iff"" i Items of Local Interest R. A. Wcrnich was over froln Coos Bay Saturday. t ' W. P. Murphy of Coos Hay was in this city Saturday. 0. II. Aascn of Arago was a Ball- - don visitor Monday.- H. O. nnincr of Mars i field was a Bandon v isitor Saturday. ' J.. Humphrey of Gold Beach was a Bandon visitor Saturday; v- ' Mrs. Lydia Olson of Langlois was in this city Saturday. Sheriff W. W. Gape was in Ban don on business Saturday. E. K. Jones of Marshfield was in the city on business Friday afternoon. O L. Stockin of Marshfield came over on buisness yesterday afternoon. Miles A. Simpson returned last night from n business trip to Coos Bay. J. E. Norton of Coquillo was call ins, on his Bandon customers Satur day. Attorney John C. Kendall of Marsh field was in the city on legal business today. . C. J. Furhman, the Coquillo drug gist," was in Bandon on business Sat urday. County Assessor T. J. Thrift was down' from Coquillo on business Sat urday. Adam Pershbakor returned on the Elizabeth from a business trip to San Francisco. D. M. Postc of Mnrshficld was in tho city Saturday looking after busi ness affairs. J. W: Gardiner of Coos Bay was calling on Baifdon friends Friday and Saturday. Dr. S. C. Endicott, dentist, has moved intp the new Ellingson build ing. GOtf. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hurley, Saturday morning, Juno 27, a fine eleven pound girl. C. H. Cronkhito and wife left on the Elizabeth for a trip to San Francisco and other California points. MMrs. A. Cloary and son left on tho Elizabeth for California where they expect to remain for some time. P'M. Randies, formerly of this city but now of Myrtle Point was in Bnn don Saturday looking after business. Mrs Chris Rasmusscn returned on the Elizabeth from San Francisco, where she hnd been visiting for sev eral weeks. Attorney C. R. Wndo returned Sat urday night from a trip to Salem, where ho had n caso beforo tho Su premo court. , Attorney Geo. P. Topping and wife went to Coquilletoday in thoir car. Mr. Topping has n case beforo the court there today. Attorney G. T. Troadgold, who was at Salem, last week trying a caso be fore tho Supremo court, returned homo on tho Elder Monday. A. K. Kellogg and family camo down from Coquillo yesterday and left on tho Elizabeth for California where they expect to mnko their home. II. F. Morrison has the new front completed on his barber shop and a new pinto glass has also been install in Mrs. Morrison's millinery store. J .II. Jnmcs of Coquillo has been visiting his brother, J. T. Jnmes, for a fow days and tho two gentlemen havu been enjoying n good seasHii of fishing. Sunday was a fine day' for nuto mobiling and many Bandon people took advantage of tho lay and cars went in overy direction and to many different points. Mr nnd Mrs. Edmund Croft, who have been spending somo time at Croft's Lodge, thoir summer resort south of Bandon, loft Mondny "for their homo at Tacoma, Wash. Miss Elba Wiron returned on tho. Elizabeth from California, where shn has been attending school, and will spend tho Buninior with her parents, Captain nnd Mrs. 0. Wiron. County Judge John F. Hall snya that watchmen will be placed nwir some of tho Important hridKa of the county and especially Iwtwoim March field and Coqtillle, to arnwt unto spot-dura. The Coqulllu Stmtliiol tmmriun "A law to Unit (tfftist wouuuYl amount u ' iiiiuli, but tivttry lima wlw ilriv fin uuitj ought 1m Iww mm enough Uww vjmih 19 atar F mm rf 53 UMjSTO " O The Fourth N this day in 1776 our freedom was really born; from that day on it was a long, bitter fight, but right won out. In the last decade men have jbeen gaining a new freedom it's in clothes. They no longer have to suffer the excessive made-to-measure charges nor the time-wasting, delay arid uncertainty. You 'men can now get just what you want when you want it in ready clothes. Hart Schaffner & JVtarx and Henery Sonneborn with Styleplus $17 have been the big factors in this victory. Men everywhere have come to know that no matter what their size or what their taste, they can get something they'll like in these good clothes at a very moderate charge and' at a moment's notice. If you're one of the men who are not in on this victory, you'd better come in today. 4 JLW V A S I 11 JL 1JL g UL U 11 U J 111 -J , 11 J THE HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX and STYLEPLUS $17 GOOD CLOTHES 1 I "Money Talks" "Cash Only Bandon Marshfield Myrtle Point About twenty car loads of Oregon logan- berries will bo shipped to eas tern markets this summer. Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul, be ing somo of the places whore ship ments will go. Belva A. Lockwood, tho only wo man, who over ran for president, fell recently at her Washington office, and sustained serious injuries. She is 81 years old, but tho physicians say that unless other complications set in she will recover. Several hundreds of dollnrs' worth of county warrants which were issued from seven to ton years ago aro now boing ndvertised by tho county clerk, who is trying to find their ownersby sending out postal cards to their old addresses. Coquillo Sentinel. A. W. Sieman and family returned on tho Eliznbeth from California, where they had been visiting for about six months. They report a very pleasant time. Mr. Siemnn snys it is very dry in tho setion of Cali fornia where they were, although thoy had exceptionally heavy rains during tho winter, I.. L. Brandenburg returned from Maishfiuld Sunday night, having gone over with Mrs. Brandenburg nnd bnb who willed on the Hpi'i'dwidl for Hum PiwhoIrco. Mm. Brandenburg' MWilutr. Mr. 0. William, and Mini) Ummww nIq willed mi llm panto w)lit- Himjmi nd htUtm Jill) tiri't WW (ur tute or itwU IjiquIiw of J, T. Jhhww. lull ttiiiwl uixl J'jmMJ" Mrs. A. J. Morgan and little daugh ter, Elizabeth, who have been visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Morri son for the past ten days, left today or Marshfield where they will sail n the Nann Smith for their home a San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Mor ison took them over to the Bay in a their car. For Sale Three and one-half acres good land, mstly cleared and in cul tivation, fine garden, good six room house, good well, partly fenced, VA miles southeast of Postofllce. A snap at $8.00. Also 10 acres 1 miles from Postofllce, some good timber, at $00 per acre. Dipple & Wolverton.Jf. City Meat Market A FULL" LINE OF SELECT FRESH AND SALT MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. MODERN METHODS AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT COM BINE TO MAKE YOUR TRADING HERE A PLEASURE. YOUR PA ' TRONAGK SOLICITED. Phone 193 Geo. Erdman, Proprietor For Sale at a Bargain The Riverton Saw Mill Property consistiug of the ' following tracts and parcels of real estate located in the Town of Riverton, Coos County, Oregon Realo Estate Parcels, two acres more or loss $550.00 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, C, 7, 8, 9 nnd 10, Block C 550.00 Lots 3 and C, Block 5, and dwelling 800.00 Lot 2, Block 1 75.00 Lot 8, Block a , 150.00 Mill Machinery and Buildings. Two boilers valued at . 350.00 Ono engine, size 10x10 .' 100.00 One engine, size 10x20, 25.00 One engine, sizo 7x11, 20.00 One planer 100.00 One car Hugo and equipment , . . . , 300.00 One edger - IO.Oi) Four circle saws 200.00 Mill building 100.00 MUcullunuuB pulleys, pipes and parts of machinery 100,00 Total vnluo $ri7i0,00 We will make a liberal discount on these prices for the next thirty days For Particular 5e Dippel & Wolverton