Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 03, 1914, Image 1

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city Btt
8EMI - W fflKTTTiY
Job Printing!
A mot'c.n .equipped job
priu'lnj? department.
The Recorder covers the
Bundon field thoroughly
Thn l.vom Johnson mill started
V t again i'4 tcrdny nflur being Hhut
down for int oral months, ami will
run now vt full blunt. All matter
have lljfA n 'tinted, tho men have nil
I con pan. uJ thu mill starts oil
lninil uliinifi.
C. Mc. 4 mum Ih nt. ill connected
with Iho V "K Huporliitondont, urn
Hijuilnv Tl.illi-r. of thu Itohcrt Dollai
Co., Ih libit li mi und it In understood
will renwm iidcflnltoly.
Tho firm mil tl condition of tho com
puny Ih (low on u Armor IuirIh thin
over bnfoAi id thoro will ho no hltcl
in tho fiUnf f Tho lumbar market
has boon A for hoiiio tlmo, but with
the opening "f HprlriK It ' bellovod
that thhj" 'HI liven up consldor
nblv, nnd till' . thu wiw mill biMine
in KOiU'rtil vrfl bo bettor from now on
C'owitr School System.
Vulllnlm , I). C, February AO
.Tl.i.n. iiiniolnted under the
appropriation; net of tho Dupnrtmonl
of Agrlunlurti tur 1014, n commlH
. . . a . .. ...... I.... I.. I.. 1.'iii..iiii
(noil It) III1''- .IK"U
orntl'-o fowl, virtgugo co(,l
ii i..iiu mill lliHl mmoiir
uar tfffivjM wiin
which prom,i(.i agriculture.
Members ol llfo commlHsInn Html
bid Ihstltutlot a In Italy, Hungary
. 1 ......I,
. ... . .1. H..... I I H.I. I. .1 V . ...... III.. K .
I!olgle.m, iiomnii, emmo, kuk"""'
,Wnto4, Snotlriul end Ireland, nnd rcn-
'l . A I.. f. i ... (lit. I lUtltUII.
ueriy ii rojiori m in";i -
iiicniiy n in. w v"""""1"
i fii . 1..1.11..1. r...(.i-iikfin
i....i..i .irtiut i in niiiiici-u ill uvt.
IIIIIIIVIP If.." .....
Hl.nul'U III UOl LrrOHn.
Tjio purppw oi mm hi" '
. .11.. I. Ill 1- In .....
)tnjru Ktri culture ny imuoinir (w') irrow niuiioy on first
mwitfW 01 llrnt doedH of trust or
their farm huh for any of tho fol
fit I. .4 .. 1. ,
purclmsu of t-lio agricultural lamb
miiftifiiL'iHl. U luipiovo and to cfuur
WHI M I II II IK 1(11 lllil H UllUI... I.... i . .'
to tiay nd itlHcharKO ilobtH' nocuroi
. 1. ..i i.. 1....1 ....
M mcrticaut1!' or uuvun i "
...ii I..-. i,. fr.l,. it.,, dill hukWii to no-
compllHh bv otabllHliInK farm-lam!
buiikrf wlilcW vlll loud money on lonj.;
turni mnit;oie at rounonnliiu ruioi
l..i...,i. iivi'i.imlvr
IL flllllJUIIV Wilt
i . ... . ..u .1 hi. ...I ttf l.iim
imy.r' f i!ifitratloii of morlKiiKCH
rjiOW Mly,ftlH, Hie nm m:iuh"
.I...H . ..w,..,!..!..!! r.kl lllft llltf.
mill .i. ... .'" - -i
. l I - ...litM I.... ..f
lurtmitiui bv iicli annual or Komban
iiunl j"iyiictti on account of prln
i an will fotlro tho mnrtKiiKo at
, .,,i I,. . All tttii ! If 11 intti l.V
mm mi' i ur i-xirruiHu n
- .. I It a...
- . .....i.i,.a.
Hi. .1. . I Mtlftl
riiiii iiuir in inn iiinvii -
oiin Itiin colli niicil lor nvo vt'iirn, n
. m ii' I .... 1.. t..t...t.t ..m ! t.nvl
i ...J....... -I.wl
The lil II un vUW for two klniM oi
ii rill ill I H 1 lirr kh: niuiuniii miiim-
itiul I. ii nL m. i ml fiirin-luiul
tfiiiku rit.ii.iini.ivi'. in mi ijiuiimiij
. .... .(.... i.. i -..ii......
" : . .
tank M i in hii i.ii oi miock munv in
100, mill n a nharu or kiock air
.1 ..... i.. ii... ...... lit...
inn iiiiii ii iiminiini,T
.mill. III.. uti .1 IHiiU 1.4.1 flllll
1IIIIHH 1 1 III Ull.l l!fl llw -TfP-'
ricli liwLlill,r lltlH lllll. (Hilt Vlltlt If
.n... ..m k l u I. ......
... i. .1.1 I i ... ........ ,.f ll... .J.. . ........
I It llllllini ID llll-lf ( (' 4 11-lliri III
tvo liatiKM no tutiKic fti'icKiioiuttr car
...I.I tit..!-.! Itii-it l.i.i r.ilil fif till.
'Iipillll HWH'K, MI'I I III' llll'llllHI IH III'-
li.ul.ti. .11. .1.1... . I.. ..n. I mIi..Iii.i) i.r.i.
. . I. .1 . . . .1 1 II II I ..! .1..
ho hill hi in i l on ro-oiioraiivc
HI 14 14. Ilftk tiikk til Htiut lil IWIIIfellllfl fitt
ho r ntocklioi hth urn bmtw now
i i i i i... .... 1 1 ...... i
MIIIHIt I 1141 4 IIH-IMIM l'llff 1 (Willi
AUU ...III I....... I..- ..
I. . HI. .. t I.. ...I I... ..I.- I....I.
oil of DHy y.irj4 from orpinlx.itloti
iiiloxn ioonor IIhuoIvimI In itcrorihncti
Tho ImiiliN hcn rciiiicntcil, iinmt
ml nil ii lit j ti 4 m ill' flu, fflilljul
out at mV i,,i:, ami other Kovcrmnviit-
f .i. ,i...... .. . ....i.
i iiiiiii. iiiikii mill., n rii ..ill
nl iii rui'iili.r iiviilnliifillfin. Iiv ok.
iinlitcri ilvidi'MHti'il by llm coimimU-
1. .! i...... I.....I I. I
alii control o I'iiuliiry iiKciitn. All
iiik lefoffi (oiiimi'iiciiiK oprrutloiii
uuit illo crfilf in(c with tho coininU-
i. ...... i i i i.- i..
uny i in in provisions in inn inn
ind alio with udi rt'.ulntloni ut the
comminiilouer of fnrm-lnnd bunks
with tho approval of tho Secretary of
the TreiiHiiry, nhall entaliUm). ,
Tho bill provhlcH whereby laud
mortKOKo iiMnoclntlons, corporations
huildlnt; and loan iiHSoclatloiifl, miv
tin; and loan iiHsocintloiiH, and ninii
lar InHtitutioiiH lending cxclunively on
farm iiior(:iireH, may be, without in
terruption of htuiiicHx converted Into
national farm-land bankH.
The bill permit thu oKtabliKhmcut
of iiatlonnl farm-land liinika by any
croup of not lcx than 10 people
who will providu n capital of not Icbf
tlmn $10,000 and comply with tho law
and rules of the commhmlouor of farm
land lianliH. Half of thin capital may
ho paid in and the remainder paid
in 10 per rent monthly inula. InieiitH
Capital may bo increiiNed or reduced
tvith the approval of tho comminHion
r, but may not be below the minimum
if ,? 1 0,01)0. Kach bank must have
not Icfm than live por more than nine
lirectom, each of whom must bo u
.'itixun of tho United SUitea and an
jwner of not than llvo unoiicum
bored uhareM of capiUil stock. Three
fourtliM of tho (lirectoiH of any bank
Dust bo actual re.-ildontH of the sLute
wliicli it Ih located and niiiHt con
untie to bo residents diyiiiK the! i
Tho bill does not prescribo any
lufluito iutorost rate to bo clinked on
oioi tcaires and the rate will vary ac
.online to tho prevailing interest In
.ho Koveral sections of the country and
n accordanco with tho natural com-
lietition for llrst niorleujjc Invest-
nenti. Tho baiik' proUs on mort
(HKch and ltd expenses of iiiliiiinis
rallon, hnwuvor, tiro donnltoly ilm
ted by the bill.
Cooley Ciihc in April.
MarMhlleld, Or., Mar. 2. Tho Coo
oy murder trial Ih oxpycted to come
ip at the next term of court in Cur
y county, which will convelio the
Irst Monday in April. JihIro John
i. Coke of this city, who will preside,
iiih written to uncertain whether or
tot both sides will be ready for trial.
if ho, ho will convonu tho old urn nil
lury of tho lust term and .the case
.vlll bo proMtnted. If the tfnind Jury
oturiiH an Indictment tiKiiiiiHt Cooley
'or tho murder of John Vun I'elt
ibout llfti-en years :ik, then the case
vlll bo tried at tho April term. If
loth sides are not ready to take tho
lino up ut this time, it-will H" over
a thu full lorm.
March I .'I Salmon Day.
, Snlom, Or., Mar. 2. Calling utton
ion that this year la tho fiftieth an
il versa ry of the foundation of thu
nlinon canniiiK Industry on tho l'a
lllc coast, ami tho salmon pack on
ho coast last year was valued at
icarly $10,000,000, Governor West
ins IfiHiied u proclamation deslK'na
iii),' .March l!l as "Salmon Day" and
irKlntr all tho people, In addition to
'I'lelirntiiiK liy feastlni; on thin fav
irlte fish, to aluo devise ways and
ncaiiK for hrliiKlni; its virtues to tho
itteotlon of tiio people of the conn
ry. A choice "Chinook" salmon haii
moil sent by tho Fish and Gnmo com
iiIknIoii and the Governor to I'res
dent Wilson and tho memliers of
hi. Orcein ilil(iitlori in (Viii:reNH so
hat they may have no excuse for
tot obMirvliiK thu day.
CnmidlaiiM CoiiiIiik.
I'orll-ml. Or., Mar. '. -Dlssatls-
flcd with condition, it) Canada, and
bidlovliiK bolter opportunities await
hum in Oreuou, 100 HiikIIhIi famllieH
ire (iKiiriiiK on romliiK to this state
i a body thin uprliu; or ihirlutf. tho
ummiir. Their representative Is
iow In rortland looking into tho pox-
iibilitkM of securinj; a body of Kv-
rnimmt land of HUllleieut area, lie
mu alrendy found tract ho believes
vlll prove satisfactory.
100 HmIIIchIiIpn In I'iiki-iuiI.
WashliiKtoii, I'ub. 'i.Th(t Kriiml-
t pioiessloii of warships In tho his
tory of Dim world will participate
in (he pa ((cunt at thu opening of tho
I'anama canal. I he navy ileparl-
ini'iil lam mports from foreign mi-
tloim of a total of eighty foreign
war nlilps that will Join thu prorcs-
iion through tho canal, ami other
JijipllcHtloim nro coming. It U now
(urlaln that with American vomud,
Uiore will bo over 100 great light
ing ihlpi In line Aflivr panning
through tho pnnal tlit-ne urn to no-
panitc lelo nmnidrim of eight nhlph
to vlilt I'aillc count ultle. No cUy
would Imi aliln U entertain all of
them at mitti,
Ilnndon Lost ftoth Gnmes.
Tho Ilnndon High School basket
ball team wont over to Coos Hay last
week and played Mambneld Thurs
day night, tho score being 1(1 to 14
in favor of Mnrshfiold. TIiIh was a
closely contented game throughout
At tho end of tho first half Ilnndon
was ahead, but tho Marshficld boyr
succeeded in overcoming their lend In
the last half.
Friday night the Ilnndon plnyed
North Heml and lost by tho one
sided score of it!) to 5. Ily winning
this game North Head clinched the
Cooh county High School champion
I.nngloiH News.
From tho Langlols Lcador:
J. K. Walstrom of Handon, ngent
for tho S. S. Kliwibuth, was In Lang'
mis Friday looking after business,
Mr. .Walstrom reports that tho epoplc
if Curry county hnvo already given
ilm a good share of their patronage
ind to make it more convouiunt for
.ho people of this county, ho has
nado arrangements with L. I).
Thrift of Langlols, who will make
rosorvntloiiH for tho passengers, for
.ho Elizabeth. .
WirleHS from tho hills, tolls of a
joke on our cstcomecd nnd respected
friend Mr. F. II. Strain, to tho effect
'.hut Judge J. A. Cox went nwuy
iut to Ekley lust week to preform
ho ceremony hut when tho judge
;ot there, there was no Frank Strain
lor did ho put in. his appearance ut
.lie time set for tho preformanco of
..ho ceremony. Whereupon tho lady
n question got her dander up ami
leclared that alio would bo married
inyhow. So tho ceremony was pro-
formed, uniting his son Win. Strain
.ii marriage to Miss Artie Hello
Jlarko. Tho young couplo hnvo tho
lest wishes of tho "Wireless" und
the Lender for a long, huppy nnd
prosperous life.
h, II. Thrift will erect a chesso
factory on his ranch this Hpring
ind luauufacliiro fancy cheese.
Miss Maltio KtiRsoll and Miss Ituby
Soronson of Langlols doparted for
Ilnndon Friday nflor visiting Mr.
mil MrH. W. Parker and other frieids
ind returned to their homo Monday,
IV to MtKhugh of Iinndon cumo
town to Langlols Saturday to take
n tho dunce and visit his parents, Mr.
i nil Mrs. Mel FiUhugh.
'(Jeer FileH Slogan.
Snlem, Or., Mur. 2. Kx-Govornor
1'. T. Geor, of Portland, today filed
ids declaration of candidacy for gov
ernor on tho Republican ticket. Ills
ilogan Is "fewer officials, simpler
ovornmunt, state prohibition, rural
credits and protect tho home from
Chamberlain to Hun Again.
Washington, Mar. 2. Senator
Chamberlain has mado public his
platform, on which lie will run for
reiioiiilnatlon to tho somite. Ho sent
nit .petitions to varluns friends ovor
tho state which will bo circulated in
conformity with tho law governing
primary nominations.
World Population Gaining.
Antwerp, Mnr. 2. Tho bureau of
universal statistics has announced
ItH 11)12 figures. Among tho revela
'lons wore tho following:
Asia's population Ih tl.'l.'I.OOO.OOO;
Europo's 481,000,000! Afrlca'H 188,-
000,000; America's 187,000,000; and
Oceanlcu's 07,000,000; a total of 1,.
S 10,000,000 for tho world, or 140,000,.
000 IncreiiHO In four years.
'I ho world's commerce Is handled
In 47,714 steamships and 00,802 Hail
ing vessels and amounts to f40,(I00,
000,000. Thorn aro (125,000 miles of
railroads, Tho world's national dobtn
total 112,0110,000,000,
"The Wreck."
A three reel film sensation at tho
Grand Thoatro. This powerful ntory
produced in piclurcH Ih without a
loubt the greatest railroad drama
over shown in films, Tho Vltagraph
company spent 1 10,000 In presenting
a most realistic smaNliup between a
pannenger train and a runaway en.
glue. Thu Ntory Is compelling ami
will hold you spoil-bound from the
lirst to thu hut foot of film, Tho
bent feature thu Vllagraph him re.
eimed for moiitlm, llunny will nl no
appear In it very amusing comedy.
Thin program will ho shown ut the
(Iniinl, Wednesday, March 4, Ad.
inlnnloii 16c uiul (Jc,
Cnn Mobilize in 48 Honrs.
Portland, Mar. 2. Attorney Gen
era! Finzer of tho Oregon national
Kiinrd has received a written Innulrv
from tho war department concerning
tho time it would take tho guard to
mobilize. Many of tho guardsmen
seo in tho inquiry possible steps pre
paratory to Intervention in Mexico.
Although General Finzer admits that
ho hns ithlngs in such shnpo so the
gunrd throughout the stnto could he
mobilized nt tho state camp nt
Cluknmus sUitlon within 48 hours,
ho cannot seo nnv war rlnndn. "A
tho present time," said General Fin
zor, "thero are approximately 1C00
trained militiamen enrolled In the
infantry, field nrtlllcry, cavnlry and
coast artillery. All are fully equip-
ped for actual service, from inniim.
nition to lilankots. At tho present
tlmo tho mobilizing camp at Clak
imuB station is not in tho best condi
tion. Recent ruins have mudo It wet.
Homesteads in Montana Where
Great Prosperity Prevails.
Ovor 20;000,000 acres Government
land .left in Montana; sovcral thou
sands filed Inst year. Our hook gives
information on Montana Government
lands, statu lands, and cheap deeded
lands, nnd how to get thorn. Also
genoral Information on Montana.
Publishers; not land dealers.
Along the Waterfront.
Tho Elizabeth arrived Sunday with
17G tons of freight and tho following
passengers: F. D. Lundon, M. Hnr
por, Mrs. M. A. Peters nnd child,
Agnes Poters, Mrs. R. L. Sheldon,
Mnto Roskl, T. Million, Ernest Bal-
iatto, A. Uerglund and wife, C. Jon-
sen, L. D. Hayes, I. Hansen.
Thu Elizabeth will sail again to-
morrow at 4:00 a. m.
Tho Graco Dollar arrived in port
this morning nnd wont up to the
Lyons-Johnson mill to load lumber,
Tho Pntsoy will leuvo today for
Astoria with 208.') tics, 15 tons of
miscellaneous freight and 3000 feet
of lumber.
Tho Speedwell arrived Sunday af
ternoon with 47 tons of freight nnd
tho following passengers: Mrs. Alice
Whatcom, E. J. Dobbin, Jos. Fyfu Jr.,
Mrs. A. McUride, Mrs. Lillian Clino,
J. N. Gould, G. Goiscndorfer, G. W.
King, S. Mundny and wife, Kalna
Galda, Addul All, Sam All, N. R.
Cnrllslo, P. Ansollmo, N. Howe.
Ilnrker Case Up.
San Francisco, Mar.2. Tho fino
legal quostlon whothor or not an au
tomobile can ho considered a com
mon carrier in Interstate trade when
It Is not operating over a regular
lino was raised for tho first tlmo, it
Ih said, In a white slavo case.
Tho Federal grand Jury returned
an indictment against Verno Darker,
who Is uccusod of transporting Cora
Fairbanks from North Hopd, Or., to
Eureka, Cal., via Rouo, Nov., for Im
moral purposes lust May.
Tho couplo trnvoled all tho wuy in
an automobile, and tho vehicle is
tormed a common enrrior In tho In
dictment. Illlznrd In the East.
Washington, D. C, March 2.
Tho worst storm of tho winter
swept tho Atlantic coast from Malno
to Georgia, while tho cold wave roll
ing down from tho Great Lakes over
spread tho Atlantic states as fur
Houth as Florida. Thu lowest tem
peratures over recorded In March
wore registered in Charleston and
County Candida! en Thick.
County politics Is beginning to got
real lively and a big crop of candi
dates are coming out for tho pri
maries, May Ifi, Among the latest
aspirants reported to bo entering tho
Hold Is said to bo Mayor F. E. Allen,
who Ih reported to bo planning to
go after thu county clerkship. J. II.
Starr of llrhlgo was hero yesterday
Hounding out local people about bin
nindlilacy for nherlir, It In report
ed that another llrldgu man will op
pone Hhurlir Gage for tho Democra
tic nomination. TIiIh year the Conn
ty Clerk, County Hhurlir, County
Coinmlnnloner and County Judge am
thn only nlllcoH to he llllvil, thu other
oIIIiIhU holding ovenCoon Hay
Oregon News.
Portland, Ore., Mnr. 2. "Seo the
big state and not tho big city," is tho
appeal to bo made by tho business
men of Portland to tho people who
will como west during 1015. Unless
i vigorous campaign is conducted
nearly all the exposition travel will
bo direct from San Francisco to
Portland with no stopover in cither
Western or Eastern Oregon.
To perfect plans for an energetic
campnllgn to Influence travelers to
visit' the smaller communities nnd scf
tho state itself rather than spend nil
tho tlmo dovoted to Orfcgon in he
city of Portland, n meeting will be
held in the parlors of the Commer
cial Club on Thursday, Mnrch . 12
Delegates will be present from nil
tho communities which were repro
sented at tho development conven
tion recently held in Eugene. Also
at this meeting, plans will bo laid for
n big convention to ho held in the
near future in tho city of Salem, at
which nil tho counties of tho state
will be represented.
Announcement hns just been mnde
that approximately 45,000 acres of
land adjacent to Flora. Lonir Creek.
Monument, Beach Creel?, Enterprise
and Baker has been set aside foi
homosteadlng. This is classed ns
joml-arid land and will bo subject tc
tho enlarged homestead act. It will
bo ready to be filed upon on nnd af
ter, March 0, nnd originnl entry mcr
will hnvo tho . right to file on U20
Tho board of governors of the
commercial club has passed ' a reso
lution to bo forwarded to Secretary
Franklin K. Lime, urging that the
Owyheo-Mulhcur irrigation project
bo included in tho government Irri
gation plan for Oregon. It is piont
od out that these proposed projeetf
contain thousands of ucres of fer
tile land which Is now useless und
always will bo unless it cnn bo sup
plied with wnter. Portions of the
lund which uVo now irrigated by pri
vate ditches ard raising splendid
crops of grain, alfalfa and fruit.
Hood ltlvor hns decidod to organ
ize a co-operative creamery. Two
thousand dollars of the $5,000 of
stock voted has already been takei
nnd ,275 cows hnvo been signed up. It
Is estlmnted that 400 cows will be
sufllcicnt to make' tho proposition pay
and no difllculty in getting this num
ber is anticipated.
South Slough Deports Man.
Goorgo Baker, n former Mnrsh
fiold bartender, was deported by a
number ofy. South Slough citizens
today. Ho was put on tho launch
Vega nnd told to go nnd never to
Tho South Slough pooplo churge
linker with a number of petty
thefts that have occurred there. It
Is claimed that tho lust straw win
when thoy dug up u quantity of po
tatoes in tho sand near Jinker't
shack. TIicbo hud been stolon from
one of tho residents, it is alleged,
Coos nay Times.
Surprise Minister.
Lust Thursduy was Rov. C. Mayne
Knight's birthday nnd to remind him
of the occasion a number of his
friends representing tho M. E. Sun
day School culled in tho evening nnd
gave him n surprise. Tho evening
was very pleasantly spent, nnd ut u
Into hour nil departed wishing Mr.
Knight many moro happy birthdays.
Prohibition Worker Here.
Rov. Reuben Sumerlln, formerly
a pastor at North Bond for seven
years, wiih in tho city Sunday and
preached at tho Presbyterian church
In tho morning and at tho M. E.
church in tho evonlng. Rov. Sumoi
llu is a member of tho United Broth
oru church, hut Is now In thu cm
ploy of the Prohibition party, und is
in tho campaign to carry the state
for prohibition UiIh fall, His home
Is ut Salem.
Coijullle River Improvement.
Washington, Fob,, 28. Repre
sentative Ilawloy today asked tho
war department engineers to recon
sider an adverse decision regarding
tho Improvement of tho Coqullle riv
er from Myrtlo Point to Coqullle.
Since tho department adversely de
cided tho Port of Coqullle has been
organised and nmiiigumentN have
been mado to hear half the cost. Un
der thonii cliTiiiiiKtaneoH the depart
liienl agreed to coimldiir a petition
for reopening thu mutUir.
Tho Iinndon Commercial Club 1 is,
irranging to give a big ball at tho
ftnnk hall Saturday evening, Mnrch
Nth, nnd it goes without saying that
everyone who attends will have u
fino time. The various committees
ire already hard nt work making the
leeessary preparations.
Kausrud's orchestra , will furnish
the music nnd all who nttend may
rest nsqred that they will bo royally
Dislocates Shoulder.'
Stanley Dollnr of tho Robert Dol
lar Company, fell off a plank walk
nt tho Lyons-Johnson mill Inst Fri
day, dislocating his shoulder. Dr.
Loop was called nnd dressed tho
wounded member nnd Mr. Dollar is
totting nlong nicely now, but it will
be a month or so before he is ablo
to use tho nrm.
According to a Marshficld paper
fudge J. M. Upton left this morning
"or Roseburg to ussutne his duties
is regiRtcrHn the United States land
ifllcc. Mr. Upton was once a resl
lent of Iinndon and has manv friends
here. ,
Commercial Club Friday Night.
Next Friday night will be the reg
ilar meeting of the Commercial Club
tnd as thero is much business of im
lortunco to bo transacted ovcry moni
tor should bo present. And any who
ire not' membors but who nro inter
sted in tho wolfnrc of tho town,
ihould nlso bo present. This would
io an excellent, tlmo to join, whilo
ho initiation fee is down to S1.Q0.-
Bandon Case in Court.
Tho case of tho Cody Lumber Co,
's. the Coach estate, was heard In
qulty court nt Coquillo the latter
mrt of last week nnd tho first of
his. Attorney G. T. Treadgold rep
esented tho Cody Lumber Company
ind A. J. Sherwood had tho other
,ide. Tho caso was closed Inst night
ind was taken undor udvisement by
Jndgo Coko.
Ladles Commercial Club.
Tho Ladies Commercial Club met
n tho commercial club rooms last
Friday afternoon and transacted con-
rfidoriihlo business. Tho next regu
lar mooting will be hold Friday, Mar.
Uth, at which time every mumber is
urged to bo present.
Tho springtime is unon us nnd an
ictlvo cuniimigu for a cleaner and
moro sanitary city will ho curried on
inil tho ladies aro asked to lend n
helping hand In this great work.
Come to tho noxt meeting und suir-
tost somo plan of action.
World Is Near End..
Walla Wnllu. Wash.. Mar. 2
"This generation will seo tho end of
this world's history. Now. this is a
tremendously solemn thought. It is
io use to nronaro for lonir vears to
onio. You will never iret thoro. No.
tho thing to plan for Is a home in tho
Kingdom of God und u -rilnco in itho
advent mossiige. I believe thnt God
Is preparing the world nnd his pen
plo for tho conclusion of tho work."
tills wus tho mo8SUi;o delivered ut
the Conference of Adventint at
Collego Place by Rov. G. B. Thomp
son of Washington, D. C. According
to tho speaker only a few years will
have passed uway before tho work
of God will bo finished on earth ami
nftor tho completion of tho gospel
thoro will bo no moro death nor sor-
ow nor crying but utcrnul life. Ho
einjihnsized his remarks with tho ,
thought Unit tho iidvent doctrino bus
now gone to every largo country in
tho world nnd that tho nicHWiiro Is bu.
Ing heralded to thu dark corners of
tho earth.
SuirniKlst MeetlngH AH Over.
Wushlngton, Feb. 2H. Tho Nation
al Women's Sulfrago AuHoulatlon to
day announced that it had Insued a
call to nil suirragiiiU of thu country
to rally at open air mmitlngi on ,May
2 In every luty, hanilet und village of
the United StatiMi anil adopt lenolu
tlons to bo pronehM to Congress unit.