Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 17, 1914, Image 2

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Senrf'Weekly Bandon Recorder, March 17, 1914' '
Bandons Largest Steamships
199 Gross Tannage
C J 11
ODeeaweii 914
Gross Tonnage
( Gross Tonnage of nearest competitor
San Francisco
Los Angeles
San Diego
.Steamers' Rank Absolutely First In
"Twin Screws"
c;o FruJm, March 20. 6 a. m. Sails Thursday, March, 19, 5 a. m.
A. ' J '
"The Only Way'
99 Try it and he
GEO. T. MOULTON, Coquille Agt. J. E. SCHILLING, Myrtle Point Agt.
H. SENGSTACKEN, Marshfield Agt.
I I I i 1 1 1' 1 1 I I
t 1 III 1 1 Ml H 1 1 II M I ' 1 1 ? I I II M HUM M
Former Bandit For Governor
E Leader of Notorious Band of Outlaws To Run
For High Executive Office. X
MtWHtttttttWWI HHHHH 1 H I
Oklahoma City, March 14. An
nouncing his platform in a state
ment that takes up barely ton lines
of single column printed matter, Al
J. Jennings who served ten years in
the Ohio Penitentiary and former
leader of the famous Jennings gang
of Indian Territory outlaws, is tak
ing first place among the seven men
who have already formally entered
th race for the democratic nomina
tion for governor of Oklahoma. Jen
nings is being bitterly fought by the
so called Democratic machine. His
race barely begun promises to bo one
of the most spectacular ever seen,
even in tho politics ridden state of
Jennings says ho is cortnin to win
He believes as firmly as is possible
for any man to believe anything that
he will bo tho next governor of the
state whero thirty years igo thero
was a piico on his body, dead or alive.
In the last election of Oklahoma
county ho ran for prosecuting at
torney. Ho secured the nomination
on the democratic ticket and lost tho
election by only 500 votes with 14,
000 cast. Jennings says the high up
criminals and tho election judges
stole tlMi office from him. However
that may bo, it is evident that the
other candidates fear him above any
other man. On returning from tho
penitentiary, ho reviewed his studies
in law, was given back his citizen
ship by President Roosevelt and he
has made good in tho profossion in u
big wuy. Ills enemies have been un
able to produce evidence that ho hns
not liyed u straight life since he was
pardomed from the penitentiary.
A year ego he had a suit of rooms
in th SUte National Hank building
at Oklahoma City. He had an income
af $5,000 a year. He was one of the
loading criminal lawyers of ho state
with all tho business ho could attend
to. Clients came to him from all
parts of Oklahoma. Today ho has
two little dark rooms in tho bnck of
an obscure brick building on North
Broad wit y. All his neighbors aro so
id niUs dentists and dress-makers.
A creaky old stairway leads tho way
from tho Areot to his ofllco door on
which in Miimll letters is tho sign,
"Al J. Jenning. Ho lias iult his
law pructict). Ho nays n man ran't
hi) I'xmtly on the i)uutu nnd pniitlni
luw. 'riitn,fi will take all liU time
to attend tho coming cu'inpulgn.
"I'm HK t visit uvwry wunty In
Okluhonm and us iimny of tho town
u Kkilili'. Tim no wampum won't
glvti ino m kivui iluul. Thu Iuijiwv
tluijy In f lift "ml " ijuuilw of
W ii)ttl)ir mm wt Imu Milwifllwul
mil wlw Uimh Hie l hy
most of them and offer them $25.00,
they would support me just as zeal
ously as they arc now supporting
some one clso.
"But there nrc two reasons why I
do not do this. In the first place
I havn't got the money, and in the
second I won't place myself on tho
low plane of tho men who get office
by buying themselves in. Tho old
outlaw days that I have been trying
so hard for tho past fifteen years to
forget were uncouth, they wore some
times savage and sometimes even
murderous. But those men were
men. They never lied. There was
no comparison between tho outlaws
who openly broke tho law and the
public official who perjures himself
by swearing falsely to tho amount of
his election expenses. These men arc
criminals just tho same as the ad
mitted criminals who aro In jail now
They are rarely worse for they par
ade in sheep's clothing.
The question of raising tho $:t,000
right now for the expense money is
not an oasy one. True, Jennings' will
soon have a good income from stories
and books hut he has debts to meet
and he says he never expects to be
more than comfortably well off. He
is already announcing his platform
which is said to be the shortest one
on which a candidate ever ran for n
high office. Ho promises: "First, fi
delity to the people. Second, real hon
esty in office. Third, that tho law
shall be no respector of persons.
When 'theso principals are thruthful
ly and honestly carried out all inter
ests will bo subserved nnd taxes will
be greatly reduced. In ail my life,
I have never betrayed a confidence.
If the people confide in mo, God may
be my judge. I'll not betray them."
The Open Forum
Signed communications on top
ics of general intcrtnt, will lie
given space in this column.
"Much Ado About Nothing."
Tho odltor pf tho Western World
having refused to publish tho uocoin
panylng communication I hrruhy
ri'xptntfully ubk Thu Iteconlur for
apaiu to puhlUh name,
It U nlwuy regruttuhlu when u
community U wrought up on u fuu
Hon about whirl) thu jidojiIu mm rui.
(tally (livnlu.l. Thu "nodul uullilu"
t-ijuiw ly thu oi-ut!i High. Huliool
ll4UlUllll)4id In In jiolnt (So niuiiv
Mlwlutiinimiu uijicu' in u VVw
(fjii tt'wiiJ vf iujl iliui ptk
i U leuwt mb mjumIJ iiwmum
jilfiw to fw mw mm mt
opt mmm Ib tliv wih m lie
I don, whose best interests alone I
'urn trvinir to serve as a director of
i -
our schools.
In tho first placo I wish to ob
ject to the unfair and subtle way in
which an attempt is made to play
upon tho religious prejudices of oth
ers than Presbyterians, by the wny
my name and religious connection is
broucht out. While I am proud of
both, they hnve no connection with
tho matter under discussion. More
over I have never allowed th'J matter
of religious preference or connection
to bo even mentioned in board meet
igs, and it has never influenced mo
in the least as a school director. That
not a single teacher in the High
School is a member of tho Presbyter
ian church, except Mrs. Hopkins,
who teaches music in all the grades
also, is sufficient proof that I have
not swerved from the usual intelli
gence and broad-mindedness for
which Presbyterians are everywhere
In the next placo I wish to say, I
did not even know that a so-called
entertainment was planned, until tho
protest, made in behalf of a num
ber of parents, had been made by
Mrs. Haberly to Prof. Hopkins.
These parents had learned that the
chief attraction at the so-called en
tortainment was to be dancing, tho
the invitation gave no intimation of
that feature. The point of the ob
jection was, that no one had any right
to use our public school or its name
in connection with a dance. Had I
known I should certainly have taken
measures at once to put a stop to
any dance in the nnme of tho school,
or under the auspices of any por
tion of its faculty as such.
"When one faction, representing
only a small portion of tho people
concerned, endeavors to dictate the
mode of amusement that shall pre
vail among nil, it usurps the rights
ef others," is n profound and fund
amental principle as you state. But
your application is to tho wrong side
in this case. It is the dancing fac
tion, forcing its ideas and standards
upon an entire communiy in the
name of our public schools that caus
ed tho protest. Because all taxpay
ers help support tho schools, and bo
cause all parents are compelled, by
our school laws, to send their children
to school, tho Oregon school law
wisely prohibits dancing in Bchool
houses. It would bo inano to nrguo
that a school as such, can do what
thu Inw prohibits, If dono elsewhere
thnn in the school building. Advanc
ed and progressive communities like
Albany and Sulcm expel studentx
for using the name or class, pennant
in connection with a dunro, I do
not think thu taxpayers of thU din
trlct will euro to pay nuch heavy
krhnol tax an wu uru now paying In
imhr to promote ilundng among the
BtuduntK. Thoku who inimt dunro
to uiniikv Oii'liikulvtv should in no
wuy use i hp iimnu, nor lliulr uonnuo
lion' wild, uny jiuhlle lnUUrilnii,
Ai l thu hum of Mr llj4jjy
to tht 0Uumm at Uf Jui4k m
itjJUilujmuJi J tAPkl UMimumiiv tin
AU Unimiiy ligij mi n miv&u .
thru Prof. Hopkins, that our chil
jdren be not invited, when she lcarn
led that these ladies proposed to give
jsaid dance. Since your paper states
that they got their list from the High
School teachers, they cannot very
well plead ignorance of the request,
for surely Prof. Hopkins informed
them of Mrs. Haborloy's request.
Yet, despite said request, theso pat
ronesses of the dancing entertain
ment sent into our home invitations
to those who are still under our pro
tection and discipline. This, Mrs.
Haberly justly resented, ns s,ho ob
jected to tho dance on the ground of
moral danger in itself, and because
there arc in the Bandon High School,
even tho few in number, some young
people, ns there are in every other
school, with whom we, as parents, do
not care to have our children mingle
in a social way, nnd especially not
in the intimacy of a dance.
I wish to state also that if any let
tors were sent to anyone unsigned
it was dono by someone other than
Mrs. Haberly or myself, as we are
always ready to accept the conse
quonses of our standing for truth
and righteousness. I also hope that
hereafter your paper will hear both
sides before printing such misstate
ments as you have done. No man
should be compelled to reply to such
wild gossip nnd prejudiced represen
tations ns nppear in your issue of
last week. I do not wish to meddle
in tho private concerns of any in
dividual, but as a director my re
sponsibility is to tho whole commun
ity. I have tried to serve all with ut
most charity and good will. Unfor
tunately the "squabble" has broken
into an otherwise successful term of
pchool. But those who infringed tho
rights of others as expressed in our
school laws, must take tho responsi
bility for such friction and division
Plainly speaking, those who foster
ed and promoted the questionable
entertainment and danco have caus
ed all this trouble, and they must
shoulder the responsibility for it,
In this connection and as a part of
this communication please print the
accompanying clippig from the Ore
gonian on the expulsion of students
at Albany for dancing. I am sorry
I have had to make so lengthy a rc
ply, and wish to state that I bear no
one any ill will on account of tho in
cident, and hope that this will end
the unhappy controversy.
Signed, A. HABERLY,
Chairman School Board,
A. D. Mais
Real Estate
Fire Insurance
Notary Public
Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 Down and $10 per
month. Bargain in Business Lot on First Street.
t Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable $
Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms With Run
; ; ning Water.
; Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and
; ; San Francisco.
:: Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquille; Perkins',
: : Myrtle Point; E. B. Thrift, Langlois.
: : - J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon
Albany, Or., Feb. 25. As a result
of their activities in arranging for
tho sophomore dance last Monday
evening, two prominent students of
the Albany High School were cxpcll
ed yesterday. - The dance was held
against the wishes of tho school au
thoritics. When the event was first
announced the officers of tho class
wore told it could not be given so
that the affair could be connected of
ficially with the school. Class pen-
ants wero used in the decorations and
other acts indicated, members of the
faculty say, thnt tho Instruction had
been disregarded. Most of tho mem
bers of the Sophomore class partici
pated in tho dance and its arrange
ments. Oregonian.
The CaUika Fox.
The fox b au ewoMrut inounor. II
will lie niu! wntou for a Held inmiiw In
the long griiHM llkn n cat, pouncu upon
It, kill it with a bite and lay it on ono
side until lie has rauuht another and
another, when, picking them all up, oh
many as ho can enrry In his mouth, lie
will cauter nway with them to servo
them out to the cubs.
Aksistance Necessary.
Tho first (lc)il glftHses taken to thn
New Ilelirldi's sorely puzzled tho slm
ole minded natives. A traveler tells
tiow one of tho mission clergy was
wnlklng ntong the shore, when a na
tive at his side pointed out n flguro in
tho far distance. "Thero goes ono of
my enemies." said he. The white man,
drawing nut hl:i field glasses and focus
ing them, handed them to his compnn
Ion. who. gazing through them In
auiazement. beheld his foe apparently
close at hand. Dropping the glaRae,
ho seized his arrows and looked again.
Tho enemy was as far away as at first
Onco moro ho snatchod the magic
glassoH, onco more exchanged them for
his nrrowtt nnd onco moro was bar
fled. A bright thought suddenly oc
curred to him. "You hold tho gkinws
to my oyert." mild Iw to Wio mU.tlonary,
"and I ran tdioot hlniJ"
To the Democratic VoIith.
I hereby nnnounco myself as n can
lldato for County Judge of Coos
County, Oregon, on tho Democratic
ticket for tho coming primary elec
tion. I favor permanent highways
and thu development of thu wonder
ful wealth of Cooa County conslnU
viit with (icononlrHl and Judicious
uxjiemllture of thu taxpuynrs' monoy.
J. J. HTANWsr,
juif, (;oiulllo, Oregon
for JjimmhIwIJh',
ittjOjU'lftL" (tr MhU itij'JWfjjJttlJvi
iwm ttm muuly, mtw tip Jj
From Portland Every Tuesday at 8:00 P. M.
From Coos Bay Every Saturday at Service
of the Tide.
Confirm sailings through M. F. Shoemaker, Bandon Y
Hotel Gallier
Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day.
Special rates by week or month
Sample room in connection
K. T. WOLVEKTON 11. U. DliTrJI., T
Coos County Means Opportunity See Bandon First
BANDON :: :: :: :: OREGON
It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We have toll
stations in Coos and Curry counties and connect I
with the Bell system at Roseburg.
Automobile and Machine
Wring your work to the CJanigc and Machine
.Shop. ICvcrything done with neatness and
dispatch. Agent for Buick Automobiles.
M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore.
cimmim) vunuc accountant
. I'huiw m