Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, June 23, 1914, Image 4

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    v '.. . . - -- -- 'jVZ.. - y.H-,,,,,,, .,,, , .ijmnexj: fa CTJ555jg
O. A. Trowbridge
t t I I I i I Xt III I
0. A. Trowbridge
Door's Open
a. m.
f -a '
Door's Open
at 10 a. m.
1 .a ?
Every man and woman in Bandon will nuss a golden opportunity should they fail to
attend. Thousands of dollars worth of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods. Men's
i and Boys' Suits, Women's Ready-to-Wealr, will be of f ered at prices that economical buy-
resist, supplying present and future needs. It will behoove all to come early.
It Takes Cash To Pay My Loss.
O. A. Trowbridge!
t 't't-0-
Thoa. Dcvcrcaux is having the
post office buildinx nnd Donney's Cof
fee House rebuilt nnd )aintctl and
tho plnco will soon present a better
appearance than beforo the fire.
Gross Bros, are putting up a tem
porary building on their lot and will
niovo into it in a few days. At pres
ent they are occupying a small tent
on the corner.
For Sale Two sets double harness
sco Geo. li. Morgan, Arago, Ore.
Dr. L. P. Sorenson is now receiving
his instruments and is opening up a
modern dental oflko in tho now First
National Dank building.
S. D. Harrows has located his by
cyclu shop in tho Oriental Hall torn
poranly until Marshall & bon can
erect a building for him on his old lo
. Attorneys G. T. Treadgold and C
It. Wade aro in" Salom this weel,
whom they nro opposing attorneys
in a case beforo tho Supromo court,
Mr. Wado,is atlornoy for Or. Hors-
fall of Marshfield and Mr. Treadgold
for W. II. Logan of this city.
For Sale Three and one-half acres
rrnnri bind, mstlv cleared and 111 cul
tivation, fine gardon, good six room
linns., food well, nartly fenced, lft
miles southeast of Postoffleo. A snap
at ?8.00. Also 10 acres lMi milos from
Postodlco, some good timber, at $00
per aero. Dinnlo & Wolvorton. tt.
Dr. II. li. Houston is preparing to
lay in a now supply of drugs ami will
start his drug business again in a
short time. Ho will havo a biggi'r nnd
better store than beforo Ui flro.
v..n.... s. Wnlli vill movo his
Orango Pharmacy into tho comor of
thu new 151lingson building soon, and
will havo ono 01 the moil mouom
drug storos in thoc ounty
Uasmusscn Hroi. havo put up a
small building for G. A. Hejkoys
meat market and ato now building a
ltttlo 151 Dorado to bo umhI until thoy
got around to put up Uiolr couwoto
Thu llro diil not dmiut the cmintgo
of Manciut Bros. Thoy IimI now
building eroetod nml vro l budnww
again In u vary Aw day TIm boy
wiy thoy oijwwkUly Ukful te
Urn liiHiplmranwH MM ottof. fw
Hi iuiUUiiiw riUW l't"
ting ntuitml
he has lots of room and good light.
The work of putting tho roof and
other repairs on tho Dyer concrete
building is proceeding very rapidly
and the building will bo in better re
pair than ever within a few days.
C. Y. Lowe is rapidly getting his
building into shape again after the
fire, and in a short time will have it
back as good as ever.
Tho secretary oftho interior has
designated a tract of 284,000 acres
of land in Oregon for entry under tho
enlarged homaslond law. Most of
this land lies in the Deschutes and
John Day river basins and arc snid
t bo good lands in many instances.
Win. Button was in from the oil
wcls of the West Shoro Oil Co. last
week. He is istll much encouraged
with tho outlook.
Tho newly elected mayor and city
officials will take their seats Wednes
day evening, July 1st. Mayor Mast
will take up tho duties of Councilman
from tho Knst ward, and the entire
council will bo changed.
Word received from Mr. and Mrs.
L. J. Cody, who left recently to take
up a homestead near Bend, is to tho
elTect that they are getting their
houso built and everything in readi
ness to live comfortably on the ranch
They are much pleased with their
location and surroundings.
Dr. S. C. Kndicott is getting in his
new equipment and opening up a
modern dental office in tho Ellingson
"The Perils of Pnuline" aro played
by the great Pathe Players, Miss
Pourl White leading, lady; Mr. Crano
Wilbur, as tho hero; Mr. Paul Pan
zer, as a very remarkable viallian.
Tho first installment of this great
serial will appear in threo reels and
will bo exhibited at the Grand about
July 11th. Watch for it nnd don't
miss this irreatest of all modern
mystery plays. Later announce
monts will follow.
Mrs. Geo. Geisondorfer entertain
cd a number of lady friends at a GOO
party Thursday afternoon, and all
who attended report a most enjoyable
time. Dainty refreshments wero
sorvuil after cards.
H. R. OaliOB U now located with
hi rnl estate office in thu now First
National Bunk building.
0. T. Treadgold bus moved his
lw ofllootf from tho Tlininoim build
(Mir to tho front rooms In thu yiuoud
aUtry of llio l'irt National Hunk
UilUing, and now haw win of llio (In-
t oIIIhm in thu wnmly.
A H UihIiuuv of lltf MuiwntlmltT
Uimtvw Cmh rim limn Hun i'i-
iIhw mi llu VjwadUMiJ HJ will JIIhU
M tltH-ttHI lit UlD jjjt!tf)' IttMX
Carpet and rug weaving, -a ply te
Mrs. J. L. Foster, Bandon. tf":
Try the Unique for -goodMPMK
meal and sweet bread. tf.
Jamieson & Page have, cpnitnwt
ed a temporary building on the site
of their former place ofsbusiMaad
moved into it Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Thompao, ae
enjoying a visit from their daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Robt. Thompson, of Cal
ifornia, who arrived on the Speed
well. C. II Curtis f Marshfield was a Ban
don visitor Monday.
Louis J. Koch of Port Orford was
a Bandon visitor yesterday. , -
For Sale Two sets double harness.
Cost $40 per set, will sell for. J20 per,
set. See W. H. Smith, or Geo. B. Mot-'
rm i Alt A '- J
"Levi "and- McGlnnesi a 'cyclone of
laughter;' two' Ve'els-'of fdti-tft'the Or
pheuih "WtdneiaaMghf- also two
other goods ones
:'"-Mrs: MI D. Sherrard' has beeh sick
for" a Yew dayt with' an attack' of ap
pendicitis, but is 'imprdvirtg 'quite
rapidly at present.
-Mis -AtMaide" Brandenburg arriv
ed on the Speedwell for a visit with
her brother, L. L. Brandenburg, and
Frank Catterlin of Coos Bay was
a Bandon visitor Monday, calling n
his customers
The Women of Woodcraft held n
very impressive service Sunday af
ternoon at the K of P. cemetery over
ithe arrave of one ofi their departed
sisters, Mrs. Clara Waldvogel, wllo
passed away recently.
i ThirdExcursion
I o. o. opeeaweu
Will Sail From Marshfield for San
Francisco, LQ Ajcks and San Diego
I : Friday, Nobri, June 26th :
Bandon Warehouse Co.
X Geo. T, Moulton, Coquille Agent . i (
J. E. Schilling, Myrtlc.Feiat Agcat
Henry Seitttlrf n, iMrhftdl; Agent
7.1 Wsnen Painter,' North Bend Agent
All kinds of light and-heavy work. Horses scientif
ically shod, Deformities remedied. Bring in your
cripples und get their feet adjusted by a man that
knows h foot Carl Clifford, the seientiflc horso
kIioit, Tie checkers, splitting mauls, and all kinds
of Ho makers tools. All work guaranteed right.
For Sale at a
The Riverton Saw Mill Property consiatiug of the
following tracts and parcels of real estate located
in the Town of Riverton, Coos County, Oregon
Realo Estate Parcels, two acres more or less $G50.00
Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, C, 7, 8, 9 nnd 10, Block G, C50.00
Lots 3 and G, Block G, nnd dwelling 800.00
Lot 2, Block 1 7G.00
Lot 8, Block 3 150.00
Mill Machinery nnd Buildings.
Two boilers valued at 300.00
Ono engine, size lGxlG 100.00
Ono engine, size 10x20, 26.00
One engine, size 7x14, ' 20.00
One pinner IMwOO
One enrriago nnd equipment ,. . JMfcOO
Ono edger
Four circle saws 200.00
Mill building ' 100.00
Miscellancus pulleys, pipes nnd parts of machinery .... 400.00
Total valuo $3760.00
We will make a liberal discount on
these prices for the next thirty days
For Particulars See
Dippel & Wolverton
For Sale a Snap
DeBire to sell at onco, tho furnlslilngB of my homo, Havo furniture
enough to completely funilnh seven rooms. Am occupying ono of tho
most desirable routed Jiouhi-h In Uiixlou, well locatwl and strictly up-to-dntu,
and purty buying furnlturo may rent fiouwi If doslri-d. Tho
urnlturo U all of an A No. 1 grade, doo not mIiow liar UMuge. und
will fuvoiably coiupaio with tho vny Ui to found Ruiidon
JIuvo mmpU'toly furnUhnl living nmn, dining room, brMlft room
two bod room, und KlUlien. Thin la wtolnly ,w of lt fmm.
tunltlfH of It kind that ha twr bwn olUmti in lluiulmt, mi It mAd
Hi one, wni-r will nmliu Jdg nrriftru.
I'wr hformtUm l 7h Humiun HvmAir tm,
it II vw. Am hi Winn t4 1