. Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, 27-1914' SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON RECORDER Published every Tuesday and Ifriday by -the .Recorder Bandon Coo County, Oregon, Publishing Company. . iutat assessments as assess Entered at the l'ostoflico nt Handon, Ore, as Muil Matter of the Second Clans c. k. KOI'F. A. W. STUART. Subscription $1.50 per Year in Advance. rates made known on application. Sale .of Real Property for Unpaid Street Assessment. Whereas on the ltth day of Oc-4 tobcr, 1913, there was entered in the docket ofCity Liens o the City of delin- quoat assessments as assessed v) Ordinance No. 300 of the Ordinances of the City of Bandon for the exten sion of Oregon Avenue (formenj Abcrnathy Street) into Wall Street (formerly extension of First Street) with bcnefitR In front of Advertising the following described property: Parcel beginning 149 ft. S. una in ft. and 0 Inches E. of tlic El end of the base line of the town of Bandon, and running ttienci S. AG ilcgroes and BO minutes E. '1C7 ft. and" f Inches, "CARRYING COAL TO NEW CASTLE." Nearly every boat that arrives from San rrancisco -dong'tho sw side mid extension of carries a decc-oau 01 green vegetauies ana ouuer w- " n; "7 mines in Bandon are of common occurence and this m a ;con,i AtrCct,' thchce s. 73 degrees finmtniinilv 1 lint. fifTnrs irinnl rmiuliUfins for market ITUl- 45 minutes W. 128 ft. nnd :i inches i i .i. .!..... ... mi i i n j .1.11 u. .. nlnnir said Second street, thence N. nenmg aim dairying. 1 nrpugnuut inu iinuum buiu owh- Bu mi'nujc.s w ft. are thousands of farmers on dry land farms, making a t0 thqiwm-i;Qf.thp tidi.ipl. thence bare living, when in Coos or Curry county with ten acres n. 10 degrees ami 15 minutes i. and a half dozen good cows they could live in afiluence L,;i(, ctmtalninK 3 0r an acre, sav witli 1ml f the effort thev are now inakiinr. W6 do "not1 be- ing and excepting from the above lieve there is any place on the globe that offers as much to Jff Ihe farmer with small means as does this section of Or- a. s. and 121 ft: and n inchcs e. of egon, or any places with half the resources we have" that K-en?f to lf s'-line th ,a ' , , 1 .1 , ! 11 r'.i i- ' town of Bandon, and running S. 10 is so poorly advertised in the outside world. It s time we d rccg ,m(1 50 minutCs b, 34 ft; started a campaign to attract the attention of the" mart thence s. 11 degrees and lo jninutcs ,ut Vt ' .,1 . f W, 45 ft. and 4 Inches, thcn.ee N. 16 with the plow. .., an(1-lt ;nihu(J' eVbo ft. and O Indies ip me pm?e oi ncgining also conyeying Jiy these presents that certain real prpperty uqscnueu as, beginning 203 ft. and 4 indies S. 105 ft. and 8 inches, E. of the t4. end of LODGE DIRECTORY LOOKS fJOOI) AHEAD. in '.lie outside business world are all opti on! njlfj extension Ot lilies, and lilg .liUSllieSS the base line ol me town oiiiancion, ally is rolli"! up Us sleeves in anticipation ot an ex- sn,i "V" u ,rf. r ally irood ye-ui. in the Conuille Valley and partic- T" rX,":' Reports 1 mistic. Raih'o. ds are getting ready to spend vast sums m improvem gener ception many m Jjandon ousmess conditions, are aireaay ouick- as ft. and c inches, ihehce n. 10 oning. Building operations, which have been going on idegrees and is minutes e. C4 ft. and nearly all winter, are becoming more brisk. Possibly a I- mches, t? u!9 pmc (ii)eginning dozen houses are now in course of construction, and at least a dozen more in the planning. Two $20,000 business blocks are neanng completion and a couple of more wjH be started as soon as tne weatlier becomes settled. Lium ber mills which have been closed down for several months are being started up and will run -to full capacit All of which are pretty good indications of a prosperous year ahead PAVE THE STREETS. There is nothing Pandon needs more today, in the line oi municipal improvements, tnan s.nme hard surtaccd streets, especially in the business district. When we stop to think that in many ways Pandon is the most progress- in the sum of $81.90 and assessed jtoEjla, Pander. SjiI j, asc6snc,ni has ncvpr, ucqnaiu inoon-riiscnac-;ged nor, satisfied, qw .therefore, notice Is hereby giyerj that py virtue nd in pqrsuanco of Section' 122 of ,the( charter or the Uty ,oI wan,uon, Coo's Co., Oregon, directing me to Collect .the satd uppalil assessment by hale o( the said property' Jo , satisfy saut'licn, of jpi.90 with, ' interest thereon at the rate of G per. cent per anum from the 11th day of Uctolivr, 1913, and penalty together with the costs of advertising ,nnd sale there of, 1 will on Saturday, the 7th day of March At 1). 1914 nt the hour of Masonic. Bandon Lodge, No. 130, A. F. & A M. Stated communications first Saturday after the full moon of each month. Special communications Master Masons cordially invited. C. It. MOOKE, W. M. PHIL PEADSON, Secretary Eastern Star. Occidental Chapter, No. 45, 0. E. S., meets Saturday evenings before and after stated ' communications of .Masonic lodge. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. L. KATE HOSA, W. M. BOSA BINOAMAN, Secretary , 1.6' O. V. Bandon IMae, No. 133, I. O. O. F., meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cortllally Invited S. E. IIINES, N, G. LOOAN KAY, Secretary. Knights oTTTilas. Delphi Lodge, No. 01, Knights of Pythias. .Meets every Monday ev ening at Knights'' hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. G. R. MeNAlIt, C. C. It. N. HARRINGTON K. of R. S. Loyal Order of Moose. Meets Thursday cvonlngd in I. O. 0. F. .hall. Transcii)t Moose cord ially invited. Something doing ev ery Thursday. Kcbrkah Ocean ReU'kah Lodge. No. 12C, I. 0. 0. F., meets second and fourth Tuesdays at I. 0. 0. F. dull. Tran- cicnt members cordially invited. LENA DAVIDSON, N. G. MINERVA LEWIN, Secretary. W. O. W. "With Charity Towards All" Seaside Camp, No. 212, 0. W, meets Tuesday's, K. of IV halt.. 8 p, 'nt. visitprs are assured a hot wcl; come. By order of W. A, KELLER, C. C. C. M. GAGE, Clerk. sive town in Coos county but that in street improvements r"cv"-;.. .,..? VJV: 4..I.! :i 5l! ttl. 1 Ilt.. 1 r. v" "J '"" w wu .we uuuiik ,i wiiLiv hUJit., it mis ua wim iillillllliiliuil imu Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, sell at makes us think that something should be done. Coqtiille public auction to thn bidder offering and Myrtle Point, both much smaller towns than Pandon tl,u li,a,t amount of penalty umi in- and with only a fraction of the business in either city that tcrf'1 of ,,1h? rKhi ""fr.. intn is done in Handon, have a number of paved streets, and "ic'?. ,1 ! ' hr! i vl a . more pavuiK win u oone as soon as me weainer permus. her may havo in tho said decrii.d mi. mt.. i.-....r t : .:!... .i! e.... .' .. . ... . i uu vnp- ijiiniiiuur i .iK'iiii jn t'('iiriii rtj;uxini;;iliwil.'i lur projieny meniioncu wnrn is Hos tile paving of Kirst Street and it is to be hoped that this cr'M foiiw, t"-wt; time the proposition will go through without a hitch. tiZuXwSu o? it VwJj'S I'TRE FKOTKCTION, a iue lino of the town of llsndon, ami runlng thenro H ill) dgnis and At the mass meeting of citi7.ena last Monday night, 6? minut k. 107 ft. and a Indus, called to discuss the proposition of better lire protection, H.w .f1'18 ; there wore many ideas ativiincod but iiothing delinite IMA'lfc tldlli:. II IK II WHHl tiling 1(1 IIIPCIISH (lUCillOnS 01 SUCH VlUtl nr ofSeruiid Street, Ihupro N. It lit- imnortance, but (liscuHsioiiH never gel any where unless w "J u minutes w. 12 a. Miui followed by nomo kind of action. Evervone is nirreed that A lnr'"' "'""K Htromi nut, Handon is grwtily in m-ed of bettor lire protection, 'i'lie ,, !' m, "Tm a tL 1.!.... ...1.' .. jt... ..... .1 ...ml w- ' " ' i '' mimiuui ihhvii iK"i iiiiiMimuiH wiiui nu lltxil 111 I U4, hnxH N. 10 dvrw and 14 mill. ihj uiuru upjiiuoiii nun Hoiiii'iiiuig kiuuiki no done ai once u- v no ft ii e ntUt, u i. intthitivo. Kitlivr tho city council or the people nit a pi ikimim, omtiiiii.tf ,,r to alleviato thi? condition, h in up to wnnc one to take the ." rr H'lnie ,ui ",t wliollf !llitllil m l. It l V..I-V ovI.L.Ml thrit fl.,. Itv ulir.nt " 1,ov l'rlll prrinhw. Owt i. iipi'miinin iiiiii iv ip mm,- i uai- ihiiiiv I nlnr 1 19 ft UlUlg 00 limit. Professional Cards. THOMAS F. HAGGERTY Attorncy-at'Law Over MS'air' llanlnare Store I'limie Ml handon, oki:gon C. R, WAD It Lawjar HANDON, OWKtiON DR. II. L. HOUSTON Physic'um A Surgeon etn iHvt si Mr. I lorn., 7 it. ii t, m; liMI la 4 p. m 7 la ft la V finuntf. HANDON. OKI'OON DR. SMITH I. MANN Physician fc Surgeon I In 3 p. w It. ') la I. i TENSULAR" Stands for Reliability. When you buy any of the Pensulnr Remedies you are uure of gettintf the best. If You Have a Cold Use Vmvhr Chrrry ( tmtth hymn VrmmUt White I'm? ,V .Sprm e IUImiii Vtmmltt lvalivr Cold HfeuVrr Tm Rrmate Ton Mi km) ttMaUti mmviU ihorr mtUhv Hkr 1'itn NwdrfiHilk Vvnte t'jsn !l At The Bandon Drug Company ri.r rmUt mtr cm? H n.l til ft v4 Ctt II lit th B rth nf hu Imiv 1W df tl- Town f lUrultfl, kfut tuuninii 8. 24 dmt and U) ndm I! nf ft: IVnre A. I ilrcrrr M 10 iMt W. 17, ft h! I ImIh. thmr S. 1 ilrgtu-t Itfri I InltlUtin f U fl. hmt t lwl ti thr tt u' )rfi(ri(a' aU Mnyli.( Uf im ttMl! uttiln rial yf oty WrtUw4 , 0 Nrw tk Town wf iUrl aral la mtfohj W IT ft. aw 11 u. T" 1 Wlmitni L l fl. Ml X lwi U IW iUf f UptfKl Awnlin( tf. trw nlat lhMf W iid f frrmnl in iim. (fx f.th (Wly Uk(k f Mkt (foe (unt9. d UIbic mJ laAt to r tlM CWrtr nf K Otf of HJoK Uua IM tlh iUy f rVruV. wit. Trturr ef t Oty r 1UmJm im fM. i c. Utt piKl Mar . IWNIION, (iKHil)S' DR. L. I'. SORKNSON Dimliat HAMKIN, OKI CON (J. I . TKKAnOOI.D Attorney imd Counselor at Lmm iMm, wt, KuJk BMMI ami, BenjaRiin Ostiind Ceniullmg Engineer and ArcKitrct 0W. to IWi ku. HANlH'N MKrilOS UK. R. V. LEW Pkymrvt ,v Surgeon IWWDON. ORKCON DR. ARTHUR OALir Physieian A Surgeon UAUO. uKl.tiO.N DR. S. C. EKD1CO TT o iu. 7i, h-i. iw nr. KA..NIKJN. oKK(nt- DR. I. L. SCOFIKUD (ioli uarc iiiu juu j, n ft Real Estate4 FireInkurance finnd I nts in Azalea Park. $25 ds per mqntli. Bargain in business lot (WFhlj; m Ofdr Your Freight Sent! IwilriBlQiiftl'ab'v S. S. ELltXmiM LrjTwpBrth Outttde State Room wjth Rjuipln jWer Eight Day Service Between the CoquiMetjRiver nrd .'lSan, Francisco First Class Passenger, iFxire$7&0 Freight Rates, $3 on In,9 mqkUt .jT.Ill I. AUS Reiervationat Fahrman't Pharmacjr, Coquille; Perkiiu', Myrtle Point E. & E. T. Krtuc; trwncti nd jfioi, 24 California ShrSatrFiancisco. J. E. Wal'strom, Agent, Bandon. k -nsr Equipped with W.V 1 . r r. ALWAYS' ON 'i Vti'C ' QAII liurc Froni Portland tvery'TueifdKyrntft8J,P."iM:f hrom Coos Bay Everr, ri.tt,uo.y, . wrr; vice of the TM.m .... Confirm. SailingaJThrimaiiirt. K.' S"" ,!i " 1 Phone1 142" if Hotel 4 Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day: , Special rates by weekormonth Sample room in connection Bandon Oregon ii c nii'i'i.i: . ... ..... . ....... . i Coos County Means Opportunity See Bandon First. il DIPPEL & WOLVERTON Choice Farm Lands and City Property I IKl; IN'SlKANCK NOIAKV 1'UIII.IC KKNTAUS HOOK.KKKI'INO GUY DIP1-1.K AUDITING ACCOUNTING KKAl. r.STATE' '1 Band on 1st Street Opposite P; O.- I'ARNl !NOS iNsxkiMr?rrtr CONVKV'AK3fcs' t. in t J DO YOU I SK YOUR TELEPHONE TO ADVANftXdl WHY NOT It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We ' have stations in Coos ami Curry counties and connect tlic Ucll system at Rosebiirg.- COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE to.l to .vi v I Sam Sajrsrr lm la via x The volume df busiii we are doing attests the excellence of M. brands and"rh'ethfaaj;r QE0.W:M00Rr?LUMBEra: i .1! .t