Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, August 25, 1914, Image 1

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    Historical Society
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The Recorder covers the :
Bandon field thoroughly 3
At n special meeting or the city
council Friday night tho contract for
improving Fourth Street East, be
tween Elmira anil Grand Avenue, was
let to the Bandon Construction Co., an
tho lowest bidders. The contract to
improve Grand Avenue had been pre
viously let to II. II. Dufort, but the
lntter gentleman asked to withdraw
his bid which request was granted and
tho contract was let to the Bandon
Construction Company.
There was little other business at
the meeting Friday night, excepting
the ordering of a police light put in
on tho wharf. This will bo a red light
and will bo so arranged that the
police will able to see it from
any place on their rounds. It will be
nttnehed to a button at the telephone
central office, and anyone" wanting an
officer at night can call central who
will press tho button nnd when a
policeman sees the light i will he
his duty to ascertain from Central
whore ho is wanted and respond at
The Speedwell arrived Thursday
with the following passengers: Miss
B. Mott, Miss O. Shunts, Mrs. 0. Saw
yer, Miss Nellie Schneider, Mrs. .1.
Schneider, W. Kunck, P. Shromakcr,
J. S. Engleman, R. Rodemayer, Mrs.
E. E. Ellerby, Claude Moon. J. J. Ri
ley, N. D. Mathews, Geo. W. Garsel,
M. Lchto, August Henderson. The
Speedwell sailed again yesterday vja
North Bond with C8G polo3, fiOO ties
and 80 cords of match wood and tho
following passengers: Mrs. Hartley,
W. G. Sancks and child, .1. J. Riley.
She will takeo n more passengers and
freight at North Bend.
Tho Elizabeth arrived Saturday
with a lurire cargo of freight and a
fair list of passengers. The Eliza
beth sailed agnin for San Francisco
at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
On next Sunday, August 30th, at
1:30 p. m at tho G. A. R. cemetery
Bandon Post No. 5(1, G. A. R., will
dedicate th'c G. A. R. monumont in
irecordance wth tho ritualistic cerc
monici of tho G. A. R. All comrades
of tho U. S. service in any branch
and at any time and Sons of Veter
fiiis are especially invited to join in
tho service with our Post.
Tho Honorable Mayor and Council
and all citizens nro cordially invited
to participate and assist in this sac
red service that of dedicating this
monument to tho memory of tho sol
diors and sailors of tho war of tho
Rebellion, who gave their livos for
their country, and to tho honor of tho
few old guards who are still with us.
In tho namo of Bandon Post G. A.
R. and Bandon Camp S. V. U. S. A.,
in F. C. & L. C. B. ZEEK, Post Adj.
The Coquille River Transportation
Company, n corporation, plead guilty
In tho municipal court yesterday to
tht) cliurgu of operating HtoamhoaU
within tho city limits without proper
spark arresters. They woro flnod
iiinl costs mill given nnu week In
which In comply with tho ordinance.
All other ImnspoitHtlnn companies
operating on tint rlvwr wore iktllflil
today lo comply with the iirilwtnu
mul If (hoy full to iiu m wIUIji
wi-.'k, tlm kuniM pouiilty will Im j4umnJ
upon Ilium.
No It Johnson putti vwtliiu, m$
ihiwn jimi tiotiuiil isi night lmk
liK afir hiJe;li.w In tills mi at tlu
Four boys, Hubert Addison, Vado
Gartin, Chas. Ilolbrook and Ray
Thomas, wore fined in municipal court
yesterday for participating in n
disorderly mix-up on tho wharf near
tho creamery early last Thursday
At (he time there were ten arrest
ed. Besides the four above named
there were Alvin Munck, Ray Lang
lois, Roy Wyant, Lloyd Jorgenscn,
Eldon Langlos and Harry Hall.
Eldon Langlois, Hall and Munck
plead guilty at the time and paid their
fines. Tho other hoys plead not guil
ty and were cited to appear yester
day, but in tho meantime all except
tho 4 who were in court yesterday
left for parts unknown and arc still
at large. Addison and Gartin, who
are minors were fined $5.00 each, and
Ilolbrook and Thomas wore each fined
Tho complaining witness was H. C.
Baker, manager of the Bandon cream
cry, who was disturbed from his sloop
Thursday morning by the boys car
ousing under his window. Ho called
the city policemen and tho boys were
arrested at once nnd a part of a can
of beer taken from them and which
was produced in tho court room yes
terday as evidence against tho offen
ders. It has not yet been ascertained
whore tho liquor was secured. War
rants are out for tho boys who left.
Col. R. II. Rosa, Steve Gallier, W.
E. Crane nnd Lloyd Rosa returned
Sundny from a few days camping
trip in the Billings and Eden Prairie
Country on the South Fork of the Co
quillo river. They brought back with
them samples of the coal known as
Eden Prairie coal. It is if the very
best grade of bituminous coal and is a
fine cooking coal and some of it is
good blacksmith coal.
There have been a number of
shafts sunk in tho coal district at
Eden Prairie and there nro indica
tions of millions of tons of the very
best grade of coal. The only draw
back to this great coal field is the lack
of transportation, as there is not even
a wagon road within ten miles of it.
However, wagon roads would not be
sufficient to handle tho output of coal
that could be taken from these fields.
It would need a railroad, and tho pro
position to build a road from Ban
don to Grants Pass through this sec
tion is receiving tho nttention of largo
eastern capitalists. Tho shipping of
this coal alone, it is said, would pay
big dividends on tho rnilroad for many
years to come.
Bandon Real Estate Transfers
(From the Title Guarantee and Ab
stract Co., Coquille, Oregon.)
Jennie M. Stewart to Georeg W.
Stewart, W. D., Lots 20 and 30 Block
20, Portland addition to Bandon.
Frank T. Pugh et ux to George M.
Nunn, W. D., Lots 20 and 21, Block
13, Highland Park addition to Town
of Bandon.
C. A. Mollor et ux to C. M. Rich
ardson, Deed, Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, in
Block .1, Sunset Park, Bandon Beach.
Lenoro F. Nowlin et vir. to R. D.
Crowe, W. D., Lots 1, 2, 3, A, 5, 0, 7,
8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, nnd 15, Block
10, Sweeney's First Addition to Ban
don. To3. R. Bcamor to W. .1. Conrad, Q.
C. D Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Illicit 13,
O. W. Thompson to R. Milkoy, Q. C.
D. , Lot 0, Block 7, Bennett's Bandon
II. C. Ostion ot ux to Anna L. Jos
sou, W. 1)., Lots 21 and 22, Block 1,
Industrial Addition to Bandon.
Nora H. Callaway ot al to Mrs. C.
F. Hiinnlcutt, Q. C, I) IM 21 in West
Uandou, City of Bandon.
CJty of Bandon to P. B, Ilnyt, Cert,
of Stole, Ut j), Block :i, Azalea I'm It
Addition to KaiuIoji,
City of Ibtnilun to l II, Ilnyt, Cert,
of 8aU, 1M 26, Uloek n, Wost Ban
don Addition la IltmloH.
city uf IlftwJon o P, II, JloyL Cort
f at mmlm f l. ). HrU itoH.
t f MmNIm tS I, 11, llm. CN4
(By long distance phone froiji Marshfield Record)
Berlin, Aug. 25 The allies have been beaten back by
the Germans and have taken up a stand at their secpnd
position. It is admitted at Paris that the allies have been
driven back, but it is said they retired in good order and
are now fortified in their second position.
Berlin, Aug. 25 A confirmed dispatch says the Ger
mans are at Longwy in French territory and rapidly
pushing ahead.
Paris, Aug! 25 The French are holding their own at
Mulhausen and are beating
St. Petersburg, Aug. 25 -The Russia'ns are lined up
for battle in eastern Germany and have- taken possession
of several German towns.
Antwerp, Aug. 25 A big German Zeppelin airship
dropped eight bombs in this city, three of them falling
near the city hall, killing 10 people, but doing little dam
age to the city. While attempting to make its escape the
airship was riddled by Belgian sharpshooters and brought
Washington, Aug. 25 The United States today de
clare dneutrality between Japan and Germany.
Reports from Cape Blanco say that four warships
two German, one English and one Japanese have been
sighted off that point.
J. C. Hammel and J. S. Atkins arc
today working on tho last $500 that
is needed to insure the New Hotel
Gallier. $700 was secured yesterday,
bringing the amount still needed
down- to $500 and there is little
doubt but that they will secure that
amount today. Definite plans will bo
arranged then and construction work-
Many Law Suits Filed.
Tho following cases have boon filed
in the Circuit court of Coos county
during tho past week:
August 15 C. R. Barrows vs Fran
ces Urquhart.
August 15 C. L. Smith and W. J.
Conrad vs. Mrs. J. L. Burns.
, August 17 .Tone E. Stovens V6.
Nellio M. Stovens. Suit for divorce.
August 17 Jess Luke vs. Nellie
Luke. Suit for divorce.
August 17 In the matter of the
estate of. S. M. Kirkpatrick, deceas
ed, Edith Brandt, plaintiff nnd peti
tioner, vs. Mrs. B. F. Nowman and M.
O. Hooton, executors of tho estate of
S. M. Kirkpatrick, deceased, respon
dents. Appeal from county court.
August 18 C. E. Smith vs. A. D.
Porue. Transcript on nppoal.
August 18 C. II. Jackson vs. Myr
tle M. Edmonston, administratrix of
R. L. Edmonston, decoasod, and Rob
erta Edmonston, daughter of said de
ceased. Suit for foreclosure of tax
August 18 Home Mortgage Co. vs.
Ceary Pedorson, Olo Pedoisson and
Martin B. Pedorson. Suit to fore
close mortgage
August 18 HomJ Mortgage Co.,
vs. Cusick .1. Mnhonoy. Suit to fore
close mortgago.
August 18 Allon & Lewis, a cor
poration, vs. I M. Tosler, doing bus
iness as tho L. M. Tosler Grocery Co.
August 18 F. U. Glasle vs. Tko.
.Mnhonoy and others.
August Hi .lolui g. Coke vs. Alt
on M. Petuson, Ada lleitha Andsiswi,
Eslliui- Floivtuw Andarson ami Ethel
Msy AuilurMii.
August 30--A mv nicking vs.
I). Vrtm ,4 iisri. I'dm
MttasL. umJ V IV m.,l. ...
back the onslaught of the
Frank Linn, foreman of the Prosper
lumber mill, was badly hurt this
morning, by being mashed between
two logs. His injuries while serious
are not necessarily dangerous. He
was" brought down on n launch and
taken to the Bandon hospital.
"Ciirry County Suicide.
Mrs. Martha Keyscr, formerly
Miss Martha Moore, a young bride
of 3 months, committed suicide last
Wednesday afternoon by shooting her
self in the side with a 32 special rcvol
vor. Tho bullet entered the left side
of body causing death in a few min
utes. Tho act wns committed in her
home at Weddcrburn, and she was
supposed to have been alono in her
room at the time. Tho coroner's jury
returned a verdict of suicide, but it is
understod tiiat the circumstances sur
rounding tho case are not entirely sat
is factory and further investgr.tion
may be made. Domestic trouble is
givon as tho cause of tho act Gold
Beach Globe.
Find Indian War Relic.
While at Big Bend last week Ed
itor Mnrstcra, of the Globe, picked up
a button from a soldier's uniforn! to
which an interesting bit of history is
attached. During tho Indian war in
1850 Capt. A. J. Smith was camped
at the Bond with a company of sol
diers when attacked by the Indians.
The soldiors withdrew to the foothills
and dug entrenchments near whore
Joke Fry's houso now stands. Tho
Indians laid siege and as the soldiers
wero cut otf from water they were
soon in dire straits. During the
sleito tho Indians dug trenches nnd
rolled logs until they got so closo
thoy could roach over the breastworks
with crooked stickn nnd steal hats
and blttnkots from the soldiors. Un
l$r cover of night, Charley Foster,
who w with tho soldiors, sllpptnl
throuarh tho Indian linos and minis
hit wy to tlm Illinois river wlmrs
notoiwl Ikirtwuwn whs onaunpw! with
neUwr iloineliinuiil of soldiers. Thu
M iMrly rrJvHtl just in Uihb lo
wu. MiiUlli, ftUN- II at Mi
Lmmm )4 mm kllM u$ul Dm oiimr
tM tad mitt mm. 11 m wMlt
TfflNMV. . '
Tho tenth installment of "Lucile
Lovo" will be' shown at 'the Grand
theatre tomorrow night. The story,
wich grows more interesting and ex
citing with each number, runs like
When Lucille ngain finds herself in
tho hands of Hugo Loubcquo all the
spirit of fight is temporarily taken
out of hor. She is overpowered and
crushed down by hor utter helpless
ness in the hands of the unscrupu
lous spy. Consequently she allows
herself to bo led to another of Lou
bequo's stronghilds. To make' easy
his plans for removing tho girl to his
Mexican estate, Loubcquo orders hoi
drugged. Realizing the usclessncsr
of combating him, Lucille agrees to
drink a portion of drugged wine, pro
viding that a lady attends her dur
ing tho trip to Mexico. Louboque
agrees to this, and she swallows 5
powerful sleeping potion. Thompson
Loubeque's rights hand man, knows
that Lucille has the costly ruby neck
lace she found in the sunken city, and
as soon as tho drug takes effect he
plans to take the jewels from her. He
attacks hor, howevor, before tho drug
has completely done its work. She
struggles with the thief and is res
5ued from the situation by Loubcquo
Lucille is now ovorcomo by a deep
unaturnl sleep. Friends are at hanc
but they come too lute, as Lucille can
not combine with them against th
spy. Detectives ngain localo Loubo
que. A battle ensues, and the detcc
tjves are again defeated by tho cun
ning spy, who prepares for overy e
mergency When Lucille nwakcm
from tho effects of the -drugs she
finds herself on Loubeques estate ir
Mexico. She ha3 the liberty of 1
large hacienda, but is forbidden tc
go outside it3 walls; indeed, she can
not go out side, as every avenue of
escape is guarded by armed men
Considering that Lucille is now safe
ly out of his way, Hugo Loubcquo re
turns to San Francisco to search hit
houso for the fateful papers whicl
Lucille hid there. Howbeit, coinci
dence and chance play a part in the
affairs of men which tho most sagac
ious cannot foretell. After Loubequc
departs a Mexican bandit venture
into tho hacienda in a spirit ofmis
chief and thus Lucille finds a fricnt
in her dire need.. Thompson agaii
plans to steal the ruby necklace fron
Lucille, and to forward his design:
ho saws tho iron bars of Lucille's win
dow with tho purposo of entoring hoi
room that night nnd stealing the jow
el. His trivial act becumos a meant
of succor to Lucille. When Thomp
on enters her room and attacks hoi
that night, the bandit is called to tin
scene by her cries. He shoots Thorn
pson and with his help Lucille escape,
from her prison hoube and from the
hacienda. Even while she is escaping
a new element of mystery enters intc
tho story. The guards stand upon the
hacienda walls firing at Lucille anc
her escort, when a veiled woman ar
rives and directs operations against
the fugitives. When thoy havo arriv
ed almost at a point of safety, Lu
cillo's good friend, tho bandit, is shot
and the girl rides forth alone into t
foreign country ombrioied in civi
Seo this interesting serial at the
Grand theatre Wednesday, August 2(i
Hunters Fined.
While the last copios of the last is
sue of tho Globo woro being pulled
off the pross, a legal lesson was im
pressed upon the minds of four hun
ters in Judge Stafford's court, who
Gnme Warden Adams found at Al
der Springs violating; some proviaionn
of tho gamo law. The men arrestee'
gave thoir namus as B. N. Harrington
Garfield, Greonough, nnd Tucker. Thr
men each en to red a plea of guilty to
a compluint charging them with kill
ing deer without using any 0 their li
cense tags, as Uie law. provide. Tin-
Judge imposed the minimum fine of
twenty-five ililara ami costs and tlu
gnme warden took their guns and ii
mm. Turker pakt kit One with a
eliocH on Ike linn of Hendon and Gar
Held 4mw a enerk for lbs uttu-r three
Algae wI4n wilk the cost amounted
Ui almost eighty dullar. ild Hmm'Ii
Dr. S. 1. Wifcarte
A largo delegation of,, Portland
lusincss men will be in Bandon Thurs
lay of this week, arriving on the
harm about 11:00, and they will
;pend several hours hero looking ov
sr the town and business conditions.
It is tho desire of the Commercial
"!lub and others interested to make
he visitors as much at homo as pos
dble nnd to show them around tho
aity. All automobile owners who can,
ire requested ttS be on hand at the
u-rival of tho Charm and be ready to
:ako a few passengers around the city
M. E. Treadgold, secretary of the
commercial Club, has received the
'ollowing partial list of those who
vill bo hero:
C. C. Colt, chairman of. delegation,
ncmbcr of executive committee Porl
and commercial club, president; Un
011 Meat company.
C. C. Chapman, manager exem
ilon, manager Portland commercial
dub, secretary Oregon Development
League, Oregon state immigrtion agt.
O. M. Plummet, member Portland
oard of education, mombor board of
coventors 1015 Rso Festival, secre-nry-trcasurer
Portland Union stock
Joint M. Scott, Oregon state immi
;ration commissioner, general passen
,'er agent Southern Pacific Co.
A. II. Averill, president Portland
Jhambcr of Commerce, .member ex
icutive committee Portland comnter
ial club, president A. 11. Averill &
J. Fred Larson, secretary Portland
ontmercial club, member board gov
rnors 101G Rose Festival, president
Jmbdenstock & Larson Co.
C. F. Wright; member board of gov
mors Portland commercial club,
ice president and soc'y of BuIIou &
F. S. West, format' secretary Borl
and commercial club, ntanagor Good-
ear Rubber Co.
Dwight Edwards, president Dwight
Sdwards Co.
Arthur II. Devors, mombor board
.rusteca Prtland chamber of com-
nereo, prcsidont Closset & Devers.
O. C. Calhoun, prosident Millor,
imington, Calhoun & Co.
R. M. Irvine, sales manager
loischner, Mayer & Co.
A. J. Noss saleanmnagcr M. L.
Kline Company.
Arthur J. Ranoy, gcnaral agent
Jocurity Mutual Life Ins. Co.
W. H. McVoy, credit manager Mar-
ihall-Wolls lldwo. Co.
And others including possibly ILL.
.Jittock, publisher of the Orogouian
tnd president of the Northwestern
National bank; Dr. W. J. Kerr, pros
dent of the Otogon Agricultural Col-
ege; and staff correspondent!) of both
lie Orogouian and tho Journal.
The Bandon Moose will play :t game
if I. asp ball with tho Itivorton toam
t the ball park next Sunday r. ft cr
oon, j he game ta called for -:u)
clock bharp and as both team: are
n good condition a fast game Ik as-
The Moose team is practicing ev-
:ry day and they nro putting up a
line artirie of ball. Tho Itivorton team
iiaw won from soveral of the host bull
lenma in the county, including Hettv-
r Hill, Norway and elhors.
AiX Mi Nit ii unit wife ti( Till.i-
tnonk and Jtinu- A iwhiliehl ,f Hi
M, hi"! 1, Mrs, Hii'M.j, ,f
K.'Kiili' wren iv.. Kundsy ir"''"1 i4
Uw A M NVii I'"".' in this iil Me,
MiNi.ii 1- ii 1'ioH .-, tit A, M.Ni.ii ut
Mil' i!.it r u '! A nli 1 1 Id i
Ututlm ut ! va-Wair, 1h lu.
1 ww Had uat aeawi wutk uUmt tm
uitfufaar at yaaa, ammmih
waaUnj nm aftfW mm.