o o Semi-Weekly Bandort Recorder, .. . 1 . i INDUSTRIAL REVIEW. (Frepared by the State Bureau of Industries and Statistics.) The Meier & Frank stres of Port land are to be raised to twelve stor ies for the entire block which they eccupy at a cost of $1,250,000. A committee of citizens of Drain in northorn Douglas county has in spected the EuRcne cannery and will proceed to act at Drain. P. M. Fletcher has been on Coos Ray prospecting for the location of n Reaver Compo. Hoard plant a line of buildinir material. There is a general movement of sawmill men to resist encroachments of .labor organizations and conduct their industries on open shop lines. The $600,000 public auditorium for Portland has been located on Mar ket block. Guy L. Anderson, general manag er of the Sumpter Valley railroad, announces expenditures of $100,000 on betterment of that lino. Toledo Lumber Company shipped 450 carloads during 1913, and the city is to have an electric light and power station built at once. Ashland prospectors have found a lithia water spring that has a flow of 25 gallons per minute, and will bottle the product. A modern vulcanizing plant will be installed at Salem April 1st. After long delays the S. P. Com pany bridge across Coos Ray is at last agreed upon to be of the swing draw type. The fight to make the state print ing ofilcc an open shop has been re newed by the Employer's Associa tion of Portland. A cheese factory is to be located at Half Way station in the Pine Val ley by the Jensen Creamery Co., of Baker City. The people of Orenco have voted to issue bonds for a municipal water plant. The St. Helens Incubator Co. has a largo order for incubators nnd brooders from nn eastern mail or der house. Businessmen of Eugene are plan ning to have a county manufactur er's exhibit and factories' promotion conference in April. Coos Bay papor pulp will be ship-j ped on vessels to China and Japan for paper manufacture. The Tumnlum Lumber Co., that operates saw mills and lumber yards in Oregon and Washington, will op en a branch at Umatilla. Milton will have a two-story mach ine shop as soon as a suitable brick juilding can be erected. The initiative and referendum igalnst a franchize for the new Car ver electric line from Portland to Oregon City is to be recalled. Gub. Schlagel will erect an ice fac tory and cold storage plant at Lake view, the first in the county. Trntrinnflll mis nublic interest cen ters in the decision that is expected from the Supreme court in the test :ase of the minimum wage law. t. n. Pinlds is succeeded as super tntendent of the Southern Pacific by Frank L. Burkholdor, for some time district engineer. Thn tests of Coos Bay paper pulp made from saw mill waste are pro nounced to be very satisfactory by, thn nrncmn Citv naoer mills. The Portland, Eugene & Eastern, S. P. interurban electric system, has put out its first official timccard, with L. R. Fields supenntenaeni. The machinery for the new Booth x11iv Lumber Co.. sawmill Springfield is arriving and being in Work has begun on the new 'Hunt Brothers cannery plant at Salem, to bo one of the largest in the northwest and to employ 800 hands. The date has been set for the Mar ion county good roads bond election for May 15th, the date of the regu lar primaries.. To the Democratic Voters. I hereby announce myaelf as a can didate for County Judge of Coos County, Oregon, on the Democratic ticket for the coming primary elec tion. I favor permanent highways and the development of the wonder ful wealth of Coos County consist ent with economical and judicious expenditure of the taxpayers' money. J. J. STANLEY, lC.tf. Coquille, Oregon at RIVER BOAT SCHEDULE Coquille River Transportation Co. Charm, leaves Bandon.... C:15 n. m, Dispatch, leaves Bandon. . 7:00 a. m. Charm, leaves Bandon. .. .12:4b p. m. Coquille, leaves Bandon.. 2:30 p. m. Myrtle Point Transportation Co. ' Dora, arrives from Myrtle Pt.ll a. m. Dora, leaves for Myrtle Pt...l p. m. THE " Estabrook Line " LOOKS TO YOUR SAFETY By equipping their boats with " WIRELESS " I YOUR COMFORT Withlarge clean staterooms with hot and cold running water. 1 YOUR TIME by having their steamers equipped with "Twin Screws" f "SAFETY" First "COMFORT" Second "SPEED" Third S. S. WIELD" Sails from Bandon For San Francisco Sunday, Mar. 8, 7 I m, i Bandon Warehouse Co., Gen. Agts. f I mO, T, MOIJJWN . J. H. BCIIIIXJNfJ Ci)!uili Apm, nynm nmn worn Sale of Real Property for Unpaid Street Assessment. Whereas on the 11th -day ofr Oc tober, 1913, there was entered in the docket ofCity Liens of the City of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, delln Assessments as assessed by Ordinance No. 306 of the Ordinances of the City of Bandon for the extcn .u nf Orotron Avenue (formerly Abcrnathy Street) into Wall Street (formerly extension ot I'irsi sireew as assessed with benefits in front of the following described property: Parcel beginning 149 ft. S. and 121 ft. and 6 inches E. of the E. end of ti,n fenaA line of the town of Bandon, 'and, running thence S. 30 degrees and 50 minutes E. 1C7 ft. and C inches, along the SW side and extension of First street, thence S. 10 degrees and 15 minutes W. 2G ft. to NE corner of Second street, thence N. 73 degree: 45 minutes W. 128 ft. nnd 3 inches along said Second street, thence N 31 degrees and 50 minutes W. 8 ft to tho corner of the stable lot, thene; N. 10 degrees and 15 minutes E. 12( ft. and 6 inches to the place of begin ning, containing .23 of an acre: Sav ing and excepting from the abov described premises, that portio: thereof described as, beginning 141 ft. S. and 121 ft. and 0 inches E. o! the E. end of the base line of th; town of Bandon, and running S. 3t degrees and 50 minutes E. 34 ft thence S. 53 degrees and 10 minute. W. 45 ft. and 4 inches, thenec N. It degrees and 15 minutes' E. 50 ft and 6 inches to tho place of beginin; also conveying by these presents tha certain real property described as beginning 203 ft. and 4 inches S. lOf ft. and 8 inches, E. of the E. end o' the base line of the town of Bandon and running thence S. 53 degree, and 10 minutes W. 47 ft. and 11 in thence S. 31 degrees and 50 minute. E. 38 ft. and C inches, thence N. If degrees and 15 minutes E. 04 ft. ant' 2 inches, to the place of beginning. In the sum of $81.90 and assessed to Ella Panter. Said assessment has never been paid v the lien dischar ged nor satisfied. Now, therefore notice is hereby given that by rirtuc and in pursuance of Section 122 o the charter of the City of Bandon Coos Co., Oregon, directing me to collect the said unpaid assessment by sale of tho said property to satisfy said lien of $81.90 with interest 'thereon at the rate of 0 per cent per anum from the 11th day of October, 1913, and penalty together with tha costs of advertising and sale there of,' I will on Saturday, tho 7th day of March A. D. 1914 at tho hour'of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day at the front dnor of tho Citv Hall in the City of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, sell ut public auction to the bidder offering the least amount of penalty and in terest all of tho right title, interest and estate which the said blla 1'ant or nnd all persons claiming under her may have in the said described property mentioned which is des cribed as follows, to-wit: Parcel beginning 149 ft. S. and 121 ft. and 6 inches E. of the E. end of the base line of the town of Bandon and runing thence S 3G degree3 and 50 minutes E. 167 ft. and 0 inches, along the SW side and Extension of First Street, thence S. 16 degree:; and 15 minutes W. 26 ft to NE cor ncr ofSecond Street, thence N. 73 de grees and 45 minutes W. 128 ft. and 3 inches along said Second Street, thence N. 31 degrees and 50 minute:; W. 8 ft. to the corner of the stahlo lot, thence N. 10 degrees and 15 min utes E. 120 ft. and 6 inches, to the place of begining, containing .23 of an acre. Saving and excepting from tho above discribed premises that portion thereof described as, begin, nine 149 ft. S. and 121 ft. and 6 in E. of the E. end of the base line of tho Town of Bandon, and running S. 36 decrees and 50 minutes E. 34 ft: thence S. 53 degrees nnd 10 minutc.i W. 45 ft. and 4 inches, thence N. 10 degrees and 15 minutes E. 56 ft. and 6 inches to the place of beginning, also conveying by these presents thnt certain real property described as, beginning 203 ft. and 4 inches S. 105 ft. and 8 inches, E. of the E. end of tho base lino of the Town of Bandon, and running thence S. 63 degrecn nnd 10 minutes W. 47 ft. nnd 11 in. thonce S. 31 decrees and 50 mimiti's E. 38 ft. and 6 inches, thence N. 16 degrees nnd 15 minutes E. 01 ft. and 2 incites to the place of begin ning. Acording to the plat thereof on file and of record In the ofice of tho County Clerk of said Coos County, Oregon. Said B.nlo being inailo subject to re demption in the manner provided by thu Churtor of tho City of Bandon. Duti'd till Otli day of Pebruiiry, J0H. a y. i,o Treasurer of Hs City nf IIiihIdii I'lr.t j.iibl, I'YIi, I), V. lm puhl, Mur. ll, I'wr Ih wrruHlttlln'. i'MinlliUUi for tlutts juiiiujuuiiuiiiu LODGE DIRECTORY Masonic. Bandon Lodge, Mo. 130, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Saturday after tho full moon of each month. ' Special communications Master Masons cordially invited. C. It. MOOBE, W. M. PHIL PEADSON, Secretary. Eastern Star. Occidental Chapter, No. 45, O. E. S., meets Saturday evenings before and after stated communications of Masonic lodge. Visiting members cordially invifvd to attend. L. KATE ROSA, W. M. ROSA BINGAMAN, Secretary. I .0. O. F. Bandon Lodge, No. 133, I. O. O F., meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. S. E. HINES, N. G. LOGAN KAY, Secretary. Knights of Pythias. Delphi Lodge, No. 64, Knights of Pythias. Meets every Monday ev ening at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. G. R. McNAIR, C. C. B. N. HARRINGTON, K. of R. S. Loval Order of Moose. Meets Thursday evenings in I. O. O. F. hall. Transcient Moose cord ially invited. Something doing ev ery Thursday. Kebekah Ocean Rcbekah Lodge, No. 126, I. O. O. F., meets second and fourth Tuesdays at I. O. O. F. hall. Tran- cient members cordially invited. LENA DAVIDSON, N. G. MINERVA LEWIN, Secretary. W. O. w. "With Charity Towards All" Seaside Camp, No. 212, W. O. W. meets Tuesdays, K. of P. hall, 8 p. m. Visitors are assured a hot wel come. By order of W. A. KELLER, C. C. C. M. GAGE, Clerk. Professional Cards. THOMAS F. HAGGERTY Attomey-at-Law Over M-oNair's Hardware Store Phone 482 BANDON, OREGON C. R. WADE Lawyer BANDON, OREGON DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon Office ovei Drug Stare. Houri, 9 to 12 a. mj l:JU to 1 p. m ; to o in rne evening. BANDON, OREGON DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon Office in Panter Building. Hours, 9 to 1 2 a. m; I to 5 p. m. BANDON, OREGON DR. L. P. SORENSON Dentist Oflicrfover Vienna Cafe. Telephone at office and residence. BANDON, OREGON G. T. TREADGOLD Attorney and Counselor at Law Office with Bandon Investment Company Notary Public BANDON. ORKGON DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Office in Rasmussen Buiklin;. Phone 72. BANDON, OREGON DR. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Oflice over Ofange Pliaimacy, Office phone, 352, Rrsidmce ilone, 353, BANDON, OREGON Jhntiat OAIW7IiIn.1b)I2; BANDON, OKHOHN A. D. Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance , Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 down and ?!0, per month. Bargain in business lot on First Street. Order Your Freight Sent by Ihe Old Rehab?) S. S. ELIZABETH Urge Two Berth OuUu.'e State Rooms with Running Water Eight Day Service Pefween the Coquille River and onn i'rancisco, . First Class Passenger Fare, $7.50 Freight Rates, $3 on Up Freight RpSPlVaffnQ J' E" Nor,on' c1uillc; Perkln Myrtle Point; J " vj t. b .Ihntl. Lnnglois. E. flt E. T. Kruse, owners and .nanagers, 24 California St., San FrancUco. J. E. Walstrom, Agent, Bandon. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS S. S. BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME SAILINGS From Portland Every Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. From Coos Bay Every Saturday at Service of the Tide. 'Confirm sailings through M. F. Shoemaker, Bandon PHONE 142 Hotel Gallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month Sample room in connection Bandon Oregoji BU, "t H. C. DIPPLE K. T. WOLVERTON Coos County Means Opportunity See Bandon Firnt. DIPPEL & WOLVERTON Choice Farm Lands and City Property FIRE INSURANCE NOTARY PUHLIC RENTALS HOOK. KEEPING GUV DIPl'I.E AUDITING ACCOUNTING REAL ESTATE FARM LANDS INSTRUMENTS CONVEYANCES Bandon - Oregon 1st Street Opposite P. O. DO YOU USE YOUR TELEPHONE TO ADVANTAGE WHY NOT It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We have to' stations in Coos and Currv counties and connect vr the Bell system at Rosehurg. COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO. Sam Says: The volume of business we are doing attests the excellence of G. W. M. brands and methods fll:'(),.W, MOORE LUMBER CO, dm 3wi muiy, mm 11b iu mm ttimjmi limit pn