a o o o -r. t53? o uutorlcal Society Oregon Historic City Hall . jUJ-- Job Printing! A modern equipped job printing department. Advertisers! The Recorder covers the Bandon field thoroughly BANDON RECORDER BANDON; OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1914 VOLUME .XXX NUMBER 20 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS MANY ORDINANCES PASSKI) AND OTHER BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Petition Presented Asking Council t Build City Dock at Foot Chicago 4A venue. The City Council mot in regular cession at the city hall Wednesday night with Mayor Mast in the chair and all Councilmen present. After reading the minutes the Council proceeded, to the regular rou tine of business. An ordinance appropriating $200 for the maintenance of the Bandon Public Library was read and placer' on its final passage as read. An ordinance adopting the plat of the city engineer on the opening of Seventh Street West from its inter section with Oregon Avenue to its intersection with Jackson Avenue was read and ndoptcd. An ordinance declaring the assess-. ments on June Avenue in Bandon Heights was read and plnccd on He final passage by a unanimous vote of the Council. An ordinance declaring the assess ment of Seventh Street West from the enst line of Jnckson Avenue to the west lino of Jackson Avenue in West Bandon was read and duly passed. An ordinance declaring the assess ment for the cost of the improvement of 'Jnckson Avenue from its intersec tion with Ocean Drive to the city limits was read and placed on it? final passage, excepting the emer gency clause. An ordinance declaring the assess ment of First Street North from its intersection with Harlem Avenue to its intersection with June Avenuo. was read and adopted by a unani mous vote. The report of the City Engineer on the widening of First Street from Elmira Avenuo to Fillmore Avenue was read and placed upon its final passage. The question of the purchase of tho Bandon water works was brought up but nothing definite was done. A motion was mado to rcviso the city charter so as to allow tho city to do their own street work after having advertised for bids, if tho bids are considered too high. Geo. P. Laird asked that something be done whereby he might get at least a partial payment on the sew er work already completed. Tho matter was referred to the city at torney to report nt the next meet ing, J. M. Adams was granted 30 days extension of time on June Av enuo, Jackson Avenue and Seventh Street West, for completion of the work. Contractors on First Street were granted an extension of ten days in which to completo their work. W. II. Webb asked that something bo done on Eddy Street. City Record er Kausrud said that every effort was being made to collect the assessment without bringing the property to snle. It was moved that tho property owners of Eddy Street and Twelfth Street West be notified thnt if the assessments wore not paid by March 10th, tho city would proceed to ad vertise tho property for salo. A petition to build -a floating dock at thu foot of Chicago Avenuo sign ed by a number of property owners, wna prcsonted to thu Council and tho City Engineer was ordered tu pro pure plans and HpecillenlloiiB and es timate of thu cost for said city dock. A motion Instructing the City ito renter to auk the Government Engi neer for it permit to liuilil a dock at thu foot of Chicago Aviume, wiia tai rlttil. Tim Munthwl whm nrdtrnd in put u hunt) mil i) tlm tsmilli hln of nnro lint) HI nut, wlmrn Hit' HUlttT rwiw ywlwr Dm yliluwulk. DkIiU wr wIitH In mi Ninth tflH't't Wtl din) JIuhIbuii Avunuu Mini on Jllnmilll rillWl W'M HlJij Hmhm Awnm corner and Felter corner was refer red to the light committee. Tho City Engineer presented planr. for the pavement of First Street but did not have his specifications pre pared. The city attorney reported that the court sustained the city's position in tho demurrer in the water case, after which Atty. Peck for the water com pany, asked until July 1st to file an answer, and was granted thirty days, He also rcnortcd that a Mr. 'Stoll had filed a suit against the city t o collect $250 for attorney fees and that the answer had been prepared and would be filed in due time. It was moved the bill of George P. Laird for extra pipe for draining Hitc pond be disallowed, and that the extra bill for a manhole be laid on the table until the next meeting NEW INDUSTRY GEO. GEISENDORFER STARTS BOX FACTORY IN THIS CITY. A new industry which will probab ly be called the Bandon Box Factory is being started in the old shipyards building by Geo. Gciscndorfer, for merly manager of tho box factory near Lyons-Johnson mill. Mr. Gciscndorfer has his machin- sry installed and started up yester day. Ho is using the same boiler ind engine that the shipyards used, and has installed a new circular re saw and a ripsaw. Ho is. now work ing on a big order from a San Pedro :ompany that will take a month to All, and has other orders on tho books is soon as this is finished. It would rppear from this start that the now jnterprisc would bo n success, from ;he Istart'. Mr. Geisendorfer is. a practical man in tho business and is iblc to make good any place. The factory will bo run on a small icale at first, but if the business con tinues to increase as the present in- lications appear to warrant, it will not be long until the mill will be jrently enlarged. High School Entertainment. An entertainment in honor of the High School faculty will bo given at ho Wigwam baturday night, and is icing financed by the businessmen ind citizens of Bandon. There will )0 dancing and other amusements, as veil as a good musical program, so ,hat those who do not care to dance vill have entertainment anyway, rhe .entertainment will also be nt :cnded by n number of patrons of the ichool and the occasion will no doubt )o one of the most enjoyable of tho icnson. Little social functions of this kind icrvcs a good purpose as it tends to iring the people and the schools clos !r togethor. Didn't Recognize Father. A rather amusing incident occur red this morning nt tho depot just ofore tho train left for Coquille. Fred Gago was going to tho county icat and was to meet his father, the dieriir, at the train and visit with dm on tho way, since they had not icon each other for eight or nine iionths Fred walked down to tho lepot and scanned the faces closely )ut saw no sheriff. He proceeded to .he ticket office and supplied himself vith transportation and then roturn- )d to tho platform and again survoy ul tho congregated passengers. Ho 'hen turned his face Uiwnvds town jxpecting to seo Sheriff Gago coming lown tho tracks, but when his fath er accosted him and all hands laugh id, It took Hovornl seconds for Freil o recognize hif parent. The sh'erfir recently removed IiIh hoard and the .son had never seen 'lint without the appendage, no IiIh failure to recognize him wan not to be wondered utMurlillt'!d Uncord. Given HIkmuI Honor, J'urlflc Tplliplu Nn. ), Pyllllun J5Mim, liu Ijduii IioiiomuJ hy one of In iimmbwm, Mm. Wilbur Hoover, Mini unpointed iMwty (J i Mild ChU'f ut thu ulv of OrvKi'ii. TliU U u lilub limine Iwlh u (hi loiiiil Imltfv Mjul lii Mi. Iliiuviu'i u It myimyt mmmm mu in im iiw'gmy mi uLilllty at llin jHlM(tv, IMPORT BIRDS TWELVE PAIR OF HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGES WILL BE LIBERATED. Twelve pair of Hungarian part ridges will arrive on the Breakwater tomorrow and one-half of them will be liberated on Coos river, and tho re maining one half will be liberated on the Dement ranch near Myrtle Point These come on application made to Wm. L. Finloy, State Game Warden, and are sent here by Gene M. Simp son, superintendent of tho state game farm at Corvallis, Oregon. It Ms to be hoped that the residents of the lo cations where the birds are to be lib erated will seo to it that they are not destroyed and that every protec tion possible is given. Mr. Finlcy also heretofore sent some China Pheasants, and wants a report in re gard to them, ahd it is requested that parties knowing of the location of any of these pheasants will kind ly write to J. W. Bennett, who has taken an interest in the matter. Coos Bay News. Trouble Over Marshficld Theatre. Joseph Juratsch and C. F. Dooley have instituted suit against Chas. E. ToWcr and Leverno Tower for $1579.- )0 as a result of Tower Bros, dispos sessing them of the Orpheum Thcat- jr. It seems that Towers sold tho moving picture show to them and the ourchasers paid $1000 down. When the next payment was duo it is al- 'eged that the money was garni died and then Towers bodily ejected them from the show house. In ad dition to the $1000 paid down and imall sums . expended in improve ments; -they want- SGOQ-fdarnages for being deprived of their business. Coos Bny Times. Still Moving. E. B. Jones, who arrived last night from Roseburg, having visited Ban don after getting back to Coos coun ty, says the stockholders of the Woolen Mill arc being advised of an increase in the company's stock and the negotiations for removal of the plant to CoOjS Bay. This notification is required by law. Marshfield Re cord. Odd Fellows (o Coquille. A largo number from Bandon Lodge No. 133 I. O. O. F. will go to Coquille tonight, hnving chartered the Lassie for the occasion and will return after tho exercises. Coquille Odd Fellows are preparing to entertain them royally, and Judge John F. Hnll of Marshfield, Grand Warden of the State of Oregon, will be present, and there will bo degree work and a big banquet. Coach vs. Cody Lumber Co. In tho Circuit court Judgo Coke rcn- lered a decision Monday in favor of the heirs of William Coach against the Cody Lumber Compnny, dismiss- ng the Cody Lumber Company's suit for nn accounting. Tho Cody Lumber Company are ap pealing the suit to the Supreme court. fho questions involved affect a settle ment of a long account between tho lumber company and tho Coaches. Among tho cness tried and taken by the court under advisment are Mae Walker vs. City of Bandon, tho At- wuter street assesments, City of Ban don vb Bandon Water Co. et al, involv- ng tho cancellation of the Bandon Water Company franchise, and the State of Oregon vs. the Port of Ban don, a suit to test the incorporation of our port. TliCHo will probably all bo lecided In a few dayB, except tho Wat er Company's caso which will not bo ncted upon furthor until after tho wpc- clal election In Juno, when It Ih to be hoped thoro will bu no further nuc cmilly for artlon by tho court. M, K, Cluirtli fknilli. To (ho mother whoao Imbiim tire on liu i-rudlu loll of (ho M. E, churrli Hoiith.Mr. Wheeler wlnlun to unounct) llu.t Im U lulflng Mr. Hill' urn) In iwly in mlw iht (J, Jt, pliiim tlm in mid uk Mr. Hill illil, W would Ul'M Ui ki'I ilivm nil (nun during Hil' nn'iilli If jonil w h mm mm CHANGE NAME Citizens of twomile pesire NEW NAME FOR THAT NEIGHBORHOOD The people of tho Twomile coun try are considering the proposition of changing tho name of the small creek ' bearing that name and inci dentally changing the name of the locality that goes by the same name. The words "Twomile", "Fourmile", etc., do not sigify anything so far as such names are concerned, as they are neither two miles or four miles from any place in particular. R. M. Pressey, one of the residents of Twomile called up tho Recorder of fice Wednesday and stated that the people of that community were prac tically unanimous in their desires to have the name changed and that they were open to suggestions for a new name. If anyone has a suggestion to offer land they will send same to the Recorder we will be glad to publish the same and to help the people in any 6ther way possible to carry out their desires. It is understood that, the creeks have never been officially named by the state or government and tho only thing to be done is to get the peo ple to' agree on a new name and chris ten with the same, and the place will lie known by tho new name thereaf ter. March to Be Stormy Month. San Jose, Cal., Mar. 5. Father J. Ricanl, tho weather prognosticator at the University of Santa Clara Ob servatory, has issued his for cast for March, in which he predicts a stormy month, and that two or three storms will devolopc into unusual, in tensity along the Pacific coast. - , Everybody's Doin It ! North Bend has let the contract for ten blocks of hard surface pav ing. Laird Not a Candidate. . Geo. P. Laird of this, city, who,, had contemplated entering the race for the nomination for County Commis sioner before the. Republican primar ies, May 15th, has decided not to run as some business complications have come up since which ho must look af ter, and consequently will not have time to devote to his campaign. Mr. Luird is a popular young mail and would no doubt poll a big vote if he hud entered the.'raco. TowcrrPovycJl. Laverne Tower, manager of the Orpheum theatre, and Miss. Lois Pow ell were married at Coquille Wpdnes. day, Rev. Thomas of tho Methodist church of that city officiating. Tho bride and groom have known each other for a long time, having formerly been residents of Eugene. Mr, Tower is a rising young busi ness man, and Mrs. Tower is an ac complished young lady, Sho has un usual talent as a vocal soloist and is popular among her associates. Mr. and Mrs. Tower will make their home in Bandon. Library Benefit Tonight, There will be a .card party at the K. of P. hall tonight for tlio benefit of the Bandon Public Library. Score cards will be 25c and the public is in vited to attend and .help a good causo. Lumber Yard at Gold Beach. Moss Avcrill has arranged with Coos county lumbermen, to put in a lumber yard at this place. The first consignment of twenty-fivo thousand feet of lumber was received on tho Randolph Saturday. Mr. Averill will also carry a stock of brick in connection with his lumber yard, This entorpriso will (ill a long felt want, and bu the meaim of the town forging abend at u much livelier pare, Gold Beach Globe. A bail ucrldi'iil occurrud at tho mouth of the north fork of thu Clit ru uL Wwlnekdity. It uppeur (hut A. Iwiilmrt ml I'loyil Vutrvw r luniliiK from UinoMiw uiil Mtui'ipt ml tu funl thu mvr ul U mpum ut tlm imi Hi fork, urn) M iliw iijljfun wv l diowjj n low i'n ut liMMi.ij, -fluid (kuili (iluU', Booster Convention Postponed. Portland, Ore., Mar. 3. On nc Count of the fact that a large num ber of the delegates slated to attend the big meeting in Portland called for March 12, declaring it will be impos siblc for them to be present nt that time, it has been decided to postpone the meeting until Thursday, Marcl 20, a date exactly two weeks later than originally set. It is expected that this change in the date will make it possible foi a great many people from all ovci the state to attend this conventior who would have otherwise been ob liged to miss it The subjects to be discussed are of great improtancc nnd a full attendance is desired. MOOSE INITIATE THIRTY-FIVE NEW MEMBERS TAKEN IN LAST , NIGHT. Tho Bandon lodge, Loyal Order oi Moose is particularly prosperous at this time. E. M. Baker, special dep uty assistcdy Mr. Ordway, is ir tho city working up enthusiasm foi the lodge and at last night's meet ing twenty-five candidates were in itiated into the mysteries of the Moose lodge. Next Thursday night another big class will be taken in ana n big banquet will be served. Mr. Baker and Mr. Ordway have been hero about a week and will prob ably be here two or three weeks long er. Curry Bridge Held Up. The concrete bridge has received a blow, according to rumors thnt arc going around, that will probably be the end of the bridge question nt the present time at least. While this rumor may be without foundation it came to us upon good authority, that the U. S. Engineer refused to grant a. permit for a solid bridge at the place designated, holding that the Chetco at that place was navigable, nothing but a draw bridge could be permitted. The rumor also says that friends of tho bridge have got busy with the engineer in an effort to get him down here to look tho situation over and reconsider his first state ment. Gold Beach Globe. Port Orford News. (From Port Orford Tribue) County Treasurer Frank Caughell, who ,was bad off with appendicitis a couple, of weeks ago, has about recov ered his iormcr health. Dr. Loop came down from Bandon Monday and he and Dr. Robbins per formed a quite serious operation up on Mrs. J. H. Zumwnlt. Tho patient is doing nicely. Two new cheese factories will start operations in Curry this spring, one by Cope & Guerin at Langlois, and the other by S. P. Merrill on Euchre creek. The factories now in opera tion in northern Curry arc owned by Miller & Bowman of Langlois, Dr. Weatherbee of Langlois, Frank Mc Mullen of Denmark and C. W. Zum walt on Sixes River. Cheese mak ing is growing in popularity, as it is claimed the farmer gets 2 cents per, pound more for his butter fat at tho factory than he does at cream eries. E. L. Loney returned by Monday's stage from a visit to Portland, and brings tho welcome news that R. L. Macleay will rebuild the wharf at this placo at once. It is Mr. Mnc leay's Intention to build u better nnd moro permanent wharf than tho old one ever wag, and for this purpose has bought tho jioint just west of tlier present wharf from Messrs. White, Lonoy nnd Meredith, nnd will build thef main part of tho new structure nlong It, where it will not bo disturb ed by the waves. E. J, Ioney, banker arid hunfnexH man of Port rOford will iiiako tlio run before the Republican primarieH for joint rupreiiuntMtlvo from Dion and Curry countlcn. The Joint rupruitciit ntlvu Ih iilwayii conceded to Curry county, or ut leukt Iium boun In tlm akt, Ciimimriliil Club TwiIkM Tlm Jlnndiiii (iiMimrt'lul QUih wllj liold U "JuJMtJiL'K WM 'illJ ty'HlvMi0tTrImpt4J u Qjm DYER TO BE CANDIDATI PROMINENT BANDON BUSINESS MAN WILL MAKE RACE FOR COMMISSIONER Is assured of the Support of Demo crats From the Coos Bay District. Voters of Bandon have recently been promoting the candidacy of El bert Dyer of this city for County Commissioner at the coming election, and Mr. Dyer hns recently consent ed to accept the nomination if ten dered. It had been previously ru mored that there would bo opposi tion from the Bay side of the county, 'jut the following letter has clarified the situation, and is largely instru mental in determining Mr. Dyer in tho matter: Marshficld, Oregon, Feb. 27.' Mr. C. R. Wade, Bandon, Ore. Dear Sir: Your communication in regard to the candidacy of Elbert Dyer for County Commissioner at 'land. In reply will say that I do lot think there is a more available man for that ollico than Mr. Dyer ind while my name has been men tioned for that placo I assuro you I .vill not stand in the way, and fur .her rrjore will be pleased to have him iet the nomination. Mr. Dyer is a lioncer of the county and had much ixpcricncc in its development, nnd I .hink can quite thoroughly apprcci ito the wants of its people. He has nade a success of his owii private 'lusincss and no doubt will npply the ;amo business principles to public iffairs. I have associated with him n county work for nearly two years ind my knowledge of his ability and areful consideration of public intcr ists warrant the above statement. Ie will get my hearty support. As 'et have not decided whether or not I will be a candidate for any office. ours Truly, Z. T. Siglin. Mr. Dyer will run on the Demo cratic ticket, and petitions will bo :irculated among tho registered nembers of that party ns soon as .hoy can be prepared. Dr. Withycombe Candidate. Dr. James Withycombe has tender ed bis rcsiiration as director of-the Oregon Experimental Station of the Agricultural College at Corvallis, to ,ho board of Regents. Dr. Withy :ombe is a candidate for Governor bei Tore the Republican primaries and de- lires to devote his whole time to ins :ampaign . He is well known .hroughout the state, and will make i strong run, especially among the farmers. Mrs. Charles Mcllrido of Oakland, Calif., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Conger. Mrs. McBrido is very much pleased with Bandon md its surroundings. George M. Laffaw, who is the lo al representative of the Northern Pucific company, returned last night from Coos Bny ,where' he had been ihecking up a shipment ?f ties for his company. Dr. S. C. Eridkott left today for Coos Bay and will be accompanied homo the first of the week by Mrs. Endicott and tho children, who have been spending the week visiting at the J. S. Lyons homo, SUito Game Warden Finloy has ,cut to tho Bandon Public Library a pamphlet containing direction!) for preparing HcientUle tipuoiniotiM of largo and Hiuiill mammalH, hlrdti, figh roptilen, etc. The book Ih by 8tnn ley G. Jewett nnd contains much use ful lllfol IMIltioll. Dr. J. It. WwitliwlMio nt tho tflurr ranch ut IjiiiuIiIh. in lilting ill) ma of Dm llnwtt dairy fnna In (Jib? Mli ut tllU Ull. Ill) llUH HMWilti' ItutU vwn 000 tn Jlu, tutt4w with oUj r uji'tij'iluU? niirtiMJUMrt II ( UlMj it iUUUillilH Umimmdl tU (llUMi nt lit imtuy tiifti Ihivu Winn-) lmn w Urn f