Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, June 30, 1914, Image 1

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    Oregon. Historical Society
City Hall
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A J i t
i l r j t
juo raining!
The Recorder covers the V m I M V M
J A modern equipped job
? departmentin connection J
lfa""u"Md"-r-"J! ISA VI II I Kr.l A IK I IKK
Tho Wigwam, belonging. to E. Lew
in, and one of Bnndon's pojiulor re
sorts, was totally destroyed by fire
early Sunday morning. When tho
blaze was discovered it had gained
such headway that Mr. Lewin and
family barely escaped with their
Mr. Lewin does not know just how
the fire started but it was first dis
covered around tho kitchen flue, nnd
the electric wiring. As soon as the
fire was discovered the alarm was
turned in, but thcrd was no water or
hydrant near tho place, so nothing
could be done to save it., and the en
tire building, including the store, tile
dance hall and Mr. Lewin's living J
partments were destroyed, as well as
all their stock and household goods
making a total loss of over $11,000,
with only $1200 insurance.
Although Mr. Lewin naturally fcols
his loss vcr keenly, he is not dis
couraged, but expects "to rebuild and
go ahead again.
It seems that tho old adage of
never one fire, but wc must have
three, has held good in Bandon, as it
has been only a littlo'ovpr two weeks
since the big fire, and then a small
houso burned in tho east end of town
n few days later, and now comes the
Wigwam .It is certainly to lie hoped
that tba pro verbial Jj"Cj; will ..ufijco
and that it will bo iT longTlnioTMv
fore Bandon is visited with another
Thesecond installment of "Lucilo
Love, the -girl of Mystery" will bo
Bhown at tho Orphoum Theatre to
morrow night, Wednesday, July 1st.
Tho first of this series was shown
last Wednesday, and proved ono or
the most interesting feature filmp
ever shown in Bandon.
Tho second story of this series op
ens when Lucilo deserts tho hydro
piano in tho open ocean and makes a
sensational landing on the steamer.
Then for the first time Loubcquo bc
com esawaro that his prorgam of re
venge is being interfered with. The
moment ho sees tho girl ho is struck
with her rescmblanco to his first love
who in reality was Lucilft's mother.
His first move was to send out an un
signed wireless mcsagc that General
Lovo and not his aide, was tho traitor
who sold tjio diplomatic secrets. As
soon as this mcsago is sent out Lou
bepuo wrecks tho wireless apparatus
so thnt no further communication cai
be hold with the vessel. In doing so
ho causes ah explosion in which he is
injured. While acting as his nurse
Lucilo locates tho diplomatic papers
which Loubepue has stolen and placed
the blame on hor 'father. Tho ship
catches fire and burns to tho waters
edge, and Lucilo with the other wo
men on tho boat arc put off in a lifo
boat, which is caught by a big wave
and capsized. Lucilo finally lands, a
lono castaway upon ono of the South
Sea Islands,
For thrills you can't beat this pic
ture which will bo shown at tho Or
pheum tomorrow night.
Walter Condron has engaged with
Sheriff W. W. Gago to accompany
him ns deputy heriir to Salem when
the sheriff loaves for the capital with
tho convicts they mo to deliver at tho
peiiitmtliiry. Tho number will In
clude Frank, who was
brought from tho ponitontlitry to to
tlfy HirHliivt I jury Mlllor, Jumo Pur
ttirlt whit wuh ronvli'iiMl of ihu murdwt
of John Mly at Jlmiryvilto and who
wu lii'M lit'it) to htotlfy In tin' riot
tuv ugulut Dun llrovino uud John
)niift)', (tnil Mm MJUmi, nwvlt
J thin li tt Ihfwlln I'triui taink
"bb!rXM'kfl'l'l )wnil
A NEW $75,000.00 HOTEL
The Coos Bay Times says: Ar
rangements were practically closed
today for the erection of "The Simp
sop," a four-story concrete and brick
hotel at North Bond. The hotel is to
cost $7fi,000 and will contain about
fl5 g nest rooms. It is to he built on
the Simpson property at the corner
of Montana and Sherman. The hotel
is the consummation of the plans of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hammol, recent
ly of the II ammel Hotel of Albany,
and the North Bend Chamber of
Commerce. A stock company is be-
Sing formed to carry tho project
through. L. J. Simpson, owner of
the site, which is 100x125 feet, has
agreed to take $10,000 in stock in
tho company for tho property. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hammel wil take $10,000 in
the company and furnish the hotel
Their lease for ten years gives them
an option for a fivo year extension
at. the expiration of that time. They
guarantee to pay eight per cent on
the cost after the first year.
"Zingo, the Son of the Sea," which
will be shown at tho Orpheum Theat
er Thursday night, July 2nd, is one
of the most sensational, tho most fan
tastic, the weirdest, and the most en
thralling story ever told in motion
The story has to do with a white
man who from his infancy untH. he
readied the ago of twenty lived in a
forest with monkeys, nnd as one of
torn. He is taken off by a passing
ship and taught by the kindly sailors
until ho gradually forgets his mon
key days and becomes like other men.
His succeeding life is well told in tho
picture stqry. His life is one of thrill
lug ndventurcs, nnd comical situa
tions. Be sure to see this if you rel-
lah Rnmnttiinri ..if rf Un n.i1in(in
..... ' v. v u& i. n V. UlUillttlJIl
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received for grading a
oortion of the Bandon-South to Coun
ty line road in Road District 19 from
Station 211 plus 20 to Station 219
according to map, profile and speci
(tortious n file in the office of the
County Clerk.
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids and to
award the contract to a bidder now
the lowest should they deem it for
the best interests of the county.
All bids to be filed with the County
l;lerk on or beforo the 2nd day of
July, 1911, at tho hour of 10 o'clock
A. M., on which day tho contract
shall bo let. A certified check for fivo
per cent, of the amount of the bid to
bo deposited with tho County Clerk
witli bid and to be .forfeited to the
county in case contract shall be
awarded and the contractor shall fail
neglect or refuse for a period of ten
days after bucIi award is made to
enter into contract and file his bond
to tho satisfaction of the . county
court as required by law.
Dated at the City of Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon, this 18th day of
Juno A. D 1911.
James Watson, C o unty Clerk.
Jack Johnson, tho negro pugilist, re
tained tho world's heavyweight cham
pionship by defeating Frank Moran
in a twenty round battle at Paris Sat
urday, although he was unablo to
score a knockout. Newspaper ro-
puris say mat jonnson is not near
tho fighter that he formerly was and
that a real topnetcher would stand a
good chanco of defeating him. Mo
ran has never leen considered tho
best of tho "white hopes" and it is
possible that Gunboat Smith or Jess
Willard could defeat him now.
Dr. E. E. Straw received u tele.
Kinni ftmi ii Portland man yesterday
Inquiring about the conccxiiion to
ll ronfettl hero tho Fourth of July
mid tint clu-npi'dt way to get hem.
Dr. Hlniw nimuvied hint nuhNluntiul'
ly iin followm "No one who vulutt
IiIh lifo will iitli'inpt to m ronfi'ttl
during I lie rulobiullon horn, CHi'Ui
Ml wuy lo gel jifjd o IIkum)
ytniilf u a (SiTi'k lulmri-r uiuj uo to
Jiijiluyinwil oltit'H und wit fiMi truiit.
mMhMi (o mm iw uvji Mb in,"
-Urn limy 'llmt,
LET P. 0.
Florence A. Thrift, wife of A. G.
Thrift, has been awarded the contract
for the leaso of a building, for tho U.
S. postofiiec at Bandon.
Tho contract extends for a period
of five years. The sito accepted is on
Baltimore avenue, between First nnd
Second streets, and just north of the
Dreamland pavillion.
Tho building will face the west, and
will be a frame structure, but will bo
modern in every particular, so far as
it is possible for a wooden building
to be.
The only other bid put in was that
of A. J. Hartman for tho Hartman
concrete building, which was, destroy
ed by the recent fire.
"The Great Leap" in four parts, or
"Uutil Death Does Us Part," is a
thrilling story of a fued drama of lovo
and hato in tho Kentucky mquntains.
This picture was staged under the di
rection of D. W. Griffiths, tho man who
made all the great Biograph produc
tions famous. The action throughout
this big production is constant; you
will unconsciously arise from your
scat, gripped by the intense emotions
the players portray in this exceiting
play. The great climax comes when
Heand'-She-clinging together' on'- a
madly galloping horse, driven to
dispair, dash over the cliff down CO
feet tnio the rover below. Do thoy
escape? The picture tells the story.
At the Grand Theatre July 5th.
Garden It More Fragrapt
Night Than by Day.
Tho llcbt, -we receive from. stars
tho first magnitude, like Vepi, in equal
approximately to a forty thousand-millionth
part, of that of the sun. Jt Is cal
culated that the total light received
from the lesser stars Is equal to thnt of
3,000 stars of the first magnitude, or a
sixth part. of that which is scut to iw
from the moon.
Light exercises a mechanical pressure
which .can be measured hi the labora
tory. It has been shown by experi
ments with artificial light that in Its
production' enormous quantities of en
ergy aro dissipated.
In an ordinary wax candle tho total
energy which is transformed into light
Is really but 2 per cent, (ins and kero
sene lamps are not more 'economical.
On tho other Innid. the glow worm
transforms Into light, by means yit un
known.' 00 per cent of tho total energy
It is known that light influences very
largely the nrolna of flowers. A garden
Is nioro fragrant when It Is shaded
than when tho sun Is allowed to shine
In full blazo upon It. This, at any rate,
to tho conclusion of a Frenchman who
has recently made n vast number of ex
periments. That which afreets the fra
grance of flowors Is not tho oxygen of1
the atmosphere, as 1ms been comhionly
supposed, but tho light
According to tho samo authority, tho
Intensity of the perfume exhaled by n
flower depends upon the pressure of
water In tho cells pf tho pjnut which
tends to throw out the essential oils
that produce the odor, and tho actKm
of t'jo solar light diminishes tho pres
sure of tho wntef. New York Press.
Joues Tho HrowiiH fmvo bought
car. Wlfe-Cnn't you say Homethftol
cbwrful once In awhile? Jones TU
'jumiueNt machine I over Miw and mq
ud hand at Umt!-Chlc'to New.
Mrs, Kendall who has been otavlnir
at the JJiinneii rooming house for
some time, left toduy for Murjdilli-lil
whero ulio will upend wuveral days.
Mr. nnd Mm, (Jiu lliickliigliain ur.
rlvwl loitoy from Monroe, Or, Tor
ll fVw ilayn vivlt with the In.JyV molli
tr, Mr. I'. E, Dyvr, um otlur nl
Own hiii) rm.
I'm ilk l okiitiii, city iimikliul. I
out of lliu illy io.juy niu) lit. Mulu.
I Mrtflilf l hU ttd,
The death of Emil Lee at S-m Fran
cisco was announced in FridayV Re
corder and as was stated the body was
brought here for burial.
A'r. Lec was a native of Finland
andjwas born July 10, 1878. He came
tohe United States about ten years
ago. nnd had been a resident of Ban
tlonfor a unmbcr of years. He is
survived by his wife, who was at his
sidq during" his illness.
The funeral was conducted at the
Brothcrn Churah by Elder L. B
Overholser nnd was attended by the
Lopgalioresmoirs Union and the For
esWr's Lodge, to both of whicli or
ganizations Mr. Lee belonged.
''Bill" Selhncr has iust siirned
contract with the General Film Com
Pixily of America for a series of the
biggest feature productions that
brains, money and art can produce
Qnco every week you will so a fea-
tite musterpiece that is the very
cream of film sensations. You will
seofa class of pictures at the Grand
that cannot be equalled anywhere,
The, first big film is entitled "Sports
ami Travels in Central Africa" in five
tremenduous parts; without a doubt
tho! greatest hunting and wid animal
picture ever produced. Look for the
big" poster along Front street. It will
give you some idea of this big film
Shown at tho Grand July 4th. Don't
miss it it's great.
Ono of tho most unique and enjoy
able social affairs of the season was
given by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ed
monds at their residence last Thurs
day' evening, when they invited a few
of Uhpir -friends to-participate in. tho
celebration of their sixth nnual wed
ding anniversary. They had prepar
ed a musical program, a printed copy
of which was presented to each guest
therendition of which on their new
graphoponola grand was a treat long
to bo remembered.
To the strains of the Bridal Chorus
tho bridal party, consisting of Emily
and Allen Schetter, as bride ,and
groom, accompanied by David Fceney
as best ma-n, and Dorothy Belle Endi
cott as maid, and Delila Endicott as
flower girl, marched In stopping be
fore tho improvised altar whero the
ceremory was performed by Eugene
Schotter. Jr. At the close of this
very pretty ceremony no of the
guests stepped forward and witli a
few apropdato remarks presented
Mr and Mrs Edmunds, in behalf of
thoso present, with a very handsome
cut glass bowl and a set of hand
painted Haviland plates in token of
their esteem and good wishes. The
only reply that tho groom could make
was to invito all, present to ""take
something" while the bride escorted
the guests to tho dining room which
had been beautifully decorated for the
occasion, and they nil di'd justico to
the elaborate rcfreiihmentfl that had
boon prepared, the favors being very
appropriate souvenirs of the occa
sion. Tho banquet ver all repairtd to
flie parlor and listened to tho remain
der of tho program, which extended
into the wee sma' hiiours, when the
guests departed with the best wishes
for the host :ftid hostess, and that
thoy may celebrate many more an
niversaries in like manner
Those present were: Mr and Mrs.
S. C. Endicott, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc
Nair, Miss Rita McNair, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. McKiiMiis, Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Bonk, Mr. and Mrs. E. Boak,
M-r. and Mrs. F. J. Fceney, Mr and
Mrs. G. Geisendorfer, Mr. Ralner Geis
emlorfer, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Grain,
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Perry, Mr. and
Mrs. II. L. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Anderson, Mr. Dunholm of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Schehttex,
Mr. EdmuiidH, Jr., and the bridal par
Ooqiilllc, Juno lid. Tho Jury In tho
lli'iryvlllu riot i line today n-tunii'd u
verdh't of not guilty. Don llruvlno
ond Jack )iniiiuy wno Indlclod on
tlm tlmiKO " rioting In ronniH'llon
with tin llcnryvlllu fnwun, In which
hi I'tn toil lio und Itlllid John
K4iy, IniniNlfultily nftur Jm jury
When the Keystone Picture Com
pany, famous for their comedies, pro
duced "Zu Zu, the Band Leader," they
certainly scored the biggest hit that
any moving picturo audience has had
the pleasure of laughing at. To
create a farce comedy of two reels-
that bubbles over with comicnl situ
ations from the time the title is flash
ed on tho screen is no small under
taking and Mr. Sennett, the creator
of "Zu Zu" deserves tho unstinted
praise he has received from all over
the U. S. for giving us a real alive
comedy feature. Ford Sterling plays
Zu Zu and puts an abundant amount
of gingered animation in his part.
In his gymnnstics lie outdoes the
wildest efforts of the longest haired
Latin that ever crossed tho ocean at
the head of a royal musical organi
zation. Miss Normand, as Mable, is
as nimble as ever, timo and again
risking a session with a bonesetter.
Mr. Haggerty is Caesar, he of the
striped sweater and skin tight trou
sers. "Zu Zu" tho band leader will
make you shed tears of joy. You may
come to the show with a frown, but
you will go out with a smile. At the
Grand next Friday, July 3rd. 1
Tomorrow is July 1st, tho dav
when tho Coquille saloons must go
out of business, owing to the refusal
of the council to grant licenses for
the coming six months, and as fivo
councilmen voted dry and Councilman
Leach, the only man who voted wet
has handed in his resignation, it looks
very dubious for the saloons. .
It is nlso stated that Mavor Mor
rison will appoint a "dry" councilman
to take Leach's place, thus making
the Council unanimously, dry, and
the petitions of- tho saloons will m-nl.
ably bo turned down, nlthoughl they
threaten legal proccediigs if their
petitions are not' granted.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received for grading a
portion of tho Bandon-South', the
county line road in Road District No
I'J, commencing at the southerly city
limits of the City of Bandon nnd run
ning thence southerly one mile, ac
cording to tho map, profile and spec
ifications on file in tho office of the
County Clerk.
The County Court reserves the
right to reject nny and all bids and
o award the contract to a bidder mil
he lowest should they deem it for
he best interests of tho County
All bids to bo filed tlin Pnnn.
y Clerk on or beforo the 2nd day of
July, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock,
V M.f on which day such contracts
thall bo let. A certified check br
Ive per cent, of tho amount of the
jid to be 'deposited with tho Countv
Cle krwith bid to be forfeited to the
County in case contract shall bo
awarded and contractor shall fail,
nei?loct Ol- rnfllKn fni- !1 nu-in,l nf 4an
' --- " - ' - , 4 1 ' . W. V V 1 1
days after such is mado to enter in
to contract and file his bond to tho
satisfaction of tho County Court as
required by law.
Dated at the City of Coiiuillo. Coos
County, Oregon, thiu 18th day of
June, 1911.
James Watson, County Clerk.
Washington, D. C. Juno 27. To
day Speaker Clark told a delegation
of women from the National Women
Suffrage Association: "Woman guff
rage is us inevitable no the riBi'iur sun
of tomorrow. For moro than a thou
sand years," said Clark,' 'men have
been trying to run tho world, nnd
somo think thoy hnvo mnilo a bad
mess of it. I hopo you will votu for
the beta principals and tho boKt men,"
Clark was addressing a groupo of
women from tlilrty-elght utatoH, who
had presented .100 petltlonu for wo.
men miirrugit In tho form of revolu
tion adopted liv vui-louu urisaiiixu.
Hon In tho natlnn-whlo duiiioimtru
lion Muy 'I. Vln. Prenlduifl Murvlmll
nlo ii'fi'lvnd tho wonii'ii nnd Inter
Hut Hnuolorv nml CoiigroDiiii re.
ri'Jv.'d Iholr HiflJonii, One vulfrn
llilte Mi In Willi Nftirelury JJryuil.
'torn lir umiui! jiurog, Jlryuii
fmi) to u vJyjtroMi mumm l w
OifJo Mini'f
$r..r),000.00 IS AMOUNT OF INSUR
OVER $250,000.00.
T. C. Shankland, the nsuranco ad
juster, who had practically all the ad
justing to do here, told a representa
tive of tho Recorder that the amount
of insurance money that will bo paid
to Bandon people will be $65,000. Mr.
Shanknnd's companies rcprcsentated
about $55,000 of this amount, and the
other adjusters had $10,000.
The total loss of property was
about $200,000, making $195,000 lost
to the people as a result of the fire.
This of course included buildings,
stocks of goods and everything con
nected with the business nnterests as
thoy were destroyed.
O. W
Mr. U. L. Gray, from San Diego,
Cal., is painting a series of pictures
for the Grand theatre. Thcso con
sist of views of tho Bandon beach, a
lug bringing a schooner over the bar
two beautiful paintings of Mount
Hood nnd Mount Rainier, and other
landscapes pleasing to tho eye. These
pictures will be finished and adorn
the walls of the Grand tho latter part
of this week. Mr. Gray is a scenic ar
tist of exceptionally ability; you'll
say so when you see his work. Look
for tho pictures at the Grand. Mr.
Gray will be in town for several
weeks, and is open for any orders in
artistic painting. If you want a pic
ture of your buby or a landscape, or
any other kind of painting, Mr. Gray
can give you satisfaction in quality
und price.
Tho Elizabeth arrived Friday night
with 2C3 tons of freight nnd tho fol
liwing passengers: R. F. JackHon,
Miss E. C. Wiren, Mrs. Chris Rasmus
sen, Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs. E. Lee,
Miss Delia Remo, W. S. Smith, Mor
val J. Skee, A. W. Sieman, wifo and
son, W. R. Reo, A. Brandenburg, E.
J. Collier, W. Crumley and wife, L.
Davidson, Adam Pershbaker, E. J.
Phillips and C. Wnrncke. The Eliz
abeth 'sailed again las night with
2-1-1,000 feet of lumber, 49 tons of
miscellaneous freight and the follqw-ing-jmssengcrs:
Miss Pruner, Mrs. A.
Cleary and son, Miss Lorcno Wheeler,
Mr. Candlin, Mrs. Candlin, Mar. Lily
Natley, J. Natley, A. H. Kellog, wife
and child, T. R. Cook, D. II. Mann,
Ruth Volz, L. Hurdell, wife and
daughter, Fred Sutton, C. W. Cronk
hite and wife, Wilhelm Luke, Henry
Goss, Wra. Schulz. Tho Elizabeth
will sail from San Francisco for Ban
jm . .
don r riuay.
The Grace Dollar sailed last night
with 700,000 feet of lumber from the
Lyons-Johnson mill.
In n letter to Tho Recorder from
Smiling Dutch, tho wrestler, we are
Informed that both he and Tony Ajax
will be in Bandon this summer and
will probably arrive early in July
Tony defeated Chris Tltcopolos, the
Greek hcrcules, at Hayward, Calif.,
mi June 19th. Theopolos hud ut
least 15 pounds the best in weight,
but could not over conio Tony's ad
vantage in science, Dutch also says
that lie saw by the Oakland papers
that Lutsoy Is still In tho wrennlng
game and that when he come to Bun-
don ho want to mutch LuUuy and
AJux, winner take nil, Ho also said
that AJux will glvo LuUey a Imndl
cup imitcli, nnd will throw him
twlro In ono hour for m ffiOO vide but
Mr. Ii, II Ilonry, who uinWwitnt
mi ojihihIIoii reri'iitly l. y.mtmwy
wnwm, liu Mi mr rerovfred (but
tho mm libit. o )( luUn Iiohw yv
leaky ttvj nimiy frkiuh Jioj fur
jwjy imwy I" mhh,