o 0 c o Oregon lUscl Society .City Hall SEMI -WEEKLY C Advertisers! I 4 Job Printing! BANDON RECORD g uuu i i lining; A modern equipped Job department in connection X The Recorder covers the f I Bandon field thoroughly 4 4..M--M VOLUME XXX BANDON, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 22, 1914. NUMBER y 4 3 0 LEE SUES FOR BIG AMOUNT Man Well Known in Bandon Again in Limelight The following account or a lip case brought in San Francisco, appeared in the San Francisco Call of Septom ber ICth. It is of particular interest to Bandon people as the principal Henry IS. Lee, is well known here having been intimately associated with the project to build a railroad from hero to Grants Pass, and has been in Bandon a number of times The Cull says: "Henry E. Lee, the little Nepoleon of the Searles Lake potash war ov or deposits estimated to be worth hun dreds of millions of dollars gave to day the fight for the possession of this vast depoist a now turn, when he brought two suits for $302,000 damages for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution. Lee has been arre . 1 four times on various char ges, a' i trumptod up he says, for tho purpose of getting him out of tho way two of tho charges having been sub frequently dismissed by the courts in whicli they were hear. William J Burns, tho detective, his two detec tive agencies and tho various com punies' claiming the Searles Lake trona deposits are nnmcd in the suit by Leo. Ho demands damages from these people: Foreign Mines Devel opment Company, an English Syndi cato; Tho California Trona Co.; The American Trona Co.; William .1 Burns National Detective Agency; William J. Burns International He tectivo Agency; Guy Wilkinson, San Francisco; Joseph Hutchinson, an at torney in San Francisco. Lee alleges that these pcoplo have entered into a conspiracy to vex and harass him, to injuro hi3 reputation, to blacken his character and to prevent him from securing capital with which to develop tho claims and interests ho represents in tho Searles Lake potash district. Leo alleges ho was malic iously arrested last January in this city on a warrant issued by Judge Daniel Deac, charging him with ob taining money under false pretenses; that ho was kept in jail two days and that the charges wcro then dismissed without anyone appearing against him. In April ho was arrested in Oakland and alleges he was kept in jail, his finger prints and Bertillion measurements taken and his picture taken with a prison number across his breast. The charge against him lie alleges was obtaining money un der false pretenses, and when the caso was heard by Judge Tappan the Judgo remarked, on dismissing Leo: "There is a nigger in tho woodpile hero Bomowhere." Two other arrests Lee alleges are still pending and when they am dismissed he says he will bring additional suits for heavy dam ages. Lee's attorneys are Hurt Bchloslnger, I'hlllp S. Khrllch, It. I. IlenHlifll, ThoiniiH Toland and Clay wrr & Whltinoro." l H, Nlrholnoii of Muwliflul.l, county ugfiil for Urn Hliiu j!ti nifJ)n Inil inlll.i'i', will liuve unu of I lio liiif rliliien mii I'ulillillion u lii! Myj'iJo i'ulnl full' Tln-J. I (mil)' ri 1 1 hi Co julllu wlUy UtfvhU AIR. AND JlltS. A. J. COUNTS ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Last - Sunday evening Mr. and Airs. A. J. Counts, who were just re cently married, entertained a few of their friends. A most bountiful din ner had been prepared and was great ly enjoyed by all those present. After dinner the evening was spent in so cial conversation. air. nnd airs. Counts are to be con gratulated on their ability as enter tainers nnd surely were appreciated as they wore the recipients of sever al beautiful presents from the invit ed guests. About nine o'clock the guests de parted wishing air. and airs. Counts a long, happy and prosperous married life. Those invited were: air. and airs. John B. Gross, air. and airs. Geo. Button, air. and airs. Ed Wyant, air. and airs. Pete Jorgenson, air. nnd airs. Zeno Gatchcll, air. and airs. Orvil Counts, air. and airs. A. aiunck air. and airs. Lee Eaton, air. and Mrs. Gus D. Gross, aiiss Linnic Counts, aiiss Florence Counts and aiiss Flor ence Wyant. FLOYD G. WYNANT AND RUBY CONVERSE MARRIED air. Floyd G. Wynant and aiiss Ruby E. .Converse were united in marriage Saturday, September 19, Rev. C. aiayno Knght officiating. The young couple ure both well known in nnd around Bandon, the bride having made her homo hero with the W. H. Logan family for some time and the groom is a prosperous rancher south of town. They will make their home on tho Geo. D. Walter ranch. air. nnd airs. Wynant have the con gratulations and best wishes of the community. Land Tilled. Tho department of agriculture estl mates that there are 1.1 40.000,000 acres of tillable laud In the United States and Hint only '-'7 per cent of this lin mciifto area Is under cultivation. It might add that of the 'J7 per cent ac tually cultivated comparatively few acres are handled In such a way as to show anything like their maximum pro duction. Here Is food for the pessimist The man who fears that the country Is Hearing actual exhaustion nmy Ilnd cheer in the tlioii';.it that little more thnn a quarter of the available agricul tural land Is being made productive Supply Inevitably meets demand, and as the demand for agricultural products increases tho supply will be enlarged by tho development of regions which have not been touched by the plow. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Literal. William Clmse. the painter. Is a teacher whoso criticisms are awaited with some trepidation by his pupils. One "criticism day" Mr. Chase came to the canvas of a pretentious and vain young man. who was considering with obvious complacency n portrait which ho had smeared thereon, "It's coining out nicely." he told Mr. Clmse. Chase said not a word, but took tur pentine bottle, paint knife and rag and worked industriously at the canvas un til there was a clean surfaco there. "Ah, yes." he remarked, "It's coming out nicely." New York Post. Books. God bo thanked for bookHl They nro the voices of the distant nnd tho dead nnd make us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages. Hooks are the true level- cm. They give to all who will faith fully use them the society, the spiritual presence, of the best mid greatest of our rnce.-Wllllntii Ellery dimming. What London Eat. Every day London .eslduntH cut -130 Ioiih of mutton, (M) tons of hfef uiid nuventy Unix of tiacnii mid hum Dr. and Mim. J). J, Bigg went over Ui ii Mi I yi wil.iV n i i r in MMHpotbM with tb new JtlgK. iuifWiik'koti) bylMtnt; Mr. V. It. If MtttiiMfMtati UJWU M tar um Omihii I Tilk'V tgqwt til leluni lionw tlit WiH JIHf. FItED HOLLISTER North Bend Man Endorsed Unani mously by his Townsmen for Congress A .9. AAA,f, , SEVENTY-FOUR S. S. LEGGETT GOES DOWN Astoria There was a loss of life of at-Icast 74 persons when the steam schooner Francis H. Leggett founder ed Saturday in the heavy seas oft Yaquina Head, south of the Columbia river. Only two persons are known to have been saved. They are Alex ander Farrell of Sacramento, Calif., and Charles Pullman, a momher of the crew. The Leggett left Aberdeen at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, with passenger accomodations filled and a capacity cargo of lumber. No sooner was tho vessel clear of Gray's Har bor than it began laboring heavily in a sea running mountain high. Thurs day at 8 o'clock tho Leggett report ed by wireless off the mouth of the Columbia with all well. Friday morn ing the effect of the pounding she was receiving began to toll nnd at noon Cnptain Charles aiaro ordered the deck load jettisoned. Seas were breaking over tho vessel and its docks were continually awash. It is believed that Captain Maroj was washed overboard before the Leg gett foundered, s Captain J. Jensen, a passenger, took command of the fu tile effort to launch the life boats. Tho, passengers were ordered to their cabins, so that, aside from the 30 who perished when the first life boat was launched and the eight in tho second, which also capsized, the majority of the passengers were be low decks when the vessel went down. The seas had torn away tho hatch coverings nnd filled the holds wtih water. As the boat foundered it turned turtle. According to Farrell the Leggett was unable to withstand tho terrible gale that sruck her off he Oregon COOS BAY PRESBYTERY MEETS HERE TOMORROW The Presbytery of Coos Bay will meet In the Prfsbyterlan Church of this city tomorrow, Wednesday, at t p, in, Rev. A. ilaberly Is modera tor pro tein nnd Rev. J. W. Hoyt Is stated clerk. There will Im public nor vices In the evening nl wliltli Rev. V. 8, Hlilinliin of North Bond mid Huv. J. W. Iloyt of (Sold Jieuch will ijH-nk. Jtuv, J, I'. VYmom of Myrilu I'olnt will jih-nIiIu, Tliu public U wmllully liwIM Ifl wtivjid ttijiailMjJy Ihg mu! fug mUv$, JJIdVrj mWHiMiM ihs' rTTTm PERISH WHEN coast. Ho became tangled in a rope just as the vesel went down and he went down with her. On coming to tho surface ho grasped a tie and clung to it desperately for eight hours when he was rescued by tho oil steamer Buck, which was the first to arrive on the, scene. The wireless operator ajsojuing-on totho tie until dark when he was unable to hold on any longer and perished. The Leggett was a steel steamship built at Newport News in 1903 for the Hammond Lumber company. For the past year she has been operated by the Charles R. aicCormick com pany of San Francisco. COOS AND CURRY COUNTY FAIR STARTS TOaiORROW Tho Coos and Curry County Fair will open at aiyrtlo Point tomorrow and from present indications tho wea ther will bo fine and n good attendance at the fair assured. Many Bandon people aro making arrangements to go and if tho sun continues to shine the roads will lie in the finest condi tion by Thursday, which is Coquillo Valley day, and a number of auto loads will go from here. Tho list of prizes in all departments is bigger this year than ever before and the entire fair will be bigger. The race program promises to bo especially good, a number of horses from California and eastern Oregon nro entered for the races. E. E. Oakes drove over to aiorsh fleld today in his car, going over on a business trip. Ho expects to bo absent a couple of days. churches of North Bend, ainrshfield, Coquillo, aiyrtlo Point, Bandon, I.ang IoIh mid Gold Beach are expected to lie present, together with tho minis tern now rosidlng in the territory covered by the Cook Buy Presbytery. This In tlm find regular meeting of thin IVekbytcry and sduriding rule urn to lie mlojiUtd, (lie aluiiilinir nun wlllec ( tlm JViobylery rn to Ihi hImIwJ, mid iiiloMun( iiiuttjjiy f r F 4 I I11!1 pill lig nly mn ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE AND FIVE HUNDRED airs. J. T. Sullivan entertained a number of friends at a bridge and five hundred party Inst Friday after noon in honor of airs. Geo. L. aiessicl; who ia visiting hor from Colusa, Cab, and those present enjoyed tho occa sion very much. Tho -house was beautifully decora led with greens nnd lavender nslors jtnd in the refreshments the laven der color scheme was caried out. Tho bridge prize was won by aire. N. J. Crain and the five hundred prb'.o by airs. T. II. aiehl and airs. Geo. L. Alessick received the guests pri'.e. The invited guests were: airs. S. J. Mann, airs. N. J. Crain, aira. L. P. Sorenscil, airs. F. L. i.eenough, airs. J. II. Johnston, aira. L. J. lladley, .Mrs. E. E. Reynolds, airs D. E. Biggs, Airs. A. Garfield, airs. W. E. Crainc, Airs. Robert Johnson, airs. F. J. Focn jy, Airs. J. A. Byrne, airs. R. A. Fel tcr, airs. Horace Richards, Airs. Geo. Geisendorfer, airs. W. E. Best, airs. W. S. Wells, Aiiss aiaudo Lowe, Airs, 0. Y. Lowe, airs. Sophia R. Wilson, Airs. T. ai. Niclson, airs. S. C. Endi cott, airs. J. T Bridges, airs. C. Tim mons, airs. J. A. Gamble, airs. J. C. Single, airs. C. E. Kopf, Airs. C. R. Wade, airs. T. II. Mold, airs. C. aic Johnson, Airs. F. E. Dyer, Airs. Geo. Laffaw, Mrs. Arthur Gale, airs. II L. Houston, airs. L. D. Felshcim, aiiss Nora Solve. How Kaffirs Work. Wlvnt "working like n nigger" tlint is, a negro in South Africa really means has been explained by one who tins seen this wonder. He says that the phrase is ouo of the silliest and most inexact over coined.-' "A grmg'-oT Kaf firs," ho said, "were at work. They wero loading rails on a truck, and they did It ns though they were burying their dead. At tho head of the gang walked a sort of chief chanting tho most lugubrious dirge ever heard. At a crawling pace bo led his men to the rails. Then came a long pause. This was to enable the singing head man to finish the first wall. When the Kaf firs got tired of waiting they bent down nnd picked up the rail, their movements keeping time with the fu neral march. When at last the rail was hoisted on tho men's shoulders the singer changed tho measure to a chant of triumph. As a matter of fact, two dock laborers could easily have dune nil tho work that was done by these eight negroes." Indianapolis News. Holplcssness. Tho greatest moment In our career Is when wo nwaken to the shining truth that our life, to make or mar, Is wholly in our hands; that neither dark destiny nor grim fate nor the stars nor tho de crees of tho gods nor tho machinations of men or devils can cheat us of that greatness of soul and serenity of mind which are the crown of real success. The most terrible note In the despair of tho despairing Is the sound of help lessness. To feel that tho universe Is a lingo machine to grind us at last to dust, that tho odds of existence aro ngalnst us nnd that we nre borno down by the trump of Irresistible forces- this Is tho salt taste of failure. But when a man has discovered that he himself is master and that no out side force can touch his inner triumph that discovery Is as of a new world, the America of spirit, tho opening vista of limitless opportunity. Dr. Frank Crnno in Woman's World. To Each Age Its Problem. It is not enough that we leave our Institutions ns our fathers tthnped them. They knew little or nothing f the con ditions which we face Sulllclent unto the age Is the work thereof, it In not the right of any generation to project Its will Into the future, but It Is the duty of each generation to adjust Its Institutions to meet Its own needs. Men need not wait until death to realize ninny of their Ideals. Thoy win linvo things hero on earth which tliulr fathers associated with tho millennium. They need no longer overwork nor go cold mid hungry nor (differ from pmtl leiico or oven famine. Mncliliiory I in provided Mm imhwIIiIIIIIkh of a new llfn When nil of I hi iNMwiiiimiiw art rtwi kiwi - when no one It murwiakfd, wild or hungry, when nil aro Im4Ihh JyM, iiii-poi'ful lit ndjtiMiMwiit Hill m coiiipMo uirr will Im Nulwnuit. Prom "rWlnl mMilt , lr JhU Mmf In. 'J'Iim wurjri iliM'n m rmru W II:U to Im InfefiiM Id I rWMJwM-' MAT PICKS UP BOD ES Tillamook Recovers Three Bodies on Trip Down The Tillamook arrived in from Portland todny and Cnptain F. A. Johnson informed The Recorder that the vessel picked up four bodies, three men nnd one woman, who were drown ed in the S. S. Leggett wreck Friday. The bodies were picked up about six miles south of Tillamook Rock and the boat stopped in nl the Unipqua and left them at Gardiner. The Pat sey was also along nt the same time as the Tillamook nnd picked up three bod'es. Capt. Anderson said they saw more bodies, but whilet hey were geting the onoii they picked up, the others wore lost to view. There was no means of identifying tho ones picked up by' the Tillamook as nothing was found on them. It is thought however that they will bo identified by friends or relatives and they will bo hold until such time as people who had friends or relatives on tlie wrecked boat can be heard from. ELIZABETH SAILED SUNDAY NIGHT FOR THE SOUTH Tue Elizabeth sailed Sunday night with n big cargo of lumber and freight and the following passengers: Dan aicDonald, Paul Baird, C. A. Duke, James Sherdan, J. W. Sugg, R. Wilks R. F. Jackson, C. B. Estep, ais. A.r B. AIcNitt, John Purdy, Geo. W. Broad bridge, airs. Butler, Alden Butler, J. aim ray, W. B. Thompson, Byan Thompson, P. ai. Nelson, airs. P. Nel son, airs. S. I). Harper, airs. R. L. Sheldon, airs. W. E. Angiin, ainrgar et Angiin, O. T. Shoemakor, airs. M. F. Shoemaker, R. Wagner. Geo. W. Bradhridge of Coquillo was in the city Saturday looking after bus iness affairs. 0 BANDON CHURCHES . METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School, 10:00 a. in. ' Public Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. aiid-Wcek Service, Thursday, 7:30. All those who do not worship else where aro invited to come with us. C. aiAYNE KNIGHT, Pastor AI. 11 CHURCH SOUTH Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. -Preaching, 11:00 a. in. Epworth League, G:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. in. Prayor Atceting Thursday, 7:30. aiisslonary Society, Friday, 2:30. W. B. SMITH, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School, 10:00 a. in. Pleaching, 11:00 a. in. ChriHtiaii Endeavor, 0:30 p, in. Prwiuliliig, 7:ii') p. in, MlU-weul; Prayer Mttulliig, Thurn day, 7i80 p. in, U, H.MJTJI, I'uetor. HiNBfopJiTcnijHcu NtfMtoy d topi, 10 UW A. M, I'tmuiAm tuil, (Lb him) JJJIi frit. Uh ( 1 1 a. I gl im V, M jyjV. WM. ItOMl'ALL I'mHw