Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 23, 1914, Image 1

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Council Held Regular Session
at City Hall With
All Present.
The city council :nct in regular
session at the city hall Wednesday
night ivith all mcmliers present.
After the rending of the minutes
the business of the evening was
taken uu and much business was
The city engineer was ordered to
prepare specifications for a sidewalk
along the east side of the county
road from Caroline St. to the Mar
shall place.
In the matter of the city official
printing there, were three bids hand
ed in all for five cents per line, and
the council ordered a re-advertise
ment for bids and required that all
bidders furnish an afladavit ot cir
dilation at the regular meeting of
February 4th. In the meantime
The Bandon Recorder was declared
the official paper for 30 days.
W. H. Webb was granted per
mission to put in a cross walk on
Alleghany St. near the school house.
A petition for a. light on 10th St.
and Jackson Ave. was granted.
The amount of $3.00 was refund
ed to Win. E. Atterbury and W.
S. Coleman which had been charged
them for the impounding of two
A petition was read from property
owners on Fillmore Ave. asking
that the sewer on that street bp
changed from an eight to a tweive
inch. Brown, Henry and Bowman
voted no, and Windsor, Wade and
Trowbridge voted yes, Mayor Mast
then voted yes, and the motion was
The engineer's reports o' the ex
tension of Douglass St. and Seventh
St. west were read and ordinances
ordered drawn, accepting and or
dering the same.
The specifications for the improve
ment of First Street from the east
line of Bandon Ave. to the east line
of Alabama Ave. were read and
The city attorney reported that
the First Street case had been pre
sented before the court last Tues
day. The quarterly ' reports of the city
recorder and city treasurer were
read and approved.
A warrant for $23.44 was order
ed drawn to pay interest on bonds.
It was moved and carried that money
remaining in special funds other
than the Railroad Street fund, be
transferred to the general fund.
The recorder was ordered to call
in about $500.00 in improvement
warrants, as there was sufficient
money in the fund to cover that
At a special meeting of the city
council held on January 14, charges
were brought against Nig lit Mar
shal Clias. Hubbard and that officer
was temporarily suspended by the
council. Mr. Hubbard was given a
re-hearing at the meeting Wednes
day night and after considerable in
vestigation, the council found that
the charges could not be substantia
ted, and by a unanimous vote, Mr.
Hubbard was exonerated Irom all
charges. A motion was then made
to re-instate Mr. Hubbard on the
police force and on this motion,
Brown, Henry and Windsor voted
yes, while Trowbridge, Wade and
Bowman voted no. Mayor Mast
then voted yes.
The council then adjourned,
Birthday Surprise
Wednesday was Mrs. E. Lewin'
birthday and to remind her of the
occasion, Miss Otillie planned and
carried out a most successful surprise
party, and Mrs. Lewin was genuine
ly surprised. Elegant refr'shir.cnts
were served aud the alternoon was
greatly ei joyed
Those present were: Mesdames
Gatchel, B. N Harrington. Frank
Holman, Chris Rasmussen, Brigg
Wm. Te'nbrook, Tom l.e.ttis. Batim
partner, Ac Gross, Chas. Randle
man and Grandma Gross
The Party was at the Wigwam.
Expert Says Only Difference
is to Give Them Chance
to Import Meat
Denver, Colo., Jan. 20. That
the meat producing industry of the
United States has been permanently
placed on a free trade basis, without
any benefit of cheaper prices to the
consumer and that the removal of
the tariff wiil not appreciably injure
the livestock industry, were conclu
sions exyressed by President H. A.
astro, addressing the American
National Livestock Association to
The removal of the duty on meats
ic said was a distinct advantage to
packers, especially those with plants
n South America and Australia'.
Wilson Submits Plan
Washington, Jan. 20. President
Wilson personally laid before a joint
session of congress today the funda
mental principles of the Democratic
Administration's program for deal
ing with ft usts and "big business."
The President presented the case, he
said, "as it lies in the thought of
the country," reiterating "that pri
vate monopoly Is indefensible and
intolerable,1' and declaring that con
scientious business men throughout
the Nation, would not be satisfied
until practices now deprecated by
p'iblic opinion as restraints of trade
und comerce were corrected
Coqnille, Or., Jan. 20. The jury
in the case ol Chae Sneddon today
brought in a verdict declaring him
not to be insane. Sneddon who is a
Marshficld pioneer was declared in-
sane by a board of insanity commis
sioners, composed of Dr. Straw, Dr.
Taggaat and Judge Hall. He appeal
cd for a jury trial. The jury w?s out
only about an hour alter W.T, Stoll
who represented Mr Sneddon and
H. G. Hoy, who opposed him fin
shed their pleis to the jury. The
urors were mostly Coqutlle VnUey
men, Geo. N. Bolt being the only
Msrshfield man. The others were
Ellis Dement, R, J. Holverstott, N.
C Medley, B. C. Lemonosky. R. A,
Cribbins, B. R. Snyder. E. W.
Sturdivant, C. M. Lee, Eugene
Hamblock and M. B Pressey-
Immediatlyon conclusion of the
Sneddon ense, Judge Coke dismissed
the jury and will take up equity
cases which will probably take three
or four days,
University of Oregon Man
Will Lecture Under Aus
pices of Public Library.
Dr. Hodge of the University of
Oregon will lecture in Bandon Wed
nesday evening January 28th under
the auspices of the Bandon Public
Library. The lecture will probably
be in Commercial Club Hall. Dr.
Hodge will probably talk on the
subject of Conservation of Human
Life and as he is a great specialist
in biology his lecture will be ?n ex
ceptionally internsting one.
Dr. Hodge began life on a farm
in northern Illinois. His graduate
university work was done at John
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md
When the famous George Stanley
Hall was making up his facnlty for
Clark University, at Worcester,
Mass., he chose Dr. Hodge for the
chair of Biology, He filled this
position with great acceptability for
many years. He is a member of
many learned societiet, an original
investigator of national repute, an
author of merit (see his Nature Study
and Life) and a tireless worker for
human welfare.
In addition to the lecture Wed
nesday night Dr. Hoege will talk to
the school children on Wednesday
afternoon and on Thursday from
00 to 2;oo oclock he will talk to
the. County. Grange , Association
which meets in Bandon on that day,
and the public is invited to attend
this lecture as well.
The Bandon public night School
started this week and the indications
are that it will be an excellent
success. While some of the de-
partmehts are not filled yet others
are and there seems to be a ureal
interest taken by those enterimr.
It is probable that there will be
more coming m during the next
week or two as several who have
not yet entered have signified their
intention of doing so.
Road Supervisors Named.
The county court has appointed
the following road supervisors for
year 1914.
Templeton V. P. Howron
Mandificld C. K. Hanson
North Henri G. A. Ferkir
North Henri -.----J. G. Wiley
Marshficld if. F. F. Norton
AUq-iy V. W. Stull
Marshficld S. Cutlin
North Henri Axel Ruth
'. T. Siglin
WV R. Spade
-....V, Holverstott
II. N. Harry
'..K. W. Faliy
John Fabry
......John Yoaknni
Sunnier .........
Fairvicw ...
Sitkunt ...
Myrtle Foint
Coquille ..,
.t. Charles Strang
Gravel lord ....Georce Mullen
HririCe I K, R. Weekly
llandon 1 A. I. Counts
Farkersburp Michael Danielson
Kiverton J...W. W. Kih
An-goif M. T. Cli-iton
Myrtle Foint Henry Strong
our Mi'e R- 1;. Davis
'Ar?SO A. M. Snvder
Mvrtlc Foint y. p, N!
Norway A.J. Hadalinir
Myrtle Foint GeorRe T. Herman
Cooston C. C.Johnson
McKinley S.1O1 Stout
Lc - Claude Water
County Grange Association
Next Thursday in
The Coos County Grange Assoc
iation will meet in Bandon next
Thursday when representatives from
all the Granges of the county will be
An elaborate dinner will be served
at noon and an excellent program
has been prepared, including an ad
dress by Dr. C. F. Hodge of the
University of Oregon. This address
will be from 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. and
the public is invited to attend as that
jortion of it will be an open meet
Seeks Mother's Pension.
A Portland paper announces that
Mrs. Emily La France, wife of I.
t r
ia v ranee, wno is now serving
a five year term in state's prison for
defrauding insurance companies, is
seeking a mother's pensiou of $32 50
per month in Multnonuh county.
Mrs. La France was arrested in
Coquille when her husband was
taken into custody there for substi
tuting another body for his own and
having his wife collect $15,000 life
insurance, bne was not prosecuted.
The revival meeting continues at
the,-J..' soujji, no. services
Saturday night, but over Sunday
and every niirht next week 7:30 p.
m. w. B. Smith, pastor.
The Fifield, Speedwell, Elizabeth,
and Bandon all sailed ftom this port
Wednesday morning after having
been forced to remain in the harbor
for a few days on account of bad
The Speedwell had on 15,000 tic,
12 telegraph poRs and a big list of
passengers. Ine i'ltield carried a
full list of passengers, 541,000 feet
of lumber and 500 hop poles. The
Elizabeth took out 250,000 feet of
lumber, 20 tons of miscelaneous
freight and a good list of passengers.
he Bandon carried 560,000 feet of
Curry County Court "Chews
Better weather is looked for now
that the county court has adjourned.
f there ever was an undignified
county court it is that of Lurry.
Nothing can be done, or at least not
one, without a 'Tag chewing '
match between one or all members
of the court and some interested
party who has some matter before
the court. This is a disgrace, and
the Conrt should insist on a more
dignified manner to conduct it's
business Gold Beach Globe.
Sad Indeed
"Yes I am the mother of three
children, two of whom a-e living, the
other excuse these tears "
"Yes, certainty' you poor thingl''
"The other works in a store that
doesn't advertise."
State Banks to Join.
Salem, Or., Jan. 19. In response
to letters asking the information, S'
G Sargent, superintendent of stat
banks, has been notified that 10 state
banks will make immediate applica
cation for membership in the Feder
al Reserve Bank, 48 will not seek
to become members and 69 are un
decided. Mr. Sargent has receiver
replies from 127 out of 170 Inters
sent to state banks in which he call
ed attention to the meeting of tin
state banks to be held this month
and a probable discussion of the new
currency bill.
During Past Year 490,000
Square Yards Were Con
structed by U. S.
Washington, Jan. 19. Over 480,
000 square yards of different tvpes
of roads forjexperimcntal and object
lesson purposes were constructed
during the fiscal year 1912-13 under
the supervision of the office of public
roads, United States department of
agriculture, according to bulletin 53
of the department, making a total of
over s,ooo,ooo square yards of road
constructed under the Supervision of
this office since 1905.
The types of road built were brick
concrete, oil-cement concrete, bitum
inous concrete, bitumimous"surfaced
concrete, bituminous macadam, sur
face treat merit,' macatiarny asplibjt-
slag, oil aspha't gravel, oil gravel,
oil coralline, gravel macadam, grayel
slag, sand clay, sand gumbo, burnt
clay, shell and earth. The object
lesson and experimental work dur
ing the past year was done at a cost
to the local comunities of $139,841.89
This does not include the salaries
and expenses of the department en
gineers. The road work during the year
was done in Arkansas, Florida,
Georgia, Kentucky Maryland, Mis
sissippi, Nebraska, North Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee. Texas.
Virginia, Wisconsin and the District
of Columbia,
Deputy Game Warden fas-
Thomas has just returned from the
headwaters of the South Fork of the
Coquille and during the trip had it
clearly demonstrated how destruc
tive varmints are to the wild game.
At the ranch o( J. C. Warner, on
the new Smith-Powers road, he
found that Mr. Warner had just
killed four panther, the mother and
three yearling cui v Mr. Warner
is a brother in law of Carl Albrecht
of Marsnfield He missed some
calves and started hunting for them
and fouud the catcasses of nine deer,
all of which had been killed within
10 w iks. He got his dogs and
started trailing the varmints and
soon bagged the four, but was un
able to find three panther kittens.
Coos Bay Times.
Strikers Won Out
Albany. N. Y., Jan. 20. Opera
tions are no.. na 1 today on the Dela.
wari & Hudson railway after the six
teen hours' strike, which was won by
the me- when the company acceded
to all theia demands.
Forgers Horse Thief and Wo
man accused of Attemp
ted Murder
Coquille, Jan., 20. The grind o
the December and January term of
circuit court has seen the conviction
of four different parties for crime
against the citizens of this county
and n'l four of the convicted parties
will spend time at the state peniten
tiary. Wm. J Leatoh was the first
to be tried and his case is now his
tory. Leaton was taken to Salem
some time ago and today Shiriff-W.
W. Gage is en route to Salem with
the three convicted within the past
wek. Two of the crimes arc what
might be termed home residents,
while two others were perpetatcd by
new-comers whose attention was at
tracted this way by the activities here
in railroad and other work. Frane
Vaughn, convicted of stealing horses
nd suspected of the Myrtle Point
bank robbery, was a floater and came
lere on the tide of the 1913 wave.
It seems that Vaughn had a record
behind him in California, and his
crime is not laid up against this com
W. C. Spencer was likewise a
stranger to this vicinity and had
been here but a few months. Larry
Miller who is still in jail and charg-
with having knowlcgc of the bank
roryA.13 aisoriiHraiiclent'anUri)to-'
bably will be founded lie a question?
able character it his past can be un
raveled. Miller's connection with
toe bank robbery has not been es
tablished it is believed, and why he.'
is held so long is not snated.
Mrs. Cappicus of Marshfield is the
fourth one convicted. She was tried
for shooting a waiter in a cafe at
Water Permits Issued.
For the last year 1913, a total of
461) permits issued by the State En
gineer for the appropriation of water.
Under these permits 442,181 acres
will be irrigated, 39 225 horsepower
vill be developed and 41 reservoirs
constructed at a total cost of ap.
proximately $7,000,600.
During the quarter ending Dec
ember 31, 1913, 88i permits were
issued for the irrigation of 6,933
acres arid the development of 1.958
mrsepower. Among these per
mits was one issued to F. D. Smal
of Tillamook, a..d D. C. Uric ol
Camas, Washington, for the de
velopment of 1,208 horsepower,
with the waters of the Trask River
in Tillamook County.
The following permits have been
issued in Coos county and also the
northern part of Cuny:
A. T. Bestul and J. A. Daven-
ort of Coquille, for domestic supply,
with the waters of a spring which is
ocated !n Sec. 4 Tp 18 S R 13 W.
Margeline B. Haft of Langlois, for
domestic purposes with the watera
of a spring which is located in Sec
Tp. 31 S R 15 W. Chas E.
Nicholson of Marshficld for manu
facturing and domestic use, dive,
ting the water from Daniel Creek in"
Sec 2 Tp 26 S R 12 W. Platinum
ridium &, Gold Go., of Bandon
for mining with the waters of Crystal
Creek, diverting the same in Sec. 1
p 32 S R 15 W.
The Randolph is in port or a few
uays. iue is doing freighting up
and down the coast,