Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, February 10, 1914, Image 1

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The Recorder covers the
Bandon field thoroughly
Job Printing!
A modern equipped job
printing department.
II. A. Murphy Buys Large Stock and
Will Continue Business So Siicccs
fully Couductcd by W. E. Cnt
Gtore is One of Largest Dry Goods
Houses in Coos County. Second
Venture in Bandon for the New
II. A. Murphy, who has been man
uging tho Peoples 5-10-lGc store
since it was started last fall, has
bought the large stock of tho Ban
don Dry Goods Co. from W. E. Cat
tcrlin and invoicing was commenced
Saturday morning and will probab
ly bo completed today.
Mr. Murphy will continue the bus
iness on an equally large scale at the
Camo stand nnd will also continue
the G-10-lBc store.
Wo are also pleased to announce
that Mr. Cattcrlin docs not contem
plate leaving our city, but will prob
ably embark in other business here.
Returns With Bride.
Mr. II. E. Morton, of the firm of
..(orton & Whalen, jewelers, return-
od tho latter part of last week from
Portland with his bride, who was
formerly Miss Hazel Ray Wilkinson.
Of tho wedding the Oregonian of
Sunday, February 8, has the follow
ing to say:
A pretty wedding took place on
Wednesday evening, January 21, at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wil
kinson, 222 East First street North,
when their daughter, Hazol Ray,
was married to Harlcy Eugene Mor
ton. Rev. A. B. Caldcr, pastor of
Trinity Methodist Episcopal church
officiated, the ceremony taking place
under a white floral wedding bell.
The house was decorated elaborate
ly in white and green, large tulle
bows being effectively used. The
bride's gown was of ivory white
charmeusc, trimmed with real lace,
Her tullo veil was fashioned in a cap
effect banded with a wreath of
orange blossoms, and she carried a
shower bouquet of bride's roses and
lilies of the valley. Miss Lillian G,
Carpenter, who was maid of honor,
was gowned in pale blue crcpo dc
chine with waist of Oriental lace
with pearls. She carried an arm
bouquot of pale pink carnations.
Howard Warden was best man.
A buffet supper was served after
the ceremony. Mr. Morton is engag
ed in busincs in Bnndon, where the
young couplo will make their homo.
New Engineer Takes Up Work.
J. S. Sawyer, the newly appointed
f'ity Engineer, who takes the place
of P. A. Sandberg, resigned, start
cd in on his work Saturday and is
now busily egnged in making plans
nnd specifications for tho various
e'ty works.
Mr. Sawyer was in the engineering
1" partmbnt for the city of Medford
lor three years and helped to make
about a milion nnd a half dollars
worth of improvements, consequent
ly ho is well versed in municipal en
gineering. Mr. Sandberg will probably spend
this week finishing up his work nnd
will then embark in other business.
Ho expects to remain in Bandon until
spring at least.
W. P. Gcisendorfer, manager
of tho Cantnra Lumber Co. for Sis
kiyou county, Calif., arived on tho
Fifield Saturday for n visit of a week
with his brother, Geo. Gcisendorfer,
nnd family.
Big four reel feature with James J
Corbett as leading man at the Grand,
Sat, Feb. 14.
Etcction Judges and Clerks.
I'lie following have been appoint
cd judges and clerks for Bandon
for 1914
Precinct No 38, Bandon, N W.
First board: C, B. Zeek, A Mc
Nair, R. E, Buck, E. E. Oakes,
Olilia Lewin, Alice C. T. Gallier;
second board: Steve Gallier, M.
Brener, Chris Rasmussen. A. D.
Mills, H. C, Dipple, C. F Lorcnz.
Precinct No 39, Bandon N. E.
First board: J. L. Kronenberg, E
Dyer, J. H. Gould, Albert Garfield,
Miss F. Amelia Henry, John
Nelson; second board: J. W. Mast,
R. E. L. Bediilion, E. G. Cassidy.
Fred Blundell, A. G. Thrift, Nels
Precinct No. 40, Bandon S. E.
First board: Herbert Brown, F. J.
Cbatburn, J. C. Shields, A. E.
Hadsall, Mrs. Dorotln Barre, Mrs,
Bertha Dufort, second board; L. C.
Gibson, H. H. Dufort, A. J. Barre,
E. B. Fish, A. J. Hartman, John
F. Barre.
Precinct No. 41, Bandon S. W.
First board: W. H. Button, J. H.
Shields C. Wade, L. E. Brown,
Mrs. C. E. Kopf, Mrs. Frank Hol
man; second board: Frank Hufford,
C. E. Kopf, C. E. Klepfer, W W.
Elliot, W. A. LeGore, D. H.
What is Your Income?
Only a few days left in which to
file your income tax statement,
Applications for blanks can be
made to any bank or County Trea
surer or to Milton A. Miller, Col
lector Internal Revenue, Portland,
Penalty of $20 to 1000 for failure
to file returns on or before March I.
Fine not exceeding $2000 or im
prisonment' not exceeding one year
or both at the discretion of the
coutt for makfng a false or fraudu
lent return.
Every person having a net income
of $3000 or over for calendar ear
($2500 for year 1913) must make
a return; a single person is allowed
an ememption of $3000 and a
married person $4000. (For year
1913, March 1 to December 31, the
exemption allowed is 2500 or
All payments due on your income
may be remitted at once or y u can
have until June 30 in which to
pay. Payment must be made by
certified check, money order or
draft. Personal checks can not be
accepted .
Partnerships as such are not re
quired to make income returns, but
the members comprising, the firm
providing their individual incomes
reach $3000 ($2500 for 19 13) or
over arc to make returns
If in doubt regarding any part of
the. law or regulations write for in
formation to M. A. Miller. Collect
or, Portland, Oregon.
For year 1613. the law operates
only from March 1 to December 31
so the incomes, deductions and ex
emptions are figured accordingly, ti
Population Figures.
Some local statistic sharks have
been figuring out that the taxes in
Coos county run to surprising figures
and they have handed The Record
the following findings. They figured
the population of Marshfield 6, 000,
Bandon 3 ,oco, North Bend 31000,
Coquillc 2 000 and Eastside 250.
In applying the figuring along this
path, they find that Marshfield is
paying 20 per capita, North Bend
$25, Bandon $16, Coquille $14, and
Eastside 37. This is not given as
accurate, neither do the statisticians
claim the figures are entirely correct,
although they say they arc approxi
mate. Marshfield Record.
R. E. L. Bediilion in Inter
view at Roseburg. He
Boosts Bandon.
R. E. L. Bediilion, a heavy stock-
holder in the Bandon Woolen Mills,
and one of Coos county's best known
residents, is spending a few days in
Roseburg on business.
Incidentally, Mr. Bedilliori is
talking good roads, being especially
interested in the present almost im
passable highway connecting Rose
burg and Myrtle Point. .Vhile ad
mitting that the permanent im
provement of the road would be
worth millions of dollars to Coos
Bay, Mr Bediilion does not lose
sight of the fact that much would be
gained in a financial way by Rose
burg and other valley towns,
Bandon is a natural summer re
sort, according to Mr. Bediilion,
and with a passable highway between
Roseburg and the coast, thousands
of valley people would visit there
during the summer months. He
says the people of Bandon are a
progressive class and are doing
everything possible to bring about
an improvement of the Myrtle Point
road. This highway, Mr. Bediilion
contends is the feasible route to the
coast, and is the only road worthy
of any - great expenditure. The
people of Coos county are at present
circulating petitions authorizing the
issuance of bonds for good . roads,
states Mr. Bediilion. In the event
Douglas county does'it'share m the
direction of improving the Myrtle
Point road, much of the money
realized irom the Coos Bay bonds
will be spent on the thoroughfare
from Myrtle Point to the Douglas
county line.
Mr, Bediilion says a good and-
permanent highway between Rose
burg and Myrtle Point would be the
means of simulating an interchange
of commerce which would total
many thousands ot dollars in a few
years. Mr. Bediilion expects to
leave Roseburg tonight or tomor
row. Umpqua Valley News.
Coming to the Grand.
"The Last Days of Pompeii,"
This tremendous film has been the
talk of the civilized world. It is
years ahead of the present day
photo drama and reveals to the pub
lic the marvelous possibilities of the
motion picture camera. Shown in
the best theatres throughout the
world at prices ranging from fifty
cents to a dollar, "The Last Days of
Pompeii," has exceeded all previous
records for attendance. It has met
with unanimous endorsement from
press and pulpit alike. Description
of this wonderful masterwork is
utterly futile. To see it with your
own eyes is the only way to get a
complete understanding of this, one
of the greatest disasters that ancient
history has chronicled.
It has taken much effort and pen
severance by the management of
Grand Theatre to persuade the
Pacific Coast agent of "The Last
Days of Pompeii," to bring this sub
ject to Coos county and exhibit this
feature at an admission price that
eerybody ran aflord to meet.
"The Last days of Pompeii,"
comes complete in six reels. Two
shows will be given,' one beginning
at 7:00 p, m and at 9:00 p.m, The
date is Fi idav February 20th, The
admission will be for adults 25c
children 15.
Manager Bediilion of Bandon
Says Nothing Has Been
Closed About Deal.
R. E. L. Bediilion, head of the
Bandon Woolen Mills, left for his
home at Bandon this afternoon after
spending a day on the Bay looking
over possible new sites for the Wool,
en mill which have been offered him
if he will move the factory to Coos
The report circulated here that
he had signed up an agreement to
locate the factory at Crawford Point
or anywhere else is incorrect, as he
has. not signed anything of the kind.
The?, matter is just as was pubiished
in The Times the other day and
tha is that negotiatiens are on.
Mr. Bediilion is in the field for a
new-location and plans to consider
ably enlarge the Bandon Woolen
Mjll1. Under the new tariff he sees
a chance to vastly increase its scope
and 'profits and wants to take advan
tage of the opportunity presented.
The Bandon Woolen Mill has
been a big factor for Bandon and
will be for any point that gets it. It
is' a growing factory and one of the
kind that President McLain of the
Marshfield Chamber of Commerce
and others have been advocating
that Coos Bay needs for its develop
ment' The Marshfield Chamber of Com
merce last evening discussed the
matter and today members. -of the
executive committee comerrea wun
Mr. Bediilion. As long as Mr. Be
diilion has not definitely decided
upon a location they wish to do
anything they can, to help him lo
cate on Coos Bay. So far, the pro
position is purely a tentative one.
The matter will probably be de.
cided definitely, within the next few
days. Coos Bay. Times.
Work is Progressing.
The Eugene Guard of January
30th says: Reporting the Coos
Bay cities lively and railroad work
on the Eugene-Marshfield branch of
the Southern -Pacific railway pro
gressing rapidly, Thomas Dixon,
superintendent of constructioo for
the Mac Arthur-Perks company, con
tractors, arrived home this forenoon
from a trip to the Southern end of
the road.
Mr. Dixon said this afternoon
that his company has a large force
of men at each of two tunnels, No.
6. threes miles north of Gardiner,
and No. 7, ten miles south of that
place. No. 6, which is to be 1500
feet long, is in over 245 feet and No.
7, which wiil be 4300 feet long is
over half completed.
The company also has a steam
shovel and a good sized crew of
men at work at the north approach
to the site of the bridge which is
to span an arm of Coos Bay to enter
"Early in the spring, or just as
soon as the weather will permit,"
said Superintendent Dixon, "we
will place a large force of men at
work on the grade and push it as
fast as possible. We will have as
large a crew as we did last year or
perhaps larger. No grade work
can be done at this time of year on
account of the softness of the earth."
M. G. Pohl, tho optician, has mov
ed his ofice to Subro Bros, jowelry
store, where he has opened a ptjr
lSr equipped with the most modern
npplianccBofor the correct fitting of
eyeTgla8Bes, 0
Women's Commercial Club
Met Friday.
The Women's Commercial Club
met in the Commercial Club rooms
Friday afternoon Jan. 30. The at
tendance was large and the mem
bers expressed great interest in
plans for civic betterment and sani
tation which were proposed for
spring work. It was determined to
inquire into the best and most prac
tical methods for exterminating the
house fly and to take advantage of
the information given out by Dr.
Hodge. Mrs Guy Dipple was ask
ed to present this work to the club
at the next meeting.
Mrs. Kronenberg, Mrs. Garfield
and Mrs. Mann will report on mat
ters which can be taken up by the
club during the spring. The club
now has sixty-nine members enroll
ed and cordially invites alt women
to be present at the next meeting
February thirteenth.
Newspaper Men in Court.
There was considerable astonish
ment here Monday when it became
knewn that J. C. Savage had
brought suit against Lew A. Cates
for a court settlement of their part
nership business in the publication
of The Sentinel during the past year
Mr. Savage alleges in his petition
that Mr, Cates still holds $1800 of
funds belonging to the firm, and
aks for an accounting and settlement
The case is expected to come up
for trial at the April term of the Cir
cuit Court here. Coquille Sentinel.
Dancing Party.
Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Sorcnsen and
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Richards en
tertained at a dancing party at the
Wigwam Friday night,' and it was
one of the most elaborate social af
fairs of the season.
The Wigwam was beutifuly decor
ated with streamer of Oregon green
ery and red hearts were everywhere
in evidence, the decorations being in
honor of St. Valentines Day. Every
where about the walls were beautiful
decorations and the orchestra plat
form was a perfect bower of greens.
The music was furnished by Kaus
rud's orchestra, which always in
sures that that part is well taken
care of.
Everybody present enjoyed tho oc
casion to the fullest extent and the
refreshments consisting of punch
and cake were exceedingly delicious
Card tables were also prepared and
a number who did not care to dance
passed the evening that way.
Thoso invited were: Messrs. and
Mesdames C. R. Wade, Harry Morri
son,. P. A. Sandberg, A. S. Elliott,
F. J. Feeeney, W. E. Craine, N. J.
Crain, J. T. Sullivan, F. L. Green
ough, Robt. Johnson, C. McC. John
son, J. II. Johnston, E. B. Kausrud,
G. T. Trcadgold, II. Walker, W. S.
Wells, C. Y. Lowe, J. L. Kronenberg,
Geo. Geisendorfer, J. C. Slagle, T,
H. Mehl, Guy Dippel, W. E. Best, T,
W. Robinson, II. K. Flom, J. E. Wal-
strom, E. Schotter, C. E. Kopf, O. A.
Trowbridge, E M Gallier, Steve Gal
lier, A. G. Thrift, P, Hanrahan, L,
J. Cody, W. B. Scott, E. E. Roy
nolds, Archie Kruse, Thos. White, C
F. Pape, Geo. P. Topping, R. A. Feb
tor, Chris Rasmussen, Nels Rusnius
sch, W. C. Sellmer, A. Garfield, J. H.
Jones and John Tucker; Dr. and Mrp.
S. J. Mann, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur
Gale, Dr. and Mrs. S. C Etidicott;
Dr. und Mrs. II. S. Houston;
Mesdames F. E. Dyer, C. Timmons,
R. W. Boyle; Misses Evelyn Ander
son, Maude Lowe, Nora Solve, Kato
Rosa, Daryl Bclat, Blanch, Rudley
Pearl Walker, Elizabeth J. Rogers,
Mary Ritchie, McKcnzie; Messrs
Lloyd Rosa, Geo. P. Laird, Sid Wil
liams, J. W. Mast, Doc. Jameson, Ben
Elgin, A. D. Mills, Ernest Sidwcll, J,
Ira Sidwcll and Everard Boyle.
At the annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Coquille Valley
Telephone Co., held at Coquille
last Monday, the following directors
were elected: I. I. Weekly, Isom
Robison, Geo. Davis, Jesse Clinton
and David Mc Nair. A resolution
to cut down the number of di' ectors
to three was presented but failed to
carry. Myrtle Point Enterprise.
Held Meet! ng Yesterday Afternoon
and Transacted Important Busi
ness, Aside From Electing Officers
for the Year.
Outlook For the Ensuing Year Is
Exceptionally Good. Factory Will
Resume in Few Days nnd Be Run
at Full Capacity.
At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Coquillc River Manufacturing Co.
yesterday the following directors
were elected: Dr. H. L. Houston. C.
S. Smith, C. McC. Johnson, R. W.
Bullard and F. S. Perry. The direc
tors then elected the following offi
cers: Dr. II. L. Houston, president;
C. McC. Johnson, secretary nnd treas
urer. Although the box factory has been
shut down for a few weeks, the out
look for the year ahead is good and
there are excellent prospects for a
large amount of business. The fac
tory will start up in tho near future
und will then be run at full capa
city indefinitely.
Water Front NoteH.
Tho Bandon sailed yesterday yes
terday morning with 550.000 feet of
lumber. - ''' .-.
The Fifield sailed yesterday with
550,000 feet of lumber, 15 tons of
freight and the following passengers:
D. H. Mann, R. Rogers, R. M. Jones,
II. C. Vleet, F. A. Dudley, Henry
Simpson, J. C. Hanson, J. C. McKnr
rell, R. W. Walker, P. .1. Ilassett, S.
W. Brown, H. R. Gnrd, E. F. Mason,
Henry Richardson, Joe Morrison.
Tho Elizabeth arrived yesterday
with 150 tons of freight and passen
gers as follows: D. P. Strarg and
wife, Miss Jcsic Mott, Miss Lillian
HuiTord, A. S. Van Bhircow, C. Flit
tens, L. E. Osborne, II. M. Wlicol
er, R. M. Collier, George Dickons, Mrs
F. J. Koenig, R. A. Page, R. P. Shiv
er, F. Rosenbaum.
Bnndon Loses Again.
The Bandon High School banket
ball team lost the ganio to North
Bend Friday night by tho very cbse
score of 2G to 30. Tho ganio was
snnppy throughout and the result
was in doubt right up to the very
The North Bend team was much
heavier than the Bnndon team, thus
giving them an udvnntugo, but the
local boys arc fuster and thus the
game was made quite even.
No Danger From Diphtheria
Dr. Smith J. Mann, city health
officer informs The Recorder that
there is no more danger from in
fection of diphtheria of the cases
which have been under quarantine
and there arc no indications of any
new cases developing, consequently
those people who have been keep
ing their children out of school on
account of the diphtheria scare may
rest at ease' and start their children
to school again as there is absolute
ly no more danger of infection.
D. M. Averill, who is in the East
buying goods for his cummer trade,
is expected home within the next
Geo. W. Moore, president of the
Moore Lumber Co., returned on tho
Fifield from Berkley and San Fran
cisco, where he has bcon visiting his
family and looking ufter business in-tcrcsta.