawmill was in use in 1G25 near the
present site of Richmond.
California yew which grows on the
national forests of that state is fin
ding some use in present-day archorj
practice. Its qualities closely re
semble those of tho old world yew
which made the English long-yew
famous in mediaeval times.
Tiio Siiprcmq Court of Pennsyl
vania has decided that the amount oi
damage collectible on growing timbci
set on fire through negligence is nol
only the value of tho wood destroyed
but also the injury to the property a:
a whole through the destruction of tin
young growth.
Tin's is not tho first time that Geo
rge Cummins who was in jail here ha?
been account of passing forged pupen
The man who passed several chocks
We have just received a
large shipment of
Hay and
Fine Quality
Prices are Reasonable
Grain j
I Bandon Warehouse
To the people of
Bandon and
H. Maskey, the tailor, Second St.
Thrift Bldg. represents from now
on the famous Monarch Tailors
from San Francisco.
in North Bend and Marshfield and
who was bound over to await the
action-of tho grand jury, was taken
by Officer Emery to Coquillc where
ho will stay in tho county jail until
the December term of court, Cum
mins admitted to the officer that he
was up once before for forgery at
Los Angeles and that he served a
term of two years.
Cummins does not appear to be cn
iireiy responsible mentally or at least
,s not u very evenly balanced in
dividual, lie admitted that tlio for
ced cliecKs he passed were of his own
niukiiig. He says he cannot remember
nytning about writing tnem but tnat
,.e must nave munutuclured tmini
.unifaeif us tne hanuwritnig is luo
wn. ne uuuiiueu mui no vas ,lo
unaiuie lor tie misery m iianuou.
.ic uueu nut. tuiu in a very co.iiiucicu
,,. ;.iri gives uio linpessioii oi nouii,
jno who is inferior mentally-Coos Bay
I'Yom the Globe:
Morton Miller was an over Sunday
visitor in town. Mr. Miller, with his
rather, J. C. Miller, and brother, Amos
Miller, aro now preparing for extvti-,-iive
mining operations on the bcaih
Ma winter. They are preparing to
mine for platinum of which their
oeaoh is known to be rich. In early
.laya this beach and the bluff adjoin
.ng was extensively worked for gold
jy Chinamen who never attempted to
tavo any of the platinum. In fact
t is only of recent years that it has
joen of any value. The Millers are
ill experienced miners nnd doubtless
will take out lots of money this win
ter. Mr. Albert J. Berg of Brookings
md Miss Laura Furguson of Del
Norte county, California, were mar
ried in Gold Beach, Wednesday, Sept.
JO, Rev. John W. Hoyt performing
Jic ceremony.
Last Friday night, Oct. 2nd, fire
.onsumedtho residence of Rev. John
VV. Hoyt. The fire started in the wood
died which stood almost at the rear
of the house. Tho fire had gained
itrong hold upon the building before
.t was discovered and the alarm given
Meagre reports of two weddings in
Del Norte county, Calif., reached here
recently, in which two Curry county
irls were the brides. The contract
ing parties were Miss Edna Price and
Ilary Plaisted of Smith river,, nnd
Miss Dorothy Bales and Chas. Ulricl
ilso of Smith River.
Notice of Administration.
Notice is hereby given that by or-
.ier of the Honorable County Court of
the State of Oregon, in and for tho
bounty of Coos, Amelia Leo was duly
ippointed administratrix of tho cs
tatc of Emil Lee, deceased, and that
letters havo been duly issued to her
and that she is now qualified and act
ing; therefore all persons having
claims against tho said estate are
hereby notified to present the same
with proper vouchers at the office of
Goo. P. Topping, at Bandon, Oregon,
within six (C) months from the final
publication of this notice which final
publication will bo October 20th, 191-1
Administratrix of the estate of
Emil Lee, Deceased.
Geo. P. Topping, Attorney for Estate
Sept. 21-Oct. 20F
Ladies Suit to order
Mens Suits to order
The goods nre
elusive patterns.
$20 and up
$20 nnd up
the finest nnd beat woolens ex
Style nnd Fit nre up tho dnte.
Ladies Attention!
If your clothes don't fit, ns mi experienced Ullor
miuI fitter I will ive you Satisfaction.
Alteration, Clcunlnir hiiiI IVjmIb, Ffrl uhits worU,
Notice of Administration.
Notice is hereby given that by or
der of tho Honorable County Court
of the Stato of Oregon, in nnd for tho
County of Coos, Frances Quillinn Car
dinal was duly appointed ndministra
trix of the estate of Exibile L. Cardi
nal, deceased, nnd that letters have
been duly issued to her and that she
is now qualified nnd acting; therefore
all persons having claims against
tho said estntu aro hereby notified to
present the same with proper vouch
ors nt tho ollico of Thomas F, llitg
gurty, nt Bandon, Oregon, within six
ninnUm from tho final publication of
this notlnt wliloli final publication will
be Oetobor 20th, 101 1
1'ninron Qulllliui (iirdlnul,
Ailniliilitnilrlx of (lie Ifelulu of lt
IWIu ! Cardinal, )muMl,
Thhm P. Jlfljowjy, Altujw for
Uiu 111 ulu,
School Books
School Supplies
We carry a full line of both
as we have always done.
Bandon D
anaon urug
Same building with Sabro Bros, jewelry store.
Election 1011.
For U. S. Senator
R. A. Booth
For Congress
W. C. Hawley
For Governor
James Withycombe
For Justice of the Supreme Court
Henry J. Bean, LawrcnceT.
Hrrris, Thomas McBride
Henry L. Benson, Charles
L. McNary
For Supt of Public Instruction
J. A. Churchill
For Attorney General
George M. Brown
For State Engineer
John M. Lewis
For Commissioner of Labor
O. P. Hon?
For Railroad Commissioner
Frank J. Miller
For Supt. Water Div. No. 1
James T. Chinnock
For Representative 5th Dist.
Charles R. Barrow
For Representative 0th Dist.
S." P. Pierce
For County Judge
James Watson
For SherifT
Alfred Johnson, Jr.
For County Clerk
Robt. R. Watson
For County Treasurer
T. M. Dimmick
For County Surveyor
C. S. McCulloch
For County Coroner
F. E. Wilson
For County Commissioner
Geo. J. Armstrong
For Commissioners Port of Handon
A. McNair and C. R. Moore
Publisehcd under tho authority and
by tho order of the Coos County He-
publlcan Central Committee, (adv.)
llokohurg, Oakland ami Glondalo In
Douglas county, will hold local op-
tlmi I'lm'llons on Nnviiinlmr aid. Ilotli
Olouilitlu and Oalihind iir "wut" now
while Itimulwrg U "ilry". in uddi-
tlun la tliiwi) loaul Htflil '"I the II-
ijuur quiUun u IhikI I Im'Imk
umdg by u "dry mh Pmrry IN
dry Miimi'liwJii Ih foitlmn Urwn.
W. C. Hawley
Republican Direct Primary No
minee for Re-election to Congress
The people of Oregon sent Representative
Hawley to Congress because he was clean and
especially equipped to serve his native State.
He has made good, securing more than $3,000,
000 of federal funds for improving waterways etc. in
First District.
He was the first to oppose "Secret" reports on
homesteads and mineral claims and is working for
revision of public land laws and the elimination of
every acre of agricultural land from the reserves for
homes of prospective settlers.
A vote for Representative Hawley is one for a
Faithful, Honest, Able and Successful Public Servant.
(Please read his record and platform in voters'
Republican Congressional Committee,
W. J. Culver, Chairman. ajv.)
City Meat Market
Phone 193
Geo. Erdman, Proprietor
Gntcboll UrothorH, Props,
t All lilndu of heavy imd light tlmylng, Phono onlcrn i
X given prompt Hlluntlon, Hnrn vornw PJrxl & JCII f
Hon, rlHli Properly Taluplionu oil,