c Semi-Weekly BaiWoit ReCorikr, March' 17, 1914 SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER vPublkhed every Tuesday and Fri.day by 'the Recorder Publishing Company. The Entered at the Pontofllcc al Bandon, Ore., as Mail Matter of the Second Class Scrap Book C. E. KOPF. A. W. STUART. Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance. , . -, rates made known on application. GOOD PROSPECTS FOR BANDON. Couldn't See the Joke. "My wife and I enmo ncnrljr having a ouurrc! on whero wo miouia spena 1 our honeymoon." sold tb young mnn 'hurt not been lone mirrled. "But ! it whs settled by nmlcnblo compromise, . . I just as I hope nil our trlfllnK dlsnRreo AdverttSing; mcnts will be settled. rnii see. I could cot only n montn off. She wanted to po to the Penshore, and I wanted to co to the mountains. Finnlly I miRcested thnt wo npdiid two i wikikh ill un: niiuiv i nninn chrt fhnncht At hror fnr n Aitnoucn tnere seems to ue some financial stringency minute and then save in. very sweetly. 4.1 .vu t. i...:..n u.-i. rj - ,ilAnd now she says It was n poklUve if present indications continue there is reason to believe that we will not feel anything of the depression, which by the way, is said to be getting better at the present. But the point we started out to make is the fact that there is every reason to believe that this will be one of the best years Bandon has ever experienced. The opening of First street is something that everyone has felt the need of for some time. Now the work is practically done, and though we are not at liberty to give out statistics at pres ent, we are assured from reliable sources that there wil be at least four or five substantial buildings put up on this street during the coming summer. Then it looks very much now as if First street would be paved from the pier at the west end to the Bank of Bandon corner, which will make the entire street one of the best that any town in the county has. In this connection it would not do to pass up the First National Bank building, the Ellingson building, and oth ers now under construction, and the fact that the Stan dard Oil Co. is rushing their building to completion and will put in a- stock sufficient to supply the whole Coquille Valley and Curry county will add much to the activities in a business way here. In fact everything points to a good season's business and plenty of work for the people, and when the govern ment gets busy on their $90,000 project in the river it should make things hum here as they have never done before. THE KNOCKER. ; ' ' It is generally conceded that persistent knockers are one of the worst, drawbacks to any community. They iscourage industry, retard business, hinder progress and often drive away proposed new indusries. Even if a new school house is to be built, a squabble over the site is in jected, delaying the erection of the building for a year or two. If an obstruction is to be removed from a street the knocker will immediately line up with the obstruc tionist and probably viciously abuse the officials who are using their best efforts for the public convenience and the city's welfare. If a bridge must be built, the site which will best serve the public and most facilitate traffic, pro viding the greatest degree of comfort and safety to those who must use it most, the knocker will strenuously, oppose it, and even encourage litigation to prevent its constitu tion. If a big new industry is proposed a systematic assault is begun on those backing the movement, virtu ally giving notice that neither their intended enterprise nor their heavy investments of capital are wanted. While the knocker may often pose as a reformer such preten sions are generally hypocritical and ridiculous. HeT an incubus constituting a heavy burden on the com munity and a serious handicap lo progress. Both pub lic and private enterprise suffer from the work of the nocker. Can there be found a more abominable crea ture than a persistent knocker? The busy man's creed: "I believe in today and the work I am doing; in tomorrow and the work I hope to do, and in the sure roward which the future holds. I believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and honest competition. I believe there is something doing somewhere for every man ready to do it. I believe I'm ready RIGHT NOW. Coos Hay Times Oregon never had so many chances to select a good man for governor as tills yonr. The enndldnle are n. moHt legion mid every cjujdidntu thinks lio the very bent man for the job that could be found, An immw of QjJiiijjiiai) j swtk Un pound f om mm ny imn m mil mv guJuwJ unyihlnu l sU inspiration. She wns having n bully time at the shore, but she refused, to stay n slndo dny after our time whs tin.' "Flow many new dresses Bid she hare In her wnrdrobc?" nBUed an Interested. listener. "Whv-er fourteen. I think, nut what's thnt pot to do with It? Why. darn you fellows, what are you all IntiRhlnB nt?"-Olovelnnd Plain Denier. Somebody's Golden Deed. Somebody did n, Koldon deed, Proving himself n friend In need. Somebody santr n, cheerful song, rtrlRht'nlnK the skies the whole dny long. wns thnt somebody your Homebody thousht 'tis sweet to llvo. Willingly said. "I'm clad to kIvo." Somebody fought yallnnt Unlit, rirnvoly ho lived to shield tho rlRht. Was thnt somebody youT Homebody Idled nil the hours. Carelessly crushed life's fairest (lowers. Somebody mndo llfo Iors, not f?aln, ThoiiRhtle!sly seemed to llvo In vnln. , Wns thnt somebody youT Somebody tilled tho dny with llRht, Constantly chnsed nwny tho night. Somebody's work bore loy and pence. Surely his llfo shall never censa . Wns thnt somebody you? Author Unknown. What's In a Name? Corpornl MIoez.vslaw Smlnlkowskl formerly served In the qunrtermaster corps nt the Presidio of San Frnnctaco under Major K. .1. Hampton. One dny Major flnmpton hnd n bad cold nnd sneezed frequently, and that dny Corporal Mleczyslnw went Into Major Hampton's oflleo about ten times and asked thnt wflleer if he Imdn't call ed him when ho hadn't A man with a bad cold Isn't apt to be In the best of humors, nnd tho eleventh time tho corpornl appeared without bcr Iiik called the major was mad clear through. "Dojrgono It. corpornl," he snapped. "I'vo Rot a holy terror of n cold, and If yon persist In comlnK In liorc every time I sneeze because you think I'm trying to prouounco your fool numo I'll have you up before n summary court If It's the Inst net I do before I snoezo myself to death." Snn Frnnciaco Chronicle. HI Card. About n dozen years ago n London costermongcr who hnd saved a tidy 'Hum of money went Into tho carting business on tils own account Finally ho secured a big contract for removing and disposing of ushus, out of which he made a fortune. Then he made n splurge, and, having Invested part of tils money In house property In the east of London, ho wished to rise, like a phoenix, from his nsbes Into some port of society. Ills golden key applied to the coffers of an Impecunious aristo crat opened Uio way. Ills now friend, among other things, udviMo4 him that visiting cards wcro n necessity, and as a guldo to drawing one up ready fr tho printer handed him ono of his own, which rend, "Har old Do Vcrc. lonn nousc, Portsmouth Square. V." Two days Inter as Do Vore was Bit ting In his dressing room nt breakfast a servant brought in on n salver a vis iting card bearing the following Ephralm Nowrlch, I Own 23 Houses, London, E." A Nolty Comet. There bad been great excitement over tho coming of n comet, and llvo- yenr-old Hobby hnd been eagerly watching for It One night his father roused him from sleep nnd took hlui In his arms to see It "Wake up, Uobby, wake upl" said his father. "Look, nobby! Do you seo tho comet?" Hobby looked sleepily up into the sky. Then came tho long drawn bray of u donkoy. Hobby's head sank down on his fnthcr's shoulder. "Oh, Bobby," said his mother, "wnko up and seo tho comet!" "I sued it" murmured Hobby and refused to look any moro. Tho next morning Hobby wns playing In the garden when ho heard n sound thnt uinde him rnlse his head. Ho listened attentively. It wns the bray of a donkey. Hobby rushed Into tho house. "Mother, mother," ) shouted, "there goes tho comet ngnlnl" LODGE DIRECTORY Masonic. Bandon Lodge, No. 130, A. F. & Ai M. Stated communications first Saturday after the full moa ot each raoatfc. Special conmunicafcioat Master Maseas cordially invited. C. R. MOORE, W. M. PHIL PEARSON, Secretary. Eastern Star. , Occidental Chapter, No. 45, O. E. S., meets Saturday evenings before and after stated communications of Masonic lodge. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. L. KATE ROSA, W. M. ROSA BINGAMAN, Secretary. I .0. O. F. Bandon Lodge, No. 133, I. O. O. F., meets every Wednesday evenjng. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. I S. E. HINES, N. G. " LOGAN KAY, Secretary. Knights of Pythias. Delphi Lodge, No. C4, Knights of Pythias. Meets every Monday ov eninj; at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. G. R. McNAIR, C. C. U. N. HARRINGTON, K. of R. S. Loyal Order of Moose. Mdcts Thursdny evenings in I. 0. 0. F, hnll. Transcient Moose cord ially invited. Something doing ev ery Thursday. Rebekah Ocean Rebekah Lodge, No. 126, I. 0. 0. F., meets second and fourth Tuesdays at I. 0. 0. F. hall. Tran cient members cordially invited. LENA DAVIDSON, N. G. . MINERVA LEWIN, Secretary. W. w. o. w. "With Charity Towards All" i . m l rr - r n 1- 1 1 o - 4 meets luesuuys, jv. 01 i . nun, o jj m. Visitors are assured a hot wel come By order of W. A. KELLER, C. C. C. M. GAGE, Clerk, Professional Cards. THOMAS F. HAGGERTY Attorneij-at-taw Over MfNair's Hardware Store Phone 482 HANDON, OREGON t M 1 8 IH 1 1 V DO YOU KNOW The City Market has the most up-to-date Sausage Kitchen in Southern Oregon Having just installed modern machinery to facilitate turning out tempting, juicy sausage. The City Meat Market Geo. Erdman, Prop. Phone 193 44l..l4.Ji..'i..' BANDON TRANSFER LINE Cratchell Brothers, Props. All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders t given prompt attention. .Barn corner First & Edi- t son, Fish 1'roperty. .Telephone 641. f 1 14 1 Got C. R. WADE Lawyer , BANDON, OREGON DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon Office ovei Drug Stare. Houti, 9 lo 12 a. m; 1:30 to 4 p. m ;7 to 0 in the evening. HANDON, OREGON DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon Office in Panter Building. Houn, 9 to 12 a. in; I lo p p. m. HANDON, OREGON DR. L. P. SORENSON Dentist Office over Vienna Cafe. Telephone al office and residence, HANDON, OREGON Hit Dmecnt. "When nmhltlon led mo Into nn ncc. denial sent In roncrnM," snys Henry A. Iliirnliart of Indiana In the Chlcnpo Ilecord-IIernld, "lhn ronprcsaloiinl dl rectory carried u ton lino hloKniplilcul iiiinuiincetiii'iit lliit II now ruomhor from Indiana had llrnt Iwen n farmer, I him nn editor, Inrldtuitolly n pritoi director nnd Unto Inxnim fiopltnl trun. Imt nnd Ihi'ii a (4iiKr"iiiwin, "One day IJiM'Itt ,ih nim iillo)j)hU. Ink In (he cloak jim, mid lm uld; 'I toiti 4 iow munihur from frullniui h hud u rKiDiiiliuiii nmUUtH mwr, lu vm rjri a tmm. turn Ihem li Wijijs") ilwii Ih Him lllii1nl flmlf, ikmu Ib Ui' imjiiidiniiir, ium iu m iimaf mum ml Umm k )n G. T. TREADGOLD Attorney and Counselor at Law Office with Dandon lnvetraenl Company Notary1 Public BANDON, OREGON Any Time Tot Spare? Use electric appliances for the household work and you will have time for other things. Let us demonstrate them to you BANDON POWER COMPANY ' i W. E. STEIN OFF THE HARNESS MAN ! ' It A new supply of suit cases, trunks, shopping bags, robes, etc., etc. DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Office in Raimuurn Butldinp. Phone 72. HANDON, OREGON DR. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Office over Ounge'' Pharmacy, Office phone, 352. IXrtuitnct phone, 3)3. HANDON, OREGON DR. S. C. END J COT'" Pont 1st HANDON, OKJWON WOOD FOR SALE Good body fir wood. $1.75 per tier delivered, wood cut to order. A. G. Perdue Phone 981 n " " PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes and toilet arti cles? If so, call on C. Y. LOWE Bandon, Oregon ItlVEK HOAT BCHKDULE ABSTRACTS Bandon Branch Office of. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. (Henry Sen;Uickcii, Mgr.) McNair Hardware Building In charge P. H. Poole. Economy Promplneaa Reliab y ...Elite Restaurant... Ray Rease, Prop. MEALS AT ALL HOURS mutt Couille Rlvi r Triittxirlllon Co. Churm, Ii'uvku Hamlon,.,. fljlC a, jn, DiHpiitch, lenvoR Ilmiilon.. 7:00 a. in. Clmrm, It'iivcK Iiamlon,,,, 12:45 ji, in. Co'iulllc, Imivov Ilumlon.. 2l!)0 ji, in. Myrllv Point 'J'rHiiNMirlBllon Co. Doth, rrvm from Myrlln Pl.ll . in. J)orM, Iimvoh for Myrtle Pt.-.l j. l i'ur HW, tMj viUWW wIMi liiyy imim jjlj mim, J5ijulr ), Q, First Class Home Cooking FRED L. LEEPER Contractor and Builder If you ma illinium lo build I nw flijuft? wiiji ytm, Pluim ji Ml $ til imtw iumhhwl