v flgMi-WEEKLY BANDON RECpR PER,' ErIEa, itig fTR lftU. ..11- : r inn irrifr ftM M ftftftPi Hotel Oaliier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by. week or month Sample room "In connection Oregon Bandon t Terrifying Experience on an Ice Coated Mansard. r. E. ST Ell N OFF TII.IA HARNESS MAN omplete stock of har ness, shopping bags; trunks, suit cases, valises and traveling bags. t'! It .How Delightfully Independent is the woman who can make out . check against her own bank account Whether she is Boing shopping o: (o pay for what she has already bought, she fools the pleasure of be in'jT able to tender "her persona check" for the amount. Ladles bank your money with us, anil you will find it not only conviont and dig nified, but also most profitable too. r B BANK OF -BAND 01 . 'why' not have an kxtention telephone installed IN YOUR RESIDENCE, THE TRICE HAS ' BEEN REDUCED. TO CO CENTS PER' MONTH. ' . THINK OF" THE UNNECESSARY STEPS THIS WILL SAVE YOU. COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO, $ Automobile and Machine ' Work ' Briny; your work to the Garage and Machine Shop. Everything done with neatness and dispatel;. , Agent for Buick Automohile.s. M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore. 4 1 Readers of the Bandon j Recorder, and Friends: j Special Bargains in Farm "Lands and City Property Soe SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable 4 S;S. ELIZABETH; Lirgtt Two-Hurlh OuUhle Slate Rooms With Hun- j ninK Water. Kwi Day Survive Ilohveen the Cotjullle Hlvor and I'ttmmir urm, m on up mumm FIGHTING DEATH IN MIDAIR Perilous Plight of Two Workers, and an Exhibition of Coolness, Presence of Mind and Heroic Patfence How tho Difficult Rcscuo Was Effected. During the fall and winter of 1870 A. T. Stewart, who had bought the Ornud Union hotel nt.Saratoj;a. largely rebuilt that great hostelry of U.000 rooms. The building bus a mansard roof, and at the peak It is ninety-eight feet from tho sidewalk. Ono cold winter morning, when the work was virtually completed, two men, Harvey, the bead roofer, and a belpcr named Deunlson went up on tho roof to finish the Hashing round tho base of the tower. There had been a slight mist that morning, and it had frozen upon the roof, but tho two men bad on India rubber overshoes to prevent them from slipping on the slates. Suddenly, however, Harvey's feet be gan to slip. Ho went very slowly at fjrst, for tho upper roof of a mansard is no' steep. Ho trl3d to stop himself, but there was nothing to whlrli ho could cling, no turned his bend in Dcunlson's direction to see If he could not gtvo some assistance, but Deunl son. too, wus sliding slowly down the roof. Harvey's presence of mind did not lenvo him. "Lie down Hat!" be called So both men carefully laid themselves at full length on tho kv roof in order that the Increased friction might re tard. and perhaps Rtop. their descent For an Instant it checked the move ment. Then tho men began again slowly to slip nearer the angle of the roof and the steep pitch below. It seemed like hours, ulthoughjt was only a few moments, when llarfey felt his heels catch on a slight projection. A blind gutter bad been built into tho lower edge of the upper part of the roof to carry off the largo amount ol water that would fall upon such an ex panso of roof. Tho upper gutter pro jected nbovu tho slate roof only about half an inch, but it was against this that nnrvcy's heels had caught. There ho hung on tho very brink of tho abyss safe for an instant, no dared not move a muscle, however, or even turn ids head to see if Dennisou were still on tho roof. Ilo did not cry out for help, for" ho feared that tho mere effort of tilling his lungs and shouting might dislodge him. No one could seu the men on tho flat of the roof from tho street below. Tho only hope lay in tho carpenters who were at work inside tho building. Hut how should they know what was happening up there on the roof? Suddenly Harvey heard a voice, low. but distinct, come from the tower above him. "Hold ,on." It said, "ana I'll help youl" Then after a long tlmo Harvey beard tho sound of several voices. Whoever had found him had got help. The tlrst voice spoke ngaln: "Hold on! We will lower this rope to you!" Presently something rubbed on tho slnto nbovo Harvey's head. It was the rope, which they were slowly working down toward 1dm. "Can you get hold of it?" asked tho voice. "I don't daro movo much," Harvey replied. "Can't you get it down near my liandl" They had to glvo if a flip to get it by his shoulder. Then it traversed the length of his arm and Dually tuuehed his baud. Harvey raised ids arm very careful ly and took hold of tho rope. It was an inch cable that hud been used in raising the slate from tho grouud to tho roof. "Can you turn over very carefully and climb up?" asked the voice. Cautiously Harvey Worked Ids hand along on the rope It was his right baud until he finally drew it tuut. Then be carefully rajsed his left hand and. reaching across, grasped tho rope with that hand too. Theii when. the. worst of the matter was over, he began to shake like a leaf. He lay there, flat on his back, clinging desperately to the rope and dreading Inexpressibly tho next step. How was he to turn over on that slip pery roof when he needed tioth hands to cling to the rope? At last he spoke hoarsely. "Can yo.u pull me tip?" They consulted together. "1 don't dare to turn over." ho added. There was a Hharp tug on tho rirtw. Harvey let them draw Ids arms up U their extreme length. Mill afraid to trust bis weight to bis rescuer. Then ho felt his heels hue their grip on the gutter, and he begun slowly to move upward. It was not till ho hnd nearly relish ed the lower that ho da ltd turn his betid In DdhiiIhoii'm dlroeflou to mm If lie were Mtlll hh(,i Ttnutt im win. uptvnd out on tint roof. Jiimi hn llurroy mi Im'oii. J did mil niovw jijiji5. iMfltiiitiy. hurulmli. hi Hnitittf bi Uini TIimji Hit twuii Miwl iluryy' fhoMum slid iIhhv HlHi iuiu bu Jo ii t iHlfiuuw HiWHUm wu nte immmi. ImWmk 0 Wm iwuti Ui mmik. 1mm nyUmt4 HMm mi) MMiWWi t IU m l imw hM Circulation of th Blood. The Idea of some sort of movement of tho blood In man and the lower ani mals was possessed by Aristotle and other (3 rooks and by tho physicians of tlio Alexandrian school aswell as by the doctors and surgeons of tho middle ages. In fact, even the vlllnge barbers knew of such movement. Hut no one, not even the wisest of men. had any conception of a continuous stream re turning to Its source a circulation in tho true sense of the word or of tho functions of the heart as the motor power of tho movement of tho blood until It was demonstrated by Harvey in 1(528. Pilgrims at Denares. Benares, an Indian holy city. Is tho victim of pilgrimages. Many of the pilgrims are In the last stage of illness and llnd their way to the city to have their remains cremated on the banks of the (Jnnges. A large number of hospitals have to bo provided for tho reception of the sick, and the dlstlno tlou of being a holy magnet Is not greatly appreciated by the residents of the city. Exchange. Brazilian Vessels. All Brazilian vessels engaged In tho coasting trade and carrying passengers, either casually or regularly, and mak ing voyages of more than seventy-two hours between the place of departure and port of destination, must have on IwMinl a Brazilian doctor nominated by the minister of tlif Interior. City Meat Market A PULL LtNli OK SELECT FltESII AND SALT MEATS ALWAYS ON4 HANI). MODEIIN METHODS AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT COM BINE TO MAKE YOUIt TRADING HERE A PLEASURE. YOUR PA TRONAGE SOLICITED. Phone 193 Geo. Erdman, Proprietor An Injury done to character is so great that it cannot possibly bo esti mated. Livy. w Anyone wishing home made pies or cakes, phono the Wigwam or seo Mrs. E. Lcwin. tf. LODGE DIRECTORY Masonic. Bandon Lodge, No. 130, A. P. & A. M. Stated communications first Saturday after tho full moon of each month. Special communications Master Masons cordially invited. C. R. MOORE, W. M. PHIL PEARSON, Secretary. Eastern Star. Occidental Chapter, No. 4G, O. E. S., meets Saturday evenings before and after stated communications of Masonic lodge. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. L. KATE ROSA, W. M. ROSA BINGAMAN, Secretary. I .0. O. P. Bandon Lodge, No. 13;i, I. O. O. P., meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. S. E. IIINES, N. G. LOGAN KAY, Secretary. Knights of Pythias. Delphi Lodge, No. G4, Knights of Pythias. Meets every Monday cv oning at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. G. R. McNAIR, C. C. B. N. HARRINGTON, K. of R. S. Loyal Order of Moose. Meets Thursday evenings in I. O. O. P. ha'l. Transcicnt Moose cord ially invited. Something doing ev ery Thursday. e want you For our customer not just lodny, but tomor row and for all time to come, if V 1 Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU i .Successor to A. E. White "PENSULAR" Stands for Reliability. When you buy any of the Pensular Remedies you are sure of getting the best. Rehekah ' Ocean Rcbckah Lodge, No. 120, I. O. O. F., meets second nnd fourth Tucsdnys at I. O. O. F. hall. Tran cicnt members cordinlly invited. LENA DAVIDSON, N. G. MINERVA LEWIN, Secretary. If You Have a Cold Use Pensular Childrens Couh Syrup Pensular Cherry Cough Syrup Pensular White Pine & Spruce Balsam Pensular Laxative Cold Breaker W. O. W. "With Charity Towards All" Seaside Camp, No. 212, W. O. W. meets Tuesdays, K. of P. hall, 8 p. m. Visitors are nssured a hot wel come. By order of W. A. KELLER, C. C. C. 'M. GAGE, Clerk. To Remove Tan and keep the skin smooth there is nothing like Pen sular Cucumber and Almond Cream and Pensulat Buttermilk Cerate. PHILLIPS & MILLER Building Construction Office m Thrift Building uuuuuuuuuu i; u U PRANK JIALMiTTII U i; Prurdnil llowhlmrr IJ U t t 1 0 U UwM.ru I JllfijiMllilng 11ml I u (m Wupt wild Qmiinip u Can Bo Bought At I The Bandon Drug Company "The Pensular Store" Only E. T. WOLVERTON II. C. DIPPEL ; Coos County Mearm Opportunity See Bandon First DIPPEL & WOLVERTON CHOICE FARM LANDS AND CITY PROPERTY ? FIRE INSURANCE GUY DIPPEL CONVEYANCES NOTARY I'UHLIC AUDITING REAL E! IT ATE ', RENTALS ACCOUNTING FARM LANDS -j- HOOK-KEEPING INSTRUMENTS .$ BANDON :: :: :: OREGON : FIRST STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOFFK'E : Dry Wood Good dry wood, uplil for coob Mov, $l.fi0 per linr In two Uor bind, Blocb wood $1.35. ' F. L Christie, Phone 582 Pirkbtf1, f mum iMtfiu J t i IJ 1 1) I) il mm i r i) i'l in mi ftPJlfc