emi-Weekiy Sandori fcecor,o1cr, June 2, 1914 lot el Gallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month Sample room in connection Bandon ::: ::: : Oregon The Sc crap Book M w. E. 8TEINOFF THIS IIARNKSS MAN It Woke Up. J. R. Denton, n veteran engineer nnd mechanician, who was ntwoclatoil with Thomas A. Edison n generation ago, nt the time when the phonograph wiis Just beginning to evolve ns it com mercial proposl tlon. recalls, with 11 chuckle, the fol lowing historic in cident to the mem ory of tl'e "Wiz ard": One of the first omplete stock of har ness, shopping bags, r trunks, suit cases, valises and traveling bags. ESI ESt JBSL . . pi VrAvJH :J., . : wflSTix EiSay: ! & YA1$J&$ pi i rm.,. OHIG'M OF TiiE PEARL. The Ancients Thought It Was a Drop of Dew From Honven. No record exists or even tradition as to the discovery of the llrst pearl. The mystery or its origin has doubtless con tributed In no munll degree to render it the prime favorite that it has ever been in the eyes if the orientals. From time Immemorial the nations of antiquity have used the pearl to decorate their persons and adorn their temples and wo find many curious be liefs existing as to Its origin. The one most prevalent In Pllny'n time was that pearls were formed from (he dews of heaven, falling into the open shells at breeding time, and it was in allusion to this pretty conceit that a noble Vene tian lady named Corraro had a gold medal struck (bearing the date 10201 ,iow Delightfully Independent , r.r, i l: i i a.v. . is the woman wlio can make out c chock against her own bank account: Whether she is going shopping or to pay for what she has ' already bought, she feels the pleasure of be ing able to tender "her personal check" for tVe amount. Ladies, bank your money with us. and you will find it not only convient and dig nified, but nlso ' moat profitable too. Chnrley couldn't make It work nnd ?Zk finally sent for L Kilison. Tlln In. jcaw"" --- --- , - - -- I ventor iimiHcii pcL IHt, worked over the 1 j phonograph, reclt- City M M a rket Ing "Mary had "TAI.K.IlLAHTYOn!" "ttlo lamb" Into It distinctly for near ly nn hour without audible result. At Inst he lost patience and slammed the thing down with a jolt, exclaiming: "Talk, blast you! Why in blazes don't you tnlk'r" i Then suddenly the phonograph broke Its long silence nnd squeaked out: "Dlnst you: Why in blazes don't you talk?" macninestnatwent j 0n the reverse side of which Is an open 'Hit of the Inborn- i shell receiving the. droits of dew from tory was dellv- j heaven which form Into pearls ns they ered to Charley j fall. The motto was "Itore dlvlno" Cheever. son of n i (by the divine dewi. well known belt-I In these more practical but less poetic Ing manufacturer. days the generally accented thoorv Is that some foreign substance, possibly even a grain of sand, having by nccl dent entered the shell of the oyster, n certain amount of Irritation is induced i which causes the exudation of a pearly secretion (known as nacre), and this effectually covers up the Intruder, and also that with the growth of the oyster the pearl Increases In size. . The penrl. unlike all other gems, re quires no assistance from man to en hance Its value, or from art to add one iota to Its perfect loveliness. National Magazine. ' No Danger. Stella Does she complain of being misunderstood? Delhi No: her money talkH. Exchange A PULL LINK OP SELECT FRESH AND SALT MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. MODERN METHODS AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT COM DINE TO MAKE YOUR TKADIX'G HERE A PLEASURE. YOUIt PA TRONAGE SOLICITED.' Phone 193 Geo. Erdman, Proprietor THE BANK OF BAND' OK I 60 CENT WHY NOT HAVE AN EXTENTION TELEPHONE INSTALLED IN YOUR RESIDENCE, THE PRICE HAS BEEN. REDUCED TO CO CENTS PER MONTH. THINK OF THE UNNECESSARY STEPS THIS WILL SAVE YOU. COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO. iryiv3ja3PnBir. Automobile and War acmne Bring your work to the Garage and Machine Shop. Everything done with neatness and dispatch. Agent for I3uick Automobiles. j M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore. Readers of the Bandon Recorder, and Friends: Special Bargains in Farm Lands and City Property 1 i See SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. Plns. Alas, how soon the hours nro over Counted us out to play the lovevl And lion- much narrower la tho stage Allotted us to piny the sagcl But when wit pluy tho fool how wide The theater expundtt! Iicslde, How long tho nudlt'tico slta hefore us! How many prompters! What n chorus' -Walter Savage Lander. Paid Before Ho Dined. "When i lived in my young days In the Latin quarter," said Robert Henri, the painter, of New .York. "I had some friends from Philadelphia who used to frequent ii tiny restaurant oil the Bonl' Mich". The rule at this restaurant was pay hefore you eat "The only dish served there wns a thin but very palatable broth, price 2 sous. "Well, .a young Philadelphia!! took offense one day at the suspicion nnd even Ignominy Im- plied In the pay before yon eat rule, nnd he re solved to break It. Accordingly when the waiter placed his great, deep howl of soup be fore lilm he fell to forthwith. " 'Pay before you eat ! ' cried the waiter. "'Not I I' the Philadelphia!! re torted, taking a linn grip on his bowl with both hands " Hut a sunke I i k o something Hashed before hlni. and presto ! his bowl was empty, nnd t h e trium phant waiter stood nourishing a vast syringe. "'Pay before you eat, monsieur.' "'Oh. very well.. grumbled the Phil ndclphian. am lie laid his '2 sous on the table reluctantly, nnd the waiter squirted his soup back from the syr inge into lils bowl again." nci'Oitn too EAT." Anyone wishing home nvulo pics or cakes, phone tho Wigwam or see Mrs. E. Lewinf tf. LODGE DIRECTORY Masonic. Bandon Lodge, No. 130, A. L & A. M. Stated communications first Saturday after the full moon of each month. Spccinl communications Master Masons cordially invited. C. R. MOORE, W. M. PHIL PEARSON, Secretary. Eastern Star. Occidental Chapter, No. 45, O. E. S., meets Saturday evenings before and after stated communications of Masonic lodge. Visiting members cordially invited to nttend. ' . L. KATE ROSA, W. M. ROSA BINGAMAN, Secretory. We want vou For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU I .O. O. F. Bandon Lodge, No. 13.1,' I. O. O. P., meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. S. E. HINES, N. G. LOGAN KAY, Secretary. "PAY Found a Better Place. Mark Twain said: "Once when I was going out to visit some friends I told George, my negro servant, lo lock tho house nurt put the key under n certain stone near the steps. lie agreed to do so. It was late at night when I re turned. I went to the stone under which tho key wis supposed to have been hidden. It was gone. 1 hunted around for about fifteen minutes, but sUII no key. Finally I went to Georgo'a house he roomed outside nnd rapped vigorously upon the door. A black head, which I had no dlillculty in rec ognizing ns George's, popped out of an upstairs window. "'Where did you put that key. yon black rascal':' I roared. "'Oh. iiiafsn.' answered George. 'I found a better place for It J " ! . . - X Urder Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable Knights of Pythias. Delphi Lodge, No. G4, Knights of Pythias. Meets every Monday ev ening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to nttend. G. R. McNAIR, C. C. B. N. HARRINGTON, K. of R. S. Loyal Order of Moose. Meets Thursday evenings in I. O. O. F. hall. Transcient Moose cord ially invited. Something doing ev ery Thursday. Rcheknh Ocean Rebckah Lodge, No. 12(1, I. O. O. I', meets second nnd fourth Tuesdays at I. O. O. F. hall. Tran cicnt members cordially invited. LENA DAVIDSON, N. G. MINERVA LEWIN, Secretary. "With Chnrity Towards All" Seaside Camp, No. 212, W. O. W. meets Tuesdays, K. of P. hall, 8 p., m. Visitors aro assured a hot wel come. By order of W. A. KELLER, C. C. C. M. GAGE, Clerk. SPWS GROCERY . E. iSucccsaor to A White HHHBHK1.. "PENSULAR" ! Stands for Reliability. When you buy any of the Pensular Remedies you are sure of getting the best. :j: If You Have a Cold Use Pensular Cbildrcns Gondii Syrup Pensular Cherry Couli Syrup Pensular White Pine &; Spruce Balsam Pensular Laxative Cold Breaker To Remove Tan and keep the skin smooth there is nothing sular Cucumber and Almond Cream and Buttermilk Cerate. like Pen-Pensular i Can Be Bought At 'X. The Bandon Drug Company "The Pensular Store" Only IS. S. ELIZABETH S Urge Two-Herth Ouuiilp Stalf Rooms With Ruh i nlnf? WatiT. Kighl Day Service Ik'hveen (lie Cociuillu River and ! Ban Kr.iiicisio, I FIRST CUBS J'AHJ5N(;KR l'A R 12. S70 j Milium' HATK& m ON UP WtrflOIIT X 15, WA mfUM. Afoul. OiiiSlan I No Ark Needed. Up In a certain part of the Puget nuud country tho average rainfall in a year It 112 Inches. It minx almost all the time. A mlKHlonary came ntnnng tin Indians In that Kcctlou and hegan preaching to them. He held the In lerent of the liilmliltiinttt until nu day when he prH'hod to them alx.ut the flood, lie i old ilioin a rnlmxi forty ilnyx anil forty iimlitH and tln.t the wutlil whm tmgHlM, ilowillonu the ndrturi of .N'imli anil t)in ,rn. U ww mw illHiruN'Ml u il vmwmtim tm nnd luft tu- pgn wJilto n H fil iBlilrijf tut (hij mm. ut thm "V iM tltr nii m. uH 8 Building Construction Office in Thrift Building uuuuuuuuu u U PRANK iiALLirni: U I'rnillrnl llurn-nhwr U t t 1 U Qmm UkMifcaiiilUuiij; Hrt U (Hum Wrwh h) (torriHW U VVark mi Qtmml IMmittim u tt I 1 V llunmni, Oiwm 9 -! M .HH"I'MH"I1-K"IM":'4"WH'':' .MM- E. T. WOLVERTON II. C. DIPPEL I Coos County Meann Opporlunity See Bandon First DIPPEL & WOLVERTON 4 ? CHOICE FARM LANDS AND CITY PROPERTY FIRE INSURANCE NOTARY PUULIC RENTALS IIOOK-KEMPING GUV DIPPEL AUDITING ACCOUNTING CONVEYANCES REAL ESTATE FARM LANDS INSTRUMENTS OREGON u j: u 't u f u :: u :: u :: u . u ;; u . u r, u ;: nil v BANDON r: :: :: :: FIRST STRKKT, OPPOSITE P0ST0FFICE ; Dry Wood ? t I Good dry wood, uplil for coolt bIovo, Jl.fiO pr in (wo liur loads, Block wood $1.35. Ilftr F. L Clwstie, Phone 582 i V k Y Y ) 4 ! t V Y y y a u y v u u 9 y