New Winter styles are now re in HA FNER & MARX FINE CL F f A IT'S always an event which deserves notice when a new season in men's clothes starts; especially when the clothes are such as we're showing from Hart 'Schaffner &. Marx. Never before in the 'history of the clothing business have we known so fine a line of goods as these. The models designed for young men are especially attractive. Special fabrics are chosen for these goods; patterns and colorings that are a little livelier than older men wear. . The models are the work of special designers . who give their attention exclusively to the creation of young men's, styles. The new tariff law makes it possible to use in ready clothes many imported weaves which have heretofore been too costly for such uses. The usual very large range of fabrics and patterns in American goods will not be less. Checks, plaids, tartans, Shepherd plaids, Glen Urquhart plaids, black-and-white, blue-and-white, soft grays, greens, browns; pencil stripes, chalk lines. You'll find what you want anions them. ' Hub Clothing and Shoe Company MONEY TALKS CASH ONLY THIS STORE IS THE BANDON HOME , OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES,