. . Oregon . V,' Advertisers! The Recorder covers the Bandon field thoroughly Job Printing! A modern equipped job printing department. BANDON RECORDER BANDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL,,! 7 1914 NUMBER 32 VOLUME XXX GRAND JURY HELD HUNTERS CUKKY COUNTY MEN WHO SHOT COMPANIONS CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER GOLD BEACH, Ore., April 15. Judge Coke adjurned the April term of Circuit court last evening after receiving the final report of the grand jury. The grand jury reported in dictments for manslaughter against Mr. Mqyer who is charged with hav ing shot a rancher of Chetco section for a bear, and also against Mr. Eg gara who recently killed a miner in The Sixes river country for a deer The cases were taken before tho grand jury by attorney Meredith, who holds that the killing of hunters is something more than an accident. Jubgo Coke fixed the bail in each cese at $300 and it is doubtful if either will bo able to furnish it. Their trials were set for August 10, when the next regular term of circuit court will be held here. The grand jury heard part of the wittnesses in the case of Riley Cool ey, who was arrested and brought back from California a few month! ago for the murder of Van Pelt here fifteen years ago. Stephen A. Doyle, thes pecial detectivo who work ed up the case against Cooley'and J. W. Higgins, the Spokane banker, yesterday wired District Attorney Meredith that they could not attend this term of court. In consequence the grand jury continued the hear ing until the August term of court when the same grand jury will resum the Investigation of it. An indictment was also brought against Tony Canonica for fur nishing liquor to a minor This case has arrouscd much intorest in this vicinity as Canonica Is a rancher and claimed that the liquor was brought here for his personal use. Judge Coke and Reporter Loud started for home this morning, the equity cases on tho calander hav ing been disposed of. ANOTHER GOOD ONE COM ING TO THE GRAND. Putrons of tho Grand Theatre will enjoy another of thoso exclusive fea tures next Sunday night, when "The Vampire," a Kalem drama in three parts, will be presented. Among the features of tho picture is the famou Vampire Dance by Mr. Bert French and Miss Alice Eis. Tho story of the play is as follows: Harold is ensnar ed by tho wiles of Sybil, an adven turess. The boy forgets Helen, hit country sweetheart. Sybil's inilu ence over himis so evil that ho can no longer apply himself to his work His employer finally discharges him and when his money is gono tho ad ventures throws him over. He be comes a drunkard, and Helen, failinp to hear from him, comes to the city where she secures a position. Harold finally desides to become a hold-up num and to pass away tho time bo- fore midnight ho goes to n theatre whuro Bert French and Alice Lis arc presenting their famous Vampire Dance, banco, tho characters being an artist and a vampire in tho guisi' of a wood nymph. Harold see tho artist attracted by tho beautiful crea turn and then his struggles as he realizes what the result of tho fascin ation must inevitably be. Tho vie turn beats her in his frenzy of fear, but is irresistably drawn into the toils by the vampires fiendish wiles. The vampire fascinates the man by her beauty and lures him toward a for est dell, and there the horrible crea ture miccoeds In taking his life, liar old fcclx tlmt a veil has been torn from IiIh eyes. He seems to have re viewed hia life with Sybil, and vows to reform. Ho succeeds in regaining his position and once nioro takes hi plure tuiiong men. The boy learns of Jlidens pretence In tint city, but ran find no lime of hur. Hyhll, Irurn inir of lluiold'u prosperity, attempt to ilnijr linn into her net mite iiioh hut Hut hoy, with I ho memory of ho ' Vumpiin IbinitJ" before him, r' iti'U hi'i Units, Tliul iiIkM Iio finds Hvh'H Mini o llimiiu III iWiirniullon ilujMiM'rt linmudlule (imnluyi'. Ill 1 1 Ml LOCAL AGENCY FOR FORD IS PLACING MANY CARS. S. G. Whitsctt, local agent for the Ford automobile, has sold nine ma chines this spring and has a number of other excellent prospects. Mr. Whitsett is a live wire and the Ford of 1914 model is taking the eye of the automobile lovers. Mr. Whitsett has a half pago ad in this issue telling of the superiority of the Ford. BASE BALL FANS MEET LOCAL BASE BALL MEN ELECT . THEIR MANAGER AND DIRECTORS. Subsequent to tho Coos Bnse Ball meeting held nt Marshfield" Tuesday a meeting of local fans was held in Bandon Wednesday nigh and plan for tho coming season were arrang ed. A board of directors consisting f Dr. Smith J. Mann, president, W. S. Wells and E. G. Cassidy was elected and George M. LafTaw was chosen mannger of tho Bandon team. It was decided at themeeting to mako public tho ''methods of financ ing the ball team, and to keep the public posted on all matters. Some of the boys are beginning to work out and thero is every evid ence that Bandon will have one of tho fastest base ball teams in her history. BISHOP MARTIN An old German legend) Who is Bishop Murtir.? That is-. the man of whom I wish to tell you. Martin was a Roman soldier in the army of Constantino The Great which was sent to fight the army of Herod, just overrunning tho eastern part of Europe. Martin was a fear less fighter and exemplary trust worthy was selected to carry a mes- corps to the general of another divis ion. The day was cold, sow, hail rain ar row pierced by high wind made tho trip over the extreme poor roads very laborious. Martin was supplied with n long wamus, a sort of an overcoat. Against all tho inclements of weather he forc ed the horse without feed or stop at noon. Onward they toiled and shortly before sunset he met an old man, This man was sick, hungry, very poor ly clothed, and nearly given out. Ho addressed Martin, begging for a small gift. What had Martin to give? Neither money nor bread was in his possession, tho only advantage was the warm coat, he takes it oft" and with his sword he cut it in two, hands one part to the poor man and replac es the other half over his shoulder and then proceeded onward. Boforo darkness had fully fallen he came to an old shanty inhabited by a poor woman whose husband had been slain, behind the house wns somo sort of shelter and in it some hay, thero he fastened tho horse, went to the house to ask for somo nourish ment, he received n slice of bread and a drink of goat milk. After stilling his hunger ho prayed, thanked tho poor woman and returned to whore his horse was fastened and laid down on the hay and fell asleep, Long and sound was tho rest. All at onco a bright light forced him to op en his eyos. At his feet stood a man surrounded by a number of an gels, the man wore a part of his ov er coat which he hud given to the por man of yesterday, upon his head there wuh n crown of thorns. A mild voice culled "Arriso Martin, you are the man selected by me, you are selected for higher and nobler doedit, lay down thy sword, feur not, I shall ho with you, I urn Christ the son of God. At tlmt moment u rooster crowed, the uppurutlon wu gone und so who fuither sleep. Martin urosu, suddlud his horse, unit wwiit mi Ills urrund, Not Ioiik ujftur, mi (lie road, he runiu In u moii ustury, liu jmumlml UKiilnst ll lur mid )1 wms ojiuni'd by u monk. Mm Mil wild Iwnu ntt)i'd und imtli itwiv il liuvpllulll)', Aflvr muH!liK $t w, nil vfiu'l u liMjfw 'lliiliw imn TO (M DANCE IN PAVILMON COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL DED ICATE HANRAHAN'S MEW FLOOR APRIL 25th The new dancing pavillion, hciiitf built by Pat Hanrahan on 2nd street am puu poioiduioo oq uoos hjav '9a fir.? dance' will be given by wo Com mercial Club Saturday evening, April 25th. The music will be furnished by Kausrud's orchestra. The new pavillion has a floor space GO by 70 feet and will be one of the finest dunce halls in the county. The building is so arranged that It can be used for other amusement n and public gatherings. It will also make an ideal basket ball arena. Mr. Hanrahan is sparing no pains or mon ey to make his pavillion a credit to tho city. EVERYBODY REGISTER BOOKS WILL CLOSE APRIL 30T1I UNTIL AFTER PRIMARIES MAY 15TH Only a fow more days remain in which to register before tho primar ies as tho registration books will closo on Jthe evening of April 30th, and remain closed until after tho pri maries, May 15th, and it is necces sary for every body who wants tc Vote to be registered, as it is impos sible to Bwcar a voto at the primaries. C. B. Zeek informed a representa tive of the Recorder that ho would bo ia his office from, now until May 1st for tho purpose of registering voters, and voters cjfti also register at tho real estate office of Dippel & Wolverton. ARREST OF AMERICAN MARINES IS LAST STRAW Washington, April 15. President Huerta must not only apoligize for various past offenses, but he must protniso to be good in tho future, if he is not to experience consequences which may mean Armed American intervention in Mexico. This in effect is what President Wilson told tho members of tho sen ate and house foreign committees to day. He insists the time for tempor izing is past. Ho churucterized Huerta's attitude as a series of stud ied insults toward tho United States. American naval officers and men havo been arrested in Vera Cruz and at Tampico. Official dispatches ' to Charge d'AlTaires O'Shaughnessy havo been held up and only delivered when O'Shaughnessy demanded them di rectly of Huerta. For somo time past tho Moxico City de fucto's government has indicated that it considered mere apoligics su fficient in cases whero American rights or dignity were involved. Apparent ly there was no thought of reparation for serious offenses against Ameri cans by Mexican civil and military of ficials. Immediately after tho arrest of As sistant Paymaster Kopp and his men at I'nmpico an orderly from Admiral Fletcher's llagship at Vera Cruz waa sent ashore in full uniform for mull. With the olllcial mail suck across his shoulder, he wus urrosted, locked up and not released until summary rep restitutions were inudu to the until orilles. The Mexican federul olllrer who iiiiido tliu arrest wuh punished on ly nominally. In Prusldent Wilson' opinion, tlio most serious fart of ull wus tlmt (he olllululs of the Mifgrupli Dlllru in Mux no Hly withhold nllU'lul djmtrli to rnuK U'Alluiiu frCilmuHhiiuwty until limy hud Uvm inl o llu mmr und his iimlnn hud Uim uimi tvr vim mlimy. W&lmwlmmy auly m 111 tilminhm u wgj hjuIJ CLUB TO MEET SAT. NIGHT ! SPECIAL MEETING AT THE COM MERCIAL CLUB HALL ON SATURDAY NIGHT There will bo a special meeting of the Bandon Commercial club Satui day evening at 8:00 o'clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to nt tend the meeting of the Comnicrcia bodies of the County to bo held at Coquille April 20th for the purpose of making preparations for a Coos Coun ty exhibit at tho Panama Pacific ex position. It is expedient that this Countj have a good exhibit at tho fair and it is also ncccessary for Bandon to have good representation at the meet ing Monday, consequently every mem ber of tho Commercial Club should uttend the meeting Saturday night. J.H. PROMOTER KNOWN HERE IN TROUBLE WITH WEST COAST DEVELOPMENT CO. Oakland, Cal., April 15. As an out come of the trouble of the California Trona company John H. Somerd, real estatcHn'bicer was Monday arrested on two charges of felony embezzle ment. Somers is accussed by C. V Lake, secretary of the West Coast Development company of Bandon, Or. The foregoing taken from the Marshfield Record is in substance tho same as that appearing in tho San Francisco papers. To verify these statements a rop- resntiitivc of the Recorder called up on C. R. Wade, n director of the West Coast Development Co., who stated that he was familiar with al tho facts connected with tho matter, and that it hud not been the intention of the Company to make any statement con cerning tho matter unless Oregon pa pers learned it from some other source. He stated that for a very short time J. II. Somers had been connected with the project of the West Const Development Co., but that his ac tions were entirely unsatisfactory to tho company and that the company "fired" Somers, intending thereupon to dismiss the matter. Somers, however, not desiring to stay fired proceeded to interpose obstacles in tho company's way, with the result that two representatives of tho com pany are now in San Francisco to abate the obstructions, and with tho further result that in default of $-1000 bail, Mr. Somers is in jail, nwaiting trial on two felonious charges of embezzlement, and beyond these facts, the company has no fur ther statement to make. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Fifield arrived last night at five o'clock with 180 tons of freight and the following passengers: Ed gar Roberts and wife, Miss Emma Schmidt, Miss E. Sanborn, J. II. Mc Clure, li. McClure, J. F. Woudlinir. wifo and baby, C. C. Carter, J. Fra- ser, J. Parks, A. J. Bell, J. M. Kin cude. Miss Juauita Hatcher, Nick SurraSurra, H. B. Henry, Chus, Mor row, I). G, Neal unci wife, M. J Stralil, A. It. Curtis, Win. Sells, C. Young und wife, J. A. Agen, . I. Wlglitiimn, W. C. Tinner, J. 8. Ten oil, A. V. Foluoin, John Neu). The Fifield will full iiguin tomor row t'VKiiliig ut 7:00 o'uhidlt. Tho lluiidon will will mm Hun FiunnUfo Hulunlu)' uvunlnif for Hun- IIOII. Trio KllruUdh will mrlv.i in Hun dull tomorrow twwiliu? ft ml piol. uhly suit uHuju Muwlsy uuraiiiij. M- J. S'mim of llu b Unit SOMERS UNDER ARREST GOOD ROADS DAY ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW Ono week from tomorrow, April 25th, is the day when every man who s able to use pick and shovel, ax or any other tool is expected jto don ov eralls and jumper and go forth to help build good roads. Many Ban don men have expressed their inten tion of assisting in t)ic work and it in probable that most of the business houses in town will closo on that day between the hours of 8 and 5 oclock. CONTRACTS FOR STREET WORK LET AND ASSESSMENTS ADJUSTED. The City Council met in regula' session at the city hall Wednesday night. The main feature of busines. was the equalizing of the asses? ments in Sewer district No. 1. Tin Council after considering the matte Jioroughly decided the assessmen vas equitable and passed it. The bids for constructing Firs street West were opened, and th BiTndon Construction Co., witli W. H Webb as manager, was awarded the contract, their bid being the lowest. Tho ordinance for establishing th grade on Oregon Avenue was rca. and adopted. This provides for t 12 per cent grade, .beginning at thi intersection with Wall Street ant running to the top of the Oregon Av enuo hill. A resolution to build a floating doc! at the foot of Chicago avenue was adopted. Tho Pythian Improvement Clul" presented a petition asking that i fine be levied on people for spitting on tho sidewalk's ami cross walks Tho city attorney was ordered tt draw an ordinance making it a fini of from $5 to $10. Tiio city attorney was also instruc ted to draw a plumbing ordinance with provisions to employ a plumbinf inspector. tt. E. L. BEDILLION IS LIKELY TO BRING SUI'i Warner Ogren, manager of the Marshfield league baseball team o' last year, has a law suit bogie fol lowing him and Attorney G. T. Tread gold, of Bandon who was here ove night, told tho Record this morning tho suit will likely bo filed shortly The complainant as the matter standi is R. E. L. Rcdillion of Bandon, win irranged with Mr. Ogren for i Marshfield team to play at Haniloi on last Fourth of July. The Marsh field team did not go to Bandon at Mr. Bcdillion claims Ogren agreed and the Bandon team suffered a bi( loss of money on that account. Tin circumstance will bo recalled us tlx Bandon peopleo wore very angry a the time. On the morning of tin Fourth, tho Marshfield players wen undecided whether to start out, a. the weather looked very unfavorable and they expected thero would bo no game, and therefore preferred to sta at home. Tho Bandoniuns hail the biggest crowd they had seen nt a ball game in many years und when the Marshfield players did not come, they had to refund the money. The Record recalls it, Bandon promised Marshfield $100 for tho game. There was talk after tho moraine train left of chartering u boat for the players und taking tliein to Bandon This wan when the weather cleared and the day promised to bo fine Marshfield Record. J. P. Curjtenlor wus over from Coos Buy on business yesterday. L. G. Knott of MiiiHlifield wus reg iKtorcd nt the Hotel Gulller ynster day. Uon, II. Tracy, Jr., bun It oxuinlner left (nix morning for I'onluiwl ufler uu Inspenllmi tour of the bunks In Coos und Curry lountloN. Don't furiM the pillion- toiidliur fiumiliiu: ul tho Mh;li twliool uudltor (urn IoiiIkIiL It will ho tliu lusl iimliug of tliu rnmn Hiii uo maul' lwil ummmhi lm ktyjJ jUiijuiJixJ ItetuyUm uUmmI Iq His wdMbm of the fctlug) fjioulij inmhU CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDNGS 2 OUTSIDERS TO EACH TEAM GREEMENT AT MEETING OF FANS AT MARSHFIELD TUESDAY A meeting of the base ball fans of the county was held at Mnrshfield from Marshfield, North Bend, Ban- ion and Norway were present. Bandon was represented by J. T. Sullivan, George M. LafTaw, L. L. Brandenbcrg and E. G. Cassidy. Of this meeting the Mnrshfield Record says: ' At the baseball meeting yesterday tho same old trouble arose over the. luestion of engageing outside players md after the towns of Bandon, Nortli ' Bend and Marshfield had declared for wido open arrangements in that feature, Mr RaclifT of Norway mid lie could not ngreo to it since lis people were not favorable to en gaging players and lie retired from he deliberations. Thereupon the meeting decided to appoint two men 'rom eacli of the rsmaining delega tions for the purpose of working out i scheme of organization and to rcc imeivd officers for the league. . The committee wrta out between a lalf and three quarters of an hour md then the meeting was called to jrdcr and reported. "Jack" Sullivan of Bandon made the report verbally and it was tho sense of the committee it would be best to compromise on he number of players that may be ncaired and tho committee, Mr. Sul livan iiaid, had agreed tho league ould get along with two extra men, Hnd everybody who is not in the county at the present timo shall bo ;onsidercd as outsiders The commit tcemen said they could recommend Hugh McLain for president of tho league, and J. A. Smith of Nortli Bond, for secretary and treasurer. Neither Mr. McLain nor Mr. Smith would accept each claiming they would not have time to attend prop erly to the work. Several others were talked of, among them "Jaci; Sullivan, of Bandon for president but ho did not wish the election. Gcorgo Rotner and Ben Chandler were each spoken of for secretary, but ono of the Marshfield delegations Lliought that Chandler would best, lie )ut of the official family smco Ho wanted to manage the Marshfield '.earn. Mr. Rotner said ho would be iwa'y several times during tho sum mer and they should havo some one vlio will be on the ground. The mat ters were finally decided by electing Henry Kern, of North Bend, presi dent and Arthur McKeown of Marsh field as secretary and treasurer. The committee reported it had de cided there shall bo a four or six team league, there being three pros pective members along tho Coquille Coquille, Myrtle Point and Norway. All these teams will bo invited to enter tho league, and if the three will not join, then ono may ho se lected. However, tho senco of the meeting was that tho first club up plying should bo accepted us tho fourth team. DOMESTIC SCIENCE GIRLS ENTERTAIN WITH LUNCHEON Edna Gallier, Helen Stephenson and Amy Winsor of tho domestic science class of tho Bandon High School en tertained at dinner Saturday evening there being seventeen guest h present. Tho menu consisted of corn soup, to mato salad, potatoes, peas and steak with bread, butter and choco late. The dessert was fruit naiad served in orange cups, und tho entire inenuo for seventeen people cost just $2.00. Tho guests were: Mr. und Mrs. P. 0. Stephenson, Mr. und Mrs. R. W. Windsor, Mr. und .Mrs. Steve Gulller, Mr. und Mrs. J. II. Smith, Mrs. Win. Lynn, Messrs. Roy Thorn, (Jlurmiijo Tultln, ltiitiutr Oulller, Klduyy WIN Hums, ('no, Windsor und Mis, (lludys Hlr.HU, Oitlllhi hv mid Miullm Korlh. Wm, JIiu liojt Imu down funn do iwiil it wiv ui tiny hwlilnif ulUn' Uui lulMimi lit lib jiumeily jo Wit JlWldoil.