Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, July 24, 1914, Image 4

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,Thr' Money In the Street Scrnpingi
of an African Town.
Travelers declare, says tlnrper'H
"Weekly, that at Axltn, ou tlie Gold
Coast of Africa, gold may actually bo
picked up In the streets. When one
visitor, an Englishman, took the state
ment as a mere Uguru of speech his
host Immediately b;ide a woman serv- i
ant go out Into the main street, gather j
a bucketful of road scrapings and
work it for gold dust. '
In ten minutes the servant returned ,
with two galvanized iron buckets, one
filled with road scrapings and the oth
er with water. She also brought three
or four wooden platters, varying In
size from a large plate to a saucer. I
Removing several handfuls of the
road scrapings and plnclng thi-in In the
large platter, the woman picked out
and threw aside the large stones, peb
bles nnd bits of stick and then mois
tened thi- remainder with water from
the othei bucket. This enabled her to
remove smaller refuse.
Tho renlduum she put Into the next
smaller platter, and she repeated the
process until there was a quantity of
sand nnd gravel rtudy for treatment.
This she sprinkled freely with water
and by a deft circular movement of
tho platter brought the small gravel to
the outside, where It could be thrust
over tho edge. When she had repeated
this operation three or four times she
treated the material, which now looked
moro like mud than anything else, In
a still smaller platter.
At last. In the smallest platter of all,
she had tho bucketful of sweepings re
duccd to" a handful or two of black
sand. This she carefully washed and
sifted. At last with a dexterous twist
sho brought the sand into a crescent,
tho outer edge or which showed a thin
rim of yellow. It was unnil -tnknlily
gold dust. The whole operation had
taken half an hour, and It had pro
duced about n shilling's worth of gold
Porkers From the Standpoint of All
Around Mathematics.
Tho educated pig of the old time
sideshow, which gravely read figures
on a blackboard, was only a type of a
class. Ills modern prototype Is quite
his equal in devotion to the exact sci
ence Hy both instinct and fate he Is
a mathematical animal. Subjectively
and objectively he Is great on llgures.
Thoy are dealt out to him, and ho
deals in them himself. He desires his
square meals to be regulated dally by
tho rulo of three. In addition, lie deals
with his owner's Iiulcbtedm Ho Is
able to reduce a mortgage to auctions
Witt mazlug rapidity. In measuring
the available contents of a pail of slop
ho Is a lightning calculator.
As n multiplier tho pig has no equal,
counting on six to the litter nnd two
Utters In tho year. At this rate, bar
ring accidents, the sow's progeny will
amount to more than 1,000 In Tour
years. A week old pig is up in geom
etry, finding tho way home nlong the.
hypotenuse short cut. An old sow's
quickness in boxing the compass in a
potato patch Is ainnzlng. And when
It comes to a troughful of sklinmilk
she is the least common divisor; she
wants It all herself.
Objectively tho porker Unds himself
stacked about with n bewildering nr
ray of Ugures his gains every day on
pasture, ids gains every day on grain,
his gains to the pound of grain, his
gains on pasture plus a daily ration
his gains on vegetables and roots
theso and a hundred other tabulations
surround him. Profit or loss, so fnr as
tho pig Is concerned, Is almost purely
a matter of feeds and feeding, nnd
theso nro in their turn matters Of al
most pure mathematical measure
ments; henco have resulted tho long
listed calculations available to tho
farmer. W. J. Haraha In Breeder's
Boiling the Kettle.
Mrs. Campbell had engaged a new
maid. "Martha," said tho mistress ou
the first morning, "be careful alwnys
to boll tho teakettle before making tho
Martha signified her willingness
and, after an absence in the kitchen,
returned to her mistress and said:
'Tlease, muni, there's nothln' big
enough to boll the taykettle In, 'less
'tis tho wash boiler, sure." National
War In the Air.
During the hottest lighting at tho
battle of Chlckamaugn an owl, nlnrni
ed fty the unusual sounds, was 'fright
cueS from its usual haunts. Two or
three crows spied him and made pur
suit, and a fight In tho air followed
Tho contest was observed by a soldier,
lie dropped ills gun to tho ground and
"Whew! Even tho very birds in tho
air uro lighting!"
Variable Condition!,
"Thut man sayH iio dooan't know
whether hu is married or unmarried,
auuo or iiisuue."
"Yes. lie has had a gntut dull of
trouble with court complication. Those
thluifi all depend on what Ut0 lie
happens to !mi In," Washington Slur.
Wronging Another.
No man In lh wurtd trur aumntir4
to wrong uiioiluir wiUHWl Mai lAjMP
I'd In return-oim way wwvrt
Qimer K!"d "f Fun That Goes With
One Hindu Festival.
The "lloli Festival." as celebrated
annually b.v the mnhuraja of I'atlahu
India. Is described by Charles llitr
tram in his volume, "A Magician In
Many Uirds." Mr. liertiam wiites:-
Kurly Id the morning I went to thft
club, wheie I found tunny of the
guests, who were taking part in the
ceremony for the first time. We were
pr'ovjilcl with a complete new suit ol
lliudu garments, and our dressing
was superintended by the mahnruju's
servants We had camels, elephants
and vi torins jiro;lded for us. I was
on an elephant. In a kind of box. nnd
we drove In procession to the palace
of the native city.
"We were received with great no
claim by the natives, and 1 was led to
believe that It was to be decidedly i.
dlgnlllc I occasion, but I was woefully
mists ! 'it The fun had not begun.
Cert nil i formalities had to be goiw
throttg;i, before the signal was given.
"We took our seats In the courtyard
of the palace at n lontr table that was
loaded with large gilt dishes filled with
dlf.ere it colored ballsjts large as or
anges itid filled with hull powder At
a slgnr:! the brother of the nmharujo
came t the front of the table nnd sa
laamcdvtn the prince, who took one of
the bii'fs and threw It gently ucrosi.
the tii'ile. striking the olllcer on tho
"The ball broke and scattered tho
powdei over his costume. Then there
was a general scramble, nnd In less
time than It takes to write hundreds
of balls were Hying about, their many,
colored contents scattered broadcast
on the crowd. Next baskets -of loose
powder were thrown upon us In hand
fills. I "It was no use to expostulate: the
limine t you opened your mouth some
body r.lled It with powder. The battle
grew I. ist anil furious, when suddenly
an eii'irtnoiis stream of water from a
(Ire ei.glne drenched .everybody. The
colored powders became wet and. mln
gllni' I'igether. dyed us all in brilliant
ly vu Legated hues.
"Afi-r this sort of thing had gone on
for -an if an hour it ceased by mutual
conser t. and we returned to the pri
vate aniens of'tho maharaja. where
we were inot unceremoniously pitch
ed Int a tii nk of running water I
was d ed a deep scarlet all over my
body, and It was fulls n month before
theco'or entirely disappeared from my
face a 'id bands."
Maddening Calmness.
A New Yorker who had planned a
week end trip with his wlfo fumed
and fretted without avail on the morn
ing set for their departure because she
made such slow progress in getting
ready for the Journey. At last he fairly
dragged her from the house and Into
a Waiting taxieab, although she kept
protenlng that there was no occasion
for hurry, ns they bad plenty of" time.
Arrived at the station, the couple dash
ed for their train and were Just In
time to see it pulling out "There."
snld the irate husband, "didn't I tell
you that. we'd never catch that train
on nouuut of yon?"
"Yes." said his philosophic spouse
ralmly. "but we didn't miss it by
much " -New York Tribune.
London's Kenndl Club.
The London Kennel club has pedl
grees of noo.OUO dogs on tile. The club
was organised in 1S73. At the niinnnk
how of the Kennel club tu London
:ih, t &10.000 Is awarded In prizes. A
committee of the club meets twice a
month, and the chairman and mem
bers of the committee sit ns Judges
and J.iry In every disputed case passed
up to them by the Judges of shows.
Witnesses are called In the ordinary
way and sometimes the sentences are
very severe, Not Infrequently the
owners of dogs are prohibited from
over taking part in n show afterward.
Ho Unburdens Himsolf.
"Can yon bear It ir I tell you some
thing serious?" ventured the young
"Yes Don't keep anything from
aie!" :;asped the bride.
"Remember, this does not mean that
n!y love for you Is growing less."
' "Don't Ijronk my heart What Is It?"
"Well, my dear, I'm getting tired of
angel food every day for dinner.
Would It be too much to ask you to
have liver and onions?" Kansas City
Ocenn Derelicts,
Almiidoned vosels have often float
ed for many mouths waterlogged, but
curried fur by winds and currents.
There was the Kiinny K. Wolston. de
serted on Oct. in. 1S01, which traveled
iiIhmi! t.ftOO miles before she was last
reruiitcd in December. LSI lit And the
W. I Wblto was a derelict from lR'W.
when she wa lieur New York, till sho
run .islmre on the Hebrides n year
In tor Forty voasols saw her, but
foulil not sink bur.
Cruel Hazing,
"Have yen hoard what Mabel's fra
ternity ilk! to her?"
Their linv'f turrllile Initiations. I nil
'iKivuml "
"Tint's what. 'Itty unluroil her lo
(snip Ur mulhttr with Uiu illuhe for a
ifMitk WaaliluftiDO Uwilld.
ItoUtitu of Suft$e,
k u4 inAmn mu m the UmIi
r "f u' f UMMNtstMl m ara r-
"' lu mtri at Wt" WUa1
UA rtrt I am fit muthur at H0-
k hlli' tttv
Dry Wood
Good dry wood, split for cook stove, $1.50 per tier I
in two tier loads. Block wood $ 1 .35.
F. L. Christie, Phone 582
Keeps ''-flue IM
Motor . J M
coot ; ;
Bpffly Dealers everywhere. Ask our near- AtAflH
WxwMw cst a2cncy about delivery in bulk. lllS
gy Bandon
Young mens suits, Size 31 to 35
now $7.00 and $9.00
International Harvester
Oil and Gas Engines .
The I HC Line
Hinrlrrf, Reapers
IletJeri. Mowers
Kikes, Stackers
Hay Loaders
l!ijr Prettei
riinten. Pickers
I'uderi, Culthttors
t'milace Cotters
wbellers, Sbrcilrlcrs
Vcg, Spricjr-Toolli,
nnd Duk Harrows
Oil and Gu Enjines
0.1 Tractars
Maavre Spreader
Creaaa Separator
Faroa Wat;uu
Molar Trucks
Cr.ia Drills
Ft d Grinders
Knifs CriaJcrS
Biadsr Twuus
rs.'Kj-'' y x x i i i i i
BUY an International Harvester en
gine, take care of it as any machine
should be cared for and a dozen years or
more from now it will still be working for
It will save you and your family endless hours of
hard labor in pumping, sawing, grinding, spraying,
running separator, etc.
liuy an I H C engine. They last longer, burn
less fuel, aro simpler, and give you most power,
lleruaroa few of the reasons: Offset cylinder heads,
large valves, accurately ground piston and rings,
heavy drop forged crank shafts and connecting
rods, etc. Best material and construction mean the
best engine. I H C engines are built in all styles,
and in all sixes from 1 to S0-H. P. They operate
on low and high grade fuels.
Not every local dealer handles I H C engines.
The ono who does is a good man to know. If you
do not know who he is, wo will tell you when you
vrito us for catalogues.
International Harvester Company of America
Portland Ore.
Chimpion D etna j McCormick Kin'iiitee Oslorne Pfuo
H, Ci'rv Meat Market
. j .
We also have a large line of Mens suits from $12.00
up. Boys suits with two pair of pants for S5. 00
f c
Readers of the Bandoai
Recorder, and Friends:
Special Bargains in Farm
Lands and City Property
Help Make Oregon the
Cleanest State in the Union
Unclean ideas in regard to sex scattered broadcast by tin- ignorant cause
immorality, disease and suffering among the innocent.
True, wholesome information helps to produce clean, healthful citizens capable'
of richer and more useful lives.
Sex education should be provided when possible in the home. I'amphlels will be
sent free for men and women, boys and girls of nil ages. Send 2-rent stamp
and state definitely ages and sex of children and other persons for whom pamph
lets are wanted. Address
The Oregon Social Hygiene Society
Dept. E. 720 Selling Buililing, Portland, Oregon
For Your Garden
The new soil of this section requir
giving it what nature lacked. You
' must have it for your garden lo gel
the best rdsults. We have a large
supply at a very reasonable price.
Central Feed Co.
Central Warehouse Phone 142 :
Automobile and Machine
Bring your work to the Garage and Machine
Shop. Everything done with neatness and
dispatch. Agent for Duick Autoinohiles.
M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore.
jn vouu nimmwMi, run vnwn hah huhn immumi)
Phone 193
Geo. Erdman, Proprietor
toiuv Unit. The iMtiy wajwii itt tt ,
ftiiiai bii iiNtm wm U nutuim if -l
ImomtiMllg ,
Wh' H 01 O
HHHll It' fii I . ) UK
uti Qui i'f 1 tfe U
I'i lU.)tl4tl luf Mt
l r i I, t I , ... IM'H Mil4f tiU
4t-.-i II. I ilf Uf U4HVW