SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER, FRIDAY, APRIL 17th, 1914 Absolute Proof of it's Supe There is no For Further DON'T hesitate any longer, call around and let us take you out in the dem onstration car. iii.T$B STATES If LABOR United Sialos Incluslrial i orn mission Announcos hear.; gs. HOPES TO SOLVE PROBLi: Looking For New Iclons Along atriictivo Linos Labor Mon ot Cities to Furnish Dnta Some Subjects That Arc to Bo In Into iitul Citioo to Be Visited. Con Chief t the uired Washington. -1 1 1 1 1 1 If hearings . 'i lin portant ludustilal centers fi oil) New Yorl; lo Sun 1' riiiii-isi'o will l hold timing (lie spring and early sunui it by tilt' United Stales commission en in diistrlal iclntlous This iiiitiiiiinri incut was made by Frank IV Walsh, .hair man of llu I'liinnilssion Tin- tit-.- . i hum. nct'iirdlllg to Ml' WiiInIi. will on . 'unco III their scope nil I In- mil i 1 1 illvisl. ns il tin inquiry dlrc led hy emigres:- Among the titles tllilt will ho visited nro NouvYork. I'lillaili' iiliin. i iMllltlU VtlMU, riority .1 Vf Room Argument. The 0 R Boston. I'atorson, Scruntou, Pittsburgh. Buffalo. Wheeling. Charlotte, lireoii villi. Atlanta, Birmingham, Nashville. Louisville. Now j leans. I'otrolt. In dianapolis. Cleveland, Chicago. Ilough Ion. Milwaukee. Madison, .St. Louis. Kansas City. St. I'aul. Uenvor. Trliil lnd. Dallas, Houston or Galvesloii,Log Angeles. San Francisco, Seattle, Butte anil I.oail. Through examination of witnesses coiiiiotout lo speak for employers, trade unions, other labor organiza tions, unorganized employees anil the general public, the commission hopes to obtain information concerning the Industrial situation that will lead t constructive recommendations. Some of the subjects to he inquired Into in each city are irregularity of employment, possibilities of ending Ir regularity and Increasing production through scientille management, the ne tivllles of trades unions and employers' associations and the .extent and opera tion of governmental machinery for regulating the coudllloiis of industry, including the relations hetwoon em ployers and employees Successful methods of maintaining harmonious relations bouelichil to both employers and employees will be in quired lulu particularly. Willi u view (o their adoption in other centers where no sueji methods have been tiled. Imminent nullmiillcs in subjects to lie Included within the scope or the in quiry have Joined the staff of the com mission and are now aiding In plan nllig the hearings Witnesses desired by the commission will be summoned under the authority granted it hy congress and volunteer testimony will bo welcomed. Auiiuiine lug the plan for hearings. Chalrimiii Walsli said: The commission will carefully avoid acting as x board ot mediation ami con ciliation and will not allow llselr lo bo drawn Into iim-mI controversies or rec ognize such controversies unless in do ing mi It can obtain iuforiniitloii that has more than local and temporary tdgnlllcame "livery Inloiest will ho given ii hear Inc. Tin' commission will (drive lo put iitddn till bias mid prejudice. It will urge iither In do Iho same In the liopit lluil iho IihIiinIiIiiI problem may ho MiiiUml In the light of reiiKoii 'j'liu open mini) will be our wiitrhwonl, unit wo Khali 'iiidiniHir In pionde u forum vvberv men M'ui'M'iiiliiif all fdniimuiiin liii'ol In Die tiiiiiiHiu iMirpuwioi IIihIIiik u wh Mill limn billi'imw. hihI irfii, 'V IIWWIHjMMl lll M fllMll lll'l") (lot eginivnuitu uimJ (ihJi uf Mil (MiiiMnnnul. WM-K' HO 1 1 HMH S"H" Coos In FORD Competitor D a G. to Iho Rfimc human fnmliy. "Tho hearliiKs nro to be undertaken an one meant of currying out the In Htructloim of congress, io Inquire Into the Industrial situation and to report our conclusions and recommcndatlonH. "The commission wishes In particu lar to Invite the help of every person who tins n constructive siiKpestlon. Such HMKpestlonfl will ho especinlly welcome when they are supplemented by testimony ns to the successful car rying out of the Idenh they embody." RABBIT SKINS BY MAIL i Sent by Parcel Post From Washington State to Paris. ' Tacoma, Wash. - Kroiu Chewelnh, In Stevens county; this state. SO.000 nib hit Skins have Just been sent by parcel post to l'arls for manufacture Into fur hats. The shipments were made by men who rounded up many rabbits and paid ranchers, for thousands more. Hunch-1 ors hope that n market will he found for millions of Jack rabbits, now re garded as post's throughout eastern Washington and Oregon, ICach package of pelts for Paris re quired a blank customs invoice on n linen tu; specially provided by the poftolllce Siimiuiullnj: counties and adjacent states are iIoIiikIiic Chowolali whli let ters or inquiry reunrdlnt; the rabbit market. The department of agricul ture Is sookliiK Information to assist In extending tlie market. TWENTY DOGS TO EACH BABY. Legislator Shocked by Conditions In Boston's Pack Bay. ItoKton. 'I'll ii t I In- Hack Hay nas twenty dons to every Infant, n full score of kennels to each perambulator, was the assertion made by Itepresont atlvc .loliu I., Dniio.'iin. iho "Mayor of Chinatown." In opposing the bill an tliorlzinu cities ami towns to provide for, the care and disposal of hoiuuleHx ilos ami i'iiIm oui in the Hack Itay," he snld. "I here are more cats and ibms ihau I here iin i liildroii mid I am no sur prlw'il II Hie llinl, liny Kuw become iihuiiiiil laei .11- uiifniiiiiiiiieH I vuy Id Ihe Itack li) lake cm re of Im riil mid ilnp I Impc Iho hill will bo Wiled " BLOOp rWM 4,0,000 YEARS, TlJrnnL lhtwr I,WmjjJ Ij Ai' t M I I HI 1 1 1 I I 1 ; II I I 1 1 JjTl 1 County ft'M..' Road NORTH BEND TO 3 hours 51 minutes - 6 hours 25 minutes The winner came through unscathed previouc records for hard Has established itself as the BEST CAR for the mountainous roads of Coos and Curry counties. The greatest amount of and service for u the money. . . . LOCAL AGENT WHITSETT ANTLERS CLUB -T..ti..T,..t,4.i.,v..'tf.j,rf.,-M"I.' rnrf.fTiuTTTTi ' Invr tlie body of a mammoth which lived -MMXMl yoilrs iiko'iiiiiI was ret-out'' ly found fni.eii In a Sllieiiau Ice block The anllnal was so lare I hat It bad to be quartorod hol'oiv heln bWniK'lil to the I 'Mils uiuseu'ifi. ' TIVo exports discovered In a vein a few drops of brownish substance which proved bn 'analysis to ho' blood which had remained liquid throuUli -100 ecu tWios. The carcass was in excellent condi tion, the hide beltiK lutacf and tho llesb showing no signs of tlecotuposl tion. WOMAN TAKES JOB AS TOJMARSHAL Oldr, Hade in Spirit of tu ny, AcceplBd by Wrltir. Chesanlnc, Mich. Hlnnche D. In gnlls, editor and part owner of tho Chpsiuilnjj Monitor, u weekly news paper, has been appointed marshal to fill tho vacancy caused by tho dismiss nl of the man olllcer some weeks nco. She has formally accepted the np polntment and snys she will begin the. work of Improving the morals of the town nt once. The old marshal was dismissed be cause Iho village olliclals hud no money to pay for his services, ami ho1 wuh no sooner oil' the Job than things that upset tlie iH-are and dignity of this staid little town began to happen. Miss Ingalls also begun to write and In her paper said uncomplimentary things about the way things were being run. The whole pluce was "go ing to the bad because there wns no one to maintain order," she often hinted. lint the olliclals remained tlrm until now anil kepi ,lhe marshal Job open until a special meeting of iho council wns called and Ibo president named a mi ft for the place, The other mem burn declined til i-onllrin Iho npolnt ineiit Mini Mix JlipilU' liMliui Hu mig genled. Thu vote for hi'i' wan inmub inoim, pitrtJy, tlio ny, "Im-cmiiho (hoy IhoiiKl'l I uuhiiul o run Hie lown," At Ibo wulki'l MhuIimI InirMlIti fuivn h knotty proliU'iii, u lluru N u Jull "HI IJ UtlWti M lllJIIIMIi," "Ami," U miy, "I iu twvr ttolng to jocli h)aH)y Dp (II tlH plmui I bey lull Jul). J ilu I Umw wimt I'M H Jhlf (u tin, jtnl I'M polity u do hxhu Jldjyt, V'Wtijin will v!lM J" Uyt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yl 1 1 iVl 1 1 1 1 ltf i Race n BANDON TV after smashing all driving, .1 T1,H., i.ll H I efficiency $650 n M'c pretfy quick and I nm going to right In the center of the popper." bo LONDON HAS ESCALATORS. Thirty Thousand Rida on "New Toy" the First Day. London. London bns been given an other nevy toy to play with. Escalators at Charing Cross Embankment station connecting tho district and the Water loo railways wore opened, mid It Is estimated In (be first three hours 10, 000 persons had made trips on them. When' the escnlntors censed revolv ing In the early hours the total cargo for the dy probably reached 30,000 passengers. Proposes $15,000,000 Air Fleet. Washington! A $15,000,000 neroplnne fleet was' proposed In a bill by Repre sentative L'Engle of Florida.- He painted n picture of cities being de stroyed by bombs and compared the foreign air fleets with that of the United States, which, ho snld. was composed of "twelve obsolete man kill ing aeroplanes." ' A Dear Dog. Fred Kelly was negotiating with a street denier for nn Airedale pup. "How much?'' naked Kelly. ' "Three dollars."' "Well, I'll' be along this afternoon again, and1 1 may buy hint." "Better take hltu now. He'll proba bly bo $5 by then." "Wiethe rnlso?" "Oh," said tho dealer, "probably I'll becoino attached to him by that time." Saturday Evening Post Useful Proverb. "Do you," ho asked, "bellovo In early marrluge?" "Well," sho replied, "I used to, but I am willing to any that nt present I bo llovo 'better Into thun never' may bo applied to marriage as well us to some other things." Exchange. Ancestors Burnsd. Ilocon Ho nays his ancestors wrro all cremated. Kgbert Why, I thought cremation wna a met hod of recent yearn "It l. II U plcturo Knilcry, though, wmh burned up only a month ugo," ytNkm HtatosuisM, Wsleom Color, MA klrMk uf yvUw u nil right kh "in itM wIhu, for nM'ivM LowJnlllw tUmUrJtwmi, HvtvikW is4 jft OFFICIALLY HE WAS A GIRL Cambridge Boy Gets tho Family Doo- tor to Fix the City's Books. Uoston.-After being registered for sixteen years ns n girl In the city clerk's office nt Cambridge, Frederick Melnusou of that city forced tho clerk to correct the olllclal birth registration book. The boy wuuted to go to work and applied for tho necessary birth certifi cate. At city hall a clerk senrchod through the flies nnd said, "Tlie only Melanson wo hnvo In that year Is a girl born to J. A. nnd Ilerth.i Melanson." "That's me." snld Fred. "I can't tako your word for It," said the clerk. Frederick hustled to the office of tho family physician, Dr. Lancaster, ntul brought him to the clerk's oulce. "I remember perfectly the day ho wns born," said the doctor and took the required oath to tills. Tho clerk's book now rends. "Frederick Melanson, boy, born April 30, 1808." GIRL WANDERS IN SLEEP. Kalamazoo Miss Awakens In the Streets of Battlo Creek. Bnttlo Creek, Mich. Walking in tho streets of llattlo Creek and nuking a policeman where sho wns, Miss Myrtle Green of Knlnmazoo, fourteen years old, wns taken homo by Cnptnln Put nam nnd County Agent Tlinyer of her homo city, ending n senrch that had been Instituted by her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Green. The theory Is thnt tho girl, In a som nambulistic state, boarded an lnterur bnn enr nt night nnd came ns far ns her money took Jicr, to tfrbnndnlo, then walked to this city. Tho girl comes of u good family, nnd when last seen In Knlnmazoo wns on her wny to church. She seemed dazed when found .here, but recovered her Reuses later. SMOKERS' MINDS LOSE 10 PER GENT OF POWER Tests Show Cigarettes Worst of Nicotine Foes. New York. Tobacco smoking cnuses n decrenso of 10.5 pur cent In mental efficiency, according to n series of ex periments by Dr. A. D. Hush. There wns n series of -120 tests on each of fifteen men In several different psychic fields. Tho subjects volunteer ing for tho experiments nil were med ical students ranging in ngo from twenty-one to thirty-two years, of vnrylng previous oxperlcnco, from tho fnrm inborer to tho lifelong student, of di vergent mental cupnclty, from the fail ure to tho honor student nnd of differ ing habits ns to tobacco nddlctlon. Tho subjects were nttendnnU nt tho Uni versity of Vermont, where Professor Bush is nn instructor In physiology. Among his findings nre: Tho greatest nctunl loss wns In the Held of Imagery, 22 per cent. Tho three greatest losses were In tilt fields of Imagery, perception nnd nsso elation. The greatest loss In theso experi ments occurrwl with clgnrottes. Nlcotlno was found In tho distillates of nil tobneco tested. Nlcotlno wns not found in tho smoko of nny tobacco except that of cigar ettes, and then only In traces. PyrldhiQ wns found In the smoko of nil tobaccos tested. Pyridine Is ono of (ho decomposition products of nicotine, tho latter lielng nltnost twenty-two times ns poisonous ns pyridine, so far as its action on tho human body Is concerned. This wns tho first extensive investi gation of the mental effect of smoking. The1 recent tests at Columhln univer sity nnd elsewhero were chiefly for tho physical effects on students In athletic training. HARVARD LEADS IN CONGRESS. Has Forty Representatives There, Whllo Yale Has Only Ten. Cambridge, Mass Harvard univer sity takes nil the honors In representa tion In the Sixty-third congress, with Ynlo running n poor second and Prince ton In third place. There are seven teen graduates of Harvard In tho house of representatives, mnny of whom nre from Massachusetts, nnd there nre twenty-threo Harvard alumni In the senate. The total Harvard representation Is forty. Yale, which Is runner up In too collegiate political competition, has ii total of ton. with five alumni In the house nnd five In the senate. Prince ton, with u graduate In the chief mag Istrute's chnlr, bus two graduates In Iho house and two In the senate. MAY WAR ON CATS. Extermination Is Asked by a Game Protective Association, Tiicoiua. WuhIi.-TIi" iIoiiiohIIc rut in doomed If Iho rei'oiumendalloiis adopt ml by h P'oreu nrtiriiy brunch of ibo WanhlnKloii Hlale (lame ;ooeJvii iiml PropiiKiillou nsKochiilon, nt lu tin liuitl moollng l Ibo Taroiini hotel, N adopt) Uy (lie 'wmi fount gumu luiwnMoii Wiir on inbby wmk decline.) Mfii't h ihi luno d old u bo mi t'twwy ff yum ,ije u tlimt my nr uf wild lfv. 7V ilMtHllllOII IMIIlkil fill MIIHHlk' iJuh m Ptffr 4 miiiuJI JwtJJl' fur wk