r ttfBWSfj. .EUGENE, 05E.7E3 I i 5 aETMri -WEEKLY Job Printing! A modern equipped job printing department. Advertisers! The Recorder covers the Bandon field thoroughly RECORDER VOLUME XXX BANDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1914 NUMBER 18 BANDON MIAN WRITER HERE W. GURNSEY, SPECIAL WRITER FOR PORTLAND PATER ARRIVES. Ii Hiking Along the Coait and Camp Wherever Night Over take Him. Wm. Guernsey, special writer for ik. rirpirnnlan and a number of mag azines, reached Bandon yesterday morning on his hike from Portland to San Francisco. Mr fiumesv left Portland Fcbru let. nrrniriDftnled by a compan Ion, who stayed with him as far as nuivnnrt. hut at' this Dolnt hecamo afflicted with "cold feet" and re Turned to Portland, Mr. Gurnsey con tinulntc his journey alone. nack with him, con listing of a blanket, a small canvas i ennVlnn utensils and food, wrlihlne In all about thlrty-Ave r,n..nrt. He stoos alone the way, In towns tie camps or farm houses an nnnrtnnltv offers. He travels the beach most of the time and Is con ..mir.ntlv not very familiar with the condition of the roads. Last Saturday he waded in water to his waist In an mtemptrtb low xenmue creek above Coos Bay; Mr flnrnsev savs indications are that the Southern Taciflc which js building down the coast will extend a line direct fromNorth Bend to Bandon and on down tne coast iroin here, and that there is every indica tion that the road will tcfrucnea completion. Mr. Gurnsev left yesterday noon (and expected to make Langlois last night. Ife will visit Fort urrora, Gold Beach, Crescent City, and will continue on down the coast to Eureka from which place he expects to take an inland route and continue his journey to San Francisco. Gurnsey is a very pleasant fellow to meet, and is very favorably im pressed with this section of Oregon. Chappell-Burgesa. Miss Florence Burgess of Lampa and Mr. Alfred Chuppell of Crane's Camp, were united in marriage Wed nesday, February 25th, at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. II. C. llartranft, in this city. The bride and groom are highly respected and well known in their community and will have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. They will be at home to their friends at Crane's Camp after March first. Ruby la Sold. The Schooner Ruby, formerly own ed by Sudden 4 Christensen of San Francisco, has been sold to Seattle patties and will be taken to San Francisco, fitted out with gasolinu power and taken to the north for a ivgular lun. The Ruby has been in the service between Bandon and San Francisco for some time and has been in command of Captain Korth of this city, who will take her to San Francisco on thli Igip. Th boat will take a cargo of lum ber from the Prosper mill. Contract la Lei. It was announced in Tuesday's fa-order that J. I Kronenberg and Chris lU'inuasen would let the con- yrct for a big dock, 100x340, in a fy or two. The contract was let W Tuesday night to Hongell and Hil- from, ana work will lie commenced It onre. H Huy. U E Ford Out Partner. y run naif purcnaieq ine in i . iarwir, wui ncsay, in l lUliJon Mat Murltt .,,,1 ou the buiWiiJat'thoame This is unv of the largest ft In Coos county and has . . . Thanks From the Library. Last Saturday Mr. McDonald pre sented to the Library a box of books. Unpacking them we were pleased, to find good fiction and four juveniles: Off for Hawaii, Frank Merriwell's Sports Afield, Motor Boys Afloat, and With Ethan Dllea at Ticonderoga. To our fiction' shelves we added La vender and Old Lace, Pipetown San dy, A Thief in the NlghC The Early Bird, The Fly on the Wheel, Captain Macklin, The Call of the Heart, The Doctor, The Firing Line, The Iron Brigade, and Hugh Wynne. Other book3 were Virgil's Eneid in prose translation, Training of Wild Ani mals, Chemical Experiments, Compo sition and4 Rhetoric, Commercial Law, Classic Myths in English Liter ature, and , Bayard Taylor's Cyclo pedia of Modern Travel. This Is no longer modern .but. always delightful. We also received from Mrs. Man ciet full files, of Peoples Homo Jour nal for 1911 and 1912, some copies of Good Literature, and several books not yet catalogued. CLEAN IIP COOS COUNTY ATTORNEY WILL CAR RY OUT THE PROMISES MADE LAST YEAR. Carrying out' his moral crusade that he promised last fall If the County Attorney bill should pass and make him a full-fledged District Attorney, L. A. Liljeqvist is under stood to be planning a vigorous campaign against the illicit sale of liquor. His determination to do this was strengthened by the recent shoot' ing affray at Ilenryville in which John Kelly was the Innocent victim of the fracas. Governor WestjUunderstood. to ave forwarded to Mr. Liljeqvist a complete list of the Federal licenses held in Coos county. This will be of great value as few of the "boot leggers" or "blind pig" operators take any chances with Uncle Sam, The last Oregon legislature enacted a law providing that the holding of a Federal liquor license shall be prima facie evidence of the sale of liquor. This will make it compara tively easy to cohvlct in bootlegging cases, a matter that has heretofore been very difficult. Mr. Liljeqvist will not confine his efforts to the bootleggers, it Is said, but will go after all violations of the liquor laws. Coos Bay Times. Slmpaton Out For Representative. M. at. Simpson, editor of the Ban don Surf, has announced himself as a candidate for state representative before the Republican primaries next May. In his announcement Simp son says be' does not claim to bo a Cbauncy Depew, but believes "that he possesses a fair share of integ rity and honesty and the moral and physical courage to use those virtues when necessary." , Waterfront Notes. The Fifield arrived Wednesday morning with 100 tons of freight and the following passengers: P Hausts, Jr., Nell Banks and wife, W. B, Grady, M. C. Pott, wife and chil dren, F. S. Dow, A. Turcott, A. Par- t, B. F. MeFarland, Fred Von Peg ert and wife, A. Barller, B. Pcrses, Chaa. Corda, Fred Vdh Pegert, Jr., J. Tapps,, J. Brizzune, J. Boss!, J. Etherington and wife. Ray Reece Buys Restaurant. Sheriff W. W. Gage was down from Coquille Wednesday and sold the Elite restaurant, which has been under attachment by creditors for some time. Attorney C. R. Wade bought the restaurant in for .the creditors, und it was then taken- over by Ray Re'ece, who Is cleaning it up and will be open for business Monday. Mr, Reece has been In. the restau rant business here before and con ducted a first class eating house. A necklare, lost a couple of weeks ago by Mrs. II. I. Lowcllen, was found, brought to thu office and re stored to its owner by a little three line ad. Mural When you have any thing to advertise take It to the news paper that always get results. START OIL BUILDING EXPECT TO HAVE BUILDING READY BY THE FIRST OF APRIL. Bandon Branch Will Supply .Coquille Valley and Curry County. The piles are driven and the work of constructing the Standard Oil warehouse has commenced with a vim The building Is to be 285 feet long and 104 feet wide, which will give ample room for a largo stock of oil. The building will bo completed about April 1st and a big stock will bo Installed at once. The house hero will supply the en tire Coquille. Valley and Curry county with the products of the Standard Oil company. Chas. Mont gomery, the Coos and Curry county representative of tho company, has been in the city for a few days look ing after (the details of the building. As was previously announced by The Recorder, Herman Hongell has the contract and is putting up the building. Wheeler Buys Studio. L. I. Wheeler has bought the Hill studio and is remodeling the same and expects to be operating in a very few days. Mr. Wheeler has built a stock room on the north of tho of fice and has added a dressing room for patrons, both of which will prove very- convenient. MrrivHeeler, 'will finish up all work contracted for by Mr. Hill. He is an experienced photographer and will no doubt meet with success. Mr. Hill has a studio in Coquille and will move to that city. The Port Case. The test case, to try out the le gality of the Port of Bandon, was heard by Judge Coko at Coquille Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The case was closed Wednes day noon. District Attorney L. A. Liljeqvist was attorney for the state, while G. T. Treadgold represented the Port of Bandon.. The attorneys were given thirty days in which to file briefs and it is understood that no matter which way tho case goes In the Circuit Court, it will bo appeal ed to the Supreme Court. A Correction. The Recorder was the victim of misplaced confidence Tuesday when It announced the wedding of Chas. Hunt and Miss Ida Coolidge. The information was telephoned to this office and the second timo the Inform ant gav his name as "Hob Hunt", consequentally we published the item In good faith, only to find out when the paper was out that it was a fake. It is beyond our comprehension how anyone beyond tho age of eight years and with brains enough to have tho head ache will turn u trick of this kind and call it funny. Such sim ple minded folks should have a guardian, or they will next be set ting fire to a building just to see the fire department make a run. County Fair Notes. County Superintendent Baker at tended the meeting of the County Fair Board of Directors at Myrtle Point on Monday. He returned to lay and rpports that is was a decid ed to hold tho fair on the dates of September 23, 21, 25 and 20. Friday, the 25th, Is to be the day set aside for the School Industrial Fair. The officers elected to have charge of the affairs were: R. C. Dement, presi dent; A. E. Adelspcrger, vice presi dent; L. A, Roberts, secretary; M. O, Stremmler, treasurer. A list of the prizes to be offered to the school children for their exhibits will soon lm In their hands. The capital prize is .i free trip to the State Fair ut Sa lem, with nil excuses paid for one week, to the two, either boys or girl making the highest score, Co quille Htrald. BODY FOUND ON BEACH OCEAN GIVES UP DEAD MAN AT JOHNSON'S BEACH YESTERDAY. No Clothes or Other .Identification Marks on the Body. Coroner Called. The body of an unknown man was found on Johnson's beach, near the Tharp place, yesterday. Coroner Wilson was at once notified and went down from Marshfield and took the body back to that city. There were no clothes on the body and as it was in an advanced state of decomposition it will be hard to Identify it. Up to the, time of go ing to press nothing definite as to who the man was, had been ascer tained. "Wanted A Wife." The three act comedy entitled "Wanted A Wife," will be put on at the Grand Theatre tonight by n good company of local talent, who have been rehearsing for several weeks. There will be some very funny stunts pulled off that will make you laugh until you forget all the troubles you ever had. The play Is under the auspices of tho Woman's Relief Corps and the proceeds will go to that organization which Is certainly deserving of the support of the entire' community. The cast of characters is as fol lows: Dan Glllispie.., Roy Th6m Jorkins Jobson Jack Thorn Deacon Smith C A. Mead Lousiania Johnson R. Bowers Miss Campson Annie Tucker home. " Act I Arrival of Deacon Smith. Act II Brand New Coon in Town. Act III A Terrible Misunder standing. In addition to the play, a special program of moving pictures will be shown which will round out an ex cellent evening's entertainment. New Industry. A new industry for Bandon in the shape of a mattress factory, is be ing started by Mr. S. B. Reed. In addition to making new mattresses Mr. Reed informs us that old mat tresses will be renovated and made over, and a specialty will be made of upholstering. Mr. Reed has had long experience in the mattress bus iness and will no doubt have all he can do here. Snow in the South. Washington, Feb. 20. Snow today invaded sections of tho South wheru it had not been seen before in 15 or 20 years. In Savannah there, was two inches of biiow the first in a score of years while Augusta had a like fall. Macon and, Columbus, Ga., each repored two inches. New Or leans probably was the point farthest south to report snow the first there since 1903. Dn area of ex tremely cold air and a disturbance over the eastern part of the Gulf of .Mexico were responsible, officials of the Weather Bureau stated. J, M. Thomas says he recently visited the new gold mining camp at WhtBkey Run, a small creek half way letttcen Bandon and Coos Bay bars, where the Lane Mining Co., is Installing a lot of machinery to work the black sand. Tho company will begin operations at the tailings and work up tho creek where In form er years placer mining was carried on quite extensively. There are about fifteen men employed now, and when the mine starts several more will be necessary. North Hend Harbor, B. I.. Tracy of Bandon was here Saturday getting u load of brick from tho brick yard up tho river, which he would tw to Hamlon for shipment tu Gold Reach, . Hy. was also getting a nc'u'w load of druln-tlle for distribution along the river CoqullU Herald. ' Water Companies Liable. A prominent Marshfield attorney has just received a brief statement of an important decision in a case in which a citizen commenced ac tion against the water company for damage sustained by fire becauso of insufficient water pressure. The case is important here as involving points that may develop in Marsh- field at any time. '. This case is that of the Graves Co. Water Co. vs. Ligon in which the Court of. Appeals of Kentucky held. as follows: "A city property ownor may main tain an action against a water com pany for the distruction of his prop erty by fire by reason of its failure to maintain a water supply ' pur suant to its contract with tho city. Ihe same question has been before tho courts of several states, and there is a conflict of authority, Coos Bay Times. REWARD PUPILS EXEMPTION FROM 8TII GRADE EXAMS. FOR GOOD STUDENTS. Salem, Oregon,' Feb. 25 Exemp tion from eighth grade examinations Is the reward State "Superintendent J. A. Churchill is now offering to all pu plls in the Oregon public schools for good attendance, good deportment, and good class work. County school superintendents are being, advised of uu uuupuun ui u new rule to mis ai- fect. The new rule says that''any pupil who has attained the age of 11 years. of the elementary school and can pre- aor.VnW-tlij-toaiity Btiliutl-BUperiiiUiii dent satisfactory evidence of having spent at least 450 days in attendance at any public school in Oregon during the sixth, seventh and eighth grade? and has made an average of not less than 85 per cent in deportment dur ing that time.may upon recomtnda- tion of the principle or teacher in charge, bo excused by the county school superintendent from examlna tins in any subject in which he has made an average of not less than 00 per cent in class work and school tests during such time as shown by the school records und by reports from other schools and such average may be accepted by tho county school superintendent in lieu of examina tion in such subject. Tho sumo conditions, except as to the number of years a pupil is requir ed to have been in school, apply to the subjects of physiology, which is completed in tho sixth grude and the examination' given then, und geogra pliy, which is completed In the sev enth grade, at which time the final examination Is given. Another important rule adopted by the state school superintendent opens the doors of the high schools to per sons who have reached the ago of 18 but have not passed the eighth grade examination, at present a diploma from the eighth grade is required be fore a pupil will bo admitted to the high school. Superintendent Churchill points out that many, boys especially quit school before finishing the eigh th grude and go to work. After a few years some of them would like to re turn to school but are barred frpni the high schools by not having an eighth grade certificate. Superintendent Churchill has laid down the rule that pupils who have reached the age of 18 years may, at the .discretion of the school board be admitted to any high school without having passed the eighth grade ex amination and receive, after earning three semester credits, the eighth grude diploma from that district. He says if a pupil showB his ability to carry the high school studies he is en titled to an eighth grade diploma. Cigarette "Cure" Found. Saleni, Or., Feb. 20. After giv ing It u thorough test for six weeks 'on hoys sent to-the Institution, W. F. Hale, superintendents of the Stat Training School for Boys, has an nounced that nitrate of silver was a positive cure for the cigarette habit, He said one treatment put mi end to the iinokjiia; for. thu time - boing and treatment 'for several day ended the craving. OUT THE COLD COOS BAY BASE BALLISTS WILL TRY TO KEEP US OUT OF LEAGUE. Still Peeved Over the .Many Defeats of Last Year. Want Four Team League. If the Coos Bay base ball mag nates have their way about it this year Bandon will not be in the coun ty league. The following from a Marshfield paper shows how tho land lays: "Present indications point to a four team league in Coos county for 191-1, and Bandon is likely to bo left out of the running. This statement comes from one of the chief base ball enthusiasts on tho bay nnd is In dicative of tho general feeling. It is said that Charles Baxter of Co quille is likely to manage the ball team for the county seat. Myrtle Point will be interested in the league and a conference is on next week be tween representatives from the bay and those who nre fans in the south ern end of the county." Last year Bandon was tho only town in the county which maintained a team of any class, and the way it made monkeys of tho North Item! and Marshfield aggregations was pit iful. Over on the bay they may plead that n five team league is uwkwiinl just as they did last year, but tho real reason can be gleaned from the scores of last year1Bandon,.isthe best ball town in tne county, and the fans here have in the past nnd will in the future, give the support that , will enable us to have a top-notch team. l'he bay cities aro content with cor ner lot teams. They want to ar range things so they can have baso Oalt without it costing them any thing, and sooner than suffer tho hu miliation of getting walloped every time they face the Bandonians, they will use every unfair means to keep us outside tho reservation. On tho merits of tho showing made by thu local team last year, wo uro entitled to be in the lenguo even if one of the other teams should be dropped, and we are confident the fans of the county would sooner see Bandon in tho league than out of it, and we don't believe they will stand for thu unfair tactics of one or two disgrun tled sports. Wlllapa Harder Mills Shut Down. South Bend, Wush.,- Feb. 20. All the shingle mills on Wlllapa Harbor were closed yesterday as a result of the decision of tho United Employers to establish the open shejp. A major ity of the men belong to the Shingle Weavers' Union, and un effort on their part to unionize tho mills led to tho shut-down. Several hundred men are thrown out of employment. Tribute to Ex-Scnalor Teller. Denver, Colo., Feb. 20. Denver und Colorado paid tribute to tho late Henry M. Teller, former Secretary of tho Interior, and for 30 years United States Senator, today. For three hours friends and admirers in ull walks of life filed through tho ro tunda of tho state capitol past tho bier for u last look at tho fuce of the deceased. Cove to be Dry. Salem, Or., Feb. 20. Governor West today, after n conference with Miss Fern Hobbs, his private secre tary, upon her return from Cove, where sho went to investigate sa loon conditions, wrote County Judge Henry, of Union county, requesting him to issue un order of prohibition In tho town. The Governor said ho was positive that the sale of Intox icating liquor In the town was Il legal und he would see that it was stopped, In the, case of J. W, Coach vs. W, W. Gage, un action to replevin , u , stink of goods, which was dui jilid y the Nuprenie Court lust week, the judgement of the lower court was affirmed. Coquille Herald. BANDON IN