Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, September 29, 1914, Image 1

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    i &
Historical SocUt
City Hu
Advertisers! J
i Job Printing
I The Recorder covers" the
I Bandon field thorlUj?;hly I
A modern equipped job t
department in connection J
Tug Klihyam De
livers Material
for Bridge
Tlu tug Klihynm wcit lown to
the Choton rtvr Sumlny with the
hcow load of m.nerial for Mo Bandon
Ooimlrurtioi) Company, w'h ch will bo
uwt on tin; Chcleo bridge. The tug
returned tills morning rtttt It is re
ported tlmt thuy knitted i i the hay
just oir the inoutlt of tho river ull
right. Tho tup, Inwove.!-, could not
get Into the rivur nntl Clm i. Ashton's
river tug, Sttir, wmit ulon f uml will
tow the hcow inht tho rivt r.
The hcow carriftl 100 lanels (f
cement and 113,000 feet of lumlior, be
sides u lot of Rtcel to I.; (i Bed In tho
britlgn. The bridgo will 1 j 500 foot
long And will have Uucft spans. It
will fcu a comhlnation of concrete,
Hteol and w'd, and wllltln a vory
Huualuntinl structure. W. II. Webb
of this city, manager of tie Bandon
CoiiHtrucljon Company hf charge of
thu wo.'k, and from thin ti no on will
work ubnut 30 men. Up lo now the
work hits proceeded rather slowly he
cause oc tho luck of malarial, hut
with (hit; scow lnd am) more thnt
wtll bo on hand soon, thi'ro will ho
llnrity of material to fo r ght ahead
From the Sentinel:
County Assessor Thrift has had
8,000 cards printed to lit u- d in mak
ne; a card Index of the owners
of Coos county. In hit oIVko men fre
quently como in and unW fibout the iih--viiinient
of their hinds, vv-io have no
inscription of them mid cm- I lull with
in fti',, rows of 'tipple Iwc the town
ship, jcction or rinifco In vhieh they
are locateil. Hut with th s card In
dex It will take hut moment to eo
where any one' ptopoiy is locateil
and llnd its tiHsefuttl valuation.
On Wednesday the Hit t step to
ward kidnapping a Cons minty girl
mid carrying her off to Csl forufa was
fikeii when Ceo. II. 1'n it p, of A lit -iuila
in that statit, ecui til a mar
t npi license at the corjity clerk's of
fi.o Ik'ic. authorizing binno wed Miss
V tiVtd dure Coo "f iUrshllelil, ti
mci ,if Judge John H. Coke.
V in expected that ibo 'ravel beds
will he dry enough hy the end of the
week for work to IhhjIu n tho con
cicle fouiidalluuH of Hie now post
olllce building.
William Nolan, of Hun 1'togo, arriv
ed on the Speedwell Wcihosihiy and
is looking for land In tide ectlon that
ran lie liomoKlended.
Wn nrore Utility Informix tlmt thorn
will he a vheiMc factory out In at
Weilderhurn early next spilng. R. ,.
Mncleiiy triedto i nterenl thu people
of this vicinity to the ox tent of co
operating with him In u jIiicko fan
tory last spring hut (ho venture dwl
for the want of Interest. Now Mr.
Mncleay has fully dccldix! (o put In
the plant himself and whenever! he
patrons of the hiiMlneas wmli to take
It over on a cooperative KihIh It wilt
lo their prlveledge to do to. All till
WprlMi of this kind, wledLnr It I hi
co-operative or not will iwrtilnly bo
a boom to this coiiinnnlt' Colli
lioach Globe.
Mrs. 12. J. Schoonover was founu
dead in her hed room this morning
at the liomp of her son Earl Schoon
over near this city. She was partly
dressed and It is thought she must
have dropped dead while preparing
for lied last night, although she wns in
lior usual good health yesterday and
ate hor supper as usual Inst night.
Heart failuro was evidently the cause
of her death.
Esther J. Cunningham was horn in
Ohio, March 0th, 1831, and while yet
ti young girl she moved with hor par
ents to Iowa, where fiho was married
to ArcttlH Schoonover February 7th,
18fi(!. To this union nine children were
bom, six of whom together with the
husband and father have passed away.
The throe children yet living arc Karl
Schoonover of Ilandon, Mrs. Mary
Erwin of Colfax, Iowa, and Mrs.
Olive Swanson of Greenfield, lown.
Mrs. Schoonover was 80 years, (J
monlhu and 22 days old at the time
of her death. The funeral will bo
held tomorrow and interment made
in the Ilundon cemetery.
The bereaved relatives 'will have
the sincere sympathy of a large cir
cle of friends.
Ilemonstrances from seventeoi.
property owners on Oregon Avenue
were filed with the City Recorder on
September 28th, against the proposed
improvement of that street. As to
what eireet this will have relative to
tho improvement of thu street will be
determined at the next regular meet
ing of the city council, which will be
on October 7th.
From tho Enterprise:
Miss Huela Lockwood who has been
in chargo of the hospital at Handnn
for Mime time came Tuesday and will
visit for n time with friends here
bo f ore going to Santa Rosu California
where she will take charge of a hos
pital at that place.
.1. F. Wendllng of tho Estbrook
Company, camo over from Marshfield
last Saturday and spout a number of
days here checking out a shipment of
ten or twelve earn of ties.
J. A. Ward of Marshfield, who has
been appointed by tho Commercial
Clubs of Coos and Curry counties to
gather the exhibit that will represent
these counties at the HUB fair, Ih here
attending tho fair and will arrange
to preserve some of tho articles on
display bore. Mr. Ward finds ovory
one In the county willing lo co-op-enile
with him to make the lOin ex
hibit a hummer. Folks having pro
ducts thnt will make a good showing
should communicate with Mr. Ward
at Marshfield and he will arrange to
como and take charge of same.
A. G. Krirkmin and Harry Walker
, mo today unloading their pile driver
himI will he ready In a day or two to
go hIiwiiI with the driving of piling
for, (ho foundations of the three new
buildings for which they have the
contract. They are the Illggs-Iluck-Inglmffi
building, (he I-alrd-Lowo
building and (he dipt. Johnson build
ing. Mr. Morris Is gnmothlug up the stir
face of the Klmrrurd Iota, which are
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Shurrard
hriI Mr. Mini Mrs, John Dickey, and
wiUpraiwro uml seed ti Inwti, This
will mid grwlly to thy appearance of
tlmt iiwUon of tk) lty.
Nick JnlniMin of Cwpillle wits a
lliindnn vfiltoe ye.tenliiy,
Call For Bids For
Construction of
B-B Building
Uenjamin Ostlind, architect for the
now Higgs-Huckingham building,
which is to be erected on the corner
of First Street and Bandon Avenue,
came over from Marshfield yesterday
with the complete plans of the build
ing and the specifications are now in
tho hands of contractors for figures,,
and bids will be called for on October
The building will be two story con
crete, 73x100, and facing both First
Street and Handou Avenffe. It will
be modern In every particular.
On tho first floor will bo three
store rooms facing First Street and
a newspaper olllce facing Bandon
Avonue. This lnttor will be occu
pied by Tho Handon Recorder. The
second floor plans eall for 20 olllce
rooms, all of which will ho strictly
modern and witli good ght.
During tiio interval between now
and October 15th, when bids arc
called for, the proprietors will go
ahead and have the piling for the
foundation driven, so that work on
thu superstructure can begin without
delay when the contract is let.
This building will be one of the
finest In tho county when completed,
anil ono of which any city might, well
feel proud.
A good musical comedy will be the
attraction at the Grand theatro next
Saturday and Sunday nights. The
show is away above the average that
comes into Coos county. The com
pany closed a four days engagement
nt Marshfield the first of tho week,
and tho Record has the following to
say of their entertainment:
"At the Exposition" which opened
Sunday night at thu Masonic opera
house is good. It is a whole lot bet
ter than anything tlmt has been seen
hero In a long, long time. In farce
comedy Jack Cagwin, is a card. Ho
is entitled to ho on ti big circuit and
does wonderfully well. Juklo Jacobs
in his various impersonations caught
the house and mado many friends. In
"Ghosts" Georgo Slocum and Freddie
Pollock, the lutter of tho I'ollock Op
era Company, made good with tho
audience and got hearty lunula. Dot
Raymond and a bevy of pretty and
Bhapely girls carried their partn ev
enly and gave good accounts of them
selves In dancing and singing. Tho
performances tiro ones thnt can bo
Tho Elizabeth arrived in port Sun
day morning with a largo cargo of
freight and thu following passengers;
E. R. Edge nnd wife, William Olson,
Mrs. I J. DavhUon, I.uclna David-
ron, Mrs. O'Conner, Wulter Kennedy,!
Mrs. McGregor, G. M. Fisher, H. E.
Christenson, W. Huafelt, I. J. Rood-
ey, Mrs, Anna Roonny,
Tho Eliritlieth will sail again at U
o'clock this evening.
Thu Brooklyn in rived In port this
morning uml will loud lumber ut tho
Proipur mill.
Geo. Small Forges
F. L. Christie's
A man signing his name Ceo
Small, passed n bud check nt the
Racket store Inst Friday. Tho check
was drawn on tho Band of Bandon
And the name of F. I.. Christie had
been forged to it by Small.
About n month ago Small went in
to the Racket store and told Mr. Car
penter that ho was going to cut wood
for F. L. Christie and said he wanted
to tuy n pair of socks and thnt he
would pay for them us soon as ho got
his check. Mr. Carpenter let him
huvo tho socks and thought no more
nbout it until last Friday wlien the
ttian enmo into tho store, introduced
himself and told Mr. Carpenter that
he hod come to pay for tho socks,
and wanted omo other articles. Ho
purchased uyiods to, the amount of
$3.GG nnd presented the check of ?19.
05. Mr.v Carpenter gave him 10.00
in cash. The check was not deposit
ed until yesterday and it was then
found to be a crude iorgery.
An attempt is being made to np-
prehend the forger, but as ho hnd
about four days start on the ofllcers
it is doubtful if he will bo caught.
Boy Adjudged Incorrigible.
In the juvenile court here last Sat
urday, a Bandon boy about eleven
years old, named Wesley I'hennegcr,
wns adjudge delinquent, pronounced
incorrigible, and it wns ordered that
ho be committed to the charge of the
Hoys and Girls Aid Society nt Fort
land, and II. W. Dunham was appoint
ed a special probation officer to take
him there. This kid had been known
as a "holy terror" nt home, and his
exploits after being placed in Mr.
Dunham's care would fill several
chapters in a dime novel. Ho first
stole nwny and secreted himself on a
river honf. and got hack to Bandon.
Anjjfilccr who hnd been telephoned to
was awaiting him nt the dock, but
Wesley gave him the slip nnd could
not be found until lie went home nt
bedtime. When ho was brought back
Judge Hall said ho didn't like to put
a hoy of that age in jail, but he didn't
know as Dunham could do any bet
ter than lock him in tho padded cell
at tho court house. Dunham thought
ho could manage htm, though, but
got n blow that almost knocked him
cudwlso after putting shackles on the
boy's feet. Ho appears to have been
tamed, though, as on Wednesday ev
ening wo saw hhn coasting down tho
incline of tho Spurgoou street bridge
on u bicycle. A boy with such over
abounding vitality ns this one, has
tho making of a wonderfully efficient
man if he can be headed into some
useful chunncl thnt will nlrord a safe
ty valvo for his energies. Cnpt. Dun
ham will start for Portland with him
on tho noxt Broakwater Sunday. Co
miillo Sentinol.
Transcripts ttnd records of tho ile
creo of tho municipal Judge will bo
filed with tho Circuit Court tomor
row in the appeal of thu Coiicli-IIor-run
case, for giving liquor to minors.
Thu rusu will probably como up at
thin term of court.
Tho final installingnt of the "Lu
cille Love" sorics. In this last and
most tremenduous of the "Lucille
Love" pictures Hugo Louhcquc falls
intot he trap which heretofore ho had
used to defeat those opposed to him.
Plan as a mnn will, unfnrscen coincf
deuces m isc which confound rea
son nnd place tho work of a life time
at naught. It happened thus with
Louheque. When Lucille learned that
Loubeque was to moot Lieutenant
Hndley at his (Louheque's) home, she
nt once hastened to the rendezvous
herself. As she was tho first to ar
rive, she took n look through the
house of so many terrors. When she
beheld a picture of Loubeque on tho
wall, tho though of all his crimes and
the hitter hatred of her father over
whelmed hor, nnd she raicsd her re
volver and filed into tho ftice of the
picture. Even before the echo of the
report died away an mimaing thing
'happened. She saw tho floor of a
bedroom slowly sink out of sight. Hud
she not known what hnd already trans
pired in that house, she would have
been confounded. She removed tho
picturof rom tho wall and behind it
found a switch board. It was from
this hoard that Loubeque controlled
all the traps, staircases and sliding
ways nnd floors of the house. Forth
with she tested every switch. Ono
caused a staircase to disappear, an
other cnused a desk to sink into tho
floor. No sooner than she had master
ed the system of switches than Lieu
tenant lladley arrived. In an instant
she laid her plan of action. She in
formed Hndley that Loubeque was not
there, butt hat ho would leave on tho
Golden Gate Limited thnt night. Hnd
ley was sntsfied and left. A few mo
ments later Loubeque arrived to keep
his appointment with lladley. In
stead of lladley he found Lucille. As
Loubeque leaned ngainst the desk
Lucille pressed the proper button nnd
Loubeque fell through the floor with
tho heavy desk on top of him. Lu
cille rushed to tho cellar and remov
ed the documents from his pockets
while ho was in a stunned condition.
An instant lator he recovered and
rnn after tho girl. But ho was too
kite. She ran to the secret tunnel
and just ns Loubeque reached out to
grasp her she slammed the iron gate
in his face. Lucille made hor way
quickly to tho depot and took tho train
for Wnshington. Loubeque arrived
at tho depot a moment after the
train had left. He realized that Lu
cille wns gone forovor witht ho pa
pers. Returningt oh is home Loube
que told Gibson that Lucillo was on
her way to Washington witii tho doc
uments. Gibson thoughlt ho spy was
lying to him and to settle the argu
ment they fight a thiol with swords.
In tho midst of tho fight tho house Is
surrounded with doteclivos, nnd Lo
liequo snw that ho must escapo while
there was yet time. In Hie instant be
fore t ho detectives rushed in Loubo-
que handed a package containing Lu
ciilc'fl costly necklace to Gibson and
toldh imt ot nkei t tot he Secretary of
War. A moment Intor Loubeque dis
appeared and the floors of tho house
tumbled into the collar, trapping
thosow ho had como to arrest tho spy.
Lucille dolivercilt ho dncumonts to
tho Secretary of War nt Washington
and thus saved the nnmo of hor fath
er and of hor sweuthoart, Lieutenant
Gibson. Glbonn rrlved whila Lu
cille wns yet with the Soerottiry. lie
fell nt hor foot mid Iiokmim! her for
gi venues for misjudging hor, and sho
was only too willing to ro-oslnbllsh
hinm gain In hor hoarL Tlit night
Iiubequu wrote In his dairy: "My
debt of hate toward SumpUir Lovu
Murphy Family Is
Victim of Early
Morning Blaze
The house belonging to Tbos. An
derson and occupied hy II. A. Mur
phy and family, caught fire about 0
o'clock Sunday morning and was com
pletely destroyed with all contents
except a little furniture which was
gotten out of the front room. The
fire probably started from tho kitch
en stove, as Mrs. Murphy had arisen
shortly before and started the kitch
en fire, returning to her room to fin
ish dressing. A noise like something
burning was heard and Mr. Murphy
ran out into tho dining room to inves-
logntc and found the room full of
smoke, and the blaze was then unr
dor good headway, and as there was
no water near it was impossible to
check tho flames.
The Murphy family lost prictically
all their furniture nnd clothing, also
a ibrpry that cost about ?G00. Their
loss was partially covered by insur
ance. Mr. Anderson hail some insur
ance on tho house but not enough to
cover his loss.
A very enjoyable evening was spent
nt the homo of Mr. uml Mrs. W. W.
Wolf Friday on Franklin Avenue, the
occasion being tho birthday of their
daughter, Miss Elsie. The house
was tastily decorated in Oregon green
cry nnd pink and white roses. The
evening was spent with music and
games, and dainty refreshments were
Thoso invited were: Misses Jessie
Sweet, Stella Murphy, Hnttio Boak,
Maude Sweet, Edna Dippel, Harriet
Sweet of Coquille, Gladys Murphy,
and Messrs. Ralph Dippel, Manton
Trcndgold, Richard Danielson of
Parkcrsburg, Harry Pierce, L. E.
Peterson, Harry Crain, Ralph Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Gutchell, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. McKinnls.
R't ins Elsie was tho recipient, of n
number of beautiful presents.
At a late hour all departed wish
ing Miss Wolfe many more happy
County Commissioner Geo. J. Arm
strong cinnc over from Bandon toduy
to meet his nephew, Ivan Stice of
Petnlumn, Cal., who camo in on tho
Redomlo. The latter arrived in time
to catch tho morning train and Mr.
Armstrong missed him. However,
Mr. Armstrong will remain over
Monthly and in company with Judge
Hall will inspect the Wlllanch Inlet
dredging nnd see if the county can
not provide funds for the completion
of the work, providing the citizens
there aid some more. Mr. Armstrong
has been very busy looking after
county road improvements nnd is do
ing Homo fine permnnent concrete
work on the bridges. Ho has not had
much time to pay to politics and says
that ho Is relying on the service ho Is
giving tho pubic to get .votes. Coos
Bay Times.
is cnncelled, for no hate can outlive
lovu In the mnn who has known Lu
cillo." Uiuhequt) loved Lucille.
At thu Grand Wednesday, Buptom-,
hor SQtli.