o 0 0 SfeMl-WEEICLY BAnD6n RECblUEli, TUESDAY. APRIL WM, 1914 " -"- $ Jlfll 11 1 I 1jA. dj every nigm. to rcciictaj v week. OUR MOTTO: "Not Quantity but QUALITY " SATURDAY, MAY 2 The Battle of Shiloh Four Reel Lubin Feature One of the greatest war subjects I ever offered in motion pictures. i One Good Comedy, 5000 ft. I ADMISSION J Items of Local Interest Pianos for rent at Bandon Drug Company. Attorney G T. Trcndgold went to Coquille Monday to attend court. Carpet and rug weaving, aply In Mrs. J. L. Foster, Bandon. tf. Geo. Cox went to Coquille this morning, having been called on the jury. Go to Mitchell's furniture store on the hill for anything you want in houso furnishings. tf. Anyone wishing homo nndo pies or cakes, phone the Wigwam or nee Mrs. E. Lcwin. tf. E. .1. Loney, candidate fr joint-rep-roscntative, came up from Tort Or ford Saturday nnd remained over un til Mopduy. Mr. Loney was not do ing mucli campaigning, hut was vis iting his wife who is at the hospital, having undergone an operation here . oino time ago. However Mr. Loney says the prospects for his nomina tion looks brighter every day. Ho is making a good, clean campaign nnd if nominated and elected he will serve tiic district with honor and credit. I..,-.!..,. 1L.T.,f..ll .L,iT "PENSULAR" J Stands for Reliability. When you buy any of the Pensular Remedies I you are sure of getting the best. t i If You Have .5. . Pcnsuliir Chiltlrens Cough Syrup $ Pensular Cherry Cough Syrup $ Pensular White Pine & Spruce Balsam X Pensular Laxative Cold Breaker Xo Remove Tan and keep the skin smooth there is nothing like Pen- ? sular Cucumber and Almond Cream and Pensular Buttermilk Cerate. t Can Be i i tie Danaon urug company $ "The Pensular PRESIDENT WILSON COM ING TO COOS COUNTY WOULD TRAVEL VIA "THE ONLY WAY" " ? Vnlui.. C-JCf-pmf What wny equally iv. O 9 "rvv" ""'"V .w.Mwi. (jood would you find 8 0 QPFFHUFI'I Sai,8F-omMarshfieldforSanFran-. 0. OrLLIlf LLL cisco, Los Angeles, San Diego.... FRIDAY, MAY 1st, 2 P. M. Bandon Warehouse Co, General Oregon ArcnU i uijiHIIh Apm- ffmHHfWfHfffHWWHfffW-WHHft Highest clan licensed photo t 15c & 10c Are you registered? Experienced nurse Mrs. II. K. Jones. Lenve card at P. O. tf. Try the Unique for a good, square meal and sweet bread. tf. Attorney C. R. Wade was at Co quille yesterday attending to court duties. When in need of an abstract of ti tle to your property, seo Dippel & Wolverton. tf. Everything for the homo at the Uandon Furniture Co. See our big stock. tf. If the weather on Good Roads day had been like Sunday, there would probably have been little work done in this section. The Bandon Furniture Co. has the latest designs in furniture. Seo thoir big assortment. tf. E. K. Oakes returned Friday even ing from a business trip to Mar.sh field. He reports conditions on the Bay as moving about the same as they aro in Bandon. Attorney Geo. P. Topping had tho misfortune to fall from a sewing ma chine on which he was standing while winding the clock Thursday evening nnd badly bruised his side. lie is about alright again and is able to look nftcr his business. a Cold Use Bought At Sfore" Only Miw'lifJwliJ,ApijL Are you registered? Byron G. Hall of Marshfiuld was in tho city yesterday. Frank Catterlfn is over from Coos Bay today calling on his customers. D. J. Mitchell yesterday bought tho residence property of E. J. LainH in Industrial Addition. The S. S. Elizabeth sails for Sati Francisco tomorrow morning (Wed nesday, April 2!)th, at 1:00 o'clock. New orders of bicycle repairs of all kinds constantly arriving. Will take orders for bicycles of any kind. S. D. Barrows. tf. We have several clients looking to Coos County for dairy farmsi If you have one to sell list it with Dip- pel & Wolverton at once. Capt. McClosk'y of Myrtle Point is in Bandon today looking after business alfairs. The Captain owns considerable property here. Mrs. iS. C. Endicott and children will leave tomorrow for n month's visit with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. T. Bridges, at Oakland, Oregon. Geo. Geisendorfer returned on the Speedwell from a business trip to San Francisco. He reports condi tions in his line as good down there and ho landed some nice orders. The L. O. O. M. Building Associa tion met last night in the Commer cial Club hall and adjourned until Thursday night when they will meet in tlic Odd Follows hall. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Hill returned on tlo Elizabeth from California, where they had been for several months. Air. Hill brought a Studebaker "25" back with him. Mrs. Hill was form uYly Mi;i3 Margaret Lainont. Mrs. M. D. Sherrard was visiting friends in Coquille from Saturday until Si.uday afternoon, hnving gone up S-..u:-Jay with tho Odd Fellows and Rebekahs who were celebrating Odd Fellows anniversary day. Try M. O'Con's shoes for fit, qual ity and lowest prices. Shoe shop in connection, men's half soles sewed or nailed 7C cents.Women's sewed or nailed 00 cents. 28tf E. Lcwin is now prepared to serve lunches of all kinds at the Wigwam. He also has everything you want for picnic dinners. All kinds of lunch ham and other meats as well as jel lies and preserves, etc. FOR SALE-'-On account of leav ing town will sacrifice now furniture in modern house. House can be rented cheaply. Fine garden plant ed. Bo nuick if vou want the snnti. See Wolverton & Dippel. Mr. and Mrs. Shcllhamnicr return ed yesterday from thoir honeymoon trip to Pennsylvania, where they had been visiting Mr. Sliellhammer's relatives. They had a very pleasant trip, but are glad to got back to Ban don again. Hugh B. Lencvo and Miss Morret- ta Brown were united in marriago at the home of II. L. GrofT in Bandon Inst Friday evening, Rev. C. Mayne Knight of tho M. E. church officiat ing. The young couple left on the morning boat Saturday for a short loneymoon trip. For Sale or Trade. Twenty ncrcs fruit and alfalfa land near Patterson, Calif; house, etc. Want small ranch or town property in Bandon or any other town in Southern Oregon. Write H. A. Wil son, Patterson, Calif. Aro you registered? For Representative I hereby nnnounco myself ns a candidate for state representative from Coos county, beforo tho Re publican primaries to be hold May 115, 19M. MILES A. SIMPSON. hlyiw 'uh)l I H tf I Hi HH HHHi HH H WANT ADS For Rent Four furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire of E. Lcwin Fresh Milk Cow for Sale. J. B. Marshall & Son. 33tf. For Sale Early seed potatoes of various varieties. Thomas Ander son. 20 tf. Found Gold Pin. Owner ran have same by calling at this office, proving property, nnd paying for this notice. For Rent Furnished houso in In dstrial Addition. $12.00 per month. Inquire of Bandon Furniture Co. 27tf. For sale On corner of Filmore and Third streets, groceries at living prices. Call and see A. II. Sparks. Found Leather bill book. Owner may havo same by calling at this office, proving property nnd paying for his notice. For Rent A seven room house complete with bath and Jhoplace, a new wood shed in connection- -close in. Inpuiro of Mrs. S. E. Swift. For Sale Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for setting. Also a few roos ters.. Inquire qf N. J. Crain, nt Ban don Drug Co. lGtf. Wanted Girl to work in my home about eight hours a day. Help care for baby. Reply at once stating wages wanted. Address X22 Record er. For Rent Two houses. Ono is strictly modern, with electric lights, bath and fire place and is newly re paired. Reasonable rent to the right party. Phone 11H3. tf. Eggs for hatching Buff Orphing ton chickens and India Runner ducks, $1.00 per setting. Also Manioth Bronze turkey eggs, $2.00 per set ting. F. F. Eddy, Bullards, Oregon. Phone Rural 04. 2(it8. For Sale 30 lots, not platted, in city limits of Bandon. House and other buildings, with some small fruit. Will sell all or part to suit purchaser. Would consider exchange for good dairy ranch. $200 per lot. Seo F. J. Chatburn, owner. 27tf. For County Clerk. As a Republican, I hereby place myself as a candidate for the nomin ation at the primaries to bo held May 15th, for the office of County Clerk. If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office perform all the requirements and duties prompt ly, expeditiously, without prejudice, and as economically as is consistent with good service. Believing that I can save money for the tax payer, and make some for myself, "I want your vote." F. E. ALLEN. Marshfield, March 17, 1014. For Clerk. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of coun ty Clerk, on tho republican ticket of Coos County, to be submitted to tho vote of tho people at tho primary el ection, May 15th, 1911. 28tf F. D. KRUSE For County Judge I hereby announce myself ns a candidate for County Judge before tho republican primaries on May lf, and if nominated and elected I will guarantee an economical administra tion of county affairs. W. C. Chase, Coquille, Ore. Announcement. Graduate, of. the. Indiana. Law School, admitted to tho bar in Indi- ann, Ohio and Illinois, and have had fifteen years successful business ex perience, niado a success of farming in Coos county. If elected Sheriff will enforce to tho letter every crim inal law now on or that may hereaf ter bo placed on tho Statue Books. Will give everybody a squaro deal Will guarantee an economical ad ministration of the office. I solicit your support. G. W. STARR. To the Democratic Voters. I hereby nnnounco myself as a can didate for County Judge of Coos County, Oregon, on tho Democratic tirket for tho coming primary elec tion. I favor permanent highway am) thii development of the wonder ful wealth of Cooh County consist ent with economical mid jiidicloim oxpoi dituro of tho taxpayers monoy. J. J. STANLEY, Ultf. Cogulllu, Oritgon U U U U U U U I' I' u II ' II IJ I'lUNK HAl.lJiTTi: U D I'rucllnil lliirnwlnMT U U t 1 1 " U ('(mural niuuMnlUilux I'lr.t U U ('Urn Vi'gjtm jitui far rim U u hin mm if u 1 t t w II llM'Jou, Uivitm U U I' U U I u D D ii u u u Sam Says: The mill is down but I'm still on the job, ready to furnish you with a sky scraper or a chicken coop. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. Professional Cards. THOMAS f: IIAGGERTY Attorney-at-Law Over MrNair's Hardware Slrrc Phone 482 BANDON, ORKCiON C. R. WADE Lawyer BANDON, ORKOON DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician A Surgeon Oflice over Drug Slore. Houn. 9 lo 12 a. m; - . . ? . o ? .1 : lU lo 1 p. m II io o in ine evening. BANDON, OREGON DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon Office in Panler Building. I loun, 9 lo 12 a. m; I to 5 p. m. UANDON, ORKGON DR. L. P. SORENSON Dentist Office over Vienna Cale. Telephone at office and residence. BANDON, ORKGON G. T. TREADGOLD Attorney and Counselor at Law Office willi Bandon Investment Company Notary Public BANDON, ORKGON DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Office in Rasmuwen BuiMiny. Phone 72. BANDON, ORKGON DR, ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Office over Orange Pharmacy. Office phone, 352. Keudence phone, w. BANDON, ORKGON - 1 ' DR. S. C. ENDICOTT Dentist OrtUe Phone 71; Re. Phone 312 BANDON, ORKGON DR. I. L. SCOF1ELD Dentist Office in Fahy and Morrison Bulki ng next to Kmergency Hospital. Phono 1141 DR. H. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Ollice llionc 330.J Re. Phone 105-J .. . ,..T,. i l. III. ...I. MARSHI'IHLD, ORKGON P. A. SANDHERG Civil Engineer Kurvry. I'l.mi and (tprrilicnllo i Oilier... Il.nl. DiiIMIiik UANDON, ORKGON IMNJAMIN OSTUNl") CoiiiiiillliiU Itiifjiiwor ami A roll I fool UlDrouri'liiUl Jlu&lk i'ohj tteimiiB disim Urn. I WOOD FOR SALE Good body fir wood f $1.75 per tier delivered. J Wood cut to order I ! A. G. PERDUE, Prop. Phone 981 J IF. L. LEEPER t CONTRACTOR AND I BUILDER ' If you are aiming to ( build let me figure with 0 you. Plans and esti- mates furnished. I P. O. Box 90,3, Bandon I Elite Restaurant Ray Rcase, Prop. MEALS AT ALL HOURS FIRST CLASS HOME $ COOKING Brown & Gibson The Leading Contractors and Builders Wc furnish plans and speci fications and it you arc go ing to build anything, no matter how large or how small, we can save you money. Let us figure on your building. KODAK WORK Brhig us your Kodak work. Wc havo installed an electric printing machine and can lln ish on short notice, day or night, and securo tho host re. suits. A trial is convincing. YOUKS TO I'LHASK L. I. WHEELER Artist Neiir Oallier Hotel 8 Building . Canslniclloii