Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, July 28, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAft'E TWO
The Bandon Beach
Coquille Editor Writes of Vacation Spent on the
Last Saturday the Sentinel scribe
took a two-days layoff and accomp
nied by his better half went down to
get acquainted with the Uandon beach
Indeed he felt as if he really owe
the beach an apology for not dointf i
sooner. This because it was just
about a year ago now that being called
nnnn to use a Bandon folder as a earn
tiln in nrintinir one for his home
town of Woodburn up in the Willant
nttn vallcv ho had Uandon located ii
his mind as one of theb each resorts
between Astoria and Tillamook!
Of onurso havinir the idea the
that the Coquille river was tributary
to Coos Hay, there was no place to
locate Bandon down here. Perhaps
wlinn wo vet railroad communication
with the outside world there will be
fewer mistakes ofs this kind.
At nnv rate, with a railroad Ban
don bench ".would certainly be letter
known. The writer lias seen a lew
hnnehnR in the course of his earthly
pilgrimage, having spent his first
quartre century within a nine 01 me
eastern coast, and having seen the
shores of half a dozen other slates,
to say nothing of Brazil and Cuba;
and he wants to say, without any ex
ceptions or qualifications, that lu has
never before seen ns interesting a
beach as the one that stretches four
milos south from Bandon.
It seems strange that more cf a
Bummer resort has not been built up
there, with such attractions; but of
course the lack of easy transporta
tion facilities has had much to do
with that. To get to Bandon from the
outside one has the choice of three
risks to turn his stomach inside out,
to bo rolled over a precipice or to
sink In the quicksands at the mouth
of Tenmlle. So long as these condi
tions continue, the Bandon dill's arc
not going to bo dotted with the cot
tages of summer visitor.--.
Realizing though, vA .t an asset
Jump-oft" Joe and a few other rem
nants of sandstone ledges have been
to Newport, we felt like exclaiming,
"why hasn't someone told us how
incomparably superior arc the Initios
and pillars and rocks of varying
forms and colors and flinty hardness
that transform the Bandon beach in
to a veritable "garden of the gods?"
Of course the scenes there can't be
described by a few words printed on
paper, but to known how wonderful
they are one must wander through
them and take time to let the hun
dreds of viewg they offer stump
themselves on memory's walls. How
any ono can see this magnificent
beach, with its towering rocks, some
of them as long as a city block and
many of them as tail as the tallest
church spires, without telling all his
friends that it is ono of tiie fi.iest
things he ever saw, wo can't compre
hend. Several of these rocks have p.iss
ago ways through them; and we en
joyed our lunch on the sunnysidc of
ono of tho biggest of them, whoso
summit hnd many patches of bright
flowers blooming on its higher slopes
which they seemed to carpet soc loso
ly did they cling. Again some of
aro out at sea where the waves nev
er ccaso to dash about them, while
others are up the beach out of reach
of all ordinary tides. Between stand
thoses whose bases -fire alternately
bathed in surf and sunshine.
Tho farthest ono we visited stood
with its taller end facing tho land
but it's outer extremity away in the
sea and so low that it seemed a pity
we could not climb it. Still on a
nearer approach wo found that its
remote side was provided withannt
ural platform level onough for tho
ndventurous to encircle it half way
and reach its summit by easy stagos.
Tho introduction we received to
this rock-dotted const rrom the time
wc pussed the beached motor boat
Queen, just south of tho jotty, until
wo had traversed the rocky shelf Unit
furnished a paliway out to sea, was
so cordial and the scenes so grandly
picturesque that our thought wan,
"what a splendid vacation trip if ono
could follow this beach all the way
down to California!"
doing north, though, from IlulhmU
the next morning, with tho too itinhl
tioua project of hoofing It to WliUk
oy Hurt und buck liufiiru (ho Cnquillo
ruinu along, wo finally i'IIiiiIhnI i!m
ttfj t'lutt'rn fiicu of mind dunuti Uwt
luivo hurt) awt'tit inward from Uut mm
mi tint low mutt linn anil IwrW Utt
prlinuvitl tmvi iim I hi')' ingimmd,
until tor u mn tour iiiiltw Uam Bttd
ururly u inllo In liuwiltli Uw la
luufili-ully Do viHi(UiM Mtr
iWli IliM wllli WuhhWhk W
IllillllillU llf tlliUHUkJ bjui d OmI
llif miliar Ms l iM j
in the background. It was a scene
of utter desolation, such as we sup
pose the desert of Saraha presents,
making the sharpest possible con
trast to the green cliffs and cnthcr-dal-rock
beach of the previous day.
We used to wander among the shift
ing sand duiies of the Long Island
shores when a boy and had scon trees
buried by the restless sands before
but wc hnd never 'imagined anything
like this, though there are doubtless
localities where an even vaster waste
of sand has blown inland. As it was
it looked as if the millions of cubic
yards the winds were tossing about
might, furnish material enough for
all the building operations of the
world for years and years.
The farthest slope near the forest
that is slowly succumbing before the
restless advance of this sandy cliff,
in some places seventy-five feet high,
is as steep as the stuff will lie, and
wc found it easy to slide from its
summit to its base, though to climb
up again was an arduous task.
And now comes, one of those sing
ular coincidences which sometimes
seem almost uncanny. On our arri
val homo, after two days spent in
Bandon, we found a cgological survey
publication had just reached us by
mail a book of hundreds of pnges
.lovotcd to the gcologgy of Long Is
land, in which wo read for hours t bout
the sand une formations and shitting
coast linos there, and also about the
ice-sheet boulder eighteen feet wide
and eleven feet high over which wc
H.-ivn so often climbed when a kid,
andw Inch stood out as a land mark
jn tho eastern coast like those rock
masses abotu which we have been
Ariting do on the Bandon beach.
Another point we must pass over
now is what wo learned about tho
.ides during our visit, but that will
veon for another story, as this has
already stretched outf ar enough to
quit Coquille Sentinel.
Portland, Ore. Caplain Robert
Dollar, at tho head of tho Dollar
Steamship Company, and a world fig
jro in marine affairs, stopped over in
this city yesterday while enrouto to
Ids homo in San Francisco from Pu
ijet Sound. He came north partly to
attend the wedding of his son, Stan
ley Dollar, who was married to I.Iiss
Esther Johnson, at Coquille, Ore.,
July 15.
While in the Pacific Northwest
Captain Dollar this trip devoted most
of his time to general business mat
ters, lie has a contract for tho trans
portation of about ;10,000,000 feet of
minlier from British Columbia to the
Eastern provinces of Canada. Al
i eady ono cargo partly destined for
Toronto is aboard the steamship Rob
ert Dollar, which sailed from Van
ou vor, B. C, two or three weeks ago.
Captain Dollar said he expected to
el a contract soon for the construc
tion of nnother steamship which will
xceed the capacity of the Robert
Dollar, tho largest of his fleet. The
new vessel will be built in Scotland.
She will 1)0 christen Harold Dollar,
in honor of one of his sous, and is
to bee apablo of carrying considerably
moro than 5,000,000 feet of lumber,
in which trade she will engage. Like
ull of his other large vessels she will
fly the British flag, and it will cnt.blc
her to bo operated more cheaply. The
Harold Dollar is expected to bo ready
to launch in nine months. Sho will
opurnto from this coast.
Received 'of Dippul & Wolvorton
$1000.00 in full payment of policy
covering loss in recent fire. 1). M.
Received of Dippel ' A Wolvorton
$015.00 in full payment of policy
-overing loss in recent fire. O. T.
Rucaivud of Dlppul & Wolvorton
? 182.00 in full payment of policy
lovoring losa In reront fire. Harry
Rocalved of Dlppul fc Wolvorton
$1000.00 in full payiunnl of policy
covming low In wont fire. J ami
win & I 'ago.
Ittwaivwl of Dlpiwl H Wolvorton
SISMMMM) In full ikij-uhmiI of policy
1 1 win Um In rtuwnt Urn. linn
iUrlvJ u( Dijijxrf A VJufU)ii
$H1M In full imymmi at HilUy
NMwrinir km In rmmM Am,-. HmbiuV
PwUhrfUft i W.
Ium0 wild & S'tdUm,-
1'ui Mult Kim Ivhiy tAliti jft.
K'jtt "( Mlxi Htltm ui, Ju,i
The On of Air la What Craato tha
Daacrta of tha EaaL
The gulf stream, as every ono knows,
la a broad river of -warm water which
starts In the gulf of Mexico, wanders
across the' cold Atlantic ocean and
bumps Into tho British Isles, giving
them a warm climate and no end of fog
nnd rain. But few neoplo know that In
tho atmosphere aboro there Is a second
gulf stream of warm, moist air.
This slow, damp breeze strikes tho
British isles and does not carom off
like the gulf stream, but continues over
Europe. As It passes over Sweden. Fin
land and northern Itussla these cold
lands chill the wind and cause It to
drop Its moisture In the form of rain.
Tho lakes and rivers of these northern
countries are all supplied by the mois
ture taken up from the gulf stream.
The rotntlon of the earth makes this
wind veer gradually to the southward
about tho time It has given up tlm last
of its moisture and warmth. As a
mighty draft of dry. cold air, the gulf
stream wind moves on across the plains
of Russia. As It approaches the equa
tor tho wind warms again, but becomes
ever drier.
At last, as It sweeps over Turkestan,
Arnbln and Sahara, It evaporates like
n great aheet of blotting paper all water
It meets, forming the deserts of Turke
stan, Sahara and Arabia. Fortunately
this devastating wind now leaves the
continent, become the trad winds and
returns to its starting point at the gulf
of Mexico.
Several somewhat visionary schemes
have been suggested for altering the
course of the gulf stream. Ono of the
Immediate results of any such change
would be the shifting of the present
deserts to other parts of the world.
New York American.
That I What Permit a Naedl to
Float Upon Water.
A steel needle laid careully on a
still water surface will float, although
the weight of steel or iron Is greater'
than Hint of an equal volume of water.
Molecules of liquids cohere, but with
n force far less than In solids or viscid
substances. Bat tho thin needle of
metal gently placed Horizontally on
water has not quite weight enough to
break the surface tension that Is.
molecular attraction of the water be
low It.
Attraction of molecules Is a force
that exerts great influence in nature.
Thus this forco draws particles of wa
ter In fogs into drops of water which
aro heavy enough to fall as rain. Dew
is a formation of mlante particles of
water into drops at rest on surfaces.
The molecular attraction of the
heavy liquid mercury la Intense, else
this heavy liquid could not be drawn
by It Into spheres or drops. Melted
lead forms into mlnuto globes whea Ut
fall in high shot towers.
Thero is a great difference in the In
tensity of molecular attraction, as may
be observed in alcohol, gasoline, sul
phuric ether and similar limpid liquids
nnd oil, sirup, glycerin and other vis
cous liquids.
Soap bubbles could not bo blown In
alcohol or benzine, but they form read
ily in water. And the molecules In the
thin Alms reallyattract with some
force, olse the bubbles would burst be
fore they become so large. The most
elaborate mathematics are required to
handle molecular forces, fit only for
technical journals. New York Ameri
can. Working the Morse Code.
Easiness of tho telegraph code has
sometimes facilitated evil practices.
Charles Gnlbralth, formerly chief su
perintendent of telegraphs at Bombay,
described one notable case. Messages
used to bo brought by mall steamer'
from Suez to Point de Gallo and tel
egraphed thence overland to Bombay.
Native operators found it profitable,
especially during the cotton famine, to
communicate the tenor of dispatches to
outside confederates. At first tho
method employed was to write a copy
of the telegram, roll it up tightly and
drop It out of the window. But this
was soon dPtoeted and stopped. Then
the operator would lean his bond on his
hand as If musing and drum with his
fingers. Knowledge of the Morse eodo
by the mnn outside did the rest
An Inch of Rain.
An Inch of rainfall is equivuleut to
000 bnrrels of forty-five gallons onch to
the acre. This amouut of water weighs
over 113 tons. Think of hauling It to
the fanus In wagons holding a ton
each! That seemingly light air and
clouds aro capable, of nandllag this
enormous amount of water is one of
tho marvels of meteorology. Ono Inch
of rain is not such a heavy rainfall,
either. Fnrui mid Fireside,
Why She Couldn't.
"Oh. I couldn't lovo him."
"Why not?"
"Hi- wears a wig. The very ideal"
Then tho dear creature removed two
nits, some puffs, n coronet, a braid, a
IMimpadour, ii hwKcIi and sat down to
penwu u novel.-Ht. Louis Republic.
Rloht In Faihlon,
"I ln'ur Tom a gautleiuau farmer
"Itlitlit up o Iju notch too, puts
-veiling dri ou all lil scarecrows at
iliuk,"-Liii)doiJ Answers,
Uw to Him,
Proffer-JJiiv you rrad "La mla
Tnlinlr" lliilrhiT-ito, Vv mm H kqo4
ftw Mui k lui, u( iJunnij vyuf
r'li M M 'Hlil-lndfii TwIftffKjih
Ii m u llf vmm cr mind,
iti u iIlv UiJi, ljii lil rMwr
ilV Umll4 at fua i;witaW., '
Louis W. Hill, president of tho
Great Northern Railway, has signal'
(zed his Interest In tho Oregon Stato
Fair, to be held at Salem, Ore., Sept.
28 to Oct. 3, by offering a handsome
Ask the I H C Local Dealer to
Show You
protection against dirt or
grit getting into the working parts, and per
fect oiling facilities, are the features that make
these separators good for long service.
H C Cream Separators
airymaid and Bluebell
are close skimmers and built to last, and at the
same time are easy to clean and turn. The
reasons are these:
Everything inside the bowl has plain, smooth
surfaces to which dirt and milk do not adhere.
The interior device separates cream quickly
and thoroughly.
The dirt arrester chamber removes the un
dissolved impurities from the milk before
separation begins.
Spiral cut gears, convenient crank, and
thorough lubrication make these separators
easy to turn.
There are many other features worth your
consideration, Ask the I II C local dealer
handling these machines, or, write for catalogue.
Uternitional Harvester Company of America
ii... ......
IllClwrlfi Hufu
. '(ha puriuM ' Dili lliirau I lo furiiltli. !(
of r,li"s " Hi.!""! niluriiuiiuu uliuiimlini
on ItclUr frmln If uii Jmvh wunlijr $iiw
I lo ii concfiiln oi, rrmo. htiM 4rtunt, Irrl
mi luii, iff illliaii.f e.ii)ikui)uriiiijuirlriiirih:
FiiMf Job Prinlmjr
OCT. 3, 1914.
silver cup as a special prize for tho
best Individual farm exhibit.
Kvory farmor fs urged to entor tho
contest nnd help mnko this affair a
lingo success.
THE two features that
make a separator a
good investment are
close skimming and durabil
ity. Easy cleaning and easy
turning are important, but
not as important as the pow
er to get all the butter fat
and keep on doing it for
manj' years.
I H C cream separators
make good under the most
severe skimming test. Com
pare their construction with
that of any other separator
and you will see why. Extra
strong shafts and spindles,
spiral cut gears, phosphor
bronze bushings, thorough
k tU Recorder)
i . i
I City Transfer!
S. D. Kelly, Proprietor
Light and Heavy haul- $
t ing promptly done, i
Contracting and grad-
ing. Transcient trade x
S solicited. Horses
boarded. Phone 1151
j- Office: Dufort Building
.j.4.4..:j.a....j..4..jj..j.4..j. ,
I Brown & Gibson
The Leading Contraciors
and Builders
We furnish plums and speci
fications and il you are go
ing to build anything, no
matter how large or how
small, wc can save you
money. Lei us figure on
your building.
Do you want pure drug j
and drug sundries, fine i
perfumes, hair brushes,
and toilet articles? If I
so call on j
C. Y. I. OWE, Bandon j
'- -
U Practical Ilorseshoer U
U t t f I1
U General Blachsmithing First lT
U Class Wagon and Carriage U
U Work and General ltepairing U
U Prices Right U
U t t t,
U Haiiduu, Oregon U
Elite Restaurant f
Ray Rease, Prop.
-1 Hotel Bandon":
: y
American Plan, !.()()
and 51 .50 per I. . &
? iuropetin Plan, j t i
'; 50r, 75c 1 per i.n
: E. G. CASSIDY Prep.
Good body fir wood t
? .$1.75 per tier delivered, t
;c Wood cut to order $
y. A- G. PERDUE, Prop.
'k Phone 981
I () t) 'il (t) ( ,) (i) It) . , ,
' M. i. POOL OptuiNfhrixf
ifMt frw of i'lwric ui Hui i
ii v ii 'i e 't i- v ( i '
l "f Hi ,1'lNMll ' jfi ,
i- mAt v ' " " I'"