D. If you'd rather, dance the jyirginia Reel than Turkey Trot '.it's all the same to the Victrola. It is right there with the older-style dances ' as well as the very latest Turkey Trot:;, Tangos, and One-Steps. v And no matter what kind of dances you prefer, you'll find them played perfectly loud, clear, and in perfect dance time. jrt r Come in and hear some of the splendid dance music and let us show you the different styles of the Victrolas $15 to ?200. Victors $10 to 5100. Jiasy terms can be arranged it uesireu. Sabro Brothers Manufacturing Jewelesr Phone 751. Bandon, Oregon. A. D. Mills Real Estate Fire Insurance Notary Public Rentals Good Lots in Azalea Park, $25 down and $10 per month. Bargain in business lot on First Street. Order Your Freight Sent by .the Old Reliable S. S. ELIZABETH Large Two Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water , Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Franciscoj First Class Passenger Fare, $7.50 Freight Rates, $3 on Up Freight Reservations: Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Coquille; Perkins', Myrtle Point E. & E. T. Kruse, ownen and tnansgers, 24 California St., San Francisco. J. E. Walstrom, Agent, Bandon. Equipped with Wireless S. S. BRBA.KWA.TBR ALWAYS ON.TIME SAILINGS From Portland Every Tuesday at 8 P. M. From Coos Bay Every Saturday at Ser vice of the Tide. Confirm SailingsThrough M. F. SHOEMAKER JAgent Bandon Phone 142 We want you For our customer not just today, but tomor row and for all time to come, if Right Goods Right Prices Courteous Treatment and prompt delivery is what you want WE HAVE YOU . SPARKS GROCERY -Successor to A. E. White Notice of .the .Apportionment .of Cost .ot ..the ..improvement .01 Third Street East. Notice is hereby given: That the .nt of the improvement of Third Street between the East line of Bal timore Ave. and the West line 01 Chicago Ave. has been apportioned and Is now on flic in the ofllce of the litv Recorder and there subject to examination, the whole cost of said improvement is $078.39 and is ap portioned and assessed to Local im provement district No. 10 of Third Street East which district embraces all of the property on either side ot said Third Street kust between said points herein described to-wit: between the East line of Baltimore Avenue and the West Line of Chica- ao Avenue from the marginal line of said Third Street East back to the center of the blocks abutting there on. Any objections to said appor tionment if any exists must be filed in writing with the City Recorder within 10 days from the date of the last publication of this notice, whidh last date of publication is February 24, 1914, that the same may bo heard by the Common Council, who will meet as a board of equalization on Wednesday the 11th day of Mar. 1914, at the City Hall in said City at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. of said day to hear and cqualizo the assess ment roll for the improvement of Third Street East between the points above described and before the pas sage of an Ordinance assessing the cost of said improvement. Dated Feb. 10, 1914. E. B. KAUSRUD. City Recorder. Feb. 10-17-24. Notice of Apportionment of Cost of Sewer Improve mentin District.No. 2. Notice is hereby eivent That the cost of the construction of a sewer in district No. 2, in the City of Bandon. Oregon, has been apportioned and is now on file in the office of the City Recorder 'of said city, and subject to examination, the whole cost of said sewer is $2,439.48 and is apportioned and assessed to Sewer District No. 2, City ot llamlon which district embraces the fol lowing ilescribEd property: Lots 16 to 30 inclusive in block 14, Bandon Heights Ad dition to Bandon, Lots 1 to 16 inclusive in block S Bandon Heights Addition to Ban- I T r - f t. . ; 1 I I, . n UUII, 4UIX 13 IU JU 1I1U1UI1VC Ul U1UCK. 14, Bandon Heights Addition to Bamjon, Lots I to IS inclusive in block 13 Bandon Heights Addition to Bandon, also a piece of land commencing at the intersection ot the ex tension of the south line of block 4 in Ban don Heights Addition to Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, and the west line of Har lem Avenue running thence south along the west line of Harlem Avenue to a point where the said line intersects with the north line of block 13 Bandon Haights Addition extended thence west lOOIeetl thente north and parallel to the west line of' Harlem Avenue to a point SO feetdue west" of the point of beginning) thence cast SO feet to place . of beginning excepting therefrom Carol'ne Street 60 feet by SO feet. Any objections to said apportionment if any ex ists must be filed in writing with the City Recorder within 10 days from the date of the' last publication of this notice which is February 11), 1914 that the same may be heard by the Common Council who will meet as a' board of cquilization on February 20th 1914 at the hour of 8 o'clock p. in. to hear said assessment roll of Sewer District No. 2, before the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost thereof., Dated Jan. 26, 1914. E. ii. KAUSRUD, City Recorder, Jan. 27th Feb. 3U0 . 7r Mrs. W. W. Wolfe entertained number of her music pupils last Sat urday aftcrnon at her home on Franklin avenue. The afternoon was spent in music and' games. Dainty refreshments were served. Warner's feature are the real tiling. Shown at the Grand next Sat. Feb. 14 with Gentleman Jim Corbett. See Jim Coibett in '"The Man iom the Golden West," four reel feature, Grand, Sat. Feb. 14, Value of a Bank Account A bank account with this strong, conservative institution is worth a great deal to you in convenience and security. It leads to many privileges and broader business relations." FIRST NAT'L BANK Open during Nooa Hour and Satur day EyaBiBgt. Official Cow Records. i In order to le admitted to ad vanced regisrry a cow must produce a certain amount of buttrrfat within a given' period. The rules are made bv Om .f!ociations and differ with tbi d fh-rr-iu brt i ds. To Ik- i ligihle to the Holslein registry a cow, ral- j tMnri rM tir linfftrn rl'ttt i - ...- I vui wm w 1 I'vuni. iui vimj ,im." I r I W .t years old, must make :i record of not lew than 7.2 pound.s of butter f.it in seven consecutive days This is the cquivajeui ol about 8 pounds of butter per week. For every day that the cow exceeds two years of age at d ite of calvirg the require ments for butter fat record are in creased .00439 ()' a pmnd Tnis rale holds until she is five years of age when she must produce not less than 12 pounds of bpMer fat in seven consecutive days Kn't-s lor jthe other bieeds var in,lh' miotint ol biitierf.il requited but die ptin ciple is the same in all. The value of t lie test is vo iienetallv rc- knovl d ibid, e.in .UK d.iirx nu'ii ill ii' piin-h.i-ie a pure ' l ed -ire uiile-.s iiffiei.tl leStV have been m.ule on his nicest nrs State Press Comments. lion't it make you tired to receive a large bulky lei fet sent you in a franked envelope and with the time worn prefix "Honorable" tacked onto your name? Then (torn cliriousity morcTthan anything else you carelessly peruse a page o. r two of the manuscript to find that some Congressman or other official has suddenly taken an inserest in you jnst because election tinme is draw ing near. Ziz bang, goes the lid to the waste basket. Coos Bay Harbor. Another Argument That it Pays to Deal With A STRICTLY CASH HOUSE BARLEY $1.10 PER SACK $30.00 PER TON FULL WEIGHT We Lead in Reducing Prices Others May Follow WON WAREHOUSE CO. CASH ONLY f Neighborhood Gossip. The Lockhart hotel in Empire City, a landmark of pioneer days, is being torn down. It was recent ly purchased by Wtn. Saundeis, who secured H. Ingersoll to raise the building. Much' of the lumber is as sound as-when it entered the structure in the early '70s and the workingmen find it a difficult un dertaking to remove-it. Marshfield Sun. Vernon Rarker, formerly of this city, is in serious trouble at Eureka, California, being charged with violating the white slave law. Bar ker was once a saccessful logger of the Upper Coquille, and a man of good repute and excellent reputa tion, Marshfield Sun. John D. Goss, who came home today trom Salem, s.iys the South ern Pacific will put on a full force ol men along the Willamette Pacific within thirty days, ;Miirshfield Re cord. The stockholders of the Bank of Myrtle Point held an election of officers Wednesday. J. R. Benson was elected president. C. C. Carter vice-president, and R. Morris, John Carl and George Shelly, directors. Ed Racklefl resigned as cashier of bank and R. A. Annan was elected to take his place. A. D, Loud, formerly of Maple ton and Eugene, and at one time reporter of U. S Federal Court in Minnesota, has wired Judge Coke his aceptance of the appointment as reporter in the Coos and Currv county courts. Coquille Sentinel. Frederick Hollister, of North Brnd a lawyer and banker, is out for the Democratic nomination to congress from the first district. Talk About Solid Comfort! You just want to get one of our DICTATOR cigars between your teetli and light it. There may be other ci-ga-is as good as the DICTA TOR but they will cost you more money than you may care to pay. The price of the DICTATOR is only 10c and when you have smoked one you'll wonder how it can be so little. Bowman Cigar Co. Notice of Livestock Im pounded. Notice is hereby given: That the undersigned, pound master of the City of Bandon, Coos County, Ore gon, has this day January 31, 1914 impounded in the City Pound in the City .of Bandon, Coos County Oregon, the following described ani mals found by me to be rurning at large within the corporate limits of the City of Bandon, Oregon, which is contrary to Ordinance No. 227, entitled an ordinance prohibiting livestock from running at large with in the corporate limits of the City of Bandon, Oregon. Description of animal impounded is as follows: One cow, red fn color and white spotted. Notice is further given: That un less the owner or owners having in terest in said animal as above de scribed shall claim possesion of same and pay all costs and charges of the keeping and advertising there of, together with the required im pounding fee of $1 50 and officers fee of 1.50, said animals as herein described will upon the 12th day of Feb. 1914 at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the City Hall in B.indon, Oregon, be sold at public and ion to the highest bidder. Dated and posted this 2 day of February 1914. F. A. HOLMAN, Pound Master City of Bandon. James J. Corbett at Grand. "The Man From the Golden West," a four reel feature drama by the Warner's Feature Film Co. presents Gentleman Jim Corbett in the leading role. This is the first time that Corbett has ever posed before the camera and he has proven himself as skillful an actor as he was a fighter. This picture is a typical story oftfie wild and wooly west in Notice of Apportionment of Cost For Improvrmcnt of Jackson Avenue. Notice is hereby Riven i That the cost of the improvement of Jackson Avenue in west Kaiulon to Hamlon, Coo County, Oregon, has been apportioned and is now on file in the office of the City Recorder of said city and there open to the inspection of all persons interested therein, the whole cost of said improvement is $3,892.55 and is apportioned and assessed to Loral Im provement District No. 13 of JacUou Ave nue which district embraces all of the pro perty on cither nide of said street and abutting thereon between the south line of Ocean Drive and the north line of Seventh street west and from the south line of Seventh Street West to the north line of 13th stieet west fiointhe marginal line of said Jackson Avenue lark to the center of the blocks abutting thereon. Any objections to said apportionment if any exists must be filed in writing with the City Recorder within 10 days from the date of the last publication of this notice which is February 10th 1914 that the same may be beard by the Common Counoil who will meet as a board of ctiuilizalion to hear said assessment of Jackson Avenue roll on Friday l'ebmary 2l)lh 1914 at the hour of oorlu il-iuo onH rnntnins manv sen- , , , .,. ., ' 68 o'clock p, m. before the passage 6f an sauonal and thrilling climaxes. ATrjinaucc a,seii-wt, ,i,e rost f ;,. feature ,hat is different, and will, prove enjertaininp jb 0Qvery0 photo play fan. At the Grand next Sat urday, Feb, 14. provemcnt. o Dgcd this Will day of Jan. 1914. o E. II. KAUSRUD, City Recorder. Brown & Gibson The Leading Contractors and Builders We furnish plans and speci fications and it you are go ing to build anything, no matter how large or how nnll, we can save you money. Let us figure on your building. Mechanical Engineer Contractor Jand Builder Bandon - Oregon Jan. 27th tfeb. Ml 10 PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drugs anil drug sundries, fine perfume , hair brushes and toilet art -cles? If so, call on C. Y. LOWE Bandon, Oregon Hotel Bandon American Plan, 1.00 and 1.50 per day. European Plan, rooms 50c, 75c & 1 per day E. G. CASSIDY, Proprietor City Transfer S. D. Kelly, Proprietor Light and heavy hauling promptly done. Contracting and grading Trantient trade solicited. .Morses hoarded Office in Dufort Building Phone 1151 ABSTRACTS Bnndon Brunch Office of Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. (Henry Sengstackni, Mjr ) McNair Hardware Buildinp In charge P. H. Poole. o Economy Promptness Reliability