Vbi sAlt-Ch'ma elosot; :slx dining chairs mtd table. Inquhe of C. W. Martini . 57t4x. Mrs. A. Scelig of Marshfield came over yesterday to enjoy an outing on the' beach. For Rent Four room house on 5th and Grand Avenue. Inquire of Mrs. E. Lee. 57tf. Miss Clara Johnson came over from Coqulllo Wednesday for a few Biograph presents its supreme rhasterwork JUDI j" l'"" TH OF ULIA IN FOUR PARTS Without a doubt the greatest photo play ever produced. A broad way sensation. The entire all star biograph cast takes par m ths work. Blanche Sweet, Lillian and Dorothy Gish, the wonderful little May Marsh, Robert Harron Alfred Paget as Holof ernis, and scores off others are there. GRAND unday July 25-26 Admission 15 and 10c Night, uuimMornvnonstunmi! 3 sum k HT 6000 FEET OF FILM fiy Ct) 3 -n i . LODGE DIRECTORY W ) '3 3 a. 0 - ' Masonic. Bandon Lodge, No. 130, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications "first Saturday after tlio full moon of each month. Special communications Master Masons cordially invited. C. R. MOORE, W. M. PHIL PEARSON, Secretary. Eastern Star. Occidental Chanter, No. 45, O. E. S., meets Saturday evenings before and after statcjd communications of Mationic lodge. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. L. KATE ROSA, W. M. ROSA DINGAMAN, Secretary. Loyal Order of Moose. Meets. Thursday evenings in I. O. O. F. hall. Tmnscient Mooso cord ially invited. Something doing ov ery Thursday. Rcbekaii Ocean Rebekah Lodge, No. 120, I. O, O. P., wools second and fourth Tuesdays at I. O. O. F, hall. Tran cient members cordially invited. LENA DAVIDSON, N. G. MINERVA LEWIN, Secrotnry. W. ()'. W. "With Charity Towards All" Seasido Camp, No. 212, W. O. W. meats Tuesdays, K. of P. hall, 8 p. in. Visitors are assured n hot wel come, fly order of , W. A. KELLER, C. O. C. M. GAGE, Clerk. & 0 , LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 9 A. W. Cope was up from Lang lois Wednesday. C. R. Rrown of Langlois was in the city on business Wednesday. Experienced nurse Mrs. II. K. Jones. Leave ard at P. O. tf. Try the Uniquo for a good, square meal and sweet bread. tf. For Sale Lot with three room house. Inquiro at this ofilce. 38tf. Dr. S. C. Endicott, dentist, has movol into the now Ellingson build ing. 50tf. , J. McGee, of the McGeen coal mine at Riverton, Was in this city Wednesday. For Sale Full blooded black Min orca hens. Inquire at Shannon House on old plank road. For Sale Fine celery plants. In mlre of Melvin Maker on Jnckson V venue, tho Boyle property. Mm. J. 0. Stemmler of Myrtle Point' uns. in tho city the first of tlio woek, enjoying an outing on the boa oh. Waatoil party to contract to cut a couple of thouBand tiers of wood with drug saw. Inquire at this of fice. tf. I .0. 0. F. Raudon Lodge, No. 188, I. 0. 0. F., ineotH every WodiiMilny ovmilng. Visiting brothera in good nUimling cordially invited. 1). ( It AY, N. Q. L, 1. WHEELER, Kwury. linlltlitu of I'jlliliiri. Dtdphl Kb. til, Kolkl of I'ytliluM. MiwU vvwey Mumkjr v onllig at KitijfttU hull, VImI'ii ItliluhlH InvlUil to tiwi. II N IIAItlllNinOX, K. el ft. H tin mv at tui li. t i f JwlM(, Hk flo'l "i J'i(. )-,, Amuu. -4HL i T. T. Allon, who lait spring had n 'limb !iinputfitd, ia in far recovered that ha ia able to t mound on Ma erulclioa. J Th Blaon Trio ait) direst from the 101 liJaoa Hanoi) In Okliihoinaj at Ow O'-phauin mutt ftitniduy and gun. hty niffhU, M' K. H. Kaunrml, who auatuliy .I u tit'turl arm trtm u foil down u .i,uU If waaha Htftt, la nW uiniia iinrly at wraawit mm-, hub umm iwwlUfa UI Hi mi tli mmtUng Uml fMMH 'liatart MAaaV tibii 0. R. Spirets of Myrtle Point was in Bandon Wednesday. C. L. Stockin of Marshficld was a Bandon visitor Wednesday. R. L. Wallace of Langlois trans acted business in Bandon Wednesday. The famous Bison Trio, a novelty vaudeville act at the Orphcutn next Saturday and Sunday night. Remember "Judith of Bithulia." a film masterpiece at the Grand next baturday and Sunday nights. The Orplieum Theatre will, show a feature program Saturday and Sun day nights, besides tho Bison Trio. Whatever you do see "Judith of Bethulia" at tho Grand next Saturday and bunday nights a tremenduous feature production. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Roberts of Marshfield wero in Bandon Wednes day in company with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. O'Brien of the Marshfield Record. For Sale Team of dapple gray horses, harness, wagon, tie rack and polo rack, or will trade for Bandon real estate. Address F. E. Hull, Bandon, Oregon. 57t2x Work is proceeding rapidly on A. G. Thrift's now building which is to be occupied by tho Bnndon iyst of fice and us soon as it is completed, which will probably be some time early in August, tlio post office will bo moved. Editor A. R. O'Brien of the Mnrsh fiold Record, and wife wero Bandon visitors Wednesday. Mr. O'Brien re portH business qulto good in his city. He is innking extensive nlnnn fur. tlio enlargement and Improvement of his neWMiPUper, anil In tlio near future will mid another Ilnotvno mid a bleb grade rotary newspaper nm. Vonion Barker, former vlmirtiur of UiIh city mid who got linplluateil in h whim Hhtvu tuu nt Huieku, Cullf., will mil Ihi iinmuwtwl (or th ullug wl oiriinau, Jtnpyit rttfedvwj limw Uwi Uio vAltymm mtmimmmi tliu l'ah umniy Ijjivh litaw HniiAmi timl K wiH ml Usjmmmryjt U m Ut sjijhm'. Uimm tt l siu tu irwitM Umt ii mmnw U Imu mnm4 m tiw nnh ntMn days outing on the beach. Miss Lockwood, a trained nurse of San Francisco, arrived on the Elizabeth to visit her uncle, J. E. Fox, and family. J. S. Barton, of Conuille. came dow yesterday and was lookme for a fur nished house in which to move his family for a month while thev enlo- an outing on the beach Sec Dipplo & Wolverton for ab stracting, conveyancing, fire and pliitc glass insurance, fidelity and surety bonds. Notary public in office. Op positc the Postofllce. Phono 38. tf. Vandeventer & Chambqrlain of the White Star auto line, have purchased a Maxwell in addition to their Pack ard and are running both cars on the line between Bandon and Johnson's mill durig the rush of the busy sea son. Thoy nlso uec tho cars for con veying picnic parties or any other kind of parties that desire the ser- ivce of an automobile. Emma Goldman, the famous an irchist. accomnanied bv Dr. Bnn Heitman, who usually travels with her, was here for a while Thursday during the time the Elder was in port. Ihey had been holding meet- ngs at kurcka and'were on thoir way to Portland and other northwestern cities,--Coos Bay News. Dr. D. E. Biggs of Bellintrham. Wash., is expected here in a few days to join his wife who is visiting her mother, Mrs. F. E. Dyer. Dr. Biirtrs and Gus Buckingham are figuring on building on the Dyer corner which was destroyed by the recent fire and plans for the building will be soon drawn. Editor Edgar McDaniel.of the Coos Bay Harbor, has returned from an automobile trip through Califor nia. Mr. McDaniel had his family with him and they camped along the way. They wont as far south as Tia Juana, Mexico and had a fine outing, being absent over five weeks. Marsh field Record. Tho lighthouse tender Manzanita returned Wednesday from her trip to Cape Blanco, and Captain II. L Beck stopped off at Bandon and in spected the local lighthouse, finding everything in fine shape and was well pleased. Captain Johnson of the life saving crew went out in tho power boat and brought, Captain Beck in and took him out again, We have always thought of our lumber industry as a vanishing indus try and felt that once tho big trees of Coos county were felled it would be two or three generations before ano ther crop of timber would be ready to harvest. But a few days ago we heard one of the. Smith-Powers company qouted as saying that they have just been logging a tract from which the timber was cut only 30 years ago, and that were mills using ten times the amount of lumber they do now the natural growth on their holdings would still keep pace with tho des- tructin of the forests by their logging opcrations.Coquille Sentinel. Preaching nt Presbyterian Church. There will be preaching at tho new 'resbyterinn Church next Sunday, July 20, morning and evening by Rev. G. II. Wilkins of Bond, Oregon. Notice to School Pupils. A mectinir of the Seaside Indus trial Club, of which the following are officers, is called for Friday, August 7th, at 2:.10, nt the old school tiouse. All who are planning exhibits fir the fair should be present. Mclford Wcstleder, Pres. Wilbur Jurgenson, Vice Pres Very Hunnicutt, Sec'y. Emily Schetter, Treas. THE PRICES OF LAWKS SHOES GOES DOWN. We havo mi snlo two dozen pairs of laco ahocH, regular $3.00 mid f 4.00 Bollorn u t$1.2n to $2.70, sizes 2Hi, u, Mi and !. Real Imrgulmi. See our window display. Also all lace low ahouN In all uv, below font, llli m, niii:i'i:it, ) tj it) it) n ) it) 'i) f 1) ') D ri ' i ma Youn kyk, hut no . NOT AIIHflli IT ID i tm trap gi ajiwp iu JJMuir w Sam Says: The mill is down but I'm still on the job, ready to furnish you with a sky scraper or a chicken coop. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU SPARK'S GROCERY SucceBtor to A. E. White EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME SAILINGS From Portland Every Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. From Coos Bay Every Saturday at Service of the Title. Confirm sailings through M. F. Shoemaker, Bandon 7 PHONE 142 i a A. D. Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 Down and $10 per month. Bargain in Business Lot on First Street. BANDON TRANSFER CO. Gatchell Brothers, Props. All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. .Barn corner First & Edi son, Fish Property. .Telephone 641. ttWWWWtWt -M K-J-4 f I Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable IS. S. ELIZABETH ; Large Two-Dorth Outside State Rooms With Run ning Water. I Eight Day Service Between (he Coquille River miicJ hun J1 ninclKco, FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 FREIGHT RATES, fell ON UP FREIGHT I Hmrvnilmw: J. H. Norton, Coqulllo PurklnH', t Myrtln J'olnl; liJJriii'iri JwumU, ' 0 it