e e o o a. a o c ' o o oo I GRAND THEATRE sfe: 0OR 0270: "JVM QwanMy 4u QUALITY " , SPECIAL FEATURES Satuaday and YME WEDDINU OF PKUUBINCti." A two part Comedy-Drama that will make a hit. Shown Saturday June 27th. SUNDVY NIGHT "A Romance of the Everglades" Two reel Edison Drama featuring Madcl Turned, i. I that charming and vivacious I Admission 10 and 5c. I COMING"Fu Fu, the Band t mg reels. KEEP CLEAN The Robinion Folding Bath Is a boon to those who live in rent ed houses and those who cannot afford bath room fittings. HANDY. SEBVICABLE AND DURABLE The tub is five feet long and holds a barrell of water, com plete for $10.00 Drop a Line to T. W. Fcnn, at Bandon, and he will call on you with a sample. City Transfer! S. D. Kelly, Proprietor Light and Heavy haul ing promptly done. Contracting and grad ing. Transcient trade solicited. Horses boarded. Phone 1151 Office: Dufort Building X 14 Mllllll MHIHIH m Elite Restauranti Ray Rease, Prop. MEALS AT ALL HOURS t FIRST CLASS HOME : COOKING I Brown & Gibson i The Leading Contractors and Builders ; ; We furnish plans and sped- ; ; ! ! .fixations and it you are go- ! ! ii t ii ; ing to build anything, no ; I matter how large or how ; X small, we can save you J T money. Let us figure on your building. Pianos for rent at Bandon Drug Company. 1 1 Lumber?? Certainly ! ! ! Plenty of It At THE COX MILL COUJITftlGHr GRIFFITH, Mr, Highest eUt licensed photo nd 5-pieco orcneitra night. 28 reeUevery week. Sunday Nights actress. . - - Other Fine Films. , Leader" in two scream- t 4 l I Items of Local Interest J i A. R. Lindner, the linotype expert who was here overhauling the Re cordcr's linotype nftor the fire, fin- lishcd his work Wednesday night and left on the enrly boat Thursday morn ing for Marshficld. Experienced nurse Mrs. II. K Jones. Leave card at P. O. tf. At the M. E. Church hSouth next Sunday, Rev. E. II. Mowrc, prcsid ing Elder, will preach at 11 n. in. nnd 8p. m. Other services as usunl. All are invited. W. B. Smith, pastor. For Sale Lot with three room house. Inquire at this office. 38tf. Work is still progressing at the West Shore Oil Co.'s well and W. II Button, who has charge of the drill ing is still very saguinc over the out come. Every indication so far is in perfect harmony with the strata of all the big oil wells that hnvo been found along the coast, and there is every reason to believe that in a short time an excellent well will be found. For Rent Four furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire of E. Lewin Houso and lot on 11th street West for sale or rent. Inquire of .1. T. James, 13th Street nnd Franklin don Drug Co. tf. There is under advisement in tho M. E. Church South circles a Fourth of July picnic. Probably above Moore mill, with some of the features of a celebration, innocent, but enjoyed by old and young. Results will bo an nounced next week. Hesig & Porter have opened up an agate grinding shop in tho small house across the street from the Gal lier hotel, and are receiving a large patronage They have a modorn outfit in every respect. II. C. Dippcl, f tho real cstato firm f Dippcl & Wolvcrton, left Wednes day on n business trip to Blackfoot, Idaho, and may go on to Denver be fore ho returns. Ho expectes to bo away about thirty days. Mrs. Guy Dippel Spirella's Corse (circ IPHONE 714 Hotel Bandon I ;; American Plan, $1.00 $ :: and $1.50 per day. '' European Plan, rooms f 50c, 75c & $1 per clay j I E. G. CASSIDY Prop Ml I 1 1 ! I t I IOH ALGERIANS ARE LIARS. They My Tell the Truth at Timet, but You Aro Never Sure. Tho chief fault of tho uatiro Alge rians seems to bo a certain predilection for lying. It appears to bo an Instinc tive desire to deceive, not so much for tho sake of profit ns for tho sake of de ception. Albert Edwards, In "Tho Bnr bary Const," tolls us that bo asked his French host why ono of his workmen wore green braid on his turbans, since In Persia only theso who have mado, tho pilgrimage to Mecca aro thus at tired. "Mohammed!" my host -called. The tall, dignified natlvo left his plow nnd cnino over to us. "Hnvo you been to Mecca?" M. Gar dot asked In Arable. "No. Sldl," tho Arab said nnd went back to his work. "Ho says 'No,' " M. Gardot translated to me. "But like ns not he has been thero sis times. If they would always Ho you could understand them. Hut sometimes they tell the, truth. Perhaps ho hasn't been there. If I should ask. six of my workmen about It three, would say that Mohnmme.d had -been to Mecca, threo would sny ho hadn't" So I stopped asking my ho3t ques tions about the Arabs. But la nil tho time I have been in Algeria I havo never found a Frenchman who felt dif ferently about it. Guy do Maupassant, whoso eyes pierced so deeply turough tho lies of French life, could not fathom tho Arabs. "They aro incomprehensi ble," ho writes. "They He." THE WORLD'S WATER POWER. Forces That May De Utilized When Our Coal Is All Gone. Tho following figures may prove of interest to those fearing the exhaus tion of tho world's coal supply, cays tho American Machinist In n sum mary of tho water power of the world tho possible horsepower of Franco Is estimated at -1,500,000, of which only 800.000 is utilized. About an equal nmount of power Is available in Italy, but only ,?0,000 horsepower is utilized. Falls of 10,000 horsepower aro abun-' dnnt in tho Alps. Tho estimate In Switzerland is in complete, but about 300,000 horsepower is in use. Germany hns 700,000 horse power nvailnble, with 100,000 applied. Norway has 000,000 horsepower avail able, with a large part already devel oped. In Sweden thero is 7(53,000 horse power available. The resources of Russia aro estimat ed nt 11.000,000 horsepower, of which only R5.000 hns been developed. Tho United States Is credited with 1,500,000 horsepower, while Japan has 1,000,000, of which 70,000 haa been exploited. In India 50,000 horsepower has already been developed, mostly nt a consider able distance from any Industrial cen-. ter. In Great ItrJtnln there . la , 70,000 Jiors,poWeX-' ulrcadyt utilized, and an equal nmount in Spain. Promoting the Janitor. They were joint owners of mi apart ment house and ono day the Junior partner sought his colleague in sumo trepidation. "Tim Janitor wants $10 jnore a mouth or he'll leave. I hatei to glvo up tho money, but wo can't spare him." The senior partner disappeared and returned In u few moments. "It's nil right," said he, "I've satis fled him, nnd It didn't cost us any thing." "How's Unit?" "Tho Janitor Is now tho superintend ent." 1 "Good work!" declared the Junior partner. "But why didn't you make 1dm superintendent in tho first place?" "Because," answered tho senior mem. ber, "I knew ho'd want u promotion eventually. Every man wants a pro motion somo time and, to my mind, u good man deserves on'o." Judge. Smoky Citios Also Foggy. Tho relation between smoke and fog Is ably set forth In a bulletin issued by the Mellon Institute of Industrial Re search. University of Pittsburgh, nnd written by Dr. Herbert II. Kimball, professor of meteorology. United States weather bureau. He sums up tho mat ter by saying: "City fogs aro more persistent than country fogs, principally becnuso of their increased density due to tho smoke that accumulates in them. "In consequence of tho nbovo thero are fewer hours of sunshine in tho cities thnn In the surrounding country. "Tho sunshine Is less intense In tho city thnn In the country, the light of short wave lengths, or tho blue light Buffering tho greater depletion." Saving Time. "Say," cxclnlnied tho excited young man with tho discolored ontlon. "I want you to strike mo off a fow thou sand cifrds." "All right, sir." resnonded the nrlnt. er. "What shall 1 put on them?" ".lust print 'None of your business' in big lyiH.'. 'i'Ueu when thu not iw.r. sou iisUm mo how I got this black eye I can Just IimimI him a can! nnd suva words." Philadelphia Ledger. Ethan Allen's Foundry. Elhiin Allen prior lo the American Revolution operated nil Iron fiirimni nnd foundry In Lllohlleld county, nix i rim roiiuory ul)suUrnlly funiUliiil iiiiii'li of thu kiwii iiiui ..I,..!! Unit wiin mm In Ihti IIovijIiiIiiii.Mu. liMiioof Aiuvrji-jiji IJUUiry. Wlllln J'ttW, what l (Ml? Paw-. nt!! war hmw mm umi im Jk. ml HOMA'S F. HAG&ERTY Atiomey-at-Law Over MrNalr'i Hardware Store Phone 482 BANDON, OREGON C. R. WADE Lawyer BANDON, OREGON DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon Office over Drug Stare. Hours. 9 to 12 a. m 1:30 to 4 p. m ;7 to 8 in the evening. BANDON, OREGON DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon Office in Panler Building. Hours, 9 to 12 a. m; I to 3 p. m. BANDON, OREGON DR. L. P. SORENSON Dentist Office over Vienna' Cafe. Telephone at office and residence. BANDON, OREGON G. T. TREADGOLD Attorney and Counselor at Law h Office with Bandon Investment Company Notary Public BANDON, OREGON DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Office in Rasmussen Building. Phone 72J BANDON, OREGON DR. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Office over Orange Pharmacy. Office phone, 352. Residence phone, Xi. . BANDON, OREGON DR. S. C. ENDICOTT Dentist Office Phone 71; Res. Phone 312 . ' BANDON, OREGON DR. I. L. SCOFIELD Dentist Oilico in'Fahy and Morrison Build ,'ng. next to Emergency Hospital. Phono 1141 DR. II. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Office Phone 330-J Res. Phone 105-J Rooms 200-1 Irving Block MARSHFIEI.D, OREGON P. A. SANDBERG Civil Engineer Surveys, Plans and Speciricatio is OfficeBank , Huililing BANDON, OREGON BENJAMIN OSTLIND Consulting Engineer and Architect Office in Thrift Building BANDON, OREGON KODAK WORK Bring us your Kodak work. Wo havo instilled an electric printing mncliino nnd can fin ish on short notice, day or night, nnd secure tho best re sults. A trial is convincing. YOURS TO PLEASE L. I. WHEELER Artist Near Gitlllor Hotel WOOD FOR SALE Good body lr wood X t $!.7f nor tier (lelivfiwil Wow) flit U) owir X J A, (i, I'JMDIW, Vroh X i yUmwm. X Sam Says: The mill is down but I'm still on the job, ready to furnish you with a sky scraper or a chicken coop. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU SPARK'S Successor EQUIPPED ALWAYS ON TIME SAILINGS From Portland Every Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. From Coos Bay Every Saturday at Service of the Tide. Confirm sailings through PHONE 142 A. D.Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 Down and .$10 per month. Bargain in Business Lot on First Street. .I..M..M"M..M.fr.M BANDON TRANSFER CO. Gatchell Brothers, Props. All kinds of heavy and f iriven prompt attention. son, J.'isn I'roperty. . iciepnone mi. ! H"H tm b l-WMW?4r For Your Garden! Tho new soil of this section requir es a COMMERCIAL bERTIUZER, giving it what nature lacked. You must havo it for your garden lo get Ihu host mulla. Wo havo a largo . tiiipi'lu (tl a ueiU iwaonublu jirlvo. Central Feed Co. I CnlrJ WrwhfHj GROCERY to A. E. White WITH WIRELESS " I M. F. Shoemaker, Bandon t light draying. Phone orders I .Barn corner First & Edi- X 1' I'Iwh M ii Utui wm Bf i 9