MvP "A. Is to deal with patrons in a way that will cause them to come again. I'm here to stay and making friends is the surest way to build up a good business. I solicit your trade on a basis of honest goods and. real service. J. A. BYRNE f H SEMI-WEEKLY Bandon Recorder Published every Tuesday nnd Friday by Tho Recorder Publishing Co., Inc. Entered at tho Post Office at Can don, Oregon, as mail matter of the second class. C. E. KOPF & A. W. STUART EditorH and Managers. Make all checks -paynblc and address all communications to the company. Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in advance. DEER EAT OUT OF BOXES ON AUTOMOBILE Albert Garfield and family re turned Wednesday night from their automobile trip to Crater Lake and report a very pleasant time, and Al bert is very enthusiastic over his new "Studebakcr Six" and tKe "way it performs. He says he rndo 779 miles on one gallon of cylinder oil and came from beyond Roseburg on six gallon f gasline. The Garfield's camped along tho road and one night had a markablc experience, while sleeping in their carl Some deer came up and ate their bread, potatoes, etc., out of a' box on the nfnning board of tho car, and none of the party were awakened. Mr. Garfield says as near as he could tell by the tracks there must have been four deer, and that had he known it when they were eat ing their meal he could have reach ed out of the car and grabbed a deer by the horns. H. F. Morrison and wife, who were with the Garfield's at Crater Lake, went on to Klamath Falls, whore they will visit for a few dnyc before thoy return homo. MORE MONEY FOR NEW HOTEL PROJECT. J. C. Hnmmol received another tele gram Tuesday night from J. D. At kins, the architect, at Portland, stating that he had sold another $500 "worth of stock in the new hotel. This makes $1000 of stck that Mr. Atkiw has sold in Portland and brings the total up to over $12,000 with at least $1,500 more promised, so that it remnips olny to raise about $1000 Mr. and Mrs. Hainmel will bo in North Bend a few days looking after tho interests of the new hotel there uftor which they will return to Ban don and tho hotel proposition will bo closed up. CITY MEAT MARK 171' IS INSTALLING COOLING PLANT Geo. Erdman is having some alter ntions made in his City Meat Mar ket and will build a fin cooling plant similar to tho ono destroyed in the recent fire. Ho is also rearranging a number of other features in tho niarkot nnd is installing a modern sausage- mill and olhor equipment that will make his market one of tho most modern in Coos county. The now warehouse building jt west of tho creamery is boiny rush ed an rapidly uh ponlb and will bo occupied by the Contra! Wuiohouno Co., instead of tho Knutli and of Uio present warehouse, which ii lining ri'inodulcd for the Humloti llmilwwro Co., nnd will Ihi occupied by thuiil booh k it U completed. For Halv Tlirre und miiMmlf mm (oq4 IuikJ, lastly vvuw um In Mi llvutlon, finv kuiiIuii, jhmJ ata vmiu jiouM, K''"l liwiliy tutml, life jullf fruutlu'Uki n( J'jMtaUki). A mim u IMP, Ai 10 mm J wU (nm j'vr mil fftypte k . Used to Her Veils, The Ktorj of the lnd who crkd "Wolf I" to fool Ills neighbors had a modern version the other iilfdit In as uptown apartment house. MIns II. be gun taking inuxle lessons. Everybody heard her and got more or less used tti It But the oilier night Miss II. stnrt ed to yell -Mis usual, every one though) and the nelclihora went right on try lug to pay no attention to It As a ntat ter or fact. Miss II. had found n bur glar In her apartment, and he got uway with Alius II. V Jewels Just because ev ery one did go right on paying no aL tentlon to her. -New York Tribune. Hard Luck. "I always have tough luck." "What's the mutter?" "I paid Brown $5 that I borrowed from him several Voks ago." "Where's the tough luck?" "Hi- nald afterward that he'd for gotten all about It!" Detroit Free Press. Often the Case. "It wan a fair fight, wasn't It?" "Sure It was. The under dog go whipped." "Call that a fair light?" "Walt. now. let me explain. The under dog provoked'lt." St. Louis He public. One's Own Company. One of tlc tests of character Is the ability of a man to llud satisfaction without egotism In his own society. One who cannot he alone without a miserable restlessness must be the vic tim of a structural defect In Ills per Fonallty. The well stored mind pro vides company enough for an occasion al Interval of solitude. lie who lias read well and thought much nnd care fully observed has Introduced himself to a society which will afford him en terlalnment when none. In the flesh, Is present. If a man Is afraid to bo alone It must be because he Is afraid of his own thoughts or because his thoughts are few and scattered and I'aimot 1111 the vacuity. Some of us cannot nlTonl to think, when, as the poet puts It, "but to think is to, be full of sorrow." At such a time wo atch eagerly at any diversion that puts to rout the shadows. Philadel phia Ledger. How He Learned English. Wing See some years ago came to New York front San Kranclsco to see the big city before returning to Ids na tive land, where he hoped to live on the money which ho had saved. ' He wanted to learn a little ' ICngllsli and rented a room on the east sltlo over a store. He was n quiet man of good habits and soon made himself useful In the store, where he gave his time In exchange for the language experience. After six months he was ready to go to China, and after all arrangements for his trip had been made he went to Chluirtown to show his Kngllsh. He was surprised to find that his Kngllsh speaking countrymen idld not under stand him and finally learned to his horror that lie had lived In a German district and had learned German by mistake. New York Tribune. Not Dead. The big red touring car struck a pedestrian. ' rolling him In the mud and maltreating him In general. The owner ran back, greatly oxclted. after stopping his ear. "Is he ilend?" lie asked anxiously of the medleal man who was attending the victim. "Oh. no!" replied the doctor cheer fully. "Ile'n not dead He's merely tin dowii."(!hleag' Nowh, Too Much of It, Greene Mow iim It happen that you von'l trade nt f 'louver' any more? full twwl In lnK about Hie nice cut .( meal In ninny feu I you. Is It bo nun tie WMjkjM'f give you crullt? 'Jroj On Hie nuuirnryi i In mu Ihi ltd M urn Tnunwlpl. t'teiu Homsr, WUn m IluMUirr "TU rmi wrM mi wrlitu who mn Mi lit fin fmjftj) wliH," ik4MIi i 'tmit it trim!' , - 4 m hii lc U) I In I Hi) ui Wvf Uf Um (ml SITKA, ALASKA, ENTERS THE DRY COLUMNS Seattle, Wash. Telegrams from Alaska bring the news that Sitka, formerly capital of the territory, has voted dry. Recently a saloon census was token of Sitka and other Alas kan cities under tho direction of United States Judge Robert W. Jen nings. Under this census the ques tion of license or no license was sub mitted to tho voters and, while most f the tows voted wet, Sitka voted dry. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Inland for the County of Coos. Tiny Ray, Plaintiff, ) vs. ) Summons William-Ray, Defendant) To William M. Ray, the above nam ed defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from tho date of tho first publication of this summons, to-wit: within six weeks from the 3rd day of July, 1914, and if you .fail to appear and answer on or before the 14th day of August, 1914, that being the last day of the time -prescribed in the order of pub lication, the"plaintiff will npply to the Court for tho relief asked in the com plaint filed in this cause, a succinct statement of which is: a decree of ab solute divorce, giving tho custody of six minor children to tho plaintiff and for an order directing tho defendant to pay each month to tho clerk of the court for tho plaintiff's use in the maintuinancc and education of said six minor children, the sum of five dollars for each child during the re spective minority of such children, and also costs and disbursements, and such further reflief ns the Court deem proper to grant. This summons is published by or der of tho Honorable John S. Coke, judge of the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, in and for tho Coun ty of Coos, said order being dated tho 29th day of June, 1914. C. R. WADE, Plaintiff's Attorney .lulya-Aug. 17-F Bandon, Oregon. THE LIFE CAREER "Schooling In youth oHould invariably be dirrctcil to prrpare ixrtim in the bet way for the bekt peimanent occupation for which he i capable,1' l'reaidcutC. W. IJliot. This Is the Mission of the Forty-sixth School Year Opens SEPTEHBER 18th, 1014 Write for Illustrated loo-page Book let, "THH LIFE CAREER," and for Cata log containing full information. Degree Courses AGRICULTURE : Agronomy, Animal Husbandry,DaIryHu bandry. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Agriculture for Teachers. FORBSTRY, LOGGING HNGINEERINO. HOME ECO NOMICS: Domestic Sclenet, Domestic Art, ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining. Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Vocational tToiwi-Agrlculture, Dairy ing, Home Makers' Course, Industrial Arts, Porestry, Business Short Course. School of Muilc Piano, String, Band, Voice Culture. Fumcri Buiinrti Court by Mall pre. Aditicu TIIM KUOISTHAK, (tw.7.6to-) Cor r.llU, )). WOOD FOR SALE 1 Ciood body fr wood ' $1,75 por tier delivered, '' Wood cut to order ' f J'Iiojio )8J I Vacation Days . are now at hand and for that tramp in the "hills" don't forget one of our $5.00 ,watches. "They stand the test." A cheaper time-piece furnished if you prefer. Our jewelry is entirely new and up-to-date, 'assuring you complete satisfaction in presenting any article as a gift. You possibly pay more but the quality "exists." Everard H. Boyle, Mgr. Phone 514 J V V JL3 n No wood, no coaln no ashes New Perfection OIL COOK STOVE bums kerosene, the clean, cheap fuel. It is fine store for hot weather because it doesn't orer-hest the kitchen. All the heat Is applied at the cooking point. Yon can bake, broil and roast on it just as weU as on a wood or coal store and much quicker and cheaper. It doesn't smoke or smell; doesn't taint the food. Get an il store and make aummer cooking easy and comfortable. Dealer Everywhere. Standard Oil Company California) m FQR BE3T RMULTS Bandon m use f earl oil TL How Delightfully Independent THE B ANK MMIM G. E. W I L S O N GENERAL BLACKSMITH All kindu of light and heavy work. Uoracs Kcfcnlif zi Amcrhdn I'lun, $1.1111 & Icallv shod, DofonnlttoB remedied, Hrlng In your x i and si.fti i.r : cripple and get , their foet adjiiHted hy a man that tMwmu m rtinlliA : known a foot Cur) Clffrorri, tho HcIentHic horn :t r,u, , . ' , : timer. Tie checkon, Hj)lltllnj maulH, and all klnd !n,7H l f)t ' 1 or in mMim VHM, aii :. .1 A Good Oil Stove does away with all the dirt and bother that comes with wood, coal and ashes. It makes light work and a clean kitchen. is tho woman who can make out a check against her own bank account! Whether she is goinp shopping or to pay for what she has already bought, she feels the pleasure of be ing able to tender "her personal chec" for the amount. Ladies, bank your money with us, and you will find it not only convient and dig nified, but also most profitable too. OF BAND ON worn Mwnnunm iwn i I City Transfer! ? S. D. Kelly, Proprietor $ I Light and Heavy haul- I ing promptly done. I Contracting and grad- I ing. Transcient trade solicited. Horses boarded. Phone 1151 Office: Dufort Building Brown & Gibson i 1 he Lending Contractors am 1 t aim liniuiers We furnish plans and speci fications and it you are go ing to build anything, no matter how large or how small, we can save you money. Let us figure on your building. PURE DRUGS Do yoir want pure drug and drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes, and toilet articles? If so call on C. Y. LOWE, Bandon l4tiatfaHaHr.Hl..,.l UUUUOUUUUU U If U F. O. OTKV & SON I U Practical Hnrftcrilioer V U t t t I U General Blackrfmithing First l U Class Wagon and Carriago 1 U Work and General Itopairing V U PricesxRight U U t t t I U Iluiidon, Oregon I U V UUUUUUUUUU .I..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J.M.,j,A,j..,,j..j.,jj I Elite Restaurant Ray Reasc, Prop. ! ! MEALS AT ALL HOURS f i FIRST CLASS HOME $ : COOKING Hotel Bandon ?: t AtOIIX Wf Wff WW H fWW H j WWWWWWn WiWWi f A