ft BEMt-tyfeEktt BANfidH RECORDER uBftAV, MAY 12th Z-. 03 Hotel Qallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month Sample room in connection Bandon Oregon Ol THE HARNESS MAN omplete stock of har ness, shopping bags, trunks, suit cases, valises and traveling bags. C How Delightfully Independent i6 the woman who can make out a chock against her own bank account! Whether she is RoinR shopping or to pay for what she has already bought, she feels the pleasure of be ing able to tender "her personal check" for the' amount. Ladies, bank your money with us, and yoij will find it not only convient and dig nified, but also most profitable too. SEMI-WEEKLY THE BANK OF BANDOG 60 CENTS WHY NOT HAVE AN EXTENTION TELEPHONE INSTALLED IN YOUIl RESIDENCE, THE PUICE HAS BEEN REDUCED TO 60 CENTS PER MONTH. THINK OF THE UNNECESSARY STEPS THIS WILL SAVE YOU. COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO. Automobile and Machine Work Bring your work to the Garage and Machine Shop. Everything done with neatness and dispatch. Agent for Buick Automobiles. M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore. " , r ' tmmmmmm i 1 i . SMOKE UP! Wake Up! Get Up Early In the Morning! This town has the natural advan tages and can secure new industries if it will only GET A MOVE ON ! This town will be a belter town if the people spend their money with the Home Merchant. 1$ This town will be more prosper ous if it Advertises Itself and draws new enterprise here. im i.i ii mi mi 1 i t Lei them see our smoke i Bandon Recorder Published every Tuesday and Friday by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc. Entered at the Post Office at Ban don, Oregon, as mail matter of the Second class. C. E. KOPF & A. V. STUAKT Editors nnd MannjjerH. Make all chocks payable and address all communications to the company. Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in advance. Next Friday Coos County will render a decision in the good roads question. Will we take the lead with other progressive counties or will wo continue with the handicap of poor highways. All that can be said for better and mre permanent roads has i&cn said, and their bear ing on the general prosperity of the community. It is now up to the vot ers to say with the ballots what we shall do. In all lines of commercial endcavot the man with experience is rccog nized and rewarded for his value Why not take the same practicn view of the county's nlTairs? Geo J.'Armstrong has had years of valu able experience in the conduct ol county business. He has been triet in Coos county and found capable ol putting that experience to good use for. the taxpayers. He is economica and progressive. He is a valuable mun to the county and should bo kopt Three more days and the candi dates will know their, fatea. Th. campaign in Coos county, with out exception, has been particularly ge:i tlemanly, which may, or may not b caused by the entrance of the womn vote into the situation. The out come of the fight on Watson by the Mnrshfinld Record will bo watched with considerable literest. The re sult of tho raco vill settle two ques tions the influence of the aforesaid newspaper in the county and wheth er or not .the voters will apply prac tical business methods in electing men to office. The Watson boys are both particularly qualified for the positions they arc aspiring to and if the republican voters use tho same judgement they Would in hiring c man to run a ranch or store or any other business, the Watsons will get there. No one has ventured an opinion as to who will carry off the republican nomination for State rep resentative, but as there are two can didates in the valley, it is more than likely that tho Coos Hay man will carry off tho plum. Just what of- foct tho endorsement of W. H. Mcr edith by the Prohibitionists will have on the primary result cannot bo guess ed. Friends of Hollister, Mercd ith's opponent, say it's all over but tho shouting, while Meredith's friends are equally optimistic. Huwley is conceeded to have a cinch on the re publican nomination for Congress man, and it is said that if Hollistov is the successful democrat, the first congressional district will sec a spec tacular raco for Congressman this fall. REPUBLICAN VOTERS SHOULD BEWARE Party Should Be Represented on National Committee By a Republican The Republicans of Oregon are en titled to havo a Republican named as the National Republican Committee' man from this State. C. W. Ackerson, who claims to be a Republican, Is a candidate. Ho registered iib a Progres sive January 8, 1914. Then signed peti tion of H. W. Coe to be Progressive National Committeeman Then can celled his registration as a Progres sive and registered as a Republican and immediately filed his candidacy for membership on Republican Nation al Committee. Has been an intimate and convenient understudy of the Pro gressive National Committeeman and seems pow to bo In combination with him In an attempt to shanghai tho Republican organization. His candi dacy is being actlvoly backed by par ties hostile to the Republican party and having personal Interests and pri vate personal grudges to serve. His erratic and excitable temperament has frequently led him to flood tho col umns of tho press with violent attacks upon the Republican party and vicious personal ubusc of prominent Republi cans and life-long residents of , the State. It Is a gravo abuso for partleB who are not Republican to register as such. It is a graver abuso for outsiders' to attempt the capture of a political par ty to gratify a personal grudge and to promote party dlsoord. It Is an abuso against which fair-minded men of all parties will rise In protest. We can novor have a reunited party by pushing to the front political hotheads and men who are political reformers simply for tho sako or otflco. Having been n Republican only twenty-four hours when ho announced Ms candi dacy for the highest honorary position. In the gift of tho party, .Is some Indi cation of what Mr. Ackorson's motive was in registering as a Kepubllcun. As Hon. Ralph K. Williams Is the only Republican who is a candidate ror Republican National Committeeman, we feel warranted In urging all loyal Republicans In tho state to give htm their earnest nnd enthusiastic support, CHAS. 0. MOORES, (Chairman of Republican titato Cen tral Committee) M. B. McFAUL, (President Lincoln Republican Club.) McKINLKY MITCHELL, (President of Portland Republican Club.) C. M. IDLEMAN, (President Multorpor Republican Club.) Paid Adv't E. T. WOl.VERTON II. C. DIPPEL ; Coos County Mcarw Opportunity See Bandon First DIPPEL & WOLVERTON i; CHOICE FARM LANDS AND CITY PROPERTY :j Didn't Fool Her. "Sorry I'm sho late, m'lear," began Tippler when ho arrived homo along about midnight "Couldn't get a car before." "So the cars were full, too, were they?" returned his spouse ns a start off. Boston Transcript FIRE INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC RENTALS! IIOOK-KEMPING GUY DUTVIL AUDITING ACCOUNTING CONVEYANCES REAL ESTATE FARM LANDS INSTRUMENTS BANDON r: :: :: :: OREGON : FIRST STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOFFKJE i For Your Garden The new soil of this section rcquir- es a COMMERCIAL bERTIUZER, giving it what nature Inched. You must have it for your garden to get the best results. We have a large supply at a very reasonable price. Central Feed Co. I. Central Warehouse Phone 142 rmwinnrwiirfrriTTT -nrnrrrr 'iv inn We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU i ii I SPARKS GROCERY t Successor to A. E. White For" Representative As a Republican I horcby announce myself as u candidato for represen tative from Coos county, subject to tho decision of the republican vot-.i's at tho primaries on Mny lfith. ily plntform is tho well known staloinent of Abrahum Lincoln, that "this is a Kovornment of the nennlo. by tho people and for tho people." mis ruinous statement of "Honest old Abo" covers tho whole field nnd ihiiko of our. civil Kovornmonl, holding the sumo rulutlnn to It that the (!o. elvn rule hold to tho moral lw. C. . Harrow (Jomiillo, April I Hi. AiinmiMivmt'Mt I hrmby uiiiiouiii'i) jnynilf im u riui il Itliilu for Ihu noiiilimlloii of .hitrlir by I liu iiinoiirui! jiurly it i pel. fimry wkviioh aim' in, IV) i. If nuliiliwljul urn) itlmiw) win tim iUm Dim oilliiu uhmi Uip imt m,n miml lum vmlbh imaiMm wjili II uimm) lum For County Judge I hereby announce myself as n candidate for County Judge boforo the republican primaries on May 15, and if nominated and elected I will guarantee an economical administra tion of county nITnirs. XW. C. Chase, Coepiille, Ore. "PENSULAR" Stands for Reliability. When you i buy any of the Pensular Remedies J you are sure of getting the best. HAWLEV WILL FILL THE WEST POINT VACANCY. Washington, D. C, May 11. The Aeljutant-Gcneral of tho United States nrmy has advised Representa tive Ilawley that tho principal and two alternates he had nominated for appointment to the United States military academy at West Point, nf tcr it oinpetiti e nxamiMtie,n held nt f'al.-i!. Or Inst N.-wr.bor, i 1 fnilil to qualify, and that the Fir.it Congres sional District of Oregon is now en titled to an appointment. Mr. How- Icy is requested to submit nomina tlons of a principal and two niter nates whojnust report for tho nddl tional examination at Vancouver Barrncks, Wash,, on tho Inst Tues day In May, 1911, and the person sc. looted ns u result of thin examina tion will ho admitted into the Acad emy on July lRt, 1014. Representative Huwley invites all young men who will not bo loss than 17 nor more' than years of ngo July 1, lltll, to submit to him ut ouco their implications for this appoint ment, and rcipiOHtM that ench cumu late submit u rcrtllioate of his pby- hIcuI miulifU'utioiiH us iletvriniimil by u oMiiptittmt pliynlclun unil iiIm Muto III H IDOIltal IjUlllllll'UtlOIIII. 11)1)1 11)1- polfitiiiurit I "pen only lo wxtm win) urn royldniiU of Hit Kiwi Con- urtinloniil DUtrlil of Oivuoti. Tliu vumliilulo (1111111111 Klvu Mr Hiiwliy ll,i'lr cxiirt UK"' Tim nrri iUmmwm) Immn uf Un roll toutlM tit Ihn iiinili' u( Hmm uJiiei'iHiiJin, JuieP, Uinmi' If You Have a Cold Use j. Pensular Cliildrens Cough Syrup Pensular Cherry Cough byrup Pensular White Pine & Spruce Halsam Pensular Laxative Cold Breaker To Remove Tan and keep the skin smooth there is nothing Hke Pen sular Cucumber and Almond Cream and" Pensulai Buttermilk Cerate. Can Be Bought At The Bandon Drug Company "The Pensular Store" Only i z O. SUMNER Expert Piano Tuning. ALL WOHK KUAKANTKKI) Coquille, Ore. I Hotel Bandon i jr American Plan, $AW , X and $1.50 prr da '. lutropcan Plan, room 5()t,7Sf 6c $1 per da '$ 4 "-" ----- IMJKH DKUfiS Do you wint piirn ilniff and ilriiK HiinlrJ(?w, lino iwrtmwm, liiifr I'uhIio, mul U)hl jii'IImImmY If m (iill im E. G. CASSIDY Pron ' Hoivmliir wiuil mU vM rnuullH ---'''--' -'-" Mr, Guy Dipple ilrtill'i Omvlolrv 4m$ k Idm IJmufa Urn War- 0