Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, September 04, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TT ' J I r "f f i - ( T b -t- T
SEMI-WEEKLY But alas! All the great powers be- a week lor bix consecutive weeks,
I .... Ihpfflnninc Friday the 4th dav of Sen-
I-t mM1am Darn1a4 yond the 8Ca' one after anotner' Dr0Ke tcmber, 1914, and ending Friday the
DallUUn KeCUrUer their plighted faith and at the sound 10th day of October, 1914, the same
Published every Tuesday and Friday of the first note of the old cry for time prescribed in the order for the
by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc. loot and power, picked up again their publication of this summons, same be
. , . .... . , ing published by order of Publica-
weapons and began to cut their neigh- tJon made by the Honorable John S.
Entered at the Post Office at Ban- bors throats. Have we any right to Coke, Circuit Judge of the State of
don, Oregon, as mail matter of the question th(J methodg of the men $ gai11 the lst of
Editors and Managers.
Attorney for Plaintiff
the stono ago? Will tho present war
sober the nations enough to cause
111 11 1 1 4- I
mem to revive me u..u , he c,rcuil Court of t,c gtatc of
add penalties enough for would-be Oregon in and for the County of
Make all checks payable and address leakers to hold them to the
al communications to the company. I compact?
Florence Waters, Plaintiff,
Geo. L. Waters, Defendant.
Suit for Divorce
Tn I It a Our Ant TTtA fitif Tlvn
Giika4tnf inv n4n 1 Kfl naf VDlf In I
uuujbi tkJWivru yiivbi . . ... - - -
advance. I owu isou, nucu 10 ueo. ij. waters, .ueienuant anove
made our stake and can print a J"!?0'. n, D. .
nor fust ar wg nlcase. our ncrsonal I v.i ci i-n karallV ynmi I ftill
it . ci rriiiT- lirnmn ninnnvrn? I ----- . ' " t-".--
iwio iiiic " """" iminuiui'i i . . ,,, , . , . ,,n,i answer the comnlalnt 1 nil mm nst
Iiuiujiiu win uu a Kicui. uvai hiuiu m-i ; :, i .i. :
you in the above entitled suit, on or
teresting than it now is. Specimen oeforc last day of the timo pre.
Since before the first rays of light, locals then to ntmcar: scribed in the order for publication of
.... this summons, which nrescrihnd time
tho heralds of tho dawn of civiliza- Abe Cheet was in and paid us his is Bix C) wceks, the last day of which
, IU . .:u subscription this week a dollar and timo will be Friday, the Kith day of
bucii in me ca, uiun - uctouer. lvi-i. ana it you fail to so
tion were
nations have settled their differences a half that wo nevcr hoPed to Ket
In our humble opinion, tho old
appear and answer such complaint f
by said time, the piaintilt will apply
The Bandon Drug Co.
now located in the
Bandon Public their
Sabro Building offers to the
usual well selected line of
goods. Nothing better or more efficient than their
Pensular and Dyke Lines
preserved in tradition and legends,
later by written accounts, and tho tra
ditions, legends and written accounts I
make up today the bulk of human his
tory. The appeals at first were to
idols of wood and stone, then to
oracles and gods which men had in
vented; then to -the living God and
later still to Him who came preach
ing peace and good will to man.
Tho first wars were for plunder and
power, and men
Pensular Celery Compound
Pensular Palatable Cod Liver
Oil Extract
Pensular Regulax
Pensular Corn Salve
Pensular After Shaving Cream
Pensular Perla Denta Forth
Powder and Paste
by war. . to tho Court for the relief demanded
The stories of those wars were first lasmoncu rea pe"lcoal was a therein, a succinct statement of which
Mnnl lioltor thnn nnno nt nil. which I IS as I0110WS, 10-Wli:
I ' I T"T J P 1 I 11 . .
, , , , , . , . , for b uecree oi ino uouri iorever
Kinu seem to oo strongly in lavor dissolving tho marriage relations now
this summer. existing between yourself and plain-
,. ., ... ... , ... .tut, and tnat planum nave her maiu-
While it is a well known fact that cn name restored to her and recover
Jim Kreditt'a kids never get a penny the costs and disbursements of this
for candy, Mrs. Kreditt says Jim SUTnis Summons is published in the
manages to scrape up forty conts a Uandon Kecorder, a semi-weekly
I week for chewing tobacco
Mrs. Goode informs us thnt her a week for six (C) consecutive weeks,
I. , , m, , . , . , beginning Friday the 4th day of Sep-
neighbor, Mrs. Tightwad, borrows her tember( 19i4, and ending Friday the
Tribuno every week, and, like every- loth day ot uctober, iai4, the same
.1 I , . I UUUIK tut; lilt). MIIU ...lU IllOb uuv bliu
fought with clubs iu...o '- time prescribed in the order for the
anu stones, xnow tno weapons aro - beinc published by order of the pub
magazine and rapid-fire guns with nwKe " n ",me l DrrW a PaPcr Mjcation made by the Honorable John
great guns carrying death for miles, ' of Oregon, bearing dato tho first day
with serried ranks of scientifically of September, iai4.
'I oi . . nrcn p top pimp.
. . . ...... m nan la i.rn.i wnnn I muw. m. . a i ui
trained men, armed by the latest de- ' Attorney for Plaintiff.
vices for killing; with armored ships 1 lo roosl ureu oul anu sorc' an
and torpedoes, with bomb and fire s'Rh, while yet awake, "Thero's no use In tho County Court of the State ol
carrying aeroplanes, with all the sin- uv,n& any more' mes sucn a Pncr" of Coos.
istcr inventions of men. and tho no- ous laK0- lta nothing but a round In the matter of the Estate of
farious means which the genius of of toil and tears and things like those; ICE ' OPRIVATE SALE OF
man has called into action to carry m heart 8 sorer than a boil- 1 have REAL ESTATE.
it tTi i I i Mat Inn i a n nt-nliy mvan fl-nf imlnt
murder in their advance and to leave a . wnue gcumo ing 'mt
wreck and death and broken hearts in 4 1 stnrt to snore until tho bed me by order of the County Court of
thoii- rnnr springs rock, and then for seven ino ft0 "regon, for Coos coun-
lliuir rear. I I -. Hnlv marln anil nnforl nf rnrA
This mnkna n thn Rnbfnnm of hours or moro 1 8,eeP around a block. i the ProbaU Journal of said Court
ui. t.!-... t Ah. far and wide mv snores nre fluner. on th 9th day of July. 1914, I shall,
vi.o wurmo ...8lory. 13 mere any - on or after th 5th day of Septem- fRC IITH finnrn
pleasure in contemplating it? Has tH1 wakcful nei8hob" ye"! I learned ber, 1914, offer for sale and sell, at Hfc tlffc tAKfcfcK
it really settled anything si
here and there tho dark nacre
i .... i or mavno nine, l Ripn.n wirn nrrinnt i wiv.
enea uy tno story ot some tribes or . ' -" ----- An undivided one-half interest of
nation's struggle for disenthrallment zeal; thon m thls wlthored heart of the Southeast quarter of tho North-
mine, new energy I feel. I murmur, west quarter mpvi Nny) and the
iNormeaBi quarter oi me soutnoast
Dykes Quinine & Sage Hair Tonic
Dykes Heptaic Salts
Dykes Kidney Pills
Dykes Catarrhine
Dykes Baby Cough Syrup
Dykes Eczema Lotion
Dykes Compound Elivixir Buchu
Dykes Bronchial Lozenger
See our line of Palmer Perfumes, Soaps and Toilet
Articles. In our lines of Stationery, Cigars and Candies
you will find the usual will selected stock. Pianos
and Columbia Graphophones Ansco Cameras and
Camera Supplies, we will be pleased to supply your need.
"Schooling In youth -houtd Inrarlably be
ectcd to a nrrsnn in th h-at wnv
for the bt permanent occupation for which
be U capable' FreskleutC. W. lillot.
This Is the Mission of the
from unbearable tyranny?
I T 1 m
As said above tho first wars wr UH x uon rar ra&8' -"ow I00llsn ,s quarter (NEW SEU) of Section 8:
inrifoH i.v inot fn innf n., despair. I don't indorse tteJse dismal the south half of the Northwest quar-
incited by lust for loot and power ' ter Vi) and the Southwest
The most terrible war that tho world waRa who say that lifos a Bnar0, 1 m Quarter (SWV4); the West half of the
has vnr wltnn.nH I. nr., r! n. lad that 1 hav0 wo-k to do, and wish Southeast quarter (W SEtf); the
" r i,,i e mi :i ! . worineasi quarter oi tno south
er all western Europe. What are 1 ,lal some more; 1,1 Ra,,y to11 thc east quarter (NEW SEVi) and
the motives behind it except tho
tives behind tho first war ever fought
aro ' " ' ens quarter (Niay atiVi) and
long day through, enjoying every the Southeast quarter of the North-
chore. I feel as fresh and free from ffi ri!foUFAh$
with some other quito as unworthy
motives added?
Tho plea of commercialism is but
an enlarged plea for power and loot;
to this is added tho land lust which
is a passion with nil tho nations en
gaged. Deop down what moro is
there in this war, what moro of prin
clplo, than thero was in tho darkened
soul of the chief in the stone age who
wanted tho cave of n neighboring
Forty-sixth School Year Opens
SEPTEflBER i8th, 1014
Write for Illustrated ico-naee Book-
let, "THE LIFE CAREER," and for Cata
log containing full Information.
Dtzree Courses AGRICULTURE :
Autonomy. Animal Husbnndrv.DalrvHus-
bandry. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture.
Agriculture tor teachers. FORESTRY,
aches as Adam, ero his fall: brinir on South, of Range fourteen (14) West
Of th Wlllnmrftn Mnrirlnn In Pnno --UUUIWIJ EINHINfcfcKINU. tlUMt CUO-
your wildcats and snakes, and I shall tXXtXSSll hu"
whin them nil." Oh. slnnn! fr i dred t400)
. . . . . .. ' .VrA """'"L.yieni'cai, mining.
tno only dope that's never known to wholo and I fee simpl T oi f tK South
foil, thnt brings new courage, faith half of the Northwest quarter (SV4
in w ft j ana the Southwest quarter
of the Northeast nuartor fSWV, NR
Walt Mason. V4 ) and the Nortwest ouarter of the
Southeast quarter (NW SEU) of
Section ten (10). Tnwn.nhin fhtrt.v
o aiuu iu uiiLr iKUV) aoutn, or Kance fourteen (14)
SILETZ INDIANS PASSES J?' JL wjllanotte Mcridan, in
That tha terms nf nnlrl onlo cl.nll
Washlncton. U. C. The Hnwlov be for cash, lawful nrnnnv nf thn
chief because it had more accomoda- km authorizine the sale of flv SUtes of America, ten per
tions than his own cave had, and who tIons of SiIetz Indian ,nnda a. thAd STn
ugureu mat as one oi nis tribe had distribution of over $100,000 to tho Dy lne Uourt- ,lftv Pr "
.nventeu tho how and arrow and tip- Indian8i passcd tho House todav bef"V"T"""
i i . . ii - i i .
jilu iiiu arrows wun Hint, no wouiu i S" interest, payable annually, so-
hnvn ro much tho mlvnntnr-n n- M- m. . - . . cured by mortgage upon the prem-
1 "" i i no man ot re w words doesn't havo isos sold. Sa d IntAroar nn in i,
neigiibor in a light that ho could eas- to tako so many of them back Ex ,ea? tha" 8ix Per cent G-
ily take his cavo? ' Any ort.said P.roPerty mW
i . i ioni.u biic uuuurMiirneu au-
A few years ago the great white iuany a man is so constituted that mlnlstrator, or mailed or filed at the
Czar, looking over his vast domain nothing short of an earthquake would P",ce " ueorge iv lopping, in Ban-
nnd looking upon tho degradation of shako his confidenco in himself. Ex. This notice is published in the Ban-
uon itecoruer lor lour successive
I wnnlfcx nt. fiuA timAo Pl a i
, , , . .... I T l. r- i .. . . . ':"""! " "V : urat on
ment was louencu, anu possibly, lor '-"F"' oi me aiaie or the 7th day of Aueust. 1914. and the
I Ori'irnii in nml fnr l. -.,... lii. .... 7. ' '
i, " - uuiiij' ui i mHk on vne m aay oi September.
Industrial arts.
Vocational Cottrjw-Acrlculture. Dairy
ing, Home Makers Course, Industrial
Arts, forestry, Husiness bhort uourse.
School of Music Piano. Strlnc. Band.
Voice Culture.
Frmer Butinesi Courie by Mail Free.
(tw-7J6 to ) CorvtUii, Orefon
City Meat Market
Phone 193
n moment, there camo to him n vis
ion of whnt would bo could tho rev
cnucs of his realm bo devoted to cdu
cnting his people, teaching them tho
tho loveliness of tho first pages of
tho book of knowledge; teaching them
how to profitably work, su
them with homes anil tho means to
O. A. Chamberlln,
M. Ada Chamberlln.
Suit for Divorce.
1914, by order of Honorable John F.
Hall, Judge of the above entitled
Dated this 7th day of Aueust.
n j '
Administrator of tho Estato of
it; them u " r "ivorce. Jameg c deceased.
PPlying 10afivoA;!aamed!,ftmberlin' DCfm,nnt 1".. Attorney for the Es
ans to the name of tho State of Oregon 1 '
you aro herby required to nnnenr nnd
enrn o genorous living, it must nave answer the complaint tiled against Notice to Creditors.
been so, for ho Issued nn Invitation to Jou . ' v enmieu suit . on or in the matter of tho Estate
the world's other nowers to come to i '.h, L rLl ",..V" f, .ST; Un Vounce, deceased.
.... . . . I It la mnii nu .un. 11 I it... I Nfltlt'll ly Lffrtfihv lrlli,n Hil 41ia ti.i
, '. .. . .... ... ? lx () weeks, the last day of which tlorttlgned lias been appointed sdmii-
codo of law through whirl, to deride ,,.o will he Friday tho lift I, day of l.trator of tho E.tato of Lin Vounce, dWwnc, pcareahly and flo ,dHi.ul.,f .ffll ?L!i'."? BnJ H creditors of .aid
uwuy with war h ml It lirilUlltlmi. by wild tfniu, the pluli.tiir will npply uuto Br" ""ul'y notified to preaent
The nut on lovnu. v t huv " " ior inu ruiit'i inii.iiliiii
... ' ' ' ' tliert'lh. u surrlnrt ululeineiit
iwlli'f ili'ii.iiinlfd Ihulr rlulnx to, (koinlifd nnd vrr
i iiivi villi i nuiiiiKL. iiiiiiiiuriii in i inmi nu . j ihim ...-.... ..a ai . .
in r.w m iiHiiiKi mui mi i,mj) y, ,jw mniuue lt)utUum lww IIMif., MnrliflM Orticon- willili.
KUliM'llo") u Hi Mli'l fliiu (lllliUlHIU' tkitllig Ih-Ivmi yaurwu iw iiluli.- IK inoiillii froni Hid ilutu of fi
loVlT uf MUtti liUlll U UlVUt Mild IlllM.' fill ip . I II I 1 ... .1
' r - " ' I i I I auiiiinuiiB ii ijuiiiiuiittii in 11111
' . ..... I iiiiwi'Miiiiitur nf Litiuul .)I.'aMiliiiTik( Hili. I AmllmifctrMl.jl.
T)(l uiijinyii. lii puhlMii-d in
NIUI.HMII H Inline, H uii.Hfivkl
I nuw.liiiliul' uf iuimiul iill'iuiliiiliiii mil
Pain PHI,
Fer Neuralgia, nothing to
batter than
Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills
Used by thousands
far a generation
Those who have suffered from
neuralgic pains need not be told
how necessary it is to secure re
lief. The easiest way out of
rfcuralgia is to use JJr, Miles'
Aifci-Paiii Pills, 'flicy have re
lieved sufferers for so many
years that they have heroine a
housalidiq necessity
Geo. Erdman, Proprietor
"I Imvo Uksn Dr. MUr' Aritl-1'uln
I'l j for llv vuttm Mii.l llicy ar Mix
tin) lliliif tUt 1o in stiy Kl
Tliy ltav rdlcv-il nminiiitiit In my
lieiiii In nnn iiiimii' iintu -I"
ukn llii fr ilivuuixiuin Im.iiJ
licit. Willi III li litMial I'.' !. Ik ,
Hiraofm KllJ (iitlli III llm Imu1 uii
llinbx I lm fiMiiMl luiii.iuK i"
tuuZi lhm mui lliy utu ul Hint is
llml ftr tli "
;, w NI"IK Who fiU)H. M
At H s'fMogi! W ft rots.
fyr siii in huik. j
MH.I-S MPPISAt. 00 r!Mrl, IdJ
Opened for business again in
the Red Front Building on First
Street. Meals at all hours day
or night. You known you always
get something good to eat at
n n m m p v 9 c
V 11 11 L 1 J.
rSfitchoII HroLliori. Proni. rn
;: All JdiulN of licHvy nimI IIkIiI flrNylnir, J'liono imhrit
;: kIvtii prompt hIIi'hIIoii, . Mhi ji t'onit-r Mrnl k Jd.
:: mm, 9?Mi Umm y, .'IWimmm UI. i
yyu (uvym wvi u it hill
- xpi. nv
'IW ( l,W Cm,:i,; Dm mi IW4 My !1, Wl,