V Semi-Weekly Bandon Reorder, February 10, 191 sfmi.WEEKLY BAND ON RECORDER Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Recorder i , Publishing Company. R,edattheP..tofficeat Bandon, Oregon, a. Mail Matter ofjhe Second Cla A. W. STUART C. E. KOPF cun il.qo ner Year in Advance. Advertising rates made known on application. NEWSPAPER CIRCULATION. The bidding for the city prmtoig has reachede serv sr.t onal stage, ana trie oiuy uuu,,,. , ' r"""f thev Eive things if they give it to one paper, and worse it tney it to another. . QCOf mfi. on which will, therefore give the greatest return to the city foi trie """g this connection it is well to state that the courts Vim vp -PnGatedlv held that bonafide subscribers, insofar .s X have ordered the paper and are not ove y arrears and all must be subscribers for a period not le. than -ix uiontns. . llhmittin(r its with rnis in view xnu u,uiuwi ... , , . i -v. i. bid, X r tailed statementitscircda ion and that it was bonaiiae. rso ouie ici ---- - paper can cio tnis aim muw "v;r. 7" Tup TjPPordcr circulation as this paper. In a PJJ has twice as many readers as its neat comp etitoi , and on this list are readers who have taken the jjapei tor fifteen and twenty years-many who have been with it fr Sentogout papers to everyone who will take them out of the post office and subsequently claiming the larg 0 , L i AyL ,na nno hv one Bandon paper, is a eSC CirCUlUUUii, co vvo v.. j - . .. i . iniivna lief hnr. in trie nres- favonte piay among amaicui jUUi..u..u.-, - ent instance will hardly have the desired resu t The Recorder has no quarrel with the City Council, but if the printing is given out on the merit of circulation ii i ii 1.1... j. wiiofnlro io tnnnP we win see io it uuiu nu uuBian- But to save further distressing details, we submit the following proposition: We will authorize the local post office authorities to give the City Council or others interested, the figures of postage paid by The Recorder iat Hip other Handon Da- ior tne pusu siau uo, pum, v. pers will do the same. PAVE THE STREETS. Spring will soon be here and if Bandon is going to this season it is hierh time that the neces- sary preparations were being made, as. the earlier we get at the work the sooner and better it win De aone. dhiiuuu is the only town in Coos County with no paved streets and the deplorable condition of the streets this winter is a living argument in favor f hard surfacing of some kind The down town streets should be paved with the very best hard surfacing that can be had, and if we once get start ed, the benefits derived will ie so plainly in evidence that everyone will be in favor of extending the work. All are in favor of pushing ahead in other lines, why not keep our municipal affairs on an epual basis with other im provements. First Street should be paved at once. As long as it remains in its present condition it will give the town a "black eye." We understand the plans and specifications have been ordered by the Council for the improrement of this street, and if such is the case, the sooner the work is commenced the better. WHY WAIT UNTIL MAY? The petitions for a bond election to secure m6ney for the improvement of Coos county roads have been filed with the county court. The number of signatures are greatly in excess of the number required to call- the election, and if the petitions are found to be all right at the court hearing tomorrow, why hesitate about call ing a special election ? The sentiment in favor of better highways and prompt action is overwhelmingly in the majority. If the bond election is held off until the regu lar primary in May, it will mean that no real road work can be done this year. MUNICIPAL WHARF NEEDED. As the population and industries of Bandon increase water front property on the river will increase propor tionately. It certainly will never be cheaper than at the present time. Why, then, would-it not be a wise plan for the city to purchase a site for a municipal wharf? The river traffic is increasing rapidly, and the need of bet ter wharf facilities and especially a waiting room for pas sengers, is apparent to everyone who lands or embarks here in the rainy season. A candidate for governor recently got into print in a great many state papers by furnishing to publishers a gratis plate service, which ostensibly was a good roads story, but in reality was a boost for this particular can didate. Thus does the wiley candidate get in his fine work on the unsophisticated country editor. Notice of Apportionment r A Cost or June menuc e in. ettlof i Bandon, i now der .22 .. .. 1... nlirnVlfTtiSttt IN once 7 . . f - a .1 .lia imnrnv'in.l pori.onB.cii. ; -' ,"v - -:, i a in Rimlnn Heiphts to Ik junc nv"v : :. p . , V .. I... l.iant annartioneu ana is t file in the office of the City Record were suojcti - cost ot saiu ii..i.ruc'"-". .,.-''. a . I .. .1 . c f 1 t n T nral -r a rf.....rt. Wi Ifi nf Tlll1f An provemeiu im"""" - ,,' ' I i:.t,:i itilinrii all of the nrni nn either side of said street and ahutti thereon between the north line of 3rd .v.... .,,! fl,- Kmith line of 2nd street from the marginal, line of said June Avenue hack to the center of the blocks abutting tliprrnn. Anvobiections to s.tid apportion. inent if any exists must be filed in writing with the City Recorder within 1U days the date of the iast publication of this i lOlh. 1914 that the ,,v he heard bv the Common Council who will meet as a board of emiilizalion Februarv 20th, I9Mat the hour of 8 o'clt p. m. before the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of. said improvement. Dated Jan. 26, 1914. J E. B. KAUSRUD, City Recorder. Jan. 27t'H Feb. 3-10 on anil whole and Im- cnue icrty street north from i notice same icil on .'clock Notice of Apportionment of Cost of First Street No. Notice is hereby given i Th.tt the ap portionment of cost of the improvement of First Street North in Bandon Heights to Bandon, Oregon has been apportioned and is now on file in the office of the City Re corder of said city, and there subject to ex "apiination, the whole cost of said improve ment is 5850,50 and is, apportioned and assessed to Local Improvement District No. 15 of First Street North which district em braces all of the property on either side of said street between the East line of Harlem Avenue and the' West line of Juhe Avenue from the marginal line ,ol said First Street North lack, to the center of the blocks abutting thereon. Ann MiSi.pt.nn tn said amiortioiuiient if any exists must be filed in writing with the City Recorder within lu uays irom tne date of the last publication of this notice which is February 10th 191 that the same ...it, I,. Imnl liv tlir Common Coonc'il who will meet as a board.of equilization to hear the assessment rod ot first ptreei worm on EVliriinrt 71)1.1. 1914 at Hie hour of 8 o'clock ii. m. before the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvement. Dated Jan. 26. 1914. E. B. KAUSRUD, .City Recorder Jan. 27 Feb. 3-1Q Sale of Rcnl Property for Unpaid Street Assessment. Whereas on the 11th day of October, 1913, there was entered in the docket of Cfty IieoS' of the city of Bandon, Coos county, Oregon, delin mirnl uieuments as assessed by Ordinance No, ,J06 ol the ordinances ol the city of Bandoa, for the extension pf .Oregon Avenue (formerly .Alert nalhy street) into Wall street (formerly extension ot, first street) as'assessea wun (menu in nam of,Lot,2,Block I. Fisher, Addition io Baddoa, Oregon, in the sum of $13,15 and assessed to Edward H, Fish and Ada A. Fish. Said as sessment has neyeibeen, paid, boc the lien. dis charged nor satisfied Now, therefor notice is hereby given that by virtue .and iq pursuance of sec,, 122 of the charter of , the city of Bandon. Coot county, Oregon, directing me lo collect said unpaid useMaient by sale of said property to; satisfy the said, lien of $13.23 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per rent per annnm from the lllh.day of October, 1913 and penalty together with, cosU of adver. tiling and sale, thereof . I will on Wednesday the Uth day of February, 19.4 at the hoar of 2 o'clock p. m. of uU. day at. the front door of. the Gty Hall in the city of Bandoa, Coos county' Onroon. sell at Public auction to the bidder riffenng the least amount of penalty and interest all of the right title, inleiest and estate which the said Edward H. Fish and Ads A. Fiih and all persons claiming under Ihcm may have in the, aid described property mentioned which li de scribed ai lollows. to. wit: Lot 2, Block 1, Fisher Addition to Bandon. Coos county, Oregon, ac cording to (he plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the county clerk of said Coos county, Oregon, 5aid sale being made subject to redemption in the manner provided by the charter of the city of Bandon. Dated this lth day ot January,. IV 1 4. C. Y. LOWE, Treasurer of the City of Bandon. First Publ. Jan. 13th 1914 2nd Publ. Jan 20th 1914 3rd Publ. Jan. 27th 1914 ! 4th Publ. Feb. 3rd 1914 5th Publ. Feb. 10 1914 Notice of Apportionment of Cost of Sewer Improvement in Sewer Dis trict No. 1, City of Bandno. lotico is hereby given: That tho cost of the construction of a sew er in Sewer District No. 1, in tho City of Bandon, C003 County, Or egon, has been apportioned and ib now on file in the ofilce of the City Recorder of said City and there sub ject to examination, the whole cost of said sewer is $8,011.87 and is ap portioned and' assessed to SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1, City of, Bandon which distsrict embraces tho follow ing described property: Lot 1, Block ID, Azalea Park Ad dition to Bandon. Lot 11. Block 5. Azalea Park Ad dition to Bandon. Lots 1 and 12, Block 14, Azalea Park Addition to Bandon. Lots 11 and 12, Block G, Azalea Park Addition to Bandon. Lot 1, Block 1, South Bandon. Addition to Bandon. Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, Block 7, Azalia Park Addition to Bandon. Lot 11 to 22 inclusive, Block 8, Azalea Park Addition to Bandon. Lots 1 and 12, Block ',' Azafe'a Park Addition to Bandon. Lot 1, Block 11, Azalea Park Ad dition to Bandon. Lots 1 to 12' Inclusive, Block 9, Azalea Park Adition to .Bandon. Lots 1 to if inclusive, Block 10, Azalea Park Adition to hpnilon. Lot 1, Block 3, South Bandon. Lots 1 anil 18, Block 2, South' 'Baln don. o o Lots iUnid 4, IliocR 1, HiQ-sfcU Ad dition to Bandon. Lots 3 to 9 inclusive, Block 2, liort.l of fall Addition, to Bandon. Lots 1, 2, 4, G, Block 18, Dunhams Additon to Bandon. ' Lots 8 to, 20 inclusive, Block 18, Dunhums Addition to Bandon. Lots (3, 7, 10, 11, Block 20, Dun hams Addition to Bandon. Lots 12 to 22 inclusive, Block 19, Dunhams Addition to Bandon. Lots 1 to 8. Block 17, Town of Ban don (formerly Town of Avcrill.) Lots 1 and 8, Block 12, Town of Bandon (formerly Town of Averill). Lots 1 and 8, Block 0, Town of Bandon, (formerly Town of Avcrill) Lots 5, 0, 7, Block U, Town of Ban don, (formerly Town of Averill.) Lots 1, 2, !1, 4, 7, 8, Block 20, Town of Bandon, (formerly Town of Averill.. Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 3, Amended Plut of Breakwater Addition to Bandon. Lots 5, G, 7, 8, Block 1, Amended Plat of Breakwater Addition to Ban don. A piece of ground described as fol lows; Commcncinir at the intersec tion of the center line of Jackson Avenue, extended, with the north line of Ocean Drive; thence north easterly alonir tho north line Ocean Drive to its Intersection with the west line of Block 20 in Town of Bandon; thence northerly ulong the YVeBt line of Block 20 ,in Town of Bandon 195 feet; thence southwest erly and parallel with Ocean Drive to the center line of Jackson Ave, ex tended; .thence along tho center line of Jacksbn Ave, extended, to place of beginning. ALSO a. piece of ground described as folfiJVves: Cefcnmcncing at the in tersection of the cast line of Jack- Ron Ave. with the South line of .Ocean Drive, thence easterly along the' south line of Oc6an Drive to the west line of Lnncrlois Add; thence south alone the west line of Lang lols Add. 120 feeti thence westerly and parallel with Ocean Drive to the east line of Jaskson Ave; thence north' along the east line of Jack son Av. to place of beginning. Also a niece of cround described as . , follows: Commencing at tho inter section of the west line of Harrison lAve. with the South line of Ocean (Drive: thenco south 112.85 feet; west 80 feet; north 60 feet and east- nrlv 9f..flR feet to nlace of bctrinnintr " ALSO a piece of ground described as folowea: Commencing at the in tersectlon of the east line of Harri sdn Ave. and the South line of Ocean Drive; thence South along ' i : .. . . Harrison avo. 100 it; tnence east to west line of Cartwrights Add. to Bandon; thenceNorth to. South line of "Block 20 Town of Bandon; thence Northwesterly along the south line p said Block 20 to the south line of Ocean Drive; thence south wester ly atontr the South line of Ocean Drive to place of beginning. 'A niece of mound' described as fol lows: Commencing at the intersec- tibn of the south line of Ninth St. West, and the east lino of Franklin Ave. running thence south along the east line of Franklin Ave. 257.3 ft; thence cast 132.G ft; thence North 257.3 ft; thence West 132.G ft. to the place of beginning. ALSO a piece of ground describ ed as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the east line of Edi son Ave. and the North line of Se cond Street, West; thence Northerly along the east lino of Edison Ave. to the South line of First Street, West, 200 feet; thence easterly along the south lino of First Street West 50 feet; thence 'southerly and paral lel to Edison Ave. 200 feet to the north line of Second Street, West, ;hence westerly along the north lino of Second Street, West, 50 feet to place of beginning. ALSO a piece of ground describ ed as folUws: Commencing at the intersection of tho south line of Second Street, West, and tho West line of Edison Avo; running thence southerly along tho West line of Edison Ave. 4G0 feet to the North line f Fourth Street, West, thence westerly along tho north line of Fourth Street Wost, 510 feet to the east lino of Garfield Ave; thenco northerly along tha east line of Gar field Ave. 100 feet; thenco easterly and parallel with Fourth Street, West, 440 feet; thence northerly and parallel with Edison ave. 3G0 feet to the South line of Second Street, West thence easterly along tho south line if Second Street, West, 100 feet to place of beginning. (Any objections to said apportion ment if any exists must be filed in writiag with the City Recorder with in 10 days from the date of the last publication of this notice which date Februarv 24th. 1914. that the same may be heard by the Common Coun cil who will meet as a board of equal ization on Wednesday the 11th day of March, 1914, at the City Hall in said City at the hour of 8 o'clock r, M. of said day to hear and equalize tho assessment .roll in sower dls trict No. 1, bejore the.pasago of an Ordinance assessing the cost of said BKHxr improvement. E. B.' KAUSRUD, City Recorder. Dated Feb. 10th, 1913. Feb. 1M7-24. "SAFETY" is the Watchword in all investments of thu hunks funds. The olTice;s and directors first of all a, -sure themselves of the safely of a proposition hefore enter taining it. The safety of ir- vestments means safety of ii -vestments means safety ft r depositors also. This is a good hank jn which to place your funds. THE BANK OF BANDON Sam Says: The volume of business we are doing attests the excellence of G. W. M. brands and methods GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. Li .tWTT DO YOU USE YOUR TELEPHONE TO ADVANTAGE WHY NOT It is cheaper to talk than to travel. We have tnl' stations in Coos and Curry counties and connect v" i the Bell system at Roseburg. COOS BAY HOME TELEPHONE CO. BANDON TRANSFER LINE GATCHELL BROS., Propi. All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Barn Cor. Pirst & Spruce St., Fish Properly PJION 10 041 II. C. DN'l'LF. H. T. WOLVKRTON Coos County Means Opportunity See Bandon First. DIPPLE & WOLVERTON Choice Farm Lands and City Property GUY DIITI.IJ AUDITING ACCOUNTING FIRIi INSURANCK NOTARY I'UIU.IC RENTALS IIOOK-KKKIMNG REAL ESTATE FARM LANDS 1NSTRUNENTS CONVEYANCES Bandon - - - Oregon 1st Street Opposite P. O. PHILLIPS 8 MILLER Building Construction Office in Thrift Building THE CHILD willi correctly fitting eye glasses 's most likely to U rilE ADULT without such. Optical Parlors at Sabro brot. Jewel ,y Store. POHL. O. D. To Save Life First and property afterwards is the fireman s duty. Your uty is to see that in case ol re your loved ones are not made homeless and penniless. Order a fire insurance policy from us today. Rvery day's delay means the risk of see ing your family without a home or the means of getting one. Donald Mac Kin tosh Insurance VCompanyi'J been climbing eyfirie iterance ladder until 'to- it "stands at the lop. yh the volume, of fire protection '4 gives the American people it llsiands abovef livery other fire Pmsurancejcompany. When youl need fire uwraocc E. E. OAKES FINE JOB PRINTING AT THE RECORDER OFFICE. (SO 9 C f i