a og o D 6 oo 9 0 0C0CCO 03 O 05CS80 V 06sefC3-oc0 con. ScP oo 0 cis?- O 0 'Sw O O O GRAND THEATRE ....Big Special War Drama.... "Trooper Billy" IN FOUR SENSATIONAL REELS "Fellow Voyagers" "Dollars - - Pounds - - Sense" ESSANAY COMEDY GRAND Pianos for rent at Bandon Company. Drug W. P. Murphy of Marshfield was a Bandon visitor yesterday. Try tho Unique for a Rood square meal and sweet bread. rrnnt. nnd rutr weaving, aply to Mrs. J. L. Foster, Bandon. W. S. Morton of North Bend was in Bandon yesterday. Go to Mitchell's furniture store on tho hill for anything you want in house furnishings. finrlinr. Sr.. of Bandon is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Chcov er of Langlois. Langlois Leader. Lenses duplicated by Dr. R. A. Wahlen, eye specialist; office next door to telephone oficc. T. P. Hughes of Sixes River was in Bandon Saturday loking after business affairs. New orders of bicycle repairs of all kinds constantly arriving. Will take prdurs for bicycles of any kind. S. D. Barrows. For rent Large house and bnrn House modern; close in; will rent (separately or together. Also modern five room house on Pacific avenue G. B. Zeck. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. White of Port Orford were in Bandon yesterday doing some shopping and looking af ter business nffairs. When socallcd watchmakers fail to mako your watch run right bring it to H. E. Morton, expert watchmak ing who never does fail. Next door to telephone office. J. E. McKervall and R. W. Wal ker, of Lakeport, were in Bandon Saturday looking after business af fairs. I can paint your signs for you for one-half tho price usually charged by the sign painters and guarantee the work. Your price is my price. Strowbridge, the locnl sign painter. Miss Anderson of Marshfield visit- ed a few days witk Mrs. L. P. Soren Kon and attended the dance at the Wigwam Saturday nictaoi ctaoin eta Wigwam Friday night. Earl Wilts, who has ben visiting his parents in San Francisco for a few weeks, returned on the Bandon and has taken up his work in the Boyle jewelry store again. C. Keisling a Standard Oil man from San Francisco, is in tho city today with C. Wl Montgomery, looking over the ground for the es tablishment of n new oil warehouse here. Tho Woman's Homo Mission Soci ety of the M. E. Church South will serve dinner in tho I. 0. 0. F. Hall Saturday, February 14. Dinner will be served from 11 a. m. to 2 p. in. All are cordially invited. 12t2. To trade for Bandon property, 40 acres good bench land, 2 miles from Fish Trap landing. Small house and barn, somo fruit and berries, a fine place for chickens. Will include a span of horses and cow if wanted. Address Frank Burkholdcr, Coquillc, Oregon. 3t8 Moss Avcrill arrived from Gold Bench Friday evening and visited ovol Sunday at tho D. M. Avcri homo of I). M. Avcrill, nnd was also looking after somo business affairs wlillo hcrg. Moss has many Ban don frk'iids, who arc always glad to see him. ' j LOCAL MP Now ihowing exclusive licensed films. 28 reels every week. Vitgraph Drama - Thursday, Feb. 12 10c and 5c PERSONAL ITEMS Experienced nurse Mrs. II. Jones. Leave card at P. O. K C. C. Carter of Myrtle Point was in Bandon Monday on business Trade your old furniture for new at Mitchell's furniture store. Phone 211. Idaho ranch or city property to exchange for property in Coos coun ty. Dipple & Wolverton. Everything for the home at the Bandon Furniture Co. See our big stock. Mis Ethel Dyer had the misfor tune to get her hand mashed Friday by a window falling on it. For sale Thorough-bred B. Min orca cockerels, cheap if taken at once Adress box G02. The Bandon Furniture Co. has the latest designs in furniture. Sec their big asortmcnt. Henry Olsen, who left here a short time ago for Portland, has secured a position with tho Northern Pac ific Railroad. When in need of an abstract of 'ti tle to your property, see Dipple & Wolverton. Experienced cook and wife would like position in camp. Address Box 374, Bandon. Anyone wishing home made pies or cakes, phone the Wigwam or seo Mrs. E. Lcwin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson ofBnn don ,wcro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Hagonson Tuesday for dinner. Langlois Leader.' Make your wife a present of one of those easy rocking chairs for salo at Mitchell's furniture store. For Rent Tho Episcopal church newly painted, papered and repair ed. See G. T. Trcadgold. 12tf. For salts On corner of Filmore and Third streets, groceries at living prices. Call and see A. II. Sparks. For Sale Ono yearling and one two-year-old colt and one mare. In quire of Pete Anderson. 12t8x Wo have several clients looking to Coos County for dairy farms. If you havo one to sell list it with Dip ple nnd Wolverton at once. Thursday is Lincoln's birthday and a legal holiday, consequently both of Bandon's banks will remain clos ed nil day on that date. Wanted To exchange Portland property as part payment on a good doiry farm, stocked. Diplo & Wof verton. Geho Osborne returned on tho Eli zabeth from San Francisco, bring ing a span of horses with him for uso on his ranch. C. F. Pape, who has been on the sick list for some tmc, is able to bo about again and will be down to bus iness in good earnest in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cattcrlin came over from Marshfield Monday to visit friends, nnd incidentally Mr. Catterlin was calling on his custom ers. Miss Jessie Mott returned on the Elizabeth from San Francisco where she had been laying in a stock and getting the new styles in millin ery. Wm. Candlin came down from Co- quillo Sunday evening nnd went on down tho coast Monday morning. Ho will mako Langlois, Port Oiifogl and Gold Beach before he returns. Notice of Apportionment of Cost of the Improvement of Fourth Street West. Notice is hereby given: That tho cost of the improvement of Fourth Rtroot Wot from the West line of Edison Avenue westerly to tho inter sort inn nf said Fourth Street West with Ocean Drive in the City of Ban don. Orciron. . has been apportioned and is now on file in the office of the City Recorder and there subject n nvnminntinn. the whole COSt of said improvement is $2,093.84 and is apportioned and assessed to Local Improvement District No. 8 of Fourth Street West which district embraces all of the property on eith er side of said street and .abutting thereon between the West line of Edison Avenue and the intersection of Fourth Street West with Ocean Drive from the marginal line of said Fourth Street West back to the cen ter of the blocks abutting thereon. Any .objections to said apportion ment' must be filed in writing with the City Recorder within 10 days from the date of the last publication of this notice which last dato is Feb ruary 24, 1914, that the same may be heard by the Common Council who will meet as a board of equalization on Wednesday, the ljth, day of Mar. 1914, at the City Hall at the; hour of 8 o'clock P. M. of said day to hear and equalize the assessment roll of tho improvement of Fourth Street West and before the passage of an Ordinance assessing the cost of said improvement. Dated Feb. 10, 1914. E. B. KAUSRUD, J City .Recorder. Feb. 10-17-24. Notice of Apportionment of the Cost of the Improvement of Ocean Drive City of Bandon. Notico is hereby given: That the cost of the improvement of Ocean Drive in the City of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, has been apportion ed and is now on file in the ofllco of the City Recorder of said City and there subject to examination, the whole cost of said improvement is $2,774.72 and is apportioned and as sessed to Local Improvement District No. 9 of Ocean Drive which district embraces all of the property on cither side of said Ocean Drive and abutting thereon between the inter section of Ocean, Drive with Fourth Street West to the West line of Jack son Avenue from the marginal line. of said street back to the center of the blocks abutting thereon. Any objections to said apportionment :must be filed in writing With the City Recorder within 10 days from the date of the last publication of this no tice which Inst publication is on Feb ruary 24th, 1914, that tho same may be heard by the Common Council, who will meet as a board of equali zation on Wednesday tho 11th day of March, 1914, at the City Hall in, said city at the hour of 8 o'clock P. "M. of said day to hear and equalize the assessment rolj of Ocean Drive improvement beforo the passage of an Ordinance assessing the cost of said improvement. Dated Feb. 10, 1914, ' E. B. KAUSRUD. City Recorder Feb. 10-17-24. Notice of Apportionment of Cost of Seventh Street West Notice ii hereby given that,lhe coil of ihe im prouvemhnt of Seventh Street West in Wt Bandon to Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, hat been apportioned and ii now on Ale in the office of the City Recorder of uid city and there sub." ject to examination, the whole cod of uid 'im provement it 458,70 and it apportioned and assessed to Local Improvement District No 14 of Seventh Street West which district embraces all of the property on either tide of said street and abutting thereon between the east line of jackton Avenue and the west line of Jackson Avenue from the marginal line of said Seventh Street West back to the center of the blocks abutting theron. Any objections to said appor tionment if any exist must be filed in writing with the City Recorder within 10 days from the date of the last publication of this notice which date is February 10, 1914 that the same may be heard by the Common Council who will meet at a board of equalization to hear the assess ment toll of Seventh Street West on Friday, February 20, 1914 at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. before the passage of an ordinance assessing the cjst of said (improvement. Uated Jan. ib, I VI 4 E. B, fCausrud. City Recosder. Jan. 27 Feb. 3. 10 Notice of Administration NOYlCB IS HKREHV GIVKN. That by order of the County Court of the state of Oregon, in and for the county nf Coos, KLBKRT DVKR, was on the 18th day of DeceniDcr, 1913, duly appointed ailininit trator of the estate of James A. Cope, de ceased' and that letter" of administration were issued to him on January 5th. 1914. and that he is now qualified ami actinc. THEREFORE all persona having claims against the said estate, are hereby notified to present the same vvtth the proper vouch ers, to the said administrator at the office of Geo. P. Topping, in the city of ltamlon, Coos county. Oregon, itlitn six (() months frojji 'the 1 3 tli day of February, 19W, the date of final publication of this notice. KutitRT Over Administrator of the estate of w James A. 'Cope, deceased .Cii.o. I. Tot'i'iNO L.L e Attorney for hsutc rirst pub. Ian. 16, o LODGE DIRECTORY Mtumnle. HANDON LODC.F No tin a f a. a l ', .Suto communications first Saturday after the full moon of each month. Special to. uraumcauons second Saturday thereafter, All tftsl ft mi itiuicr masons cordially invited. . C. R. Moor W.M mil rcarson, Secretary Eastern Star IlCCIDENTAL CHAPTFR M je. o E. S., meets Saturday evening before and coram uucanon 01 Masonic iodce v..:.: i j ii . ..... uluUg mcuiucn coraiauy invitea to attend. L. Kate Ro, W. M Kosa Bingaman. Secretary. 1. O. O.F OANDON LODGE. No. 133. 1. O. O. F. , , every Wednesday evening. Visiting ... gwt, Mauuiuy coiuuuiy invuea. S. E. Hines, N. G. Logan Kay, Sec. Knlrhta of Prthtaa TJELPHJ LODGE. No. 64. Knighu ol Pythias. Meett every Monday evening at Knights hall. Visiting knights - invited to aucnu. u. K. McNair, C. C. B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. Loyal Order of Mooae Meets Thursday evenings in I. O. O. F. Hall. Transient Moose cordially invited. Something doing every Thursday. Rebekah CEAN REBEKAH 1 ODGE. No. 126 v I. O. O.F.. meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 1 O. O. F. Hall. Transcient members cordially invited. Lena Davidson, N. G Minerva Lewtn, Secretary. , w. o. w. -;Wilh Charity Towards AH" SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212. W. O. W meets Tuesdays, K. P. hall, 8 p. m. Visitors are assured a' hot welcome. . By order ol W. A. KELLER. C. C C M. GAGE, Clerk. Professional Cards. THOMAS F. HAGGERTY Attorney-at-Law Over McNair's Hardware Store Phone 482 BANDON, OREGON C. R. WADE Lawyer BANDON, OKEGON DRg.H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon Office over Drug Stare. Hours, 9 to" 12 a. m; 10U to 4 p. m; 7 to o in the evening. BANDON, OREGON DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon Office in Panter Building. Hours, 9. to 1 2 a. m; I to 5 p. m. BANDON, OREGON DR. L. P. SORENSON Dentist Office over Vienna Cafe. Telephone at office and residence. BANDON, OREGON G. T. TREADGOLD Attorney and Counselor at Law Office with Bandon Investment Company Notary Public , BANDON, OREGON DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Office in Rasmussen Buildinp. Phone 72. BANDON, OREGON DR. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Office over Orange Pharmacy. Office phone, 352. Residence phone, 353. "BANDON, OREGON DR. S. "C. ENDICOTT ! ' tit ' Dentist Office Phone. 7 1:" Ret. Phone 312; BANDON, OREGON DR. I. L. SCOFllELD Dentist Will occupy offices over Bandon Dry Goods Co. store after Jan. 1$, 1914.41 Benjamin Ostjind Consulting Engineer and Architect ' 0 Offrc- la Thrift BMf. "PENSULAR" Stands for Reliability. When you buy any of the Pensular Remedies you are sure of getting the best. If You Have a Cold Use Pensular Childrens Cough Syrup Pensular. Cherry Cough Syrup Pensular White Pine & Spruce Balsam Pensular Laxative Cold Breaker To Remove Tan au axcuiuve tan and keep the skin smooth there is nothing like pen sular Cucumber and Almond Cream and Pensular j Buttermilk Cerate. " ( j Can Be Bought At The Bandon Drug Company "The Pensular Store" Only Hotel Gallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month Sample room in connection Bandon Got Any Time To Spare? Use electric appliances for the household work and yo"u will have time for other things. Let us demonstrate them to you BANDON POWER COMPANY Automobile and Machine Work Bring your work to the Garage and Machine Shop. Everything done with neatness and dispatch. Agent for Buick Automobiles. M. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Ore. (Ol 3UU W. E. 8TEINOFF THE HARNESS MAN A new supply of suit cases, trunks, shopping bags, robes, etc.," etc. Mill Wood $2.25 per load delivered on the hill. $2.50 on Ocean Drive. Jackson avenue and ' outside the city limits. Geo. B. Morgan, Phone 1173 FRED L. LEEPER Contractor and Builder If you are'Viming to build let me figure with you. Plans aji d -estimates furnished P, O. BOX 903, BANDON Oregon Mrs. Guy Dipple Spirclla's Corselcire PHONE 714 MRS. W. W. WOLFE LrfsTKUCrOR OF PIANO Miss Simpson GRADUATE NURSE Phone 934 ttUit pub. Feb, 1). 0 0 o o e e ! d cr