Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, February 27, 1914, Image 3

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Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, February 2.1914.
Saturday, February 28
"Beauty Unadorned"
, Two Part Vitagiaph Comedy
A Splendid, Two Part Feature By The Selig Company
six pilCE Orchestra
Admission 15c and 10c
Pianos fdr rent pt Iiandon Drujc
I eal andji aw;ot jpjroau.
M. B. Pressy was a Coquillo visi
tor Tuesday ninlit.
Carpet anil ru weaTv)nKi' aply to
f 'rs. J. U Fo.'ter, Handon!
Kor Rent Four funnelled , house
leping rooms, j Inquire of E. Leyrin,
D. G. Adams and wife or Marsh-
j i- tii citv yesterday,
Go to Jijitcrfell's furniture , store
vi the fiill'for anyihinj; you wnt in
).ouse furnlshinRS
AnypneVishlnr liQnib raadc.' plei
pr cani'1, mione mo i(f nun. ur oc
firs. K.jLwvin. ..VJV .
Dr. J. It. Wcthcrbee came up from
liie Star ranch on business Thurs-
Make "your wifb a presort of one
ff those easy rocViii' chairs for sals
i.t .Mitchell! furniture store,
Pni nuln Tlinrnmrh.llt- oil 11. Mkl
. . ... ......
i hriMt f-nMnrnla. MiHnn if tuken at once
tdres box 002.
"Tho Cypher MfHsaKo" a powerful
!eli(t feature. In two parti at the
irand Theatre Sunday, March 1st.
'Kor Hcnt Episcopal church cot
a;e, newly painted, papored and re
ialrcd. See G. T. Trcadcold-. mf.
A. J. Mendel, proprietor of tae
Hub stores' ar-Marshfleld, Dandon and
Myrtle Point-wa in the city on bus
iness Tuesday and Wednesday.
New ordcriTof bicycle repairs oi
ull kind cdnstantyfarrvitf7 Will
take orders for bicycles oi any Kinu,
S. D. Harrows.
Pound A bunch of keys.- .Own-'
it may Wave same by callfnffat tnu
ntllcc, proving property and paying
Jor this notice. .
Moss Avcrill returned . to pold
Jteach yentcrday' nidrnlnj? on the
ttandolph, ufter aweelcor tin days
visit with friends in Ilandon.
Gullier alfa't Coquille
and ' WedncSdayas''a wit-
Tuesday and Wednesday
)iess in the case of the State vs. tho
Port of Bandon.
Col. It. II. ito.-wof the Bandon
Port Commission, wsoneiof -the
the witnesses in the Port case at the
j-ounty scat Tuesday nd Wednesday.
I For rent Larue house and barn
House modern; closeIn will rent
Separately or togc-iher. Also modern
five room house on Pacific avenue
C B. Zcek.
Benjamin Ostlind, (Jarchi&cl for
'the new First National Bank build
ing, was in the city Wednesday ifaok after business" in 1 connection
with the building. ,
I can paint your Miga? for yoa for
one-half the price usually charged by
' t r . . !
.ur. lour pneo is niy jirito.
Strowbridgc?' fhe local slgnVpiinUr.'
The police -offldals of Marshfleld
are no rspectcr of persons,' , Mayor
Allen andA.Poweii wer'amooit
those arreste'Tl'ie other 4tf (or fft
lating a Icily'owlinance regarding
rt'ilng at night without lights on
automobiles and bicycles.
The new Writ National Wlding
and the new ijllingsoii lullding are
b"th Ufgliinmg'tfl'Vut on thJtfpjiear
ni of rial inodifni'bullJBPi. awl
th work' W'btlni'hrtnrarldly
1-ulHlnifs Hill add greatly to the ap
lrnc ot4ht Uiuitm dlHfiLff
Now thawing exclusive
licensed film. 28 reelt
vary week.
Personal items !
Experienced nurse Mrs. II
Jones. Leave card at P. 0.
Karly seed potatoes for sale at J.
Ed. Johnson
httHille was a Ban
don' visitor Th'
Trade .your
old flferi for new
furnltuPftore. Phone
Idaho ranch or tcjy .property to
exenange lor property in Loos coun
ty. Dippel Si Wolverton.
See i'Beauty Unadornca" a fea-.
turof Vitagraph comedy at the Grand
Saturday, Feb. 28th
Everything forv the home at Uic
Bandon Furniture Co. See 'our
big stock. , ' . ,
i ' ? .i '. V . ' -
' The Bandon FurniturciCo. has the
latest designs in furniture. See their
big asortmont, -!
A number of bargain counters at
Bandon Dry Goods Co. Come in
and look them over. 17tf.
Sabro Bos. have a complete stock
of '.Victor-Vlctrolas and the public is
Invited to come in and inspect the
stock and listen to the music. 17t2
For salo On corner of Filmore
and Third streets, groceries at living
prices. Call and see A, II. Sparks.
For Salo One yearling and one
two-year-old colt and one maie. In
quire of Pete Anderson. 12t8x
When in need of an abstract of ti
tle to your property, see Dippel &
M..E. Treadgold, secretary of the
Bandon Commercial Club, was n Co
quille visitor Tuesday night, and
took in, the big dance of the Ko Keel
K!.uiL" ...
For Salo Cheap. One Pctaluma in
cubator, capacity '252 eggs. In
quire of W. T. Allen.
Sabro Bros, io agate cutting and
mounting. If you have any of this
kind of work you should call on
them. 17)2.
Found Gold chala with cross pen
dant: Owner can havo same by
calling at this offlce, proving proper
ty, and paying for this notice.
C. R. Mooro, vice president of the
Gco.vW, Moore Lumber Co., went to
Marshfleld" Monday and took the
Knight Templars degrco Monday
For Sale Barred Plymouth Rock
rc-a fnr xettinir. Also a few roos-
n -
tors. . Inquire of N. J. Craln, at Ban
'.iLifi..',. r iKf
-.UTa him Avoral -llenti Innklntr to
'Coos County for dairy" farms. If
you hava one to sell Us Jt with Dip
pel ft Wolverton at 'ince.
Wanted To exchange Portland
property as part aaymaaU on n good
dairy farm, stocked. Dippel A Wol
'Terton. ,., .
The Steamer Dora, on her trip up
tha river Tucular afternoon broke
her shaft which put her out of com-
mission and she was towed to Her
mann Bros, shin yards for repairs.
The Norma Is on the run until the
repairs ar made.
W. II. firotL who han In the
pattern making tuilnen In Bandon
nr mm time, left ttUv on the Fi-
(!ld for Stockton, Calif., whero he
Will probably lorat. r. Hcott
left ysUnky by way f Portland
tut mill vitlt frlrad In HlMkane
Ufors olnlnt; her husband In th
George P. Laird was nt Coquille
Tuesday looking after business ' af
fairs. ,
Don't fail to ceo tho special pro
gram at the Grand Theatre Satur
day and Sunday.
Mrs. P. A. Sandbcrg went to
Marshfleld Wednesday for a few days
visit with friends.
The Arthur Coach divorce cascj
came up in court yesterday nnd Ar-i
thur was granted a divorce. Attor
ney Thos." F. Haggcrty represented
Mr. Coach.
Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs. R. D. Helm-,
ken of Sixes River, Tuesday even-'
ing, an eight pouifd boy. Mr. Helm
ken is the son 61 Mr. nnd Mrs. Helm
ken of this city and Mrs. Helmken
was formerly Miss Addio Fitzhugh,
who is also well known in Bandon,
having been in the telephone offlce
here previous to her marriage.
L. L. Brandenberg, manner of
the Bandon Warehouse' Co., sails on
tho Fifield for San Francisco, where
he will look ufter business u Hairs
and visit friends. He will also go to
Southern California und will bo ac
companied home by Mrs. Branden
berg, who has been visiting there
for some time.
Forest Notes.
Minnesota has a forested area of
28 million acres, tho largest of nny
state east of the Rocky mountain!-.
There are approximately four mil
lion acres of timber land in 'New
Humpshiru of which about half is
in farmer's wood lots.
Forest fires in the United States
)i:tvo caused an average annual loss
of 70 human lives and tho distruc
of million dollars worth of
Juniper from tho Indian1 reserva
tions of New Mexico and Arizonn
may prove an excellent source of ma
terial for lead pencils. Manufactur
ers aro searching the world for pen
cil woods. ,
Canada has established a forest
products laboratory in connection
with McGIII university nt Montreal,
on the lines of the United States in
stitution of the same sort at tho Un
iversity oY Wisconsin.
Tree planting on national forests
has to bo confined to comparatively
short intervals in spring and fall.
In spring it starts when tho snow
melts and stops with the drying out
of the ground; in tho fall It comes be
tween the full rains and first snow
Who's Your Neighbor?
An entire community in Kansas
has been brought together and unit
ed in a general campaign for im
provement and advancement, through
the activity of tho Trenton Commer
cial Club, which adopted the slogan:
"Get acquainted with your neighbor.
You might liko him." Tho club now
has a membership of 500, half of
whom are farmers. Tho old fight
between the town and tho country
has been buried and nil energies de
voted to making a better town and n
better country.
Cooperative effort of that kind is
easier to secure in the smaller towns
than in tho larger cities. There ts
a need everywhere to make a deter
mined effort to know moro peaplo
and the individual that appeal only
to special groups of people are more
harmful than helpful, us they only
confirm people in their prejudices.
In every city and community today
the greatest need is organization and
effort that will givo a common under
standing and purpose and soul to all
the people.
Get acquainted with your neigh
bor. You may liko him. You will
like him better if you know him bet
ter, Tacoma Tribuno.
The City Market lias
the most up-to-date
Sausage Kitchen
in Southern Oregon .
Having just installed
modern machinery to
facilitate turning out
tempting, juicy sausage.
The City Meat Market
Geo. Erdman, Prop,
Benjamin Roberts, one of the" pio
neers and host known residents of
the Ten Mile country, was found
drownded in Ten Mile creek, a sh6rt
distance, from his homo early today.
The body was discovered after a
long search, Mr. Roberts being miss
ing since late yesterday and his alu
sence alarming the family. Ho was
traced to the creek, where his hat and
coat were found floating in thq
stream and later his body was locaU
cd by dragging. Coos Bay Times.
A miniature Balkan revolution in
which the Dutch played tha aide' of
the defense was carried on Saturday
night in ono of tho Front street
Greek coffee houses, when George
Fritz, who was engaged in a game
of poker, suddenly got the idea that
he wns belg "coldfdecked" and start
ed protesting. The three others en
gaged in the game attacked him.
Officer Gordon Smith soon arrived on
the scene and broke up tho fight with
one twist of his wrist, placing Fritz
under arrest. Coos Bay Times.
Camps are being prepared, for four
gangs of men, who will work , be
tween Sand Point and the North
take tunnel, on the line of tho S. P.
road from Eugene to Coos Bay, when
the weather permits. Everything in
dicatcs that work between Coos Bay
and the will be rushed to
completion, and it is thought motor
cars will be running over, the routo
by nott fall. It is hardly probable
thai the proposed bridgo will be built
across Coos Bay by that time, iut
it is said that the S. P. has two or
three idlo ferry boats on hand,
which could be used to good advan
tage. News.
Mnrshficld will .soon have a new
auto fire truck of .the lAmerican La
France company manufacture, cost
ing $!,fj00. The truck weighs near.
ly 9,000 pounds nnd is equipped with
a motor of 100 horse-power. Tbe
city pays 25 per cent down, balance
in annual payments to coyer a period
of three years. Nows.
George C. F. Wutff, an old resident
of Coos Bay, died at 8. o'clock this
morning of complications following
his injury by being struck by the
Southern Pacific motor car Ia3t week.
tJoroner Wilson is looking into tho
case today to dctcrmiae whether o
not an inquest shall be held to do
termine to what extent the injury by
tho motor car was responsible -far
his death. Coos Bay Times.
For Sale.
Ono span of geldings, 4 and G yrs.
old, wt.2800 lbs, with heavy harness.
Also ono span, 6 yrs. old, wt. 3200,
with harness. Enquire of D. C.
Krantz, Arago, Oregon. 18t.1xF.
Talk About
Solid Comfort!
You just want to get one
of our DICTATOR cigars
between your teeth and light
it. There may he other ' ci-
gaJs as good as the DICTA
TOR but they will cost you
more money than you may
care to pay. The price of the
DICTATOR is only 10c and
when vou have smoked one
you'll wonder how it can be
so little.
Bowman Cigar Co.
. i.
Phonr 193
Automobile and Machine
- Work
Briny y(,ur Work to the Garage and Machine
Shop. ( Everything done vitli neatness and
dispatch. ' Agent for Huick Automobiles.
M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore.
" " GEO.RLDOUT :: ::
Room 3 McNair Building
rilONli2 - . . BANDON, OKIXiON.
peppJa u
Ather -fiie
When if
fiie inwance
City Transfer
S. D. Kelly, proprietor
Eight and heavy hauling
- ' promptly done.
Contracting and grading
Trantient trade solicited.
j Horses hoarded
Office in Dufort Buildinc
? Phone 1151
f Builder
Bandon - Oregon
' Miss Simpson
I Phone 934
Mrs. Guy Dipple
Spirclla's Corsctcirc
... I I
Office inThrift;Buildintr
ufcithe vctuaf ?firc
TUttncu mmk leverv
Pain Pill,
, Take It
For Neuralgia, nothine la
better than
Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills
Used by thousand
for a fioneratlon
Those who have suffered from
neuralgic pain? need not be told
how necessary it is to secure re
lief. Tlie easiest way out of
neuralgia i to me Dr. MilcV
Anti-l'aiii I'dli. They have re
beved suffciers for so many
years tliry have become a
household necessity,
'1 hnve taken Dr. Miles' Antl-raln
IMllfl for five onrtinml they aro tlio
nnly llilns that loen mo any rm'.
Thoy liavo relli-ved neuralgia In my
horn! In fifteen inlnutm I liute nln
lnla-n tlirm for rlii-um.itlsm, lirinl
nrhe. pains III tho lircnnl, tootli.iche,
enrncho nnd pains Iti tho t.ow.'lv and
Unit)". I lmu found noUiniK tn
orual thorn nnd tlioy nro all that Is
claimed fnr tnrm.'f
J, iV. HEIMirc. Iiluo SprlnBu,- Mo.
At all drugolutt 25 doiet 23 centi.
Never told In bulk. ' i
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
:: CIVIL l:N(ilNI:UR :: j
Survcyi, I'l.un and Spi-nfiintioni y
Office - Dank Building
Brown & Gibson
The Lending Contractors
and Builders
Wc furnish plans and speci
fications nnd ii you arc go
ing to build anything, no
matter bow large or how
small, we cm save you
money. Let us figure on
your building.
Hotel Bandon
American Plan, ?l.(J0
and $1.50 per day.
European Plan, rooms
50c, 75c & ?1 per day
E. G. CASS1DY, Proprietor
Mill Wood
$2.25 per load delivered on
the jyll ?2,50, on, Recall
Drive. Jiifksoii avenue and
outhide the city liiiuiw.
Go. 0. MorgMi,, Fhonv 1173