( a gfiMt.WEflttV 'ftBCftRftKft, AtMUS 4TH, 1014. PAGE FOUR LUCILLE LOVE AT THE ORAND THE SEVENTH INSTALLMENT OF THIS. ENTERTAINING MOV ING PICTURE SERIAL HAS MANY THRILLS Tho seventh Installment of "Lu cile Love," the girl of mystery, is as good as anything that has preceded it in this popular serial. The story of this installment runs like this: "After numerous stirring adven tures hy land and sea in her effort to regain the papers which will snve her father from dishonor, Luetic Lovo and Hugo Loubeque, her father's enemy ilnd themselves adrift in an open boat oft" the coast of China. The papers. possession of which both are fighting for, are now in the hands of Captain Wetheral of the ship from which Lu cille and Loubeque were cast adrift. "The enmity between Lucille and the spy dies down when they find themselves in the same boat at the mercy of the waves and wind. They are a man and woman fighting against death. When Lucille awak ens from her first sleep of trouble and exhaustion, she learns -from Lou beque that the water barrel has sprung aleak and is empty. In the days that follow Loubeque proves to bo a man, indeed. As a result of thirst and exposure Lucille bcomes delirious and it is only by use of main strength that Loubeque keeps her in the boat. After many days, how ever, the outcasts land on the coast of China. Lucille is ill and the spy turns her over to an old Chinese wo man. Howbcil, as soon ns one dan ger is averted another springs up. Tho Chinese woman no sooner sees the costly necklace which Lucille wears than she decides to steal it. Lucille leaius of the plot, nnd when the thieving woman and a confederate come to rob her she is prepared. In self-protection she shoots the Chi nese woman and uses the confeder ate to cover her retreat. In the mean time Hugo Loubeque has gathered a force of men and attacked Captain Wctheral's ship which rides in the harbor. Loubeque takes tho precious documents from the captain and has him thrown into prison. Loubeqwc then opens negotiations with a Chi nese merchant whicli results in his signing an aggrement to smuggle ammunition to the port. Lucille learns from the imprisoned sea cap tain that Loubeque has again come into nossesion of tho papers. The captain however has retained Lou benuc's diary, and this he gives to the girl. While shadowing Loubo que Lucille learns of his intended smuggling operations, and when the ocasion offers she steals Loubeque's signed contract with tho Chinese mer chant, witli the intention of using it as a lever to force the stolen docu incuts from him. The girl, however, is now in a new predicament. Lou bequo has regained possession of his ship and intends sailing immediately for the Unted States, where tho pa pers will be used to dishonor her fa ther. She hides on the wharf and watches Loubeque board tho ship. It will sail within a few minutes, and whatever she does must be done quickly." This picture will bo shown nt the Grand theatre Wednesday night, Aug, nth. SONS OF VETERANS MEET NEXT FRIDAY EVENING There will be a meeting of Bandon Camp, S. V.s on Friday night at S o'clock at the G. A. R. hall, for e listing new members. All sons and grandsons of the od war horses of the Union army, '01 to 'G5, are eli gible and cordially invited to be hand and help givo our order a boost in Bandon. Come! By Order of Commander. BANDON TRANSFER CO. Gatchell Brothers, Props. J AH kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders X given prompt attention: .Barn corner First & Edi- son, a isn property. . reiepnone mi. City Meat Market A FULL LINK OF SELECT FRESH AND SALT .11 EATS ALWAYS ON HAND. MODERN METHODS AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT COM UINE TO MAKE YOUR TRADING HERE A PLEASURE. YOUR PA TRONAGE SOLICITED. Phone 193 Geo. Erdman, Proprietor We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row nnd for nil time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU SPARKS GROCERY EUROPE TORN BY CONFLICT From all reports a great .European war, which may change the map of the whole world, is on. Austria-Hun garia, England, Germany, Russia France and Servia arc already en gaged in actual war and it will only be a matter of a short time until the neichborinc countries will bo drawn into it for self preservation. Entrland. France nnu nussia are arrayed ngainst Germany and Aus tria-IIungaria. Italy, Germany's ally, and Japan, E-ifrV c!'s p.: y. w .0:11 into the scr' C5 r. t :?c are noeri ''' ..;'.'' 'a -i '-! t ".. 1 Tur key has i 'e '. e! amy xtVc . will be nut 1.': 'Jo ;j oi'J of t' e h'.heat bidder. Aitoather, it is 03tiiruted that in tho ocnt ofagoucral 'luro nean war, ten mill'o-. mci will meet on the various battlo ficUb. The United States wili mao ov ery to remain neutral. President Wil son has proposed that Congress pass a measuro waiving the restriction on American registery for foreign ships the dca being ot have all merchant vessels engaged in world traffic come under tho U. S, flag and thereby en able them to continue in trade with out molestation. Yesterday's news reports reported a disastrous naval battle in the North Sea between England and Germany, which resulted n a loss of six vessels for Germany and two for England. A bnttle between Franco and Ger many Sunday resulted jn n rout for the German troops. Numerous small engagements on the Russian frontier between German and Russian troops are reported. Prices on food stuffs in Europe are soaring and some of tho smaller countries are already facing famine England it is said has provisions for only about a month. Money is almost impossible to get and many of tho financial institutions are facing rum. That the war will have consider able ot an ettect in this country is evidenced by the order already sent out that no more orders will be tak- for future flour deliveries at the pres cnt prices. COQUILLE DISPENSES WITH THEIR CITY ENGINEER. At a meeting of tho Coquille city council last week the following reso lutions were passed: "Whereas, it appears that from this date there willke very little work in tho engineering department of the city of Coquille for some time, or un til after it shall be determined wheth er or not we are to proceed with the improvement of the water system, now therefore be it resolved that we dispense with the services of the City Engineer, P. M. Hall-Lewis, from and after July 31, 1914." LOCAL NEWS ITEMS J. R. Rode of Coquille was a Ban don visitor Monday. G. H. Dangler of Myrtlo Point was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Mary Harmon of Coos Bay was in Bandon Monday taking in tho sights on the beach. The Speedwell left San Francisco for Bandon yesterday and the Fitield will leave Thursday for this port. W. D. JTo'imn and fatnily. of Mc- Minnville, tinived Saturday for a few lays visit with their nephew, F. A. Holman, and family. Dr. II. E. Short of Portland ar rived yesterday and will visit for a few days with Dr. R. V. Leep and will join a hunting party down tho coast tho latter part of tho week. Tho littlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flam of Bear Creek fell from a blcyclo last Friday, disocating her arm. Mudical attention was prompt ly given anil she is getting along nice ly at tho present. E. E. Reynolds is having a parti tion put in the old post office building ami wll move his barber shop into tbu went half of tho building as soon uh it is completed. J, T, Llllurd will occupy tho oust liulf, The new Kllingson building, which U to bo occupied by tho Haiidon Dry Good Co,, la now jirui'tlcully com ploU'il. Tho plutti glu8 front In u 111 uihI llitt huli'ony in pow being built wliii'li will complete tho job. Tim building to U oiiujM by lu JImihIoii Jlunlwuru In uoy ju-ur flitf' twiiijiluljou. 'J'ltf m&iut wrb i HKHj'Jy ilm tiJ UkiU HNm wttl urn la Um i'l&mUig ismrpm or Band Wl 1 0 on D Now Op h h. i t -t A . n ... .;. f X A A A A A A We are now ojpen fdr 8 fcufcmeas in our new location in the Sabro Build ing with a complete line of Drugs, Drug Sundries, Stationery, etc. Mr. W. B. Hays formerly of Portland, a pharmacist of repute has charge of the store and prescription depart ment and the public may be assured of prompt and courteous treatment. Band Co. We are prepared to furnish you anything in the line of TAINS PAPER PAINTS ID OILS. VAR BRUSHES, SUPPLIES, WALL ALSO A COMPLETg LINE OF See our line of samples in the latest designs of wall paper. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE LOCAL DEALERS IN Lowe Brothers High Standard Paint and the best grade of Dutch Boy White Lead i Let Us Give You an PICO JP P A ?"E70 All Our Work is Abso Estimate on Your Job. T IkJ&I G LsJLSLaSX u(cy Guaranteed FIRST ST. and GLMIRA AVE. PAINTING nnd DECORATING BANDON, ORGGON. I!) V ALONG TIIK WATER FKONT S) The Eliznbeth arrived in mt Sun day with a good cargo of freight and the following passengers: Miss Mil dred Cooper, Miss Lane, Mrs. II. Ijino .Sutton, N. J. Crain, D. L. Dillon, A. Davidson, V. W. Lane, E. II. Jensen, Frank G. Leslie and wife, I). W. Cuddy, Tonia Williams, C. Dodd, wife and child, Gerald Dodd, II. D, Doole, D. McAllister, C. Cunningham, M. Martin, J. K. McDonald, H. Enck- . w t t rm m t ill son, l. imnon, J. imnon, i. .uorrin, M. Peters. Tho Elizabeth will sail again this evening at 10 o'clock. The Handon arrived Sunday with a small cargo of freight and left again for Yaquina Hay whoro ho will taku on a loud. Notice to School Pupils. A meeting of thu fi'yldo Indus trial Club, of which thu following urn ofllcers, Is culled for Frhluy, Augunt 7th, ut 2;:i(), ut tho old school lioiuo. All who are planning oxhlhlU fir Um fulr nhouliJ 1)0 pmn'iit. Wilbur JiirgtuiMoii, VUv l'r Vary JJumilwiU, Bt1)'' Vlw JliMiUilju- Mi ibmrimm i.. wail tmmwi imS0 Readers of the Bandon Recorder, and Friends: Special Bargains in Farm Lands and City Property Sce SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. Automobile and Machine Work Iking your work to ilu (iuruuc mitj MMdiint Wm. I'Aiailiinn iJ-u-witli imtnm mu illpiw 'Agent lor Huuk AuUmiuUWi. M, f, SWRRAilD, Bandon, Ore. tt i i I.