- ... .X!-"-" BEMI-WEEKLY BANDON KBCORbfeft, frttlDAY, MAY 8TH, 1914 F-R-E-E 4 With each 50c purchase a numbered ticket good for a chance on the following pnzes valued from $75.00 to $10.00 each will be given tree: Ut Prize one $75.00 Victor-Victrola $25 Check to apply on $75 Victor-Victrola $20 " " " " $50 " " $15 " " ' " $40 " " $10 J " " " $25 " " 2nd 3rd 4th 5th if Tickets given on "Agate Cutting," "Repairing,' "Manufacturing," as well as purchases. . We carry a splendid slock of Watches, Jewel ry, Clocks Silverware and Cut Glass. SABRO BROS. Manufacturing Jewelers Telephone 751 Bandon, Oregon Lowe Bldg. Distributers of Virtor-Victrolas and Record Goods of Quality at the Right Price Industrial Review ltenii of Interest Concerning The Doings of the Entire State Salem, Ore, May 4. During tho past week two decisions have been rendered affecting industries. A fed eral court at Portland upheld tho Oro gon Dluc Sky law, and the Supreme Court upheld the second suit brought by n working girl against the Mini mum Wage law. Both will now be taken to the Supreme Court .of the United States. It is proposed to use the wire grass that grows on Youngs Bay near As toria for the manufacture of paper. This week tho manufacturers of Lane county will hold an exhibit of their products to encourage home in dustries. " v The Dalles has taught 140 acres on the river front to give free sites for factories. The Supreme court has upheld the $200,000 bond Issue of Grants Pass for the purpose of building a section of-railroad to the coast To relieve the unemployed, a bill has been initiated to tax all estates of $50,000 or over ten per cent for fund to be expended by a depart ment of public works. A special vessel has been charter ed to carry 48 great Oregon logs the Panama Exposition for columns for the Oregon building. The Toledo co-operative creamer is now in operation. The Oregon Railroad Commission is examining the books and the ac counts of about fifty public utilitj corporations to ascertain their phy sical value and earnings. Malheur county romona grange went on record as opposed to tajfinr mortgages, as tending to raise inter est and keep capital out of Oregon Astoria has appointed an industria commissioners to promote factoriet in the person of O. W. Taylor. Molalla raised a bonus of $2,00! for a pottery plant that is beinj erected and will soon be in operation A factory for tho manufacture lead pipe has been established at Port land, capable of making five thou and miles a day. uresnam lruic growers are mov ing to establish a cannery. It wus stated at the Portland Ro tary Club that anyone with a fui reputation and a good pair of lung could put over most any kind of freak measure in Oregon. J. E. Tourtellotte, a Portland at cnneci, suumiuea apian lor usinf (reproofed wood building materia for school houses at a saving of near ly fifty per cent over brick or stone Astoria has asked bids for the first unit of public docks to unite rai and water transportation. Mayor Simpson of North Bend har conducted an exhaustive investign tion to ascertain the best paving ma tcrial, and decides in favor of vil rifled brick or bithulitic. North Powder has passed an or- ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC The Bandon Drug Company wishes to an nounce to the public that they have secured the factory representation of the White Sewing Machine and have received a large shipment including all styles of this famous machine, which is known the world over as "The King of All Sewing Machines." ' SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING We have a complete stock of supplies for all sewing machines, and our Mr. Battle, who has charge of our sewing machine department is a "SEWING MACHINE EXPERT" and any repairing, no matter what make machine, will be quickly taken care of. Old Machines Taken in Exchange Easy Terms of Payment If you have any repairing of any nature whatsoever, drop me a card or phone 573. We will be glad to bring a machine to your home anil give you a thorough trial, free of all costs to you. Bandon Drug Company Jt, L. BATTLE, Mgr., Sewing Machine Dept. dlnonce to construct a gravity water system. Cottage Grove is erecting a cannery to cost $0,000. The Clearwater Lumber Co., of Portland is clearing the site for tho erection of a big mill. The Portland Timberman has is sued a bulletin apnouncing that by its efforts it has secured a reduction on lumber rates to fifty eastern cities. Tho farmers around Burns have let the contract for erection of a co-operative meat packing plant. The J. K. Armsby Fruit Co., is es tablishing a packing house at Rose burg. The De Luse Mining and Dredg ing Co., has bought a large orchard at Gold Hill and will work the ground for placer gold. The Presbyterian church of Eu gene will be rebuilt of pressed brick Oregon made. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The merchants of Bandon bave a grecd to close their places of busi ness at 6 p. m. except Saturday, in order that their employees may enjoy a mi n recreation, which they are justly entitled to, and will be the bet ter able t serve your wants during the day. With this object in view, the public is asked to co-operate with them by making their purchases be fore fi p. m., which will be greatly appreciated. A. D. Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 Down and $10 per month. Bargain in Business Lot on First Street. DO YOU KNOW t To the Democratic Voters. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for County Judge of Coos County, Oregon, on the Democratic tiokct for the coming primary elec tion. I favor permanent highways and the development of the wonder ful wealth of Coos County consist ent with economical and judicious expcr.dituro of the taxpayers' money. J. J. STANLEY, tCtf. Coquille, Oregon In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Coos. N. Elizabeth Monroe, Plaintiff, vs. Summons Charles O. Monroe, . I Defendant. To Chnrles O. Monroe, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within six weeks from the 17th day of April, 1914, and if you fail to appear and answer on or before tho 20th of May, 1914, that date being tho last day of the time prescribed in tho order of publication, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief asked for in the complaint filed in this cause, n succinct statement of which is: a decree for absolute divorce, giving the custody of minor child to plain tiff, and for an order directing de fendant to pay to the Clerk of the Court for Plaintiff's use in tho muin- talnance and education of said child, the sum of $25 per month during tho minority of such child, costs and dis bursements, and such further relief us the Court deem proper to grant. This summons is published by order of the Honorable John F. Hall, judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Coos said order being duted April 10th, 1914. C. R. WADE, fl2-7tF. Plaintiff's Attorney. The City Market has the most up-to-date Sausage Kitchen in Southern Oregon Having just installed modern, machinery to facilitate turning out tempting, juicy sausage. The City Meat Market Geo. Erdman, Prop. Phone 193 ....I..M...I..t..I.44..4.j.4M...4.4Mi....v..T..... Readers of the Bandon Recorder, and Friends: Special Ba rgains in Farm Lands and City Property ?- SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME SAILINGS From Porlland Every Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. From Cotis Bay Every Saturday at Service of the Tide. Confirm sailings through M. F. Shoemaker, Bandon PHONE 142 4 Stingy!! Let them call you "close" or "stingy" That need not wor ry you. Better to have their respect later togetner with your savings than their contempt for being a spendthrift Von can u)t kiiIi 4 Hjnk Arcuum, M'r iuM Ji ruty (or )tm, HIRST NAT'l. BANK Pont tinting llw Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable S. S. ELIZABETH Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms With Run ning Water. Eight Day Service Between the Cotiuille River and San Francisco. FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 FREIGHT RATES, $3 ON UP FREIGHT Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquille; Perkins', Myrtle Point; E. B. Thrift, Langlois. J. IS. WALSTltUivJ, Agent, jsnnilon BANDON TRANSFER LINE Galchell Brothers, Props. All kfndH of heavy and light draying. Phone order. I given prompt attention. Barn corner Find & Edl- Hon. Flub Properly. Telephone (ill. Robl. R. Waison J(i'H'"r" fwMuiv for fcuMiMii' u4t fur Cuuuif UUilj J'fJww IWUw Hr tflb JM TRY M O'COrhS iMuliwi MrliV Imlf mIw m h ni if nuiliil, 76i M (! I H I i s; 9