i The Grand Theatre The House of Quality Show. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, JULY 11TH & 12TH The Musicdl Doughty's I a clever team of artists whose act is pleasing and re- f fined. MISS DAISY BACHMAN, a clever contor tionist. A big bill of pictures. Change of program each night. Two shows 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. Admission, Adults 20c ; Children 10c City Transfer 9lr 4 1 S. D. Kclty, Proprietor t ? I Light and Heavy haul- ing promptly done. t Contracting and grad- ing. Transcient trade H) 's ( & 'LOCAL NEWS ITEMS solicited. boarded. Horses Phone 1151 $ Office: Dufort Building :i ..I..:..:..t,.;..jj..j...;..i..;..;...:...:.4..jJ..:h Elite Restaurant Z Ray Reasc, Prop. MEALS AT ALL HOURS FIRST CLASS HOME 4MHMH-4.4..H....:..:..HH' 4"H"M-'4'':!:i"!"'i'':'': Brown & Gibson The Leading Conlraciors am! HuiltL'rs We furnish plans and speci fications and if you are go ing to build anything, no matter how large or how small, we can save you moneys Let ns figure on your building. J" I 3: K Hotel Bandoni American Plan, $1.00 t and $1.50 per day. European Plan, rooms I: 50c, 75c & $1 per clay f i E. G. CASSIDY Prop. f. Mrs. Guy Dippel Spirella's Corscteirc I'llONI; 7H J. W. Ico will leave in a day or two forKosel)urfr where he expects to make hia homo. Experienced nurse Mrs. H. K. Jones. Leave card at P. O. tf. .T. II. Hope, who has been attend ing law school at Ann Harbor, Mich., for the past year, arived in Bandon recently and will be in Attorney T F. Ilaggerty's ofllce during the sum mer. Try the Unique for a good, square meal and sweet bread. tf. For Sale Lot, with three room house. Inquire at this ofllce. 38tf. Win,' Hite was down from Coquilh yesterday looking after the intercstj of his property here. Dr. S. C. findicott, dentist, has moved into the new Ellingson build -ing. liOtf. M. P.. Pressey and family are mov ing into the house recently vacated by Uov. H. C. Ilartranft and family. House and lot on 11th street West for sale or rent. Inquire of J. T. James, 13th Street and Franklin Avenue. 30tf. E. IC. Jones was over from Coos Hay on business Wednesday. Hob Wagner was up from Port Or ford Wednesday. See Uipple & Wolverton for ab stracting, conveyancing, fire and plate glass insurance, fidelity and surety bonds. Notary public in office.- Op posite the Postoflice. Phone I!3. tf. E. C. Drews, manager of the Coos Bay Home Telephones Co., came over from Marshfield Wednesday to look after the company's business here. For Sale Three and one-half acres itood land, mstly cleared and in cul tivation, tine garden, good six room house, good well, partly fenced, miles southeast of Postoflice. A snap at 8.00. Also 10 acres miles from Postoflice, some good timber, at ?(iu per acre. Dipple & Wolverton. tf. Sunday night at ffio Orpheum, "The Perils of Paulino," tho first serial story in 3 parts that offers prizes aggregating ?2G,000 to tho best so lution of the mystery. 5000 feet of photo plays a good show Admis sion SCc and 10c For Kent Five furnished house keeping rooms on first floor. Inquire of Mrs. E. Lee. Gltf. "Perils of Pauline," that big ser ial story in three parts, at tho Or pheum Sunday night. A dandy pic ture. T. C. Russell was in from Heaver sell and daughter at Mercy hospital. Thoy have named their daughter Ruth Man Russell, tho first name be ing in honor of Mrs. Russell's sister, and tho second in honor of Mrs. J. T. Sullivan of Handon, wh named her .laughter in honor of Mrs. Russell. t'oos Hay Times. MHH--H'---"r-i.ti-r Lumber?? Certainly ! ! ! Plenty of It At THE COX MILL COUKTKIOIIT QMIWW, Hurt, A BRAVE FOOL By ESTHER VANDEVEER George Carroll was sauntering ncross a field as free from care as tho day ho was born. He was looking up at tho sky. over which white clouds wcro sail ing as lazily as he walked. He was a city chap, who had been ordered by his physician to go to the country, even though the January winds were blow ing cold, nnd recuperate, no was thinking ns he walked what a hum drum thing life was. to bo sure, how free from any kind of risk or excite ment his own Individual life was and how when ho was "bowled over," as ho expressed It, It would probably bo by an animalcule, so small that ho could not see It. entering his system. In creasing nnd multiplying vigorously, the colony at last eating him up. Strange It Is how often fate Is doing With us what we lc'ast suspect. At tho momwit this last Idea entered George Carroll's brnln a death dealing force was driving at him from behind. A shadow, accompanied by the sound of horse's hoofs, shot transversely before lilni. Turning, ho saw a girl on horse back In n red coat, moving between him and a bull that was making for him. tho girl glancing backward as she rode to observe tho bull. Sho was about to turn and rldo back again when tho ..bull cnught sight of her. abandoned the straight line ho was fol lowing In tho direction of the man nnd turned his utteutlon to tho girl. Now. George In regard to all mat ters pertaining to tho country was very stupid. Ho did not realize that he was or had been In any danger. Ho did not gnther from what ho saw that this girl, seeing tho .bull going for him, had leaped a fenco and ridden between him and his enemy for the purposo of filming tho animal from him to her self. Instead of thus taking In tho situation and getting out of tho field as soon as possible, ho stood looking at tho bull chasing the girl. The Inclosuro wns nbout ten ncres. nnd Georgo stood near the middle of It. Tho girl led tho bull ns far as possible from him, then turned nnd, eluding tho animal an dexterously as a toreador, galloped away In the opposite direc tion. By that time It began to dawn upon the city man that tho horse and tho girl were being pursued by thu bull for the purposo of goring. Hut pot even yet did ho realize that she had taken this danger upon herself for the purposo of saving his life; that had It not been for her a pair of horns would have taken him In tho back, broken It nnd the earthly spark of his existence would have gone out forever. What occupied George Cnrroll'n mind to tho exclusion of nil else was the danger that threatened tho girl nnd what he could do to relieve her from her perilous position. The only thing he could do was to run for tho fence ns fast as his legs could carry htm nnd climb over It. If ho hnd done this the girl would have made her exit ns she had mnde her entrnneeMiy Urging her horse over that same fence. Sho wns waiting for him to get out of the field beforo securing her own safety. It Is singular how a brave man mny be a fool, or, rather. Is not a good deal of what wo call bravery folly? George by Ids stupidity wns leaving both him self and tho girl In danger. She could see him standing there gaping at her. but was so close pressed that she was unable to make a sign to him to tly for his life. Nenrlng tho opposite end of tho field, sho turned her head to seo Georgo running toward her! She could havo Jumped the fence, but when sho saw tho man sho was trying to save hurrying again Into danger. In stead of saving herself sho turned about and started again across tho Held. If she went near tho man tho bull might lenv'o her and turn upon hbn. So sho gnfloped diagonally ncross the field, making nn effort nt a sign for him to leave It Hut he did not' understand and, turning, continued his pursuit of her. Then followed events In such quick succession so quick thnt Georgo could scarcely .separate them. Ho saw the horse stumble and fall; he saw the hull's horns fjo Into tho horso's belly; he heard a report, and the bull, too, fell to the ground. A man dropped a gun. dashed to tho fenco nnd. Jumping It, rnn to where tho girl wns trying to get up from tho ground. George nnd the man reached her at tho same time. Tho man lifted her up, nnd sho stood on he'r feet "Aro you killed?" asked tho man. "No; not oven hurt" Then the man turned to George. "For heaven's sake," he cried, "how In tho world havo you escaped tho fool killer all thesu years?" "Ho'h not n fool at nil," said tin girl; "he'H a bravo man. Ho didn't real ize lib, own danger, ho wan so intent upon inluu." When Georgo Carroll realized whnt (he girl had done for him and how lie had utiipldly coino very near being tit euww of her death he wn purnlyzed. An It wiw. b bail boon (he cuiun of I no In of tier Ixiroo mid n bull worth $100 hnd been uliut Fuldiualnly Ofnrtiii IihiI a forliniu uml uouM rujmlr Din muiii'inry ilmimjni Thu nt of II fonl'l mil I iv jwili) Im in flint vm) Mill fullt. ujiwi Oitutiu tvttji wnIMn nrm llm fitW rttfmHJuir lln NMottml III I WWII nf u Utn IjwJ muMuh jir mmw AM lki UU uf IWU1 DM buj H0 ul Mi4m Ut mMm mult. ' tM imHn Vr twA b Minn Uww Htm) tdt Uw , THOMAS F. HAGGERTY A ttorjiey-at-Law Over MrNair's Hardware Store , Phone 482 HANDON,' OREGON C R. WAQE Lawyer v BANDON, OKEGON DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon ' Office over Drug Stare. Houn, 9 o 12 a. m; 1:30 to 4 p. m :7 to 8 in the evening. HANDON, OREGON DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon Office in Pnler Building. Houn, 9 to J 2 .- m; I to 5 p. m. BANDON, OREGON DR. L. P. SORENSON Dentist Office over Vicnna'Cafe. Telephone at offirc and residence, BANDON, 'OREGON G. T. TREADGOLD Attorney and Counselor at Law Ofllce in New Hank Building Notary Public BANDON, OREGON DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Office in Rasmussen Building. Phone 72. BANDON, OREGON DR. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Office over Oiange Pharmacy. Office phone, 352. Reiidence phone, 353. BANDON, OREGON DR. S. C. ENDICOTT Dentist Office Phone 71; Rei. Phone 312 . BANDON, OREGON Sam Says: The mill is down but I'm still on the job, ready to furnish you with a sky scraper or a chicken GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. DR. I. L. SCOFIELD Dentist Ofllce in Fnhy and Morrison Buil'l-'n"g- next to Emergency Hospital. Phone 1111 DR. II . M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ' Specialist Ollire Phone 330-J Res. Phone 105-J Rooms 200-1 Irving Block MARSIUTEI.D, OREGON P. A. SANDBERG Civil Engineer Surveys, Plans and Spcciricatio is Ollice Bank lluihling BANDON. OREGON BENJAMIN OSTLIND Consulting Engineer and Architect Ollire in Thrift Building BANDON, OREGON KODAK Bring us your Kodak work. Wo havo installed nn electric printing machino and can fin ish on short notice, day or night, and secure the best re sults. A trial is convincing. YOURS TO PLIOASK L. I. WHEELER Artist Near Galller Hotel WOOD FOR SALE (hw body fir wood " , w ifer iJollvwwl. " Wood fill. p tmw :i :: A. (I, J'KKDM' l'ri. '' w e want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU SPARK'S GROCERY Successor to A. E. White EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME SAILINGS , From Portland Every Tucsday'at 8:00 P. M. From Cotis Bay Every Saturday at Service of the Tide. I Confirm sailings through M. F. Shoemaker, Bandon t PHONE 142 --- A Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 Down and $10 per month. Bargain in Business Lot on First Street. BANDON TRANSFER CO. Gatchell Brothers. Prons. f AH kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. .Barn corner First & Edi- f son, Fish Property. .Telephone 641. ;: Order Your Freight Sent hy the Old Reliable :: IS. S. ELIZABETH ii ;: Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms With Run- n ing Water. . ;; Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and ;; Han FmiiciKro, ;; '' FIRST CLABK PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 : : FREIGHT RATES, VI ON UP FREIGHT '.' IWrnmiUmwi A, K. Norton. CouuiJIu; MrMnn', : : MvrUtf Pim ; IC. H. Thrlf t, ) juigloln. : : :: t, & WAIJWJOMi Ami UmUm : :