Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, July 28, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Neighborhood News
Items of General Interest Gathered From
Coos and Curry County Exchanges
From tho Tribune:
P. H. Poole, the real estate man,
has opened offices in the Nielsen
building on Jackson street, and will
npend tho next month hero sellinc
real estate und boosting the Agate
A peculiar disease, with symptoms
much the same as water founder, has
been going around among the horsoa
of this section for the past, several
weeks. It docs not result fatally, but
several valuable animals have been
moro or less stiffened by it.
I ho steamer Mnry Olson, one of
the Olson Mnhonoy boats, having n
capacity of over 1,000,000 feet of
lumber, is duo at Port Orford tomor
row for a shipment of railroad ties
Tt i J t i 1 ... . .
ii. ia uAjiecieu vnai snc win tnKc some
12,000 or 15,000. E. J. Loney hat-
some 25,000 or .'10,000 ties in town
but these cannot bo gotten onto the
dock fast enough so that they can all
bo taken at one time.
The handicap match between Lut-
soy and tho ten best men in thee oun-
ty at the Agato Carnival is about as
sured. It has been sugested tha't the
Northern end of tho county furnish
five men for tho contest and thr
Southern end do likewise and ther,
on tho day following the big match
have thoso ten men pair off and
wrestle for then upremacy of the
North and South ends. This would
create considerable interest.
Last Saturday about noon a doe
and fawn wandered into town on
Oregon street near (he John Fiornni
residence After dodging several au
tomobiles thoy returned to their na
tive haunts. The fawn was a little
fellow and counld have easily been
caught for a pet.
Tho crew of men who livae bech
employed by tho Bandon Conr.truc
tion company on tho Port Orford
wharf have gone to Chetco where
that company has. tho contract from
the county to build a combination
bridge across the Chetco river for
$22,800.00.- The wharf at this place
was completed'last Saturday.
north r.nxD
From The Harbor:
A portion of the shed at the rear
of tho box factory fell in Saturday
forenoon, necessitating a shut dowr
for tho balance of tho day. It had
been noticed for several days before
that this part of tho buildnig bo
ginning to sag, but little attention wnt
given to it until with ii sudden crash
on Saturday it broke, carrying witli
it considerable veneer which wai
stored above tho dry ifiln below. For
tunatoly no ono was injured serious
ly. Two men who were working near
hetrd tho first crash before it entire
ly broke looso and jumped to ono side
and escaped with slight bruises. Tiie
part which fell in is being rebuilt.
Tho members of tho Eastorn Star
nro preparing to entertain delegates
from all other lodges in tho county
August 15th. Tho custom whi!i has
provailcd in tho past is to meet in ob
servance of Natal Day, and a silver
loving cup is to bo awarded to the
lodgo having the largest percentage
of its membership present at the meet
ing. Tho mombors aro 1p king
forward tot hem eetingw ith pleas
ure and will do their boat to oulor
tlio visitors in truo Uo id
Tho big four story hotel, 100x120
feet and to cost about $76,000, now
seems a certainty. Tho sobjlting
committee has rained $63,000 ni d bus
fully $20,000 in small pledgets in sight
which Imvo not boon solicited.
Clias. Kiser, brought to this ollko
last week a copy of Vol. 1, No. 1, of
tho Ilangnr Exchange, tho flnrt mows
paper over published in North Ilimd.
Tho (Into Is August 30, 1002, and
Chun, 10. Huwynr was lU wlltor. Tho
juipi'i-. was neat in iippum'nmw eon
tiiiiiug liimlyiio Ml iiuttur H wjm
piibliklitMl nt His Timbrn)u otiii in
Porl lain) in tho inloi'fst f L I. Kin
ney in bin iiujiwliuit M'hiim.
i" ' ( i) f t t i a t i d t) f
Wl-U lli: ( II MCH
I 4
e i i t t 4 t 4 j
Mill Ii lull
ill H$-" Jniilt t I uiul.
I umtmun tmm t iiiltAii Uu. swW
mtki mr mwt vU
.... ,;to.
'soon be sawing lumber. The first
train load of logs arrived from the
woods Inst week. The new town is
growing steadily although all tho lnm
bcr had to be shipped In.
Deputy Sheriff of Coos County
Clyde Gage, was an over night visi
tor in town last night. Ho started
put after what he thought waa
stolen but after reaching here
he was advised frmo his ofiico that
(he horse had showed up, so he laid
aside his official business and has
iicon enjoying himself fishing.
Rev. S. G. Rettcs, the cow bo
prencher, accompanied by ljis wife,
who is touring the state in the inter
est of state wide prohibition, arriV'
cd hero Friday evening. Ho lectured
on temperance that evening and Sat
urday evening and preached an able
sermon at 11 o'clock Sunday mom
ing. Sunday .evening ho lectured in
tho Presbyterian church to a Inrgc
inn nsnermen on tiie lower river
aro all smiles today, occasioned by
rnl. 1 ...
exceptionally "good catches last night
It is said that about twelve hundred
salmon wore caught on the lower
ir drift during the night. All tho
oats getting from eight to two hun
dred each.
wesiey Miller, accompanied by
'lis cousin, Clyde, started yesterday
norning for Grants Pass to bring
lome ins automobile from where he
lad left it for repairs some two
weeks ago.
. .n
From the Lenders
Last Friday F. H. Strain and tlauch
tor, Stalla of Hare, departed for Co
quillc. Miss Stalla arrived homo
Sunday accompanied by her friend.
Miss Mablo McKcy of Bandon.
Mrs. Leah White of this" place do-
parted for Bandon Wednesday to vis
it her daughter, Mrs. Conrad.
The following party of Bandon
(food road builders and boosters
vore looking over tho roads in North-
am Curry county. They visited the
new cut off now being built south of
Langlois, and report work progress-
ng m first class shape. Judge Hall
uf Coos county. P. M. Hall-Lnwis.
oad master of Coos county, T. Arm
strong, surveyor, W. T. Dement, coun-
y conimistyoncr, and S. Gallier, pres-
dent of tho Bandon & Port Orford
Rov. C. D. Keveney of Bandon pass-
3d through Langlois Tuesday on his
way down the coast.
Mel Fitzhugh hauled a load of fat
hogs to Bandon for James Hughes of
Rivcrdalo the first of tho week.
0 ,
From the Sentinel:
Assessor Thrift says lie has reduc
ed the valuation in rangoi D and 10,
on the east side of tho county, ten
per cent from last year's asaejsment.
This is following tho line indicated
by tho board of equalization which
cut thoso figures 20 per cent. The
porsonal property rolls of the coun
ty arc complete and show a total of
$2,001, 135, which is $S0,I10 more
than in 1913.
Travelers coming in from Roseburg
over the Myrtlo Point stago route re
port that work has been started on
tho construction of threo miles of
now road just tho other side of Camas
Valley, that will greatly redueo tho
grade. Tho new route instead of
climbing part way up tho mountain
as thu present way" does, will skirt
tho creek very closejy; juid lessen
considerably tho climb on ono of the
worst sections of tlru whole road.
Tho Baxter House hero changed
hands quite unexpectedly last Mon
day. Arthur Peart notified the own
ra, Baxter Bros., tha't ho surrendered
his um and thu building and furni
ture was forthwith leased by them to
SI. II. Voiing, of Hut New England
liouto. Mr. Young hud won many
neonlumi us u popular iiml siu'cdss
All mIuiw in Ids former locution, mid
w ore sum will kiwp up tlio inpuiu.
Uwi Uid Jtaxlur Imw o long tuijuyt'd
In tJw mar iiiimoilou hvMur Urn-
f ovtu wlilgji Iio imw jhu.
Him In nfcftHii if ami lM
md 4mmn tf m mum. ih
uls6 has quarters in the Chai'imer of
Commerce at Marshficld and will
spend a portion of each week there,
From tlui Enterprise:
E. II. Meade, formerly manager
of the Margaret Hies theatrical com
pany, is in town this week, camping
in tho crovo with Chas. Bunch of
Coquillc, and attending the Seventh
Day Advcntist camp meeting. Mr,
Meade, who suffered a stroke of par
alysis about, two years ago, is now
able to get about pretty well with a
cane. He is residing qu a ranch
about two miles from , Coquillc and
makes a livelihood raisipg chickens
Mr. Meade informs the Enterprise
that Margaret Illes, who Was a fo
vorite with Myrtlo Point theatre-go
crs several years ago, is now playing
in New York City.
Members of the Myrtle Point Cow-
Testing Association held their first
picnic at the F. L. Lundy ranch on
Catching Crock las Friday. A large
basket dinner was one of the features
of the occasion. Tiie speakers were
J. L. Smith, county agriculturist Robt
Dryden, tester in charge of the work
for the association, and Prof. R. O
Graves, head of tho dairy department
of tho O. A. C.
J. C. Angel a former resident of
Coos and Curry counties, who in early
lays spent somo time mining and
prospecting- in this section, arrived
yesterday. Mr. Angel left those parts
over thirty years ago and now makes
his homo at Portland. One of tho first
men ho met yesterday was Uncle
Jerry Hayncs ,nnd they recognized
ich other by their voices. Mr. Angel
is in his eighty-third year but when
told that the Ecklcy stage had been
iscontinued ho said he believed ho
was still equal to walking to the old
scenes in the mining, camps on John
son Creek and Sixes River.
Last Saturday afternoon Joe Laird
sent the Roseburg auto stage on
through to Mnrshfield, and Sunday
morning the through schedule be-
tweon that city and Roseburg was put
nto full force. The cars leave
Marshficld at 5:00 a. m. and arrive
at Roseburg about noon.
Elder C. II. Barklow went to Ban
don last Friday, and will remain un-
nfter the close of the Brcthern
deference which is in session there
this week. He was accompanied 'by
his daughter, Miss Zelia. Mrs. C.
Barklow has bepn visiting at Ban
don a couple of weeks.
Attorney L. A. Liljeqvist is work
ing on a line-up for a city ordinance
make effective the dryness re
cently decided upon by tho Coquille
City Council and the majority of the
citizens. If ho works it out ns he
has it in mind it will bb a corker and
will make tho business f bootlegging
an exceedingly precarious occupation
besides causing moro or less .incon
venience for those who like to have
the materials for a little private jag
where they can lay their hands upon
them. Here aie somo of the .things
that it is proposed to make unlawful:
To sell, give away, deliver or furi-
ish liquor to another person.
To have it in possession with the
intent to furnish it to any other per
son, the possession of more than a
quart of distilled or moro than a
gallon of malt liquors being made
pr miafacio evidence of such intent.
For anyone but a railroad or ex
press company or common carrier
to transport liquor into or through
tho town, or for a common carrier
t deliver a shipment of liquor to
any ono but tho consignee in person.
To keep or store liquor at your
place of business or on premises ad
jacent thereto.
To exhibit or drink liquor in n pub
lic place.
To solicit orders fqr liquor for
future delivery whether such orders
are to be filled from lnsido or out
sido of tho town.
Along with this will go a provi
sion for a search warrant that will
onablo the officers to find any liquor
that may bo concealed on the prom
Ikur outsldo of Uio anatomy of the
possessor. ,
Coquille stands in a little different
position from that of other towns
of the county from the fact that, she
has it provision In the churter which
gives the Council power to iiitiku it
unlawful "to give nwiiy, ilollvnr or
furnish" liquor to iinotliiir pmsoii,
while tho other towns um only em
powered to supplement or enforce
the slate law iignlnst "stdlbig."
tfiilmni or the gmit Auunlimn ;o
sell won't lie in it with (iiiijuillu by
lliu time MJJwjvlsl uwl the ('ouiiWJ
KtU UjiuujjJi wJUi M.- UuquUte Hyp.
J fttttUwH Ut 4
b mum i mmmmi Um 4 md
mm mil m m ui
The sixth of tho "Lucille" pictures,
Hugo Loubcquc, an international spy
has stolen certain valuable documents
of state from General Sumpter Love
the stolen papers to be used
ruining the General. To save her
father's honor from tarnish, Lucille
Love, tho General's daughter, under
takes to regain possession of the
documents single-handed. After
series of thrilling chases over land
and sea and after she has regained
tho papers, Lucille is picked up from
one of the South Sea islands by i
sailing vessel. Little does she renl
lze, however, that the vessel is owned
iy her enemy, Hugo Loubeque, and
that l.e is aboard the, same vessel.
As soon as Loubeque discovers
that Lucille is aboard the boat, with;
the coveted documents, ho disguises
:is a Chinese mandarin to further his
plans in regaining the papers. Mean-
wheli Lucille is impressed by two
members of the crew. The first is the
captain, who is not long in showing
her that ho has evil designs upon
her. The escond is the first mate,
a gruff old tar, with whom she makes
friends. One night the captain at
tackes Lucille, and she is only saved
from his brutality by the timely in
torference of Loubeque. The girl
recognizes the spy despite his dis
guise, and puts herself on guard
against him. Knowing that the na-
pers must be valuable, the caotain
steals them from Lucille's cahin
gain the captain attacks her. This
time the girl draws a revolver, forces
the captain to the deck and shows him
up to the crew as a coward. By this
time there is a general feeling of un
rest among the members of the crew.
Tho time comes however, when the
ulors divide and carry on an armed
mutiny. A few cast their lot with
Lucille and the rest side with the
captain. A fierce battle between con
tending forces is then waged upon
the deck of the ship. At a critical
moment when Lucille and her follow
ers seem doomed, Loubeque comes
unexpectedly to tho girls aid and for
an instant the danger is passed. But
only, for nn instant because in the
thick of the fray a battleship is
sighted. Realizing that the boat is
carrying contraband arms' to China
and that ctfpturq will mean impris
onment, those of the crew who were
Lucille's friends tun against her and
oin the captain. Again in command
the cap'tain has Lobeque thrown over
board and. for Lucille he has even a
worse fate planned. She is placed in
row boat with a jug of water and
cast adrift on. the South Seas. When
she has drifted some distance from
the ship, she rescues Lobeque from
the water. In the small boat there
is but sufficient water to last a few
lays. Lobeque, however, shows the
greatest consideration for the help
less girl and when tho chill of night
comes ho covers her with 4iis own
coat. They are alone, adrift uoon the
South Seas and neither has the doc
uments, the quest of which has ceus-
ed them to face sa many dangers.
This picture will be shown at the
Grand Theatre Wednesday, July 29.
ix reels of photo plays a two hour
That the rails are now within
fourteen miles of Mapelton and that
ti-ain service will be extended to the
head of navigation on the Siuslaw
October 1, was tho information
brought back today by Tom B. James
who has been making a trip through
that section. Mr. James, agent for
tho Arrow Line and the Roamer,
made tho trip with Agent Sheldon of
the Breakwater.
Mr. James says that tho work on
the Coos Bay-Eugene railroad is be
ing rushed all along the line and will
bo completed before some realize it.
Business is booming on the Siuslaw
and also at Gardiner and Rccdsport.
There is a heavy passenger business
out via the now line to Eugene now.
Tho auto line between Gardiner and
lorence has been abandoned and a
regular wagon stage is being used.
Coos Bay Times.
The following Is the school census
f the fivo leading towns of the coun
ISiiiulon 023
Murshfield 008
North Bend , 77l
oqulllu f02
Myrtle Point 0tf
Totttl , 67I
Ol this totttl (lie tlircu Coiulllu rlv-
r towns funiUll IBS Mini lmWo
(Wos Jluy town JHU7. Tliu rlvvr
Iml the luy by 197) fi'l it
miiw ui (Jm wuy utwn4 Tli" ivvr
mi uf Hip muly Ml ft" iuy ml
ft to muml 'MilustioiVJi w4l
w mimd jwjitflsJiM- fafMf '
M 1
"T T t r f i'-1 - -7 J -
Automobile and Machine
Bring your work to the Garage and Machine
Shop. Everything done with neatness and
dispatch. Agent for Buick Autdmohiles.
M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore.
Readers of the Bandon
Recorder, and Friends:
Special Bargains in Farm
Lands and City Properly
Help Make Oregon the
Cleanest State in the Union
Unclean ideas in regard to sex scattered broadcast by the ignorant cause
immorality, disease and suffering among the innocent.
True, wholesome information helps to produce clear?, healthful citizens capable
of richer and more useful lives.
Sex education should be provided when possible in the home. Pamphlets will be
sent free for men and women, boys and girls of nil ages. Send 2-cent stamp
and state definitely ages and sex of children and other persons for whom pamph
lets are wanted. Address
The Oregon Social Hygiene Society
Dept. E. 720 Selling Building, Portland, Oregon
City Meat Market
Phone 193
Geo. Erdman, Proprietor
We want you
For our customer not just today, but tomor
row and for all time to come, if
Right Goods
Right Prices
Courteous Treatment
and prompt delivery
is what you want
;5ucc.'Mor to
A. V., While