' " Semi-Weekly bandon jiEcoiiderfiuDav, june tfcJJ, im. '..T..T.. fi Ji A.T..T.rf..T..T, A A it, f i I r V r V I V V "F "X V j Highest class licensed photo T' 1 1 U A N 1 1 THC A TDK p "d 5 Piec orchestra VJiyrVl 1 U 1 UJUni lVLy every night. 28reelevery BURIED UNDErt PAPERS, OUR MOTTO: week. 'Not Quantity 'but QUALITY " Da SATURDAY "ON THE ALTAR OF PATRIOTISM" A drama in two parts (Pathe) THE GHOST"- - - (Vitagraph comedy) "THE MESSAGE IN THE ROSE" (Edison) 10 and 5 cents SUNDAY "THREE 1 JS OF SILVER,' Adventures of Kathlyn No. 6 "HIS INDIAN NEMESIS" (Kalctn) "A NIGHT OUT" ----- -(Edison comedy) If) and 5 cents KEEP CLEAN i) The Robinson Folding Hath u boon to those who live in od houses mid those who cv.. afford bath room fill ;s. HANDY. SERVICABLii A DURABLL The tub is five feet long and holds n barrell of water, com plete for $10.00 Drop a Line to T. V. Pirn nt Bandon, and he will call en you with a sample. -- I m; M"M..:..j.v.j. v K''M,v ! Items of Local Interest X I -2-1. 1-! -I--I--I--I-! -I--I-! re I ; I it Citv Transfer i S. D. Kelly, Proprieto: j' Light and Heavy h.;ul- ing promptly done. $ Contracting and grad- ing. Transcient tr. rle solicited. Horse? f boarded. Ph'one 1151 i Office: Dufort Building viCi'3MlIl't?"itHMXM?!I?'' " AAA A A ? its A AiiJiJiitiAJiiT W ,tssJ 'W r r I TTTTTTTTl - r - i a" art Elite Restaurant i Ray Reasc, Prop. t MEALS AT ALL HOURS !: FIRST CLASS HOME ? :: cooking I i'TTTTT'i'VTvT'n'TTVVTVTTTTT' J Brown Gibson iM-M"I"l"H"t' t The I. catling Contractors and Builders Wi furnish plans and sped i utons uid it yoit arc ro-in.- to 'uild anything, no matter how laryo or how small, we can .save yon money. List- liurc on your bin1' 1 ig. I Try the Unique for a good, square meal and sweet bread. tf. I Carpet and rug weaving, aply to Mrs. J. L. Foster, Bandon. tf. Experienced nurse Mrs. II. K. Jones. Leave card nt P. 0. tf. For Sale Lot with three room house. Inquire at this-office1. 38tf. For Rent Four furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire of E. Lewin T! best strawberries in town i'le famous Circle S variety at the Hui":ulow Grocery. lllt-1 House and lot on 11th street West for sale or rent. Inquire of J. T. .L.mes, 13 th Street and Franklin Avenue. 39tf. For Sale Barred Plymouth Rock oggs for setting. Also, a few roos ters. Inquire of N. J. Crain, at Ban- don Drug Co. tf. New orders of bicycle repairs of all kinds constantly arriving. Will take orders for bicycles of any kind. S. D. Barrows. tf. For Rent A suite of three roomr furnished for light housekeeping, to one or two people. Inquire of Mrs. Wilson in Timmons Building. 39tf For Sale or trade, well improved poultry, garden and berry home on South Franklin Avenue. Inquire of W. R. Wells on the place, or address P. O. Box 38, Bandon, Oregon. IU8 For Sale Three and one-half acres good land, mstly cleared and in cul tivation, fine garden, good six room house, good well, partly fenced, IVi miles southeast of Postoflicc. A snap at $8.00. Also 10 acres VAs miles from Postolllce, some good timber, at ?li0 per acre. Dipple & Wolvcrton. tf. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination for the of fice of City Recorder. (Pd. Ad.) . B. N. HARRINGTON Rotwaen Litter and Fire Life In Quincey'a Home Was Lively. De Qulnccy's greatest extravagance irrew out of the morbid value he set upon papers and their not being dis turbed. He was In the habit of accu mulating theso until. In his own words, he was "snowed up." which Meant that when mutters reached such an extremity that there was not a, square Inch of room on the table to set a cup upon and no possibility of making his bed for tbe weight of pa llors gathered there; no chair which could be used for Its legltlmute.'pur pose. and the track from the door .to the llreplaee. always kept opeu uutll the last, was completely obliterated so that he hud not even place In which to set his foot-then De Quiiioey lock ed the door upon his paper treasures and turned elsewhere. At hN death there were nt least a half dozen micli places "papered" b.v Hint and being maintained at no small expense. Such a thing hail been esperlenred as his actually "papering" his family out of house, but In later years his daughters learned how to guard against such a contingency De Qulncey usually hpent the even' lugs with his family, who looked for ward to these hours with much pleas ure. Upon the arrival of the newspa per he would render the news In Ills own quaint manner, questioning the various members of the group about hlui and Illuminating the various sub jects touched upon with a wealth ot memories, uood stories or human ex- nerlences until the hunnlest How of real conversation sprang from the cir cumstances of the moment. lie was not a tranqulll.lng compan ion for nervous persons to live with, as those nights were the exceptions on which he did not set lire to something It was a common occurrence for one of his daughters to look up from Her work and to say casually, "Pupa, ydur hair Is on lire!" to which he would re spond i-aually, "Is It, my loveV" and a hand rubbing out the blaze was all the notice taken. On one occasion, when the maid rushed In to announce that -Mr. de Quincey's room was on lire, he hasten ed to the rescue of his already "snow ed up" apartment, refusing all sug gestions that water be poured upon hi" treasured papers. Armed with a heavy ing he disappeared into the burning room determined to conquer without water or perish In the attempt, while the members of his affrighted household trembled for his safety out side the door, locked to prevent the abhorred water from being poured In. Presently, after occasional bursts of smoke and a very strong smell of lire, all wero assured that the danger was over, the victor emerged triumphant-, ly from his light with the linmes. and the dreaded element having been sub' dued for the evening all retired in state of thankfulness. From Caroline Tlckuor's "Ha'wthorne and Ills Pub Usher." Professional Cards. THOMAS F, HAGGERTY Attorney-at-Law Over McNair's Hardware Sir re Phone 482 BANDON, ORKGON R. WADE Lawyer HANDON, OREGON DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon yjiiKc over uiug oiare. l-louu, y to li, a. m; lu)U to 4 p. m ;7 to 8 in Ihe evening. HANDON, OREGON DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon Office in Panter Building. Houit, 9 to 1 2 a. m I to 5 p. m. BANDON, OKEGON DR. L. P. SOIIENSON Dentist Office over Vienna Cale. Telephone at and residence. office HANDON, OREGON G. T. TREADGOLD " . A ttorney and Counselor at Lam Office with Bandon Investment Company Notary Public HANDON, OREGON DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Office in Rasmusscn Building. Phone 72.B HANDON, OKEGON DR. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Office over Oranfie Pharmacy. Office pho 352. Residence phone, 353. BANDON, ORKGON Mrs. Guy Dippel Spirella's Corseteirc ;pnoNn 7H Pianos for Company. rent nt Bandon Drug I Hotel Bandon I $1.00 I per day. t luiropean nan, rooms 50c, 75c & $1 per day a : in.. ;r rxiiiciiuau i tan, X and $1.50 That's All. "I did not think yon would associate with such a man." "I simirt associate with him much. I am merely going to marry him.' Houston Post. A modern furnished house wanted by June 1st, by good tenant. Dinnlc .v woiverton. 13t2. bee Dipple & Woiverton for ab stracting, conveyancing, fire and plate glass insurance, fidelity and surety bonds. Notary public in ofliec. Op posite tno i'ostollice. Phono 33. tf. The best strawberries in town the famous Circle S variety at the Bungalow Grocery. 13t4 For Sale Two sots double harness Cost $-10 per sot, will sell for $20 per set. hoe W. H. Smith or Geo. B. Mor gan. 13t-l t E. G. CASSIDY Prop. 4 Lumber?? Certainly ! ! ! Plenty of It At THE COX MILL CQUKTHICJJT A ORJITOH MHr, Notice to Contractors. Notice is herby given that sealed bids will bo received for Clearing and Grading the Bear Creek-Bandon Road from Bear Creek toward Bandon ac cording to tho amended plat and snoc- nications prepared by the County Road master and on file m the office of the Cunty Clerk. The Cunty Court reserves the right to reject any und all bids nnd to award the contract to a bidder not tho lowest should they deem it for tho bos interests of tho county. All bids to bo filed with the Coun ty rlerk on or hoforo tho ith day of I Juno, a. u. 1DM. at tint hour of 10 i o'clock A. M., on' which day micli con tract Hlwll be let. A fortified chock for live per cnt. of tho amount of 'the bid to be dvpoaited with tho County CUrk with bid, ,to be,, forfeited to tiie County in cuo contract nhall bo awarded ami tho contractor ahull fail rioglo t or riifuMt for a period of ten day after auch nwarrl la made to mi ter iiiU) h eoiilrar-t ami 111m hia bond to ih Natlaaction ot Uw County Court o rtiird by law. Ja(d at U City of notjuilU, Cm (KMsMty, Qjr0a, U4a MM day ot Uy, A. D. HH. JMJT DR.-S. G.ENDICOTT Dentist w Office Phone 71; Re,. Phcne 312 Z HANDON, OKEGON DR. I. L. SCOFIELD Dentist OfTtco in Fahy and Morrison Build- .'ng- next to Emergency Hospital Phono 1141 DR. H. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Office Phone 330.J Res. Phone 105-J Rooms 2U0-1 Irving Block marsiikield; oregon P. A. SAND BERG Civil Engineer Surveys, Plans and Speciricatio is OfficeHank Huihling l :E.C HANDON, OREGON BENJAMIN OSTEIN D Consulting Engineer and Architect Office in Thrift HuiMing HANDON, OREGON Sam Says: The mill is down butFm still on the job, ready to furnish you with a sky- : scraper or a chicken? coop. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. (psjwiajosrri somSno jno saipnctt oqA jajcap poor oqj jo oracu oqj noX om pun 'uoticmjoitit nnj pnn sanSoj vvo annsajsjut joi sn oiua Joiniiua jaisoAjun rcuoptaiauil noX aohs nro'iajf ap rnobj iss.o jojvj sjanj optuS qSitr puu A' ij qjoq no Q)ui8do Am. d "H0? 1 1 ifiojj 'o3ucj s; -ic; popoo-jaytiAv jo jps !cmozuoq jo icoipaA Sp3p, i8 jo 'jtmonms 'otqnpod opcui ojc Xo'qx "noiv tuisuoo ;s9q ptiw JBIJ3J13UI jsaq jo tuns aq jj;.v ncCi'UH 'aniSuo o H I UV s; i ;tiq ouiUua jno.v Xnq nx.C uaqAv ojiis pua oqj tit oupm ;soui otn oabs pnu )sa3fio oq; juj Aq moqq ojjbiu 4uqi eajninaj sjooqAx-Xp, qnq-jirds 'jsptna oaiha ojqu qocjap 'saAjVA o3jiq ttrjxa 'sStijj pue uosid punojH Xjajwtioat! 'praq jopui.Co ;asjjobm oiq sturijuoj qijA noiptiJisuoo pjBpucjs jo soiqiir.o 'sautSaa jajsb.v jc'j- pjuo!)ctuaUi Xnq 'ejawjcj otm '8jojojotj, 'O(qissod sisu oj; ."B lutiSTJDjd su oatiii pun 'joav patitj iCjUS -sooDuun 'ouip 'OUOUI OABS O uvo r-r SJpnup )X iO)ti1(tf9 tnsi5 timvix I'Q SFII p jlQ 3Nn ivmao ' SMMitji Via Hi "1lM,X-al",S '"A vnii tJiHfi3 'lupnig '"VIA 'lld S3H1H3YW NH03 ijmo sjp S3HIII3VW IVH OHV N1VH3 EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME SAILINGS From Porlland Every Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. From Coos Bay Every Saturday at Service . of the Tide. Confirm sailings through M. F. Shoemaker, Bandon . ' PHONE 142 KODAK WORK Bring us youi Kodak work. We have installed an electric printing machine and cun fin ihh on abort notice, day or mght, and secure tho host re sults. A trial is convincing. YOURS TO PLEASE L. I. WHEELER Artist Near Gullier Hotol WOOD FOR SALE Good body flr wood $1.75 pur tiwr dt'iivifi'i'd. V, Wood fill to order A. (I mi)Vl, J'roj. Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, ,$25 Down and $10 per month. Bargain in Business Lot on First Street, i i i For Your Garden Tho now soil of this section requir es a COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER, giving it what nature lacked- Yen must havf) U for, your gard n to w t tho bOtl results. We kai't Unw supply at u very rmsonnbh pin - Central Feed Co. Bfskmu Pfeou ill UW I Ktf l iitfif M aufiwtAl JliO HHiHHiiHiHiHiffHtl 4 n Tfca Imn0 ii i w im4